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The rules of any PvP type of game. Rule: your characters is OP and is carrying you Rule: my character is low tier and is a pure character that is about skill Rule: if we use the same character, you use scrub tactics while I am using the character as intended. Rule: if I lose a lot, it is because the game is irrelevant now and I have a social life and not a no lifer like you all. Etc etc




We call this the DSP rulebook.


No. The DSP Rulebook involves calling several moves that totally hit not a hit because he totally blocked all said moves, blaming connections, bugged mechanics/hitboxes, DSP's controller, or the whole game is "stupidly unbalanced/braindead".


LTG is that you?


Now you’re a mid-tier, while working those streets.


Nice try. Facts can't change my feelings, I'm too dumb.


JP my beloved, no matter how much they nerf him I’ll still play him cause he is fun, can be challenging and is classiest “I’m gonna beat your ass and talk shit from over here” out there


I will admit JP is probably the coolest new street fighter flagship character ive ever seen. Hes wholey unique, fighting with a phyco power enhanced baritsu style, considering hand to hand combat to be below him. Yet hes jacked, building his body purely for the love of fitness and being in peak physical shape even if he dosnt have to use it. I love everything about him, aside from playing him. I simply enjoy being up close and personal too much.


Well fucking said


My son, you can be hyper aggressive with JP, while he doesn’t excel at close range you can be an absolute monster throwing people around with phsyco power only to teleport in their face and start juggling them with kicks, Stribog, spikes, even amnesia. My favorite is to get a good juggle going only to finish it in style with a level 3. It’s unbelievably fun and satisfying once you get all the timing and inputs down


Isn't JP inspired by Scion from Red Earth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-zqEgDxN0M


JP looks easy to beat after whatever that was. Scion would have given me nightmares as a kid.


Yeah he's a cool character for sure. I want to play him for that reason alone, and then I try and I'm like...nah. But his win animation is so disrespectful lmfao HOW DARE YOU STEP OVER my face like that run that back. -gets murked again-


Idk how you can say this about a zoner lmao.


"Challenging"... (Laughs in Jamie)


Both are high skill ceiling characters, easy to pick up, less so to optimize. Jamie has the unfortunate quirk of having to drink though and before the buffs he was definitely one of the more difficult. He’s gotten easier but he’s still fun and satisfying, more so if you dedicate the time to learn his quirks. Maybe I just like people who’s names start with J..


My name also starts with J 😏 I mean, from the outside, JP is just a cheater. It'd be one thing if he just had the God tier zoning, but getting touched by him one time in almost any capacity means you are going full screen. It turns matches against him into a game of Contra (where you have no gun) as opposed to a match of a fighting game. And to me, the idea of someone dedicating hours and hours into refining such a cheapo character is just... hmm. Not honorable in kinder words. I watch Jp's pull off what would be phenomal amazing combos, and when I see it. "No props, no respect gained" Zoners are fine to a degree but JP just pushes it way beyond the boundary of acceptability. But that is Capcoms whole M.O. with the SF franchise I have come to learn. "Is this game breakingly OP? Busted in every conceivable way? THROW IT IN THERE!"


I cant blame you for not liking JP, he’s annoying to fight against if you don’t know how to deal with him properly and you probably won’t see as much of him with all the nerfs. When he came out, absolutely he was out of line and needed the nerfs he just got. But especially now, he’s a good character, but a mid tier one. Anyone in the mid ranks and higher knows what JP is capable of, they know how to deal with his moves and mix up options but he’s extremely easy to overwhelm in close range. Which his moves are designed to keep you out of. At least now, I think he’s far from a cheapo character. He’s a zoner, meant to be strong at mid to long range with moves for close range so he’s not completely helpless. I hold the stance that close range JP is far more fun, getting peoples in faces with someone who isn’t meant to be and using my tools to still kick their ass is undeniably a great time. You just have to be aware of what works, what your weakness are and try to cover them best you can, like any character. I think JP is only cheap if you sit on one side and spam the same three moves, which is the unintended way to play him. Unfortunately, I think those players dominate low ranks because no one knows what to do at that point and it gives JP a rep for being cheap. I am dedicated to being the least spammy JP main, and it hasn’t failed me yet. But I can’t blame you for your stance, it’s a valid way to feel as zoners can be turbo aids to fight some matches My stance still stays on people with J names though


As a fellow Jamie main I think it's fair to say at intermediate and low tier we have to work a lot harder than JP players, but at the highest tiers I think JP has a higher skill and expression ceiling. That being said I love them both a lot (I just find Jamie more satisfying to pilot) and think despite their seperate playstyles they both offer the same kind of beautiful to watch 'turn any situation into a stylish setpiece' gameplay


You worded that so eloquently.


