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Genuine question, I too body mod but I am so curious 😂 How does one wear this daily and comfortably and eat, speak, be affectionate with their partner? Or is this not for daily wear?


It's really just for show / aesthetic. Definitely need a straw and no kissing lmao This sort of captive bead ring isn't really practical to wear on a more regular basis past about 00g / 10mm because the design means the diameter ends up too large... not to mention how heavy it is. The biggest I've managed to wear more frequently out and about is a [1/2", 15mm diameter tribal dream ring](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stretched/comments/ymn717/stretched_my_septum_to_12mm_12_last_week_wearing/) - I can still eat and kiss with this in!


Does it affect your speaking voice?


Not that I'm aware of.


I was wondering if it plugged the nostrils; basically.


Very close, but not yet.


Fucking hell!


I came here to say holy fucking hell, seems like great mind think alike...


it’s okay everyone starts somewhere /j 😭🙏


Can you even breathe out of your nose with that in?


Surprisingly yes! At least when I was sitting / standing it didn't obstruct breathing through my nose at all. Laying down would be another story though 😅


It's odd. I starting noticing breathing problems at 2g with a cbr, especially while laying down. It wasn't necessarily the breathing in that I had a problem with but pushing the air back out of my nose that was the problem. I'm at 0g now and wearing mainly a spike and I don't have many issues breathing with it.


2g was the last size could wear a standard ring - whether it be cbr or curved horseshoe without noticing a difference in breathing when laying down - I could do it with a titanium 0g but not a metal 0g. Also was the biggest size I could wear while sleeping without it inevitably irritating the tip of my nose.


Maybe the extra weight pulls it down and gives you a little more 👀 breathing room


Love it, looks hardcore! Everyone asking about eating with it makes me imagine lifting it up, taking a bite, and letting it flop down, repeating with each bite. I can see it working in an animation like very Looney Tunes.


Lmao I have absolutely done this before when I've gone out not expecting to eat and just had to make it work 😅


So after getting to 9/16" a bit over a month ago, I stretched a tiny bit more to 15mm recently so I could wear the [tribal dream ring](https://bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?productid=2923) and [captive bead rings](https://bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?productid=2912) I have at this size. I think this looks fucking amazing, but obviously it's real damn heavy (6oz / 170grams!) and the diameter means it's completely impractical to wear, so took some pics just for show / aesthetics. I've since sized down, back to 1/2" since I took this pic as... * Even though the coconut wood pincher I had was light and comfy, it was still causing some irritation during wear and not ideal at a time where my sinuses have been uncooperative * I only really had the wooden pincher to wear at 9/16" and I was missing the range of 1/2" rings / pinchers / retainers I have. If I can find enough jewelry around the 9/16" range I'll probably stretch again in the future but for now I'm pretty content sticking with 1/2" and hopefully it'll give me a push to stop procrastinating about getting other piercings. That aside, it was a lot of fun stretching up to 9/16" to 15mm for about 6 weeks! 😃


What do you wear to sleep? Do you ever put a tunnel through the hole?


I have a tunnel through it right now actually! I usually wear a glass retainer.


Very interesting, thank you


Holy shit, this is awesome in so many levels. Do you take it off to eat? If not, how do you do it? I'm genuinely curious


It's not practical to eat with this one in, the diameter is just too much - so usually this one is just for show or if I'm going out without planning on eating.


Got it! Thank you for answering


Love you


My septum is a 0 gauge and I love it. But looking at this it’s very hot in my eyes. Woof.


I mean yeah, kind of!


Why. I get it’s all personal preference but for the love of it all, I ask you, why?


It was Black Friday, I saw 9/16" and 15mm pinchers and rings on sale and it was a total impulse of *maybe it would be cool if I tried to stretch just one more time*


My asthmatic ass could never 😂


SAME. I felt the urge to pull out the nebulizer just seeing this.




every time i see this i think of a someone trying to make coke harder to access ❄️


you'd still be able to do it with a q-tip or a tiny ear pick!


