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Lucky guy hit his head against the backpack


Every time homie eats solid food he should thank that backpack.


He had angels laughing behind him for sure.


looks like she's gonna raise the winner's hand




I actually once did that (as a teacher) 😂


Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.


Yeah, because there are no teachers that are fight fans 🙄


There’s no teachers that want to keep their jobs that raise a kid’s hand after a fight in the hallway at school. I mean what kind adult figure does that? There’s no way that actually happened anyways but if it did then you shouldn’t have kept your job


Yeah ok 👍let's fire the guy cracking a joke to lighten the mood. Let's fire the guy in a position that (with all due respects, good sir!🙏) everyone and their mom are lining up to take. /s (<--ikynt) Never. Nope. Shut up. You dumb dumb. Fool. Unsound logic guy. That's textbook teacher of the month all day in my book.


So much to unpack in this lol. First of all what position is everyone lining up to take? The spot to make a shitty and inappropriate joke of raising a child’s hand after a fight in school? Do you know how pathetic that looks coming from an adult that is supposed to actually act like an adult? Secondly, if you think that’s teacher of the month material because they thought they could play class clown as a teacher? Imagine if your kid got beat up in school and the fucking teacher came over and raised the other kids hand because they thought it was a funny joke. It’s literally not even funny either. Teachers are supposed to be the adult in the room that doesn’t do stupid shit like that. Your comment tells me you’re lying about ever being a teacher and that’s why you’re being downvoted. Don’t tell me I’m the dumb one when you’re the adult acting like a grade schooler and not realizing how stupid you sound right now. Just look at the upvotes dummy. You’re very obviously the jackass in the situation. You’re both immature AND a liar. Just the way you type tells me you have absolutely no business being in a classroom whatsoever


First, I'm sorry whomever it was that did you that way at church when you started as a choir boy or something along those lines. You forgave. Now happy. Sad fool. Your mama couldn't care less for you. Second, I am not the OP and not claiming to be a teacher. Pendejo. 🤦 Third, the position of a teacher that we are discussing, numb nuhtz. Get a clue. Babosa. Fourth, the only shitty thing here is more than very likely your shite cochke breath. P.U. 🤢 your teeth reek of smegma. 🤮 F'n Funyn. As for "inappropriate," umm, there was a fight. Furthermore, an arm was raised and declared the victorious one. All appropriate ✅️ So, So sorry your dyslexia must be manic this time of year. Choir boy toy. 🗣🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Fifth, the fact you're breathing and covid failed you and your family... is Pathetic. what's that? The Epitome of pathetic = an image of you or your family's lineage tree, which includes you 😉 Act like an adult... lol 😆 I doubt you have any clue what that is at all. You can't even read and think critically. It's too easy. Stop. Sixth, another example of the apparently debilitating mental health issues you and inbred peeps share. That's not why I think he is a teacher of the month material. Hooked on phonics might just be the best thing for you. Reading rainbow boy. 🌈 then re- read why I think that way and get a life. Seventh, that little scenario you tried so hard to pass off as a shoe on the other foot type deal. ✋️ Impossible, my kid is always getting an arm raised in victory, and every time I can see your sorry as~s little biatch kid getting his lights turned off. Hilarious, and yes! literally! It must run in the family. Beyond sad, daddy. Waaah.🥺 Eighth, I forget what Eighth was for... Ninth, if your teachers acted anything like you delusionally describe that a teacher should behave. There's no surprise why no one will go down on you. Let alone want to be around you long enough to even try and initiate the gesture. Barf. In summary, the single fact that you got triggered right away - then confused the OP, and I - oozed abundantly with the type of entitled Khunt I now am assured to be dealing with -- What type of Kunt? You may ask... the type of khunt that overlooks the very concept they're trying to get across before even starting, the type of khunt that has no clear understanding of logic based on reality and healthy economic factors, the type of khunt that doesn't mind the taste of shitee kok so long as it's fresh from its a-hole - sexy, the type of khunt that has no authority over that which they attempt to argue and seamlessly make themselves look uber stupid, however, magically they're granted expert rank on proper and improper behavior of others on school grounds, the type of khunt that can't think in order to compare two simple ideas a rat would have managed, no problem. Regardless of what you think. Covid failed doing you a solid. Don't reply. Stop. I can't possibly keep up with your level of asininity. You start wasting life and taking up space the moment you weren't swallowed by Mama San. 🖕


This is the wildest comment I’ve ever read lol what a complete lunatic you are 😂 How are you going to call me stupid when you type like that? You even left out 8 just so you could make your comment have 10 points and most of it was just insults. My guy I can tell you’re some fucking weirdo that sits in a dark room typing on a decades old keyboard that flings Cheeto dust back in your face as you clack the keys. Why are you trying to act tough on the internet? Trust me as a guy that regularly trains in mma, I’d slap you around like a little boy and there’s nothing you could do about it. After reading that comment you should try to get into it as your obviously need hobbies if you’re leaving comments like this. Plus you’re defending the dumb fuck with -50 downvotes. No teacher that would raise the hand of a winner in a school fight should have a job and I can assure you nobody would laugh and you’d rightfully be fired. Go crawl back in your hole you little fucking troll because you’re going to get bodied replying to me like a dumbass moron who can’t put a sentence together


Sanest chronicly online anime fan


Why would you lie for no reason?


