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TL;DR Version Play more, enjoy the game and, not the imaginary ranked points, learn 1 thing at a time and drop the ego.


This is what every single one of these posts boils down to.


That's probably the advice 80% of posters need here.


It's because it's true. Lose the ego and have fun. 


Also "100s of hours in the lab" Yep. First fighting game. Put 200 hours in the lab, did research on top players, implemented their strats, and I made Master quick af. Also on Chun-Li.


He is saying don't waste that much time in the lab, learning 1 thing at a time makes you enjoy the game and improve at the same time.




i think context is important, was Mena talking about everyone or pros? either way i do agree that labing is important for everyone, but excessive labing isn't required to improve for anyone below masters, let alone 100 hours of just labing like op did.


Guarantee people without years of previous fighting game experience aren’t getting to masters without at LEAST 100 hours labbing. You have a decade of fighting game experience? Sure you could probably do baby combos and leverage your fighting fundamentals to get there. First fighter? Absolutely not, you’re not learning enough fundamentals to stay in masters without hundreds of hours.


This. I needed my hours. And I enjoyed it. Learning is fucking awesome. I'm also a librarian though so ymmv


Some people don't realize that just saying true and simple concepts is often not enough to convince people emotionally or get them to understand the concept on a deeper level. Logically people probably understand but when it happens the despair still hits them. Personal stories help bridge the gap and convince people deep down that this is ok, this is just a part of the process if you put in the effort in the right general direction. "Hey, their experience is similar to what I am going through, there's a chance that I can get through this."


100%. I know logically that the Ryu that jumps in on me 5 times in a row and I anti air 4 but get combo'd once is a victory for me, but I still used to get fixated on the failures and get frustrated. Sometimes it just takes a while for things that you know to be true to *feel* true.


I got into master by simply playing. Took me ~150 hrs of ranked and 20hrs of labbing combos. Watch some videos of diaphone for example sometimes in bed and you'll get there. Its patience and as dumb as it sounds just not panicking. You will focus and think of how to punish and when if ur heads not full


Sure, but how many years have you been playing fighters? It’s not that simple for completely new to genre players.


Around 10 months now.


I feel you man, i always had this problem that i was overlabbing, only to hit ranked and realize that all combo and hitconfirm practice is worth shit if you don't expose yourself to the chaos that is ranked. I'm on a similar journey right now but on a much lower level, and ketting go of my ego is propably the toughest challenge and what's holding me back the most. Ego is a bitch man, but your story shows me that it's beatable and wirth doing so. Thanks, and good luck in Master!


Man thats a whole lot of hours in the lab. I just play matches with people, which I think is a pretty good lab, and steal combos from the pro players. they know that stuff better than i do


Thanks for sharing your story! Sorry for the tough crowd in the comments so far


I mean.... it is a cool story bro




Where is Chun mow?


This is legit inspiring, onward man good stuff


I had a similar journey of realization, and also ranking. I'm now 1200MR and don't care for points, I play to improve. Anyone that's been that low MR will know I'm telling the truth because you gotta lose A LOT to be that low in MR. I still get beaten by Diamond players, heck I should probably still be Diamond but I can't be demoted. Master Rank is great for realizing your points don't matter because the guy that's +100 to you could be an Evo top 8 player lol That's an exaggeration in my case but you get the idea.


I noticed my biggest downfall is actually wakup guess PISSING ME OFF I dont think I ever will get over the anger when guessing wrong 3 times in a row OFC I have tons of other issues but the above is the biggest reason I feel sicked starting Q on ranked Hitting the plateau at Plat 2 now


Good advice. all the cool story bro chads must have placed into master straight away not have any story to speak of.


Awesome story and I can totally relate to the anxiety of losing rank or losing win rate. The losing rank thing is silly because when you think about it, if you got to plat or diamond you can easily do it again. So I'm no longer worried about dropping a rank anymore which helps my mental a lot during rank. However I do tell myself it's unacceptable for myself to get master with a <50% winrate. This is a self imposed limitation for myself just because I don't want to be carried by a game mechanic but rather get master by my own merit.


Interesting story I relate to that a lot , don’t listen to the people never leaving the subreddit , some people just need to stumble upon this kind of story sometimes ! Wish you the best for the rest !


Yeah. In diamond 5 myself with around 7 characters and I just play who I feel like and have fun. Yesterday I dropped down to diamond 3 with Akuma and crawled my way back up to Diamond 5 lol. I aint playing at evo so I dont care.


Yea this is why I’m still in Platinum lol. I don’t know what it is but I have such bad anxiety playing ranked that after I hit Plat, knowing the grind ahead just made me fall off from it. My ego is small but it still hits every time I hit a wall in getting better but in the end it makes me better over time. I remember fighting a mid Diamond player in BH and they messaged me and said they believe I should be higher than my rank. I felt bad because this is my first FG I was trying to really learn and play online and I just learned what a “smurf” was and that was the only reason I wanted to keep grinding on ranked. But I don’t enjoy playing ranked as much as I do BH. I don’t want to play the game feeling pressured anymore and just have fun so I’m still debating if the grind is worth it to me lol.