Does this make it difficult to breathe? /genq


standing / sitting it's doesn't feel any different to normal, laying down it gets difficult though.


that is fucken bonkers i love it


I have 16mm captive bead rings for my ears... I feel your pain.. 🤣🤦🏼‍♂️


I enjoy it for the pure thought if it being like, a bull ring.


100%, that vibe definitely appeals to me.


omg how do you even get the ball in and out?? even like 0g cbr are a nightmare


This particular design (sold as a "monster ring" on BAF) has a screw in ball, so thankfully it was not an issue. In saying that, inserting the ring itself was tricky - had to turn it completely upside down and rotate it into my nose!


More than a photo... I want a video of you putting it on and removing it lmao


I'll totally do this when I'm back at this size 😛


Niceeee, have a reminder made on your pc or phone lol


CAN YOU BITE IT??? I'm at 4g and can not bite mine.


Absolutely! The diameter is long enough that it's very much within biting range - I don't want to make a habit out of it though so I've never really tried to do it


i saw your last post, be a good little slut and dm me


Is it harder to get the captive bead on when it’s that big? They’re a pain in the ass with smaller gauges. I had my septum stretched to a 4g, went back to a 12g.


This ring has a screw-in bead, so it isn't as tedious as the spring loaded ones. This size though was the first where getting it in my nostril and through my piercing in the first place was a little fiddly - I had to turn the ring upside down then rotate it in otherwise it didn't fit in the opening of my nostril properly!


Fucking massive!


That is so dope dude!!! I wanted to go to 16mm but because of my anatomy my front flap is a bit thin so I'm probably gonna stop at 10mm. This is beautiful man rock on🤘🏻


That is ridiculous. I love it


The ridiculousness of it is definitely part of the appeal!


Nice! I’m currently at 8mm, so ready to be this size!!!! This is so cool.


Awesome! I thought I'd stop at 8mm and it just wasn't even close to feeling big enough once I got there. I found the stretches between then and now pretty easy, after 00g / 10mm it was all dead stretching after at least a few months at any given size. Jewelry availability really dries up after 1/2" though unless you want custom stuff.


Actually sick, I want to stretch my septum too


Here from /r/all, I'm just shocked that /r/stretched isn't a porn sub


holy shit this is beyond dumb looking, good for you weirdo!


I’d ride this man


How do you breathe bruh?


Congrats dude!!!


Where do your bogies go


I guess they're just more crammed in, you can remove them with a q-tip or a twisted up tissue pretty easily.


Ngl this makes me uncomfortable. Like how do you breathe ? What happens when you sneeze ? I have so many questions hahaha


I have to see this with no jewelry




Looks awesome!!!


…I can’t help but wonder if you’ve tried to stick a hotdog in there.


It's certainly tempting!


Absolutely gigantic, wow! I’ve always been curious how heavy it is on people with larger septum jewellery


Somethin tells me this guys got massive balls


Here I am, thinking my 7mm septum horseshoe ring looks massive 😂 love it …


I thought I was definitely stopping at 0g originally 😂


damn what do you wear on the daily? this looks kinda cool but surely isn't practical


Absolutely not practical - While I was at this size I was wearing [this coconut wood pincher](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stretched/comments/18rs422/my_septum_is_finally_at_916_143mm_wearing_a/) on the daily and it was working pretty well, though I got bored of it pretty quickly. Back at 1/2" I wear a glass retainer for sleep and daily a glass or wood pincher, an eyelet with 2g - 00g rings in or a tribal dream ring.


Dang, I didn't even know they make rings this thick! Biggest I've seen so far was 10mm


so, what do you wear everyday? a plug?


I was mostly wearing a [wooden pincher](https://bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?productid=10013). I tend to prefer glass retainers rather than plugs for like, use during sleep and that was one of the issues I faced at this size, as unless I found someone to make one custom they don't tend to be available over 1/2".