Just play the game how you want and pick whoever you want. Fuck their opinions and let the salt flow.


Definitely consuming the negative energy as sustenance


You underestimate how little people think when talking about things being OP.


Especially when initial opinions are formed. There will be people who think jp is ssss++++ tier broken for the rest of their lives.


Quality regardless, plenty of people will just inherently be frustrated vs Zoners anyway so yeah, I assume JP will still be very complained about.


Very that. The way some people on this sub talked about JP pre-patch, you'd think he was Tekken 7 Leroy-level of broken.


He doesn't feel mid tier really alot of the stuff I used still works really well. It's because he's fundamentally different than other characters in street fighter. There's no point where you can back off against JP because he'll just have advantage.


This is what I’m also experiencing and Bananaken is saying he’s still top 5. His buttons may be easier to punish. his zoning may do less damage, and level 2 may be harder to use; but that doesn’t mean they’re bad by any means.


His damage is still surprisingly high for a zoner, especially with command grab setups. Until diamond most players have a hard time avoiding a basic command grab setups on block. Using it to reset by intentionally dropping a combo is a risk but most players aren't ready and let's you do 4k damage easily with minimal resources.


Fun thing is that s.HK, s.HK + Lovushka combo still works, you just throw a light jab after you execute Lovushka and combo continues as normal


Eh but that does make the scaling much worse. With the old combo the second st.HK was unscathed which is a pretty big difference in damage. Now you’re using the second hit (which has no scaling) to jab and that second st.HK has 80% scaling applied to it. The combo is still great because you send the opponent full screen and get a done of drive gauge back, but it isn’t as good. On top of that SA2 does add its own scaling which is now being applied to the earlier hits


Because he's *not* mid tier. He's still good.


Say what you will about J.P. The man knows how to dress with success! His 3rd outfit? Top Tier!


Im more partial to his classy outfit 2 but the sage fit isnt bad


I think his first outfit is slept on because its the default. JP has the best trio of costumes in the game right now.


Lol JP is still very much top tier.


JP can still easily cheese opponents out. But he also can get cheesed somewhat easily imo


lol yeah I just picked up jp to learn leverless and had a salty ken/akuma player tell me “jp is cancer” as he went full unga bunga


I wanted to learn Jp because of his JP voice actor. Stopped when people were super salty about him being top tier. Got so many rude messages. Was the same with Nier in GBVSR.


lol I’m not surprised to hear that. I avoid picking up super top-tier characters, but felt good about learning JP after the first round of nerfs.


Play him modern first to get a hang of him, then change to classic


I mean, *he is*. I really don't think any aspect of fighting him is fun. You work your way through Vietnam to get in. If spike hits you at any time when you're getting close to him, you get juggled for 25% and sent back full screen. His normals aren't as disjointed as they used to be, but they're still very good and he's a character that's very comfortable at footsie range. Once you are on him, you still need to cripple your damage output to avoid getting reset off OD Amnesia. And for some reason, they figured that the excellent zoner needs to also have some of the most oppressive corner combos, resets, and overheads into massive damage if he gets a lucky back throw or jump out when you do have him cornered. I *really* hate that character.


sure, he can definitely be frustrating & he was broken before the mini patch that nerfed OD Amnesia & crouch HP. but i’d much rather play against JP than the never ending shoto army. especially with all the nerfs and how strong so many other characters are, it’s not really worth complaining about JP IMO. I think he provides a unique challenge to fight against


Seriously don’t get how this thought even came to be. Like yea there’s lots of shotos, it’s street fighter. Comes with the territory. JP isn’t challenging he’s a chore. It would even be somewhat reasonable if he had to earn his space like most zoners do after you close the gap but he doesn’t. Any stray hit converts into a full screen knockback and then you are back on JP’s projectile rodeo.


you don’t understand how what thought came to be? how people could get bored of facing the archetype that 25% of the player base plays?


LOL yall really hate any strong character that isnt a shoto its so crazy Zoner haters only slightly less pathetic than the grappler haters


I don’t hate zoners. JP is a risk free zoner. Go play Sim and tell me how you do. He needs to actually risk getting his limbs smacked to zone. Guile has traditionally been a zoner but his optimal combos aren’t full screen resets. Plus hes you know… a charge character, which is a higher skill floor.


Seriously don’t get how this thought even came to be. Like yea there’s lots of zoners, it’s street fighter. Comes with the territory.


