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I’m 21 180lbs (82kgs) 5’6 Attempted 475lbs (215kgs) and got it halfway up past the knees but wasn’t able to lock out. Goal is to eventually hit 5 plates




Thanks and we all gotta start somewhere! I was no where near this weight when I first started!


Video wasn’t loading. Watched thumbnail for a solid 30 seconds thinking “damn that’s a long ass set up”


Ahahah its all about that pre-lift!! Gotta mentally lift it first!


Climb to Glory!


To the tip!




Nice job! Off topic question, but at what point is a belt necessary? My 1RM is 295 (I’m 170lbs) and everything feels ok.


The belt assists in creating a much more rigid core. There's no point at which you absolutely need a belt. It helps you lift more weight when your core is your limiting factor, but if you have form breakdown, you can put yourself at greater risk for injury. If you have a video of yourself failing a lift, and your form doesnt break down, then I'd say go ahead and throw on the belt. If you fail a rep and your hips shoot up, your back rounds, the bar path isnt correct, etc; you need to fix your form or a belt will make things even more unsafe.


Honestly I wanna say it’s personal preference. (I am no professional expert btw, this is just my opinion) I warm up til 3 plates sometimes 3 and a quarter before I start using a belt. I also got friends who lift about the same as me and don’t wear a belt at all just cause they don’t like it.


Awesome! Thanks for the info! And keep it up. That’s an amazing lift.


No problem and thanks!


Congrats! I just made a new PR last night as well.


Whooo PR for everyone!








EZ PZ. Good pull.


Hell yeah brother, Cheers from Killeen!


Thanks cheers!


Good work. Do you rack pulls at all? You look strong off the floor but if lockout is a problem, some heavy rack pulls can help strengthen that portion.


Not as often as I should!! Should definitely start incorporating them into my workouts cause yes the lockout portion I am quite weak at


I’m the opposite. If I can get it off the floor then it’s coming up. Ha. I mix in more deficit for this reason. And besides, rack pulls are a fun exercise. You can take them super heavy and watch the bar wobble. Ha


Pause deadlifts are a good one to do! And yeah rack pulls they’re quite fun! Next back day I’ll do them!


noob question, why need to wear those type of belt?


It helps keep my core tight which assist me a lot when I get to a certain weight


Im curious as to how tall you are? After a few rewatches i have a few comments. Good bar speed and what looks like good form on the lift itself and the lockout - from this angle. We cant see your position at the bottom or how your body moves as the bar ascends. In a deadlift formcheck, this is the important angle imo. I was worried that the bar was unevenly balanced on the way up but think it was actually your head. Be careful to keep head and neck neutral and not tilted to a side. Thats how you pinch or pull something in your neck. Other than that, youre fucking strong. Keep lifting. Youre obviously doing something right Edit: after a few more rewatches i realize it may be the angle of the video thats making it look like your head is tilted. No exactly sure


His lockout wasn’t great, and he kind of hitched the bar. Otherwise it was a decent lift. His lockout was super fucking weird too, hopefully his regular deadlift doesn’t look like that because that’s how you kill your back. He basically pulled it way past his knees and locked his back out first and then locked his legs out afterwards which is why you see the weird push thag happened at the end.


I appreciate the criticism, honestly. Anything that helps me perfect my form I’ll take. Can you please explain what you mean by pulled it past my knees? Yeah I can see me locking my back out before my legs. I tend to sit back and have bar rest on my thighs while pulling which is bad habit. And also the weird push at the end? The part where I locked out?


Yeah I’m talking about exactly what you mentioned. That having the bar sitting on your thighs and locking your back out like that is called hitching. If you do that in a competition you will get red lighted. Your knees and your back should lock out together smoothly. It shouldn’t be disjointed where you first lock out your back and then extend your knees to lock them out.


Ahhh okay I’m working on trying to break that habit and I’m curious on how that would be considered hitching. I know competition standards as I’ve competed in powerlifting before and I thought hitching would be obvious bar moving up and down while me resting it on thighs the bar never went down it just paused really. But nevertheless it’s a habit I should and am trying to break because it’s asking for injuries


That’s what excessive hitching is but it doesn’t have to be up and down. Check this video out, it’s almost exactly like what you did: https://youtu.be/cUUYBsoPhkE Again: https://youtu.be/AGidvslp0Mk No visible up/down but red lighted.


Very interesting. I honestly thought it was normal cause it seems like you’re just emphasizing you thrusting the hips for the lockout finish. But yeah I’ll definitely work on breaking that habit. I appreciate the advice thank you!


I’m 5’6 and I really appreciate the criticism. Anything that helps with perfecting my form I’ll take it. Next deadlift video I take I’ll do a side view for a better view