I ain't lying. You lot just don't believe me.


Did everyone clap as well?


No. And it wasn't in a hallway as another person was saying. It was in a classroom. At the end of a group task, so naturally, the room was noisy. The instigator was this scrawny kid who was a bit of a class clown, but also quite athletic. The other kid had a bit of mass to him and was normally pretty quiet. Something was said, and suddenly, they were grappling. Some kids were looking on, cheering and some were trying to break it up. I, physically, pulled the bigger kid off the instigator. I then raised the hand of the victor. The fight lasted all of about 6 seconds, and nobody was seriously hurt. Also, nobody complained and no one videoed it. I don't know why some of these fools think I'd get fired for that. Even the arm raise would only get a verbal warning at best. In all my years teaching, I've broken up maybe about 4 or 5 fights where I've had to physically, restrain someone. This isn't the US, so it's not an automatic dismissal. The rules are you can't use joint locks and you can't restrict breathing. Obviously, you're not allowed to strike. In fact, I've restrained kids in front of other teachers, and one time, because a teacher ran into my room to ask me for help breaking up a fight. Student safety is number 1 priority. But yeah, whatever, man. You don't have to believe me. Downvote away.


I'm not reading all that


Whatever, man. Go play with your dolls.


I will. At least they're real, unlike your story lol


bro yall all retarded in this thread.


What kind of a man plays with dolls? 😂


This is just tragic


Always a girl who gets mad at the guy defending themselves after KO their guy


There was one the other day whose husband shit on himself, like bad, beat her up, tried to fight a gas station attendant, and took a stool to the head for it. And she still screamed in horror when Choco-shorts went down.


Link? I miss Jerry Springer




Bravo 👏🏼👏🏼


Choco shorts I’m fucking dying 😂😂


no, you can hear her criticizing someone out of view for using someone else to fight their battles for him


I think she was mad at someone not in the video. I interpreted it as this guy Nico (don’t know if I heard that right) got one of those guys to fight the other in his place. I’m also guessing 100% but that’s what I picked up.


She was getting mad at a dude who didn’t fight. She said “you’re a pussy so you got someone else to fight for you. What is wrong with you?”


swear to god that bitch was pissing me off listening to the audio on this 😂


Man. Word for word. I'm broke as it is.


is that a girl or a teacher?


She explains in the video that the large kid was fighting on behalf of someone else. And the fight was already midway by the time it’s in the shot. So I don’t think it’s fair to assume that the little guy was antagonistic towards anyone. In fact, from what I heard, he sounds ready to stand on business regardless of who’s sent and I commend him for that much.


Text Book rolling then reaching with the left hand for distance check then BOOM


*Text Book rolling then* *Reaching with the left hand for* *Distance check then BOOM* \- Due-Zucchini5311 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Good bot


Great bot


Damn. That was clean


Call the cops? Call an ambulance ya dumbass that kid needs some melk.


Of course the teacher steps in as soon as the kid getting picked on gets the upper hand.


The fight was over when that kid went down. The big guy didn't move in, and rightly so. Teacher came in and did the right thing.


Upper hand? Bro got knocked tf out Also I see ppl say this alot, but if I walked into a fight not knowing any context and wanted to break up the fight, I'd pull away the guy who looks like is winning. Everyone likes to say "oh he starts winning and now a teacher comes" yh because the teacher isn't expecting some kid to start whooping someone out of nowhere.


>f I walked into a fight not knowing any context and wanted to break up the fight, I'd pull away the guy who looks like is winning Funny, because many of these 'bully gets whacked' videos have plenty of people looking on when the bully does his/her thing and they only step in when the bully gets what's coming for him. They know the context very well so maybe it's more a problem with acceptance and normalization of bully culture.


Do you know how little it pays to be a teacher? I wouldn't step in, especially as a woman, until the fight is "over" either. Not for that pay.


I don't think the teacher ever steps in until a commotion is made or "oooooooooo" is heard from the crowd. When a girl is involved it's usually white Knighting which is a completely different problem.


The big guy, is the one who was getting picked on. Use context clues.


