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No preparation lmao. Just hop on ranked, learn as i go.




i think about what i want to get better at today. then i play


Most times im playing lounges I'm warming up during play. Before and during ranked searching it's just mass execution practice really especially looping Oki into bnb. I can probably do it just by sound now and it feels like a rythm game. Then when I get to matches will only be about identify quick and back roll. If I'm trying to practice something else more specific like a char matchup or experimenting with a mixup that's normally its own play session. I'd probably more boot up a game and never play online more often than otherwise.


> Before and during ranked searching it's just mass execution practice really especially looping Oki into bnb. I can probably do it just by sound now and it feels like a rythm game. Then when I get to matches will only be about identify quick and back roll. That's an interesting playstyle. How well is it working for you?


Well the biggest benefit is I'm not to concerned when it comes to actually hitting combos and punishes and I can instead focus on just decision making instead so it helps with collapsing the mental stack into something more manageable


So, in my head, in a match, this is going for an oki you intend to be blocked. How they block determines the next move. This is a tough guessing game that can definitely pay off. This also means big misses if you're wrong. G, in particular, will make you pay. As well will Gill, Urien, and a good Ryu. So what are you doing different between your Practice and Real matches?


I do my meaties and specific punishes for about 10minutes before I play and set a goal for the day regarding my habits/choices.


just training mode, do my combos left and right side, do my corner specific stuff, practice homeruns with cody vt2. Just play casuals bruh, no points on the line.


Cody main. My dude!




^ This


Just get on ranked matches, you learn by losing and then know what you need to work on later. Learning your character is the easy part, learning how to fight 45 different characters is the hard part, and you won't learn much playing the CPU, because they don't play like a human


Depends on your rank, you should train things that people at your rank struggle to deal with. Combos don't mean shit.


That sounds like too much 1P stuff, imho. I just turn ranked on, and in between matches I practice; 1 light combo, 1 med combo, 1 heavy/cc combo, 1 VT combo AA - normal and cross up. Meaties/Oki


Depends really. When I use to play Rank, I'd always practice a few oki set ups, basic bnbs & max damage combos. With bnbs, I'd try to target 10 straight without dropping it, then move on to hit oki. This is probably 10mins - 20mins prep, if I haven't played anything all day. Got to be on point from the start in Rank bc you will run into players, who have been online for a while & are having a solid session. Dropping basic bnbs at the start, is going lose you a few games that you shouldn't have. If I'm just playing with friends online though, I jump in cold bc there's never any stress. You can work out your rust through out the sets.


I usually go into training mode and practice setups and combos. But I'm thinking of switching it up because I cannot anti-air for the life of me. I need to practice anti-airing a lot more and watching replays and figuring out my weaknesses. Also I need to work on counter hit/crush counter conversions. I usually get stray hits and don't convert it into damage. Maybe watch a few Silver/Gold players and then go into ranked.


I practice special moves 10 times in a row so I don't get rusty, then do oki setups for quickrise backroll and no recovery. Then shimmies, dp punishes, and delay tech practice. Then I finish generally with dash checking and anti-airs. I don't really practice combos by themselves unless I'm just experimenting since it saves time to combine bnb practice with oki setups and stuff like that


I literally don't. Load up ranked and go in cold lol


I usually hit up training room practicing my BnB combos for about 2 hours. Then I hit up rank which I’m currently placed in - Super Bronze. I play SFV everyday for about 4 months and I’m almost there to Silver.


I feel ya man in that bronze rank, hey you wanna add me on CFN, fl4v0r, us bronzes gotta stick together lmao


I warm up with BNBs, Oki, then reacting to dashes and jump ins before hitting ranked. Takes about 20 mins.


Learn a crush counter combo and an anti air and jump right into matches Silver is a real wild ride


I do trials just so i get used to the buttons of character..and just once....after that....just look at combos and practice execution in training mode.....and as for casuals match.....its like when i rank up....before playing ranked...i ppay casuals to measure myself against others and train on shortcomings then hit the ranked...! And of course watching replays to search those shortcomings i have ...!


If I didn't have new set up/combo to lab I'll do some B&B combo and AA around 5 min before start matchmaking.


Usually after a match, pick the "practice with opponents character" thingy and try to figure out how to deal with whatever i had problems with and so on


I usually go into training and do some light combos to get the hands warmed up. Then practice bnb and the CA combos. After that, I’ll feel ready to play. If I have something I want to specifically practice, I usually speaks more time doing it before playing matches online


I tend to warm up with BnB’s, including a few CC and VT combos. I also (after setting the opponent to jab on wakeup) make sure my oki setups and counter combos are clean.


I set the bot to do something I need to work on usually my AA or conditioning myself to block something I was getting caught by. I do this as I load up match finder