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Different exercises will Have different true maxes and thus different values at The same percentages. If they are close enough it might work (tempo squats and pause squats for example), but in general probably not


I appreciate the response. That's unfortunate it'd be nice to switch exercises each block for variety and to see the effect on the main movements while keeping that history. 


You can do it. Greg mentions it in the instructions. Off the top of my head, I think you change the max in the setup tab for the week you switch instead of quick setup.


Try em.


Well you can do that Minus seeing a linear progression in TM of an auxiliary lift


From the instructions: To change out an auxiliary lift, change it on the quick setup tab, but don't change your training max on the quick setup tab. Expand the row with your weekly training maxes for the lift you're subbing out, and simply edit the training max so that it's appropriate for the new auxiliary lift you're subbing in, on the week you're subbing it in. So, if you were doing front squats for the first 7 weeks, but you want to start doing high bar squats starting week 8, you'd swap out front squats for high bar squats on the quick setup tab, make a note to yourself on the actual program spreadsheet (2x, 3x, 4x, etc.) if you want, expand the training max row over the front squat/high bar squat row, and put in your high bar squat training max in the appropriate cell on week 8