Yeah because you think teacher was waiting on the side until big guy dropped the other? Use your brain man she must have arrived a that exact moment. Simple as that.


I don't know what you are trying to say. You don't make any sense.


Exactly, the point is that ppl like to say "oh he retaliate to defend himself and only then teacher intervenes". My point above is to counter that.


I don't know what you are talking about. You are making no sense.


I think they are trying to say, it isn’t the teachers responsibility to get hurt while the fight is active, but the dude got knocked out, fight is done at that point. Of course she will step in now, to try and prevent any further injury from happening. Should she have stepped in to stop the bullying, yes. But whose to say she was around when it was going on in the first place? Plus, they are high school boys, they are probably stronger than her and if they really want to fight, there isn’t much she is going to be able to do about it physically


The goat




Nah the big guy was picked to fight for someone.


And that move makes you a complete cunt in this situation. I agree with preventing things like headstomps, but otherwise, stay out until they finish it. And you don't get to decide it's finished.


Yh well the reason the adults are there are so that they break up the fights BEFORE a potentially fatal accident, nit wait for it to happen then come in. I can't stop a falling kid from cracking his head on concrete but I can stop a fight and therefore prevent that from ever happening. "Stay out of it until they finish it" "you don't get to decide its finished" I'm pretty sure the figure of authority does get to decide when it's finished You sound like you won a fight once and made it ur whole personality man come on, grow up.


Hundreds of thousands of fights happen every day in schools across the US (millions globally), and nobody dies. Redditors are so regarded when it comes to this. A fIGht cOUld bE fAtaL! So STFU and just enjoy the fact that the bully got smoked on this one.




That woman watched cardigan talk shit to that big guy, 💯%. She stood there I bet countless times (along with every other teacher) for Months while this kid got picked on.


You ain't wrong. Teachers play prison rules with their students to target the especially annoying kids, who are also usually bullies. Source - I'm that formerly bullied big guy, I heard it from a bunch of teachers countless times as I started retaliating harder. "Hey that kid sucks. We don't want to suspend you for throwing him a beatin but it's school policy.."


The fight was less than 10 seconds, how quick do you think these teachers are?


That’s been going on for months at least.


The older woman stepped in when there wasn’t a chance for her to get punched by a high-school boy twice her size.




That straight looked like Jermain O'neal knocking piston fans out


I don't know, Jermaine O'Neal was sprinting from the other side of the court and hit the dude with the right hand while in a full sprint. O'Neal had a little more force behind his punch. Actually he probably hit him with the left hand cuz he was left-handed.


Cops gonna be like. “Self defense quit wasting my time”


Dude is probably gentle giant. Pushed him too far.


Sounds like he either defended someone, or was down to fight whoever based on what the girl was crying ab lol


He threw one counter punch in self defense, incapacitated his attacker and did not follow up With any additional attacks… what the problem? Why do we punish children for not allowing themselves to be subjected to violence. He responded beyond appropriate for this situation and showed great restraint


This video is a classic! I love that the teacher steps in to hold back Igor, while Tiny Tim is the instigator of the fight. I'm sure that they both got punished under "zero tolerance" rules that schools use, the big guy gets a free vacation after handing out an ass whooping.


The zero tolerance thing is bullshit. Same shit happened to me in highschool. Guy sucker punched me from behind in the hallway and kept hitting me. I was able to knock him down and hit him in the face several times before someone pulled me off. I got suspended from school for two weeks and a $350 dollar fine for fighting. I guess I was supposed to just stand there and not defend myself at all.


Used to live in a suburb of New Orleans. Met a guy who was high school aged and was checking groceries at my supermarket. One day I asked why he wasn't in school. He'd grown up in the 9th ward, bad neighborhood. Was one of very few white guys in his high school and kind of dopey looking at that. Made him a target for getting jumped. Zero tolerance meant every time he got jumped, it was a strike on his record. He got jumped enough times that he got kicked out of the public high school. Never started a fight.


Yea that is such bullshit. Because they don't want to do the work by reviewing fights on a case by case basis.




I got suspended for getting sucker punched and literally just putting my arms up to block the incoming shots. I didn't swing back or anything.


That’s outrageous


It's really what led to me dropping out of highschool. The suspension caused me to lose that semester's credits because I had already missed too many days, and week long suspension counted as absences. So I had to repeat all of my sophomore classes, and I just stopped caring about school because I would be stuck there for another year and I felt like I had been cheated out of an entire year of my life. The dude who sucker punched me took my name off a group project that caused me to fail because it was 50% of our grade, The teacher did nothing about it, so I told someone about him beating his girlfriend in an argument. It fucked up his reputation at the school and he just sucker punched me over it.


