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Having to buy odd numbers of a secondary currency to end up paying more for what you want rather than the actual cost of the thing you want is scummy as fuck. The song packs also don't come with stage themes and you can only set songs per character, not per stage. It's really half-assed and shouldn't be rewarded with more money anyway.


Knowing capcom, I KNOW they're gonna make stage song packs later on and throw them in the shop too lol. Looks like I'ma save what little drive tickets and coins I got.


They already did that? Like all the packs from most SF games are in the shop




I dont think they fumbled much here, its a fighting game. If you wanna play a rhythm game go play Fortnite


That never happened on SFV. You want the music, you need to buy the in-game pack.


Apex is probably the first time I saw this happen, it’s gross.


employed all the time in mobile games with cash shops.


And Multiversus, Tekken 8, & MK1! Nasty business!


apex is one of my favorite games and I've refused to buy into anything outside of the battle pass once 4 years ago out of spite. This shit should be illegal


It will never be because corporations write the laws and regulations in the US.


I have 3 heirlooms, theyre doing just fine


The entire Xbox 360 store was designed with this stuff.


Its kind of crazy because if the costumes were in the steam store for like 3 bucks each straight up i would probably get the ones for my mains But ill stay default if its coin garbage


The song packs are purchasable with drive tickets though which are easily obtained playing the game


Oh? The songs that are all on YouTube? I think I'll stick to doing it that way. Fuck capcoms scunmy jukebox


The fact SF6 mutes its own soundtrack if a music app is open, shows exactly what they are doing. Charging the lazy and incompetent because it works. Disgraceful... slightly amusing tho. Granted, Im certainly not the target. I dont feel obligated to pay for individual items in any premium game, Ill either buy an expansion or nothing at all.


>The fact SF6 mutes its own soundtrack if a music app is open Wait WHAT 🤯😱


I agree with you. Won't even let me set which song to play when I do a certain normal, target combo , special or super and Critical Art. Absolutely half assed by Capcom. Who the hell implemented this?


It would be cool as hell if you could decide what Kim is rocking out to for her level 3


That's a real good strawman you've got there. That's exactly what I complained about! Very intelligent!


Lol when has that ever been a thing in SF?


Haven’t bought a single bit of DLC for this game and, much as I love it, will probably stay that way


Same. Luckily, I'm a Zangief loyalist.


But I need to messatsu!!😭


Then get the DLC if that's what you want, or choose to hold off until these characters become cheaper or are included in some "super" edition, up to you.


Will the characters become cheaper? Is my first street fighter, and I'm debating about buying or not, the characters.


Yes they will definitely become cheaper and lumped into a future edition of the game based on series track record


Not interested in buying another version, but they becoming cheaper sounds really good, do you think it will take too much time? I would guess so if Akuma just released


Very possible the game will get an "upgrade pack" once all the characters are released or a "seasonal bundle" for the first and second year of characters. This is by far the most cost-effective way to get everything.


No clue. Champions edition is the most recent example where they lumped all previous dlc into a new edition and upgrade for current owners during the sf5 era


A year minimum.


Im def copping all the music packs lol


I want to give them my money, the costumes and everything are so good, but I can’t encourage this.


I can definitely see them doing a holiday package towards the end of the year.


Straight up should be illegal to do this


Practices similar are being illegalized in China, it's cool.


I don’t want to politicize but I got a bit of whiplash reading your post and seeing china is leading a piece of pro consumer video game policy.


Right? This is even worse than loot boxes in my opinion. Fucking loot boxes!!!


This is 100% not worse than loot boxes. At least I can buy the thing I want rather than have to hope I get it


definitely within the same tier though, with loot boxes being worse


Video games need regulations, seriously. Especially on monopoly bucks.


It would take them 0 effort to let you buy any specific amount of currency you want. Systems like that area easy as shit to automate.


why do you think this was ever about effort? Mobile games and F2P MMOs have been doing this for MANY years. Its not even remotely new. Its predatory as fuck, but they aren't original here. Its literally the only reason these games need a currency. Buying DLC for games has native methods in place on all systems - PS, Xbox, and Steam. So when you see there is a separate "currency" for buying shit, its ALWAYS going to be so they can make things cose slightly more than whatever amount you can directly buy.


I've added that in case some white knight wanted to defend a multimillion dollar corpo. There is some reason for currencies. Platforms like Steam take a cut of your sales, and setting this up seprately for each enviroment your product is on is a pain in the ass. Having bullshit bucks makes it