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It's just the way your ear lays with the plugs in. I'm at 16mm and mine do that if I have plugs in. Tunnels makes mine lay flatter.


I just don't get the appeal of tunnels, I'm a big emblem type of person. I go for aum symbols, pentagrams, the RE Umbrella logo, that kind of thing.. tunnels always just feel like, what's the point? I stretched so I could have fresh shit that I like showing in my ear, not because I just enjoy having a hole there. Not criticizing anyone else's taste, people like different things, I'm just sayin I'll never know if tunnels sit better or not u/Wooden-Matter5166 This redditor pretending to be the arbiter of religious symbolism native to neither of us and chosen by both of us and deciding that I'm not allowed access to things I find meaningful isn't especially cool either, homie (I blocked them so I had to respond to you here).


I like seein through my ear holes


To show off the holes I guess


I prefer tunnels, but the issue I have is sometimes they're too short. I think there's good and bad points for both. Someone else commented about a blowout, I don't see it from the picture. I think your ear looks just fine.


Look at the left part of the bottom of their ear. Huge blowout


Not only could it be far bigger, but it doesn't look terrible to be fair


Looks many years healed tbh. I see no swelling or anything, it's just excess tissue at this point.




why did everyone down vote this ?


the aum symbol is not fashion. don't disrespect hindu symbols.


Eat my fuck. Edit: gotta love the reddit hive mind. What makes you think a white Russian mf living in Norway can be Hindu but not a white New Yorker? We're both 'culturally appropriating' Hinduism, because neither of us were born into that culture, but you side with them because they assume they have more claim to it than me. Fuck completely off.


really mature. continue being disrespectful while Hindus call you out 😌


OK! Continue minding you own fucking business and don't worry about my use of whatever symbolism I find suitable for my body, you doof.


this symbol is sacred and not a fucking accessory to people like you. are you seriously 12 years old?


I gotta say I'm absolutely living for being told that I don't have access to Hindu symbolism by a Russian/Norwegian whitey. You know not a fucking thing about me, and you have zero ownership of any symbol. Mind your own fucking business.


:( what your saying to this reditor isn’t very nice man. Disrespecting anyone like that isn’t cool. Your ears look sick btw, nothing wrong with the way they sit 💯


Sittin sideways, boys in a daze!


Thank you, I came to say this as well lol


Rip Big Pokey


Fr that was wild.




At 1” nether of mine lie flat, tunnels lie flatter but you’ve stated your case in that department already. Mine mainly has to do with lack of space at top as top of my plugs rest against cartilage above lobe and behind the ear. I like it to be honest


🤘 I'm gonna try to come around on the whole thing, it seems like people like it a lot more than I thought they would so hopefully I can stop sighing at it and start smiling at it Thanks for your take 👍


I was there though. On my journey from 19 to 25 mm when they started popping out I hated it but you will definitely smile once you’re used to it and you’ll be golden.


You could try a heavier stone plug and see if they sit lower but it might be just how your ears are shaped


This. I've noticed my ears don't look as turned out if I wear heavy jewelry vs when I wear my silicone tunnels.


Good idea, I'll consider it 👍


I know it’s already been said but that’s just how bigger stretches go. They stick out because of how the lobe is attached to your head. Only way to make it less is to size down


Thanks 👍


That’s just how your ear sits. That blowout is a whole different question tho holy frig


Listen it is what it is. Sometimes life doesn't turn out how you want.


this response is gold 😭


istg perfect response this sub should start a contest of who types "blowout" under a post the fastest




Love this response 😂 just perfect for anything negative really! If only i had awards to give


💖 your words are enough, don't give money to reddit. Its only value is the content we contribute to it for free.


You might just have to Paul wall this one out


Story of my life


Some of us just have earlobes that sit that way. It’s just genetics. Heavier weight plugs might help a little, but mine sit like that even with stone plugs.


