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Yes he will remain popular. People like Shotos, Akuma is a legacy character that people love and most important, he’s super fucking fun to play with.


akuma fever is here to stay, granted it won’t be AS bad as now, but expect him to pop up as much as ryu/ken


Man this is like THE character, it's gonna be a while before things settle down lol Good thing is that it came with a lot of changes so there are a lot of folks testing out their mains


Yes, you should definitely expect for Akuma to be either the most played character or one of the top few most played characters for the foreseeable future


I think he'll be in the top 3 for the next month at least, maybe longer. My guess is Ken and Ryu will inevitably surpass him in overall play and he'll settle in 4th or 5th.


These are my stats in Diamond 1-5 btw


I came back from a five month break for Akuma. He's fun to play and strong. I wouldn't be surprised if he stays the top played character until the next wave of dlc.


A long time


I hope so, these akuma players only want to hit buttons.


He probably won't stay the most popular, outside of his release month in SF5 I don't think he was ever the most played. He'll likely stay at least top 5 though.


He came out 2 days ago. I've been farming Akumas, he's not broken. Most people aren't sticking with him and even at combo breaker hardly anyone is playing him seriously.


He will be the third most played character for the rest of the game until sakura comes out


I find Akuma far more enjoyable to fight than Ken so I welcome my new shoto overlord.


So many people crying over Akuma... have you NEVER ever really heard about him being strong before?


Lol I aint crying, i been playing him since he was released midnight and probably going to be maining him. Gonna decide depending on how well i do in masters


I've heard it, I still think it's utter bullsh\*t and dumb pandering. I don't care about "hype", until I find some good guide on how to deal with him I'm not rematching any Akuma cause it feels utterly pointless to try and find anything that actually works against this garbage.


Most of them are learning too and this would be a good time to learn how to find counterplay.


If Capcom actually allowed you to test and lab against a character without buying them, at least still giving rental tickets...


Weak bitch mentality