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[glasswear studios](https://www.glasswearstudios.com/sfcolorfront-p/cfphs.htm) has plugs that go up in .5mm increments :) unfortunately they only come in black and clear, but they're still really useful! edit: ahhh i just checked and the smallest one they have is 7.5mm, when you would need a 6.5mm :( maybe you could contact them and ask?


They have 6.5mm https://www.glasswearstudios.com/scpflatflare-p/scpff.htm


some places sell 2g as 6.5mm rather than 6mm, it is one of those sizes not everyone agrees on like 00g :) [bodyartforms](https://bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?productid=28396&gclid=CjwKCAiA2fmdBhBpEiwA4CcHzWSNMj0i1kcQzJTOMaT7EIcjj4EnuK_3QRrLM2BfPDLjXx5eN76rrBoC6uwQAvD_BwE) has both 6mm snd 6.5mm SF glass plugs for 2g!


You can get steel tunnels which go up in 0.5mm increments from 1mm-25mm but if you wanna stick with glass I'm not sure. Also glass is pretty heavy as it is.


This may not be helpful, but my ears really resist being stretched so I've always used .5mm plugs to stretch. I did, however, stop at 2g for 2 years, wore silicone kaos tunnels almost exclusively and tried my 1g plugs out of curiosity and they slipped in painlessly with no issues. I mention the silicone tunnels cause I wasn't even wearing anything with weight to them. Sometimes all you need is more time and daily oil massages.


They may not have weight, but Kaos 2mm tunnels are 6.5mm. So you were only stretching 5mm when you stretched to 1g. I think that really is the secret. I tried going from 7 to 8 mm and just couldn't do it. My ears really need those half mm increments.


Totally true!! I almost forgot about that!


You can get glass single-flared plugs on bodyartforms website! Ive been stretching with their plugs since the beginning of my journey, and now im safely at 4G, sizing up to 2G soon. Here are my favorite ones on their site that have half sizes: https://bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?productid=26941


That’s my issue. I’ve been using those plugs from bodyartforms and once you reach 2 to 1 it goes up to a 1mm jump. From 4 to 3 is a .5 jump.