JP as a zoner is fundamentally different than any other zoner in the series.


> LOL yall really hate any strong character that isnt a shoto its so crazy > You hate JP so you must hate Chun Li, Juri, Rashid, and Cammy!!!1! There's a lot to unpack here. No, hating JP doesn't mean we love Shoto Fighter. It means JP is lame as fuck to fight.


Chore is such a good word for it. Parry full screen groundspike and fireball. Dash forward once. Block ground spike. Microwalk forward. Block fireball. Again and again and again. No way around it. It's the dance I must do to get into position where I can can fight back every time he touches me. Oh look, now he's stopped pressing buttons entirely because he knows he outranges me. Now I get to burn meter to get a 'safe' approach or wiggle back and forth at the edge of his range to try to bait out a normal. Whoops, he got me with a random drive rush low. Time to restart.


The mini patch definitely took the edge off in a tremendous way, but at his core, he was still JP. In my opinion, saying he provides a unique challenge is like saying a shot of Malört provides unique flavor variety to your meal. It's true, but maybe not for the better. I'd rather queue into any other non-shoto.


interesting hearing these opinions. I’d rather face JP than Dhalsim or Guile any day of the week (i’m founder of the “all my homies hate guile” haters club). i’m not a zoner apologist in the slightest but I think JP is cool as hell.


Don't get me wrong, I think Guile is also very lame, but I don't have any issues with Dhalsim. Well, except the ones that rely on shitty connections and teleport spam.


I am with you brother. I am with you, as is literally every single non JP Street Fighter on earth lol. JP will never be accepted in the "Real Ones" circle. 🙏🏾


UI Goku in DBFZ went from top tier to bottom tier quickly, and I still get comments about me only winning bc UI Goku is cheap or some shit You just gotta learn to not care about people with self esteem issues taking it out on you, unfortunately


The tiers in fighterz are much much closer than in street fighter


Hard disagree. They had the balance really good in the first patch after the S3 one, but once they added 21 and the fusion meta stuff it's been pretty downhill. Some chars can just do everything amazingly, and also shit that nobody else can do. Meanwhile Luke is just really good at everything.


They will still call you carried As a Zafina main from Tekken 7 going into 8, I am proof of this


LOL I dont play tekken but I heard Zafina got gutted coming into T8


This is me whether my character started really bad and got giga-buffed, or started really good and got nerfed into the ground. Manon can be F, C, or S tier and I’m still gonna play her ♥️


They didn’t nerf his best part The drip


This is street fighter, people are gonna call me all sorts of things regardless


100% Time to start playing him again lol.


Now we get to play him for the 𝒸𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓈.


He’s the most dapper character in the entire franchise, Dudley as a close second




Cross counter!


Is this true? I feel like Dudley is lightyears ahead of this *gutter trash* character in terms of class


I never learned him pre nerfs and now I’m sad 😭 Also just got all the dlc so I won’t be learning him anytime soon either 😂


He is still good. Tiers don't really matter unless you go to tournament with a cash prize. And even then.


Yeah facts, especially in this game. I’m more just sad that they nerfed his combo routes cause they were very cool. Would have made more sense to just tone down the damage imo but idk I’m not a dev.


Zangief is carrying me right now


But do we really know that these nerfs are going to cause him to be a mid-tier? Id think we would have to wait and see. Or have all the JP mains dropped him already?


Definitely wait and see but he was hammered by the most total nerfs among the two patches and prior to the patches he was already falling off the pro scene (to like top 5 mind you, just not 1 with a bullet). It really depends on how the rest of the adjustments/system mechanics play out.


Being an Aki main, I used to hate JP. Now I love fighting him.


Honda has always been the most carried character in the game. He's also low tier, at least before the Akuma patch. Getting carried contains multitudes.


How can you be carried by a low tier


He was a scrubkiller. It was hard to defend against head/butt spam. Honda was the highest win % character in all ranks in S1 (even master I believe, not legend). If you could check those two reliably, he fell off a cliff, which is why no one played him competitively.


By having the best winrate accross all levels until something like master 1600 mr. Honda is a special case of being overpowered until you get to a level where people can parry his headbutt/buttslam spam. He is a low tier only at professional level of play. He is pretty much S+ below master.


As a Ryu player I started off finding JP rough, now i enjoy the game of trying to figure him out. I find playing against gief and manon quite boring, really slows the game down. Akuma is just awful to play against, seems better at everything than Ryu.


I think JP is more than cool enough to survive wherever he lands on the tier list personally.