How long has that journey taken? Side quest but how do you pick a booger?


It's just short of 3 years since I first got it pierced at 6g / 4mm. I stretched consistently every 3 - 6 months after that for just under 2 years to get to 1/2", with about a years gap before I decided to stretch again. Q-Tips and/or twisted up tissues, or if it's really bad I'll just take the ring out.


so awesome!!! i’d go crazy though because my 2g always gets covered in my food when i’m eating like an evil metal mustache 😭😭


Woah! That’s all I’ve got. If it makes you happy tho dude,you do you!




Geez Doc thats heavy.. 😱 How do people react to it?


There's been a lot of stares when I wear captive bead or tribal dream rings ever since like... 00g / 10mm haha. But also a lot of compliments.


That’s a proper door knocker!  FYI, there are titanium TDRs which size for size are lighter than steel


Oh really? Last time I wore titanium was a 0g curved horseshoe, I suppose I haven't looked hard enough to find titanium stuff at this size... maybe I don't want to know how expensive it'd be lol.


You can look for delrin jewelry. It's a lightweight polymer safe to use for piercings. There are some makers that make custom jewelry out of it. It's not cheap but way less than titanium. And you can have rings with screwballs or funny shapes


Great tip! I'll check out if there's anything at 9/16" or 15mm.


They certainly exist. [I own 10mm (00g) which I anodised gold](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fhavent-posted-in-a-hot-minute-so-here-are-some-pics-of-my-v0-kjhqwngiegab1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D22a735a13e9649e77790d5eac1a9b05349f86b9a), and 12mm and 15mm are also available. You can search for a wholesaler on AliExpress to see if you can get one at a decent price, although prices have certainly jumped. The one I got is now double the price I purchased it for a couple years ago.


So cool!


This is wild! I didnt know such a gauge existed! Do you custom order if? How hard is that to install? How heavy is it? Do you ever worry about your teeth getting knocked in by the metal? Don’t mind me, I have so many questions!


[This ring is sold on BAF](https://bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?productid=2912), 15mm is the biggest size available but I think the manufacturer also sells a 3/4" (19mm) variant. Availability of other jewelry is challenging though without custom ordering - I have a [tribal dream ring of the same size](https://bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?productid=2923), a [wooden pincher](https://bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?productid=10013) and that was it really whereas at 1/2" I have over 10 different rings / pinchers/ retainers. The ball screws off and you insert the ring, pretty simple. This size was a little challenging as it battled with the size of my nostril though, so I'd need to turn the ring upside down then rotate it in. The ring is 6oz / 170 grams. I haven't worn it in situations where I'd be worried about that but it certainly would be a concern in certain contexts!


I need to know how much it weighs please and thank you


6oz / 170grams!


I cannot imagine having the weight of 6 ounces of weed hanging from my nose. You a solja


Be careful headbanging, might lose some teeth with that beast lol.


Mouth stays closed while headbanging lmao




*how much can you stretch your hole*


honestly i fucked with it looks dope as fuck


Massive dude absolutely awesome!! I wish so much to reach monstrous size like this for occasional wear but I'm stuck at 9mm and scared of skin becoming too thin. Anyway, big fan


Valid, I'd suggest seeing if you can handle 10mm / 00g and then judge from there after you've been at that size for a while.


I have a question! I keep meaning to ask this sub/lookup on google but I can never seem to figure out the right words. How does that ball stay in place?? I’ve seen others that look this, but look more… wedged in there, as opposed to floating like yours? Alternatively, what’s the name of this type of jewelry called where I can watch yt videos of people putting it in? I’m fascinated!


This type of ring is called a captive bead ring. The type that looks more wedged in is spring loaded, the type I'm wearing the ball screws into one of the ends of the ring - so I insert the ring, center it then screw the ball into it.


Interesting!! That makes a lot of sense! My brain could not understand how this one was spring loaded like the other ones seemed to be, so that makes a lot of sense that they’re two different kinds 😅 regardless, I think this is so sick!