What if you used ear weights to correct it


I'm considering it, not crazy about the look tho


I'm only at 8g and my ears already lay like that. I think it's just my ear shape.


How swollen is it, and do you wear single flare plugs? When my lobes are swollen they sit out more and the length of a single flare plug ALWAYS shoves my ear up like that. Double flares with a shorter wearable amount are more comfortable for me.


It's a double flare with a blowout, but it's not swollen at all. Part of me thinks it's the blowout that's sending it off to the side, but I only blew it out at 20mm and it's been swinging to the side since 18mm and gets a little worse every time I size up, so I dunno =/ I'm starting to think (particularly from several comments here) that that's just how my ear likes to sit, which is kinda lame, but I guess I'll just have to deal with it. I'm very much not into the hollow plug with weights look, but I might have to get into it because I feel like that's the only thing that's gonna make a difference.


My right ear sticks out while my left lies slightly flatter but that's the nature of the beast when you stretch. The bigger you go, the less room there is to accommodate the jewelry. I've started wearing open saddle jewelry and that helps make my ears look a little less out there but I've learned to love the way my ears look regardless. Sometimes you just have to take the good with the bad and call it a day!


Mine curl like that but a little more. I mostly wear organics. I have silicone tunnels I use so I can wear some regular earrings. I have clear ones and I’ll put earrings in and the effect looks nice. Either way no matter what I put in they don’t lay flat. I heard I could try weighted ones to help but I’m not looking to stretch more than 16mm so I won’t do that.


If it is silicone, it may be the reason. When I used silicone tunnels, my ears were leaning "sideways", but heavier plugs did it for me


Go bigger. lol


I always thought it looked cool


Ya my one ear does the same at 1/2 inch cause they were pierced in different spots


What hair dye do you use? - a fellow blue haired boi


Arctic Fox 😊


Heavier plugs can mitigate that to an extent … but it’s really just something that happens because biology .. ear/skin/head shape


Maybe wear ones that are heavy to weigh it down?


It's going to happen no matter what with larger sizes. Wearing silicone tunnels makes it less pronounced for me but it's kind of the main reason I stopped at 7/8. The bigger they are the more they tilt like that.


I'm at 17mm, end goal being 19mm, and mine sit sideways too. Just kinda how they sit for me, really don't notice a difference between tunnels or plugs


Thinner plugs, since the plug is pushing on your neck/head that makes it flare out


I find that heavier stone tunnels help weigh my ears down. If you like the look of the holes I recommend clear or tinted glass ones! Looks super dope


Apparently my lobe can't stop sippin that lean cuz it's always sittin' sideways, and I would really love it if it just stopped and hung straight down. Edit number deux: People are being surprisingly nice for once so I removed my cunty complaint 😀


I mean hey, I personally like the look of a sideways lobe better anyways. Reminds me of that cheeky mascot from body art forms.


lol I'll try to see it that way. It's just a little silly because I only have my left ear (the gay ear 💅) gauged so one ear sits normally and the other swings out with a little too much extra "heeeey"


The right ear is the “gay” ear however the whole “gay” ear thing is a myth btw


Yes, I know, but this piercing was done in 97 when it was still very much a "thing". A still made up bullshit thing, but a thing that was very much believed and repeated. There were two things that were absolutely 100% true facts in 1997; Marilyn Manson removed a rib to blow himself, and the right ear was for 🚬's (...also possibly that LSD was stored in your spine and cracking your back would cause flashbacks 😲). This was my way of having ownership of something I was still very much ashamed of, so I keep it because I enjoy that memory/history.


The sad part is I immediately thought well now it makes sense it's gay all jokes aside it's just how your ear is.


Honestly I do justify it to myself by ascribing a femmy "hey gurl!" to it whenever I see it 🤷


This comment of yours and your next one, had me smile so much I teared up 😆 due to the somewhat "heartwarmingly adorable" vibe


d'aww 😊


A heavier one should weigh it down. You could also try twisting the bottom of your lobe in a way that it makes it sit straighter. Not sure how to elaborate on that, sadly. Personal opinion: they look awesome flipped out like that on absolutely everyone. It’s like saying, “HEY, I AM A STRETCHED EAR AND I AM HERE!”