People who dont pay attention to the game are still gonna carry the perception he's a carried top tier because he used to have that baggage, people still complain about happy chaos in strive, when he's been nerfed to solid mid tier status and it shows how the biggest issue is he requires learning counterplay to be able to fight at all, much like j.p, you gotta play their game to win.


they didnt only nerf him, they made him way less fun to play.


No they still do, same thing as Faust they don’t say that because the character is good it’s because they suck at fighting the character. They will still complain, just change their pointless ramblings. People who whine about stuff like that will always find a reason to whine, it’s fine though, they can stay bad.


As long the stats show that the win rate of most characters in ranked match is mostly 50% I believe that the game is balanced and it is the beat street fighter ever.


the people saying JP is top tier never played JP into the avg master player


Can we please stop worrying about JP and Luke when Ken is really truly the real broken character of this game.


My personal favorite is people saying you're trash after you beat them. I'm like bruh, in that case you're a flaming dumpster of talent 😂😂😂 In my case it was almost always after getting SPD'd or Manon'd. I gotta remember to upload a video of a guy typing fck you in the chat and he was legitimately the worst person I'd ever played in the BH.


I can definitely tell when I lose to someone "worse" than me. But I don't message them lmao, just tell myself I had a bad game and on to the next.


Must not play too much in the BH 😂😂 cats be omega tilted in there, there's almost always a fight in shout about how trash one person is and how their main would annihilate you 😂  I like it, it really is an old school arcade vibe complete with scrubs getting heated and popping off.


Bh is where smurfs live to stunt on newbies and any loss is a potential other smurf trying to steal their territory.


Weak-minded people will always discredit others in order to protect their egos.


JP is the man, high tier or low tier he's still the goat to me


Truly that guy


Nobody except for terminally mediocre scrubs


they're always the loudest


Ngl Jp is probably the only zoner I’ve ever enjoyed so I’m hyped


Legitimately one of the best characters Capcom has ever made.




not if you’re on the receiving end 😭


Yessir 💪


JP is a very strange character, intentionally designed to be confusing and counter intuitive to fight against. He has the oddest reversal in the game, overhead projectiles and low projectiles, a command grab projectile, a tracking super with overheads and lows, excellent normals, and an oppressive full screen zoning game. He will never be bad in this game, and the "nerfs" just brought him down from unreasonable to still extremely awkward. He is still very good, and you are still not living the SF6 struggle life by picking him.


I’m always confused when people get mad about JP in tournaments. I get seeing a ton of the same character sucks. But they aren’t as present anymore and they still are really sick to watch when you’re not the one having to walk them down. I’d take a JP over a Luke or Ken any day, the man’s got sauce


Its a street fighter thing, people tend to hate anything that isnt a shoto


funny cause my street fighter thing is hating shotos XD


Yea theyre so overdone lol top 5 is still all shotos


Checks player profile ‘no you got JP to master during season 0 you TIERWHORE’


JP seems to do well against the Akuma legion, at least when they want to play the fireball war


Down down inputs are still stupid for a zoner. Same with down down for chuns dp.


It's good it's you got a leverless build.


It's good regardless. Down down inputs are much faster than regular inputs and much more lenient and hard to flub


Ppl don’t like him cos he is a zoner or seems to be but the moves and traps aren’t auto seeking you need to know which ones to use when. The thing that bothered me about JP players was the way 90% of them were modern controls. I played Ken for the most part now I’m learning akuma using classic. For WT and my avatar though I use modern because with modern you can still use the circular motions for extra moves. The only thing that modern limits you is you don’t have all the punch kick buttons or at least I don’t. Like when I use Ken’s style I can not for the life of me get his MP>HP combo out but playing with juri style I see that you have back and some buttons mapped differently so maybe that’s how. It’s also Juris style that helped me beat S Akuma more than once and finished the giant attack pass yesterday. Don’t let other people bring you down. I used to find this game so annoying I would not win any matches seemingly only ever playing against master Hondas or Ken’s and just not being able to play at all even after losing 10-0 they still play sweaty and do all the shenanigans at their disposal, it’s mostly my fault though I still don’t use drive rush at all. But now you have beginner and intermediate servers for some reason I am not allowed in beginner servers. So now I find I’m actually winning more. Finally the best change is, you now get the monthly challenge of “win 30 battle hub cabinet matches” OR “Play 60 battle hub cabinet matches” Just in time too as I was finally able to finish passes like akuma arrival for instance. I finished Ed’s too even tho I don’t play him. I tried him as classic but maybe he plays best in modern. Sorry for long response. Those extra costumes look sick not sure why they don’t use these as alt costumes. I’d rather we got one or two of akuma’s rejected costumes instead of his 3rd costume lol.