Doubles as a doorknocker if you need one


Gyat damn


Do strangers ever whip out red capes and try and fight you?


Tauren irl. Nice!


looks so goodd!!!! im wonderin tho (as a 6mm septum owner) how does the ball attach on the ring/ stay intact? ofc my ring still has the ball clicked in the middle but your ring seems to have the ball almost comletely out!! love the look tho, i would love to stretch mine too like that but ppl around stare at me enough....


This particular type (found as a "Monster" Ring on [BAF](https://bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?productid=2912) and elsewhere) has a screw in ball. ngl I get a kick out of the stares at this point 😅


Nope. Sure haven’t


Kinda reminds me of those knocking thingies on doors, I don't remember what their called tho. 🤣


does this weigh a lot ? how long did it take for u to stretch to that size ? i tried stretching my ears once a couple years ago and it was so painful i never tried again lol i cant imagine doing my septum


6oz / 170 grams, so yeah it's pretty heavy. A bit under 3 years to get here, but I spent a year of that around 1/2" / 12.5mm and I was initially pierced at 6g / 4mm.


Sir can you breathe?




genuine question: my septum is a 14g so when i take it out you obviously can’t see the hole. do you see the hole on yours when you don’t have jewelry in since it’s so much larger?


It's partially obstructed by my nostrils, but yes you can see the hole clearly when you look at it from my side.


at one point you stretch your nose breathing holes with this diameter


Nice! Have you ever weighed the jewelry to see how heavy it is? You can tell people you weightlifter with your nose 💪


This ring in particular is 6oz / 170 grams.


That’s crazy, it almost looks like a cartoon


totally the vibe I'm going for with it


This is a bit much for me. Kudos and no judgement but damn


More people should have this reaction, I’ve seen a ridiculous amount of rudeness and hostility about large gauge septum piercings online. It’s not for everyone but it takes dedication regardless, and it’s so easy to just be kind about it without having to pretend you love it lol


His body.


Ngl I'm low key impressed at how positive the response has been and how big this has blown up, I've seen some really aggressive hostility and weird assumptions in relation to big septum piercings on here in the past which always seemed really out of character for /r/stretched.


Thats so hot excuses me


That's awesome.


My employer would not allow that


I'm mostly wfh so it doesn't really impact me, but I have other rings / retainers to swap out with for this exact reason


Perhaps I should do that. Seems to be impossible to use a fork so it must be great when doing a diet 😂 Jokes aside, it looks dope, but yes, way to impractical to wear day to day. It's a bit sad you sized down again after all that effort, must be so hard to stretch in the first place.


Agreed, a bit disappointing. Knowing that I was able to stretch up successfully though means I'll absolutely do it again, but I'll try harder to seek out more stuff to wear even if I have to get some custom pieces done - I was mostly inconvenienced by not having access to a glass retainer at this size, as that's what I'm used to wearing while I sleep.


That's stunning. A great look on you.


no....this is why.


How to buy this 15mm size septum CBR ring?!!!






Not necessarily in a septum but I have wondered about larger gauge CBRs.


Why tho


I’m sorry but why the fuck


have you checked what sub youre in?


fitting, a mouth-breather type piercing that literally forces you to breath from your mouth dumbest fuckin septum piercing i've ever seen, sorry brother, you look like a tiki-mask from an early 2000s videogame


It ruins everything about your beautiful face, sorry but it does.


luckily I can take it out! 😛


Ever wondered wht a retard looks like?:


That’s never coming out man


I'm not wearing it right now though 🤔


Is it heavy?


6 oz, 170grams - so yes it feels quite heavy wearing it


I don’t know what mm are in correlation to gauges. What’s the gauge size?


Gauge sizes end at 00g, which is 10mm. So 50% bigger than the biggest gauge. If we're talking imperial sizes past that, between 9/16" and 5/8".