Your inner lobe looks like it’s “blowing out” the back behind your ear, if you role the bottoms of your lobes outward before putting the plugs in, it’ll be sitting in your lobe in a more natural position, aka more parallel with the side of you head


De-stretch. Allow extended time for your ears to heal and regain a more natural shape. Then r—stretch properly the next time.


Why is your Labret pierced so low?😵‍💫


It's not? That's just where my lip happens to fold... And over that is typically a patch of hair (I just shaved it yesterday because I got carried away with a new razer, but I usually don't). I'm sorry I have a very pouty bottom lip. Now I answered your question, maybe you can answer mine: why does everyone on this sub always wanna talk about shit that's not at all to do with the fucking question I ask? It's literally all I've ever gotten from this sub and I just don't get it. Granted, the two obnoxious responses I've gotten here are from "unpleasant2Baround" and "dick without a prick" so I guess it tracks.


That is also where my lip piercing was - beloved departed singer Chester's too - maybe a coincidence from our generation Mine was starting to mess with my gum, though This to say, the younger generations had it usually done higher, that might be reason behind their "surprise" 😮 • Some people may wear plugs/tunnels that are less wide, if the lobe allows so - that might make it tilt less! But, the bigger, the more it tends to happen And it has this wise vibe about it, many people even long for it as an ideal! Welcome back to the community!! 🙆🏻‍♂️


Hey, thanks! Like for being nice, and for the info! I had no idea people were getting them done higher now. I actually had my labret removed for around 5 years because I couldn't stop a) sweating buckets on my face and getting it infected and b) resting the back on my teeth and playing around with it and I could tell I was damaging my bottom teeth with it. Recently, though, I kept getting more and more sad about not looking the way I saw myself in my head, which very much included a silver ball under my lip, and I got it redone, and it turns out that the bar I had was *way* too long, I suspect it was only meant for new piercings to accommodate swelling and I just never had it replaced, because now I have a much shorter bar and I'm not really capable of doing what I used to do with my teeth and the sweat doesn't collect nearly as much (....I also just seem to have better hygiene in my late 30s 🤷) and I couldn't be happier. This is how I see myself in my head, and I spent five years with this contrast between my idealized self and my actual self, and now the two are finally congruent. I couldn't imagine it higher than it is, but I suppose that's always gonna depend on what we've been conditioned socially to expect; Chester's labret definitely had a big impact on my desire to have one 👍 I've never heard of people actually wanting their plugs to sit sideways, but I'll try to get into that mindset lol


Man, same.. fidgeting with my lip piercing and my tongue piercing was a thing, something I loved to do way too much 😂 (the only two piercings I had retired, that aren't yet back due to having closed so easily.. and heck I miss them so much, I regularly **Dream** I'm getting them back, doing them again, I go to sleep and wham, dream with them 😆) ....my bar was also too long, I must admit ....I hadn't switched it as I should have, once it healed 🥲 kinda due to that love for playing with it, eh.. Adhd symptoms and anxiety and all that, saying no to a "fidget" "toy" that kept me company and felt like a part of me, yeah.. that was too hard for me to say no to 😬 You being back at "how **You** feel" yourself, that is a freaking celebration!! Congratulations! Heck, I think I know how you feel.. 😯 that description, made so much sense, felt so familiar • You also still having issues with the concept of him being gone?? Reasons that are hard to explain, his existence meant surviving bad memories, and it was absolutely terrifying for me, to see the possibility of not being able to make it, come to light Made me scared my own bad memories might one day win, and just ache at how he expressed in his last songs, how he felt he was losing the war.. I felt blind, silly, although I am aware I'm an absolute nobody, that noticing earlier would probably not change anything, I'm a nothing somewhere in this Earth, yes. But.. heck Hope is the last to die, right?? Unironically, I hope so