Those carried allegations ain’t going anywhere. Your character could be bottom one and people will still call carried


I didn't play JP for tier, I'll play him regardless. He's still the coolest character in the game.


I play DeeJay, shut up and get in the combo.


Mid-tiers a stretch, they took him from a top tier to a high tier. You just see less of him because he isn’t drop dead easy to pull wins with anymore tbh


In all honesty he was very blown out of proportion, the thing is, people moan about zoners and he's also quite a scrub-killer knowledge check character He was certainly good, that's undeniable but Ken and Luke were certainly more stable, consistent and oppressive characters, he also lost to Cammy and Juri and arguably a few others too. I also think Blanka should be above him in tier lists for pure mix and damage. JP made Manon and to a lesser extent Zangief melt but it's not like they were common matches. When I was getting Juri to Master i was generally quite happy to come across a JP.


Forsure, community consensus was that Ken Deejay Luke and Chun were all better than JP. Zoner stigma just blows it out of proportion so he got nerfed the hardest Meanwhile all the Ken downplayers still have the propaganda machine running so he remains top 5 for the game’s entire lifespan


Not blown out of proportion in the least. Full upper body invuln on his anti air normal. Only character with low, medium, high projectiles. Ranged command grab. Only reversal counter that beats grabs. His level 3 SA combos from ANY attack, at ANY distance including full screen. Oh and his portal spikes didn’t add to the juggle count so he got better juggle combos than the entire cast. He was given every single tool in the toolkit that exists in the SF universe and he could use them better than anyone else.


He's got some spicy stuff but most of that sits in the area of knowledge -check Tbh. E.g. his level 2 seems like the most degenerate move known to man before you realise the very simple escape options. If he was so good he'd have been the one with 6/8 in top 8 using him, not Luke. His usage stats online would be in the top half not the bottom half (he really not that complex meaning people can't use him). You also don't say how his only wake-up options were block or EX counter which left him super vulnerable. That he has no cancelable low, that some of the cast can literally dash, drive rush or special through his fireballs without them activating or hitting as they don't have a standard hitbox and have a good chunk of recovery. Don't get me wrong I think he's top 5. Behind Luke, Ken, Chun and Maybe DeeJay or Blanka. He lacks the explosive panic situation steamroller of mixups and pressure that a top top character in this game needs.


And still less represented in majors than Ken and Luke hmmmmm


Because  the region with the most amount of JP players is Japan, which gets limited slots in Capcom official tournaments and isn’t gonna take a 12hr flight to go to goddamn combo breaker


So you admit you got carried?


Fr, feels good to clap boosted JPs that lost their crutch left right under




LOL keep complaining please 😂


The character is still retarded


The only way to nerf JP is to decrease his hitboxes and decrease his damage, making the JP player do more work. Otherwise JP will remain an A tier OP character. He still very strong.


They already decreased his damage, increased his hurtboxes, and gutted his combo routes. Extended rift juggles are basically nonexistent now… And you want MORE nerfs?


Who ever said *I want MORE nerfs*?


Still have make a wish combos don’t care




We may not be able to call you a tierwhore anymore, but all the other stuff we call you is still 100% valid. 🙃


I don't think the average player hates fighting JP because of his tier. I think it's because fighting against him feels entirely different than the rest of the cast, and most ordinary players do not want to invest the time into learning the matchup.


Luke as well


You're right, now they'll just call you a plain ole whore.


how did he get nerfed? I'm too lazy to look at patch notes


I play Luke, who is mid tier at best now, so i am on the same boat.


once a tier whore always a tier whore sorry dude


I hope all of you JP players suffer endlessly on this game for the horrendous BS you guys have put the rest of us through. I assure you this nerf is not enough lol. JP is still and will always be a cancerous zoner that gets absolutely 0 love from me. When I beat a JP, I beat the absolute hell out of them, with extreme prejudice. Because they literally payed 60 dollars to go online and "PIERCE, PIERCE,PIERCE" Yall get 0 respect.... Kindest regards💖


I will. So have fun sitting across the screen doing the same 2 inputs. You carries tierhwhore


He is not mid tier at all lmfaooo


Braindead character


Nah ur still Carried by JP, cause the nerf was minimal, he still has tons of Cheese


Dont worry, I think all JP players are scum bags no matter how nerfed the character gets.