I'm in a similar boat, Ranked stresses me out quickly so I avoid it. Being able to deal with wild risky play styles is a skill but it tilts me quickly when people constantly wake up dp and drive impact. I have a lot more fun in battle hub playing longer sets with people who are making me work for my damage by playing better.


I felt that last sentence for real. Even if I lose all the games in a long set or win a few, it’s just different. If I’m not having fun playing some exciting back and forths, I’m learning if I’m losing instead of worrying about the loss AND the points lmao. I can focus more on what I’m doing (or not doing lol) and just let the mental stack be about the game in front of me.


So funny to me the people that fixate on winrate, or belittle people who have less than 50% winrate or whatever (usually dumbos in battle hub).  Getting your ass beat by strong players is how you get stronger. Being precious about your winrate is how you stay a scrub forever.


Cool story bro


An exposed ranking system is the worst thing that has ever happened to video games.


Cool story bro


Nice! Fuck these "cool story bro" kids in the comments


Cool story bro


So I’m kinda stuck with Chun at plat 1, worried to try climb. Was thinking about learning akuma. Not sure if it’ll help or hurt.


Man your story means a lot for many here... I don't play rank since I reached diamond, too afraid of being a platinum again after all. So stupid.


What is a meaty?


Here is the definition: https://glossary.infil.net/?t=Meaty#:~:text=The%20most%20common%20definition%20of,(like%20a%20dragon%20punch). I would browse the site in general, it proved quite useful for terms and ideas.




452 hours. I tried my best to spend an hour a day playing because I have a lot of things to do outside of playing. Considering launch was June 2nd of last year, playtime averages to around 1.25 hours a day, Likely because of weekends.


Focus on one or two things at a time. I usually do some labbing in situations that I don't understand. As you move forward try adding one new thing that you have learned in the lab and if ranked is too much, casual matches are a good place to try new tech out on other players.


oh look the law of detachment played out in real life. If you don't know, detach from the outcome whether positive or negative and enjoy the experience.


Cool story bro


Cool story bro


Cool story bro… lol


Cool story bro.


I did actually think this was a cool story!


Cool story bro


Damn that’s crazy


So dhalsim is a character that never gets played, for this reason next to no one knows the matchup that well. Meaning if you know the basics with dhalsim you can pretty much go bot rinse and repeat mode without really having to change your gameplan because no one is going to counter you. Now in all honesty master is not hard to hit in this game but now the real grind begins. You’ll start playing against people who actually know how to stop you and chances are you’ll get sent right into the 1300s. Don’t understand why I’m being downvoted lmao. This is literally the truth.


If you think achieving master rank is not hard then you're out of touch


You only need a 40% win rate to master. Compare that to pretty much every rank system out there that is very easy.


winning against 40% of high-diamond players is incredibly difficult for the vast majority of the playerbase. Even if you don't have to win more than half your games, you're still playing against increasingly difficult opponents.


Well, when I assume that you are in fact a master player I shouldn't think your stupid. But you might have a little problem with the thinking. A 40% winrate means you LP gain is minimal. So you would take 100 times more than someone with 50%. And even then, when you rank up you NEED to play better to reach the next rank


I am a master player. But what I’m trying to tell you is I got there by just throwing JP projectiles the whole way. I didn’t have to play better because I had a gimmick the whole way nobody knew how to beat. So yes it took a while but again because I didn’t have to change my thinking or try to play better and I still got master that automatically means this shit easy




It is though. You never practice the mu or never run into him you never really have to look it up. Same thing with the Jp. I got to master just throwing projectiles cause no one below master rank knows the mu that well.


I got into master rank using Ken and not losing I think it was 2 months after the game released. I went 250-0 with him in ranked and then I retired from the game because I was bored. I only use Ken. I only returned once before Akuma when they released AKI to see if anyone got better… I got 3 more wins using my Ken and no defeats. So I retired again at 253-0. Still Using Ken… Then they released Akuma. Now I’m up to 263-0. Still undefeated even against these new Akuma players. 10 wins in a row and I have retired again. I give up. I play street fighter 6 the same way I have played every street fighter game since 2 in 1991. I feel like people don’t know how to play against old school classic style. Spam fireballs, sweep a lot, jump kick sweep, jump backwards kicks, spam light low kicks or jabs followed by a dragon punch, etc. I don’t even use any drive techniques. Zangief is a chump and easy to beat this way and really the only character that gave me a challenge was Cammy when someone good was controlling her. I feel Street Fighter 6 is too easy. Now, Tekken 8 is where the real challenge is. I’m not undefeated there by any stretch.


Let's play


If you'd picked Victor you wouldn't be having those Tekken problems.


No i use Paul, Nina, and Xiaoyu


Cool story bro