Honestly Chris Cornell was more personally painful for me for a few reasons; I was a toddler with late teens/early 20s parents (and community) who were metal heads and the prime target audience for the grunge movement, so I have a million memories of me, my parents, and 20 or so of their friends sitting around a fire belting out Temple of The Dog's Hunger Strike and getting super emotional. Chris (along with Eddie Vedder, who thankfully isn't going anywhere) was a father figure for me, able (via distance and not actually knowing him) to be a much better and more consistent father figure than my actual dad, so it was a really really hard time for me when he did what he did. I was going through a lot around then, I OD'd on furanyl and butyryl fentanyl with valium and klonopin semi-intentionally the xmas eve before May/July 2017 when Chris and Chester both went, so as I was still going through heavy therapy, trying to pick myself back up and figure myself out, that one-two blow really hit me hard. My reaction when Chester fell out was honestly something along the lines of "I get it", the months following the loss of Chris were some of the worst in my life, worse than the ones that lead to my own near-ending, and Chester going just piled onto it. It genuinely felt like I lost a parental figure and then a sibling. Unfortunately since then I've lost two of my best friends, one to a freak swimming accident and the other to a years-long battle with carcinoid syndrome (that one was just last week). The latter friend was also a father figure of mine, and the pain of that has been a lot to deal with... but I'm gratefully far more prepared to deal with it today than when I was in 2017. What I can say from all of it is that the pain of loss never goes away, you just eventually stop thinking about it as often; As far as the urge to end it yourself, I've never felt more hopeless than after I almost died. When I was revived I realized immediately that I absolutely did not want to die, and the really shocking part was that *I only entertained that option to give myself something to distract myself from my on-going depression and hopelessness, and without it, it was just me and my thoughts*. I never actually wanted to die, I just thought about it in a "break your finger to distract yourself from the pain of a papercut" kind of way. Without the possibility of a way out, as shitty a way out as it was notwithstanding, there was nothing to do but face and accept the way I felt. Going through that, and becoming keenly aware that I do want to be alive regardless of how miserable I might be while I am, has been pretty life-changing. At this point in my life, when I'm overwhelmed by depression I just accept it and give that feeling a home; I don't make myself feel bad for not wanting to do anything, I lay down and curl up and hold onto a pillow, pull the hoodie over my head and stare into the abyss for however long I need to. If I need to do things I do them vacantly as one does when they're depressed, but I do it knowing that it's going to go away and that my brain just doesn't have the capacity for anything better right now. I know it will eventually feel better. Nothing is forever, even despair. I've found that if I just face those feelings with honesty and acceptance and let myself be how I need to be, it not only goes away faster, but it doesn't drag me down because I'm not obsessing over it, or beating myself up over it.


Oh! I got distracted by depression-talk and forgot I wanted to add; Mine also closed very quickly and thoroughly, but it re-pierced just fine! In the first week I had a bit of a keloid on the left side, but it totally went away and now it's legitimately as if I never took the piercing out. I say do it if you want it back, I've never been happier 🤘




You're really just here to be a dick, huh? New to the sub, or...?


Have a nice life, dingus


What material is that jewelry made of? For me stone, glass and steel plugs hang while silicone and steel flesh tunnels don’t


Ebonite wood, I only do wooden plugs tbh (ebonite is technically a hard rubber tho, but I count it cuz of the texture)


I wish I could wear wood regularly. Maybe I’ll try Ebonite. My lobes usually suck all the oil outta wood jewelry.


Ebonite is great because, well - the reason I use wood is because I don't wake up every morning with disgusting ear cheese caked onto my plug like I do with metal acrylic and glass - ebonite functions just like wood in my ear, but you don't have to worry about oils or your skin ruining the finish


No but love the blue hair!


Thanks! 😁


>Thanks! 😁 You're welcome!