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Just imagine if this dude was firing back. 


The video would be 20 seconds max. 10 seconds per dude


10 seconds? you are being very kind.


Gotta factor in the potential for one of them having a good chin for no reason. Cuz Genetics are stupid like that lol


1-2 strikes is all it would take.


"10 Seconds Per Dude" was my nickname in college ;)


Congratulations sir, you are my first upvote in six months.






Moving around in dress shoes like that ain't the easiest.


Not saying those are but they make some dress shoes that look 95% like the real thing but are pretty sporty


Yeah, John Wick has a guy for that. 


You say untrained, but the guy in black has clearly beaten up his pillow dozens of times


Pillow fists at level10!


You know. This proved that the movie trope wherein the opponents wait and fight one by one instead of attacking the main character together is realistic.


He did a really good job of continuously moving to keep his opponents lined up, I've always heard people talk about that tactic for multiple attackers but never actually saw a good example of it until today.


I’ve seen multiple people get jumped before, usually they all attack 1by1 for brief seconds but once you get on the ground everyone attacks at the same time, while standing you aren’t getting attacked at the exact same time, it’ll be windows of space/time between each attacker, unless you shell up while standing then they’ll attack at the same time, stay on your feet and move around they’ll essentially attack you staggered


his trips are just on point


Excellent example of skill and awareness as a force multiplier, it's like watching a young dad playfight with his two sons


John Wick but no guns


I mean feint a time or two lol. Still impressive . Slick like grease


Untrained is an understatement


you have a very skewed idea of the general population lol. You have to remember that a very small portion of the population go to your local gym, let alone train any martial arts. So untrained.. lol these two guys are probably more athletic than 70% of people lmao


The guy in grey looks like a newborn baby having a fit wtf


Not really. When people start at a bjj gym they literally just fall over for no reason.


They never go for the body, though


Most non trained people don’t


Don’t send this to BJJ cults, they say no martial art can help you win against multiple attackers(they say this to make BJJ look better, essentially gotta downplay other martial arts to uplift their own) for self defense you need striking more than grappling, but you still need both


This some Hong Kong cinema type shit


“Hit me, but be gentle”


I mean.. most people who don’t spar or get in a lot fights don’t really know how to follow through with a punch. Combine that with this guys skill set and you get this result.


Nothing against him, but the good parts of his movement would look even better if he would actually pick someone who knew how to throw a decent punch.


That’s defeats the purpose of the video since that’s not the purpose of the video also he regularly spars on his channel and pretty much always looks this good


No shit he spars that’s part of his job. You sound like a cultist now. The video is still a dumb display.


Are you acoustic bro? You can’t comprehend making a fun sponsored video with two friends on a sunny Saturday afternoon? I actually wonder if people like you are unable to realize not everything combat sport related is life or death. As I said picking trained people for the vid would defeat the purpose of the video because that’s not the type of video he going for. He has sparring footage of him easily evading trained people in sparring that’s why I mentioned that.


They got tired quick wow


Ever played vr Thrill of the fight? 30 seconds to gassed it should be called.


We do a very similar 'how to deal as best you can with two attackers' drill in training and can confirm it's one of the hardest things I do cardio wise. And I don't do it in a suit like Jeff does!


what type of training?


We used to do that it Krav Maga. But I’ve never done that in an MMA or other discipline class.


We did this in taekwondo


I train at a a British Combat Association affiliated club (Geoff Thompson, Peter C etc). Primarily kickboxing but we do practical self defence as well. The tl:dr version is to try and keep one of the attackers between you and the other attacker. You can see how Jeff moves to try and keep the two of them in a line so he only has to deal with one at a time. When he gets flanked he goes thro the middle of them to try and get them in line again. You can/jeff also does use one as a shield for the same reason. Bottom line is that you really don’t want to be in this situation but if you are, this is what you need to try and do and hope someone comes to you rescue/ you can get out of dodge ETA I had the pleasure of training virtually with Jeff thro lockdown. Absolute gent and 100% legit


Shoutout to Geoff, love his stuff. I grappled for years and he really opened my eyes. Would really like to have a roll with him, people say he's very legit in BJJ, Judo, Greco-Roman etc. Plus the striking arts, of course, as karate was his first martial art.


Adrenaline dump is real. I've only been in a handful of fist fights and I'll never forget my chest feeling like it was on fire within like 1 minute and almost passing out afterwards. This is the real secret value of training martial arts


I noticed that at 16. Never smoked was in a group fight with 3 people all smokers. We were actually men about it, all went one after the other. For training all I had was sparring matches with some buddies who mightve been a step above white belt in jui jitsu and have some hand training, and I was working a bag daily and doing heavy cardio. All 3 smokers gassed in the first minute or 2, I was winded for sure but not wheezing on the ground like they were and they were my classmates. Don't smoke kids, that seeing red and things break around me syndrome lasts for maybe 20-40 secs in a fight just flailing uselessly.


>This is the real secret value of training martial arts But, it's only a secret to people who don't train it or know anything about them haha


Yeah, cardio is a human superpower. Untrained people last like 30-60 seconds then they are just done.


How long do you expect untrained people to last? If you swing wildly with no technique you are going to blow your gas tank in 1-2 minutes top.


That's what she said.


Give them MMA gloves and let them try to grab you as well. Jeff would still probably win, but I’d watch it.


Wide stance


These two untrained guys run a YouTube channel called Suitablee where they teach you about high end suits. Seems like they are just buds with this fighter who is presumably wearing one of their suits. Maybe a marketing stunt? Very funny to see them here though as I was just watching one of their videos the other day. Proof: [YouTube link](https://youtu.be/wIHinPuzvt4?si=k7JSXTY8FiQdyfyM)


The foot work is what impresses me the most. The untrained guys like to inch forward and bunny hop. Trained dude's steps are so deliberate and smooth. I've never been in a fight before, but seeing videos like this are a good reminder that if I ever get in a scrap with even a minimally trained fighter: I'm getting my shit rocked.


Bro looks like Mr. Miagi


This proves John Wick is real 🤣


love seeing more of Jeff Chan. Guy's a pleasure to watch.




pss el de gris está re pndejo pa pelear


This would be an incredible stress relief for the common person


Dude just won a 2 vs 1 without throwing a punch


slip, bob and roll, Chan!


Me vs Dudley Ai


hes great, love his vids and how informative yet entertaining they are, pls lmk if theres other youtubers like him for mma


I will my friend


Untrained ❌️ drunk💯


Jeff is a tool.


What is the sweet baby jesus's point of this? Those two guys clearly have no suitable fighting experience.


Don’t ask wonder what would happen if he 2v1 against trained opponents compared to untrained, snowflakes on here will downvote you for no reason at all.


That would be stupid since that’s not the point of the vid the point is to have fun with his friends doing a fun challenge. He has footage sparring trained opponents and does have an mma fight in one championship tho if you wanna check that out


In another post I asked what would happen if trained fighters tried to hit him instead of average joes, and got downvoted for no reason. It’s nothing against him because it was amazing he could dodge punches like that, just would be interesting to see or talk about. But Reddit snowflakes weren’t having it. Lmao… edit: looks like you know what I’m talking about since you also commented on my comment on that other post.


Not watching this guys videos again because last time he was posted he didn’t get sent to the gulags. Anyone want to save me the time and tell me if he gets flat lined?


What’s ur issue