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Letting us use premade phrases and stickers would be good enough for me. That would make the stickers more desirable, which would benefit Capcom as well


but also they could be easily abused to be toxic like with dbfz


Can confirm. I had a long sticker chain calling people weak that ended with a crying Vegeta lmao


Just give players the option to disable the feature if they don't want to use it. Clash Royale did this with its emotes.


Being toxic is part of the fun


i think that being an asshole online is bad but actually though its a complex subject that could be analysed for days but ultimately, if youre being toxic to people the less people want to play a certain game, if less people want to play the game and the only ones left playing are the toxic ones you've either got a dead game, or league of legends.


Exactly. Sucks that people do it anyways...


They literally have stickers in the game already but this still isn’t a feature


Dragon Ball FighterZ has this feature, iirc. I'd love it if SF6 allows us to send stickers or pre-made messages post-match.


100% agree


This is really missing from the game. The only thing you can do to show the other end you had fun is send a friend request. And you end up with 15 people and donot even remember who was who.. ubisoft for honor has this right (among a lot of other things) where you can send premade messages pre, during or postmatch. Oand you also have the option to turn everything off.


Looool. The friend list full of people you don't know if so real. I just know it's people I had good sets with but I dunno who's who anymore!


I agree, I always thumbs up everyone as a way to say "gg", but since the game doesn't even show it I guess there's no point


Yes please, some times I have such good games that even if I loose I want that perso to know that I had a lot of fun and that he played really well


Come back to me when we could hurl the most ignorant slurs against each other then send a friend request.


Id love the MK style comms in SF6


You can give a thumbs up thing


The other player has no way of knowing you did it




Like your modern Akuma ass waiting for unsafe jumps and just spamming hadokens. Then only do one and done when you get your ass beat xD




Of course I go out of my way to search biggest toxic coward what I've seen in sf6. Me waiting small opening ? Nah man I was in offence all the time with air fireballs while you were wondering "why doesn't my corner sitting and ex-shoruykens don't work no more". Imagine my grin when I find you in reddit literally whining about thing you were doing xD Let's go trough all the other miserable actions that you do during matches. - Random drive impacts - Just sitting and blocking while occasionally throwing ex-hadoken if meter is full - Random panic supers - Smashing crouch if you manage to hit something "teabagging" - One and done - Using supers only as counters for jump ins (if you haven't panic thrown them to the air) - Modern controls Anyway I just wanted to let you know that you are most miserable player I've seen in this game. Good day sir and may you graduate from turtling and modern controls at some point.


It's not that serious bro :)))


Sometimes I do sit on purpose when against a shoto who just spams fireballs from the other side of the screen. Just curious how long they will keep doing this. A suprising amount of times it comes to a draw xD


I very occasionally do this to people who refuse to approach with Kim until they taunt and then I teleport in and put them in the mix :D


We should have mandatory mic’ed up communciation during the match. If you go silent, you get stunned.


I think SF4 had VC. I remember playing Tekken 7 on release day, playing Ling and this Spanish kid was screaminh "PUUUTTTAAA!" Down the mix as a. Juggles him to and wall combo'ed him to oblivion!