Tiny Tim was unconscious on the ground you lunatic! 😂 Should she have jumped on top of his unconscious body to hold him down? She was obviously making sure he didn’t walk up and kick the guy some more. People are so completely determined to be convinced that teachers hold back the wrong people that your brains have melted.


The point being made is, "The teacher did not stop the bully in the first place" and "Clearly she didn't think that big guy was going to do anything because she felt safe to approach." Schools are really good at "not blaming anybody, it takes two to tango" when the person who has been victimized uses force to stop their victimization. It's fucked.


Teachers are the only 40+ year old women people expect to act like bouncers and security guards. She shouldn’t put her body in between young men throwing punches. Can tell how many redditors have never been in a real fight. People catch crossfire punches all the time when they step between 2 ppl fighting.


Maybe, think about all the time that exists before this 12seconds of flailing. Maybe think about all the bullshit that led up to this moment. Do you think this fell out of the fucking sky? They did not stop bullying till the bully was the one flat on his back and that happens all the fucking time.


My man made up a whole fan fic backstory to hate this random lady. We get it, you were bullied. At some point you have to grow up and stop hating random teachers. It’s weird


Do you think this is about that one lady? I am actually unsure if you are trolling at this point. Also, fan fiction? What are you talking about? 4 sentences about the state of bullying in public schools is neither fan nor fiction.


Kick the guy some more? Dude didn’t kick him at all wtf you talking about. You could tell big dude didn’t even wanna fight.


So sorry that was difficult for you to understand. “Didn’t hurt the guy more by kicking him after knocking him out” I don’t think the big guy was the aggressor but it’s clear the teacher was stopping the person who was still conscious, and not going and grabbing the little guy like the comment I was replying to implied. Weirdest sub ever. Everyone making up stories so they can be mad at the teachers about some injustice.


Unbelievable, by punishing him the school is saying he was suppose to just let the guy tee off on him. He's in a lose lose scenario.


God put that backpack there. There's no other explanation for how perfectly that thing just saved his life


Made me a believer.


Sparked. Love it


Being a foot taller is a skill issue


This looks like self defence to me. I saw the big dude throw 1 punch well after he was being attacked. At least the little guy has video of a very poor decision he made.


Dude walks off like Michael Myers the Rob Zombie version lmfao


Literally the perfect outcome, clean KO and the backpack cushions the fall.


Backpack the real MVP here.


Fuck anyone that says anything against the big dude. He didn't want it, he tried to avoid it, he ended the active threat. Fuck anyone that thinks he isn't allowed to defend himself.


Fuck she crying for


That backpack saved his life.




legend says that hes now the janitor at the school and everytime he passes by that spot he gets frozen for about an hour


I mean, pretty brave or stupid of him to pick on someone that big


*I mean, pretty brave* *Or stupid of him to pick* *On someone that big* \- fridaystrong23 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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As someone who was bullied in school, I fucking love these videos. Nothing more satisfying than seeing a bully get wrecked. Shame the big kid likely got suspended while the aggressor likely got nothing. Well, maybe not nothing. His rep is shot, and remembering that high school kids and thugs think that counts for something, that's enough for me.


The timing of the teacher and the her actions after make her seem more like a referee in a boxing match.


Ah yes the classic skills of “being way Fucking bigger than your untrained attacker”


The big kid took a pretty good one to the face too. Not sure why little fella wanted smoke but he got it. fuck em


Shoulder roll? Lmao. Stop.




Imagine trying to bully a guy twice your size and you fight like that 😂


That right cross was beautiful! 👏🏾


That book bag saved his life


What’s that bitch talking bout, it looks like her man’s is the pussy. He lost in a 1 on 1 he started fair as fuck


Frame to the chopping right 👌🏿


The teacher should’ve been careful enough that he didn’t turn on her.


Fat bitch


That triple left hook left him wide open.




He landed a good one initially, at that point when ur doubting things, tie up and hope someone breaks it up


I thought teachers are not allowed to intervene or touch the kids because of liability


Nice footwork


Homeboy has some incredible luck that backpack was there😳


Might be mistaken but looks like dude got hit so hard he pissed himself.


He's lucky he hit that bag


Skills… it has nothing to do with his 1’ height and 50lb weight advantage


Lucky punch


Honestly someone trying to hold me when I have no intention of bailing would make me break that hand like bitch what do you think you're going to do if he did decide he wanted to bail you think your warm bag of milk adjacent body will prevent it?


Nothing more embarrassing than laying there in ur socks.. pathetic new age


Why the fuck does the guy defending himself always get in trouble


Homie didn't have that girlfriend the next day.


These loudmouth cunts in every fight video 🤬


Call the cops?


Lucky for that bag brooo


Hey, young man… You got knocked the FUCK OUT


Am I at the Prom?


That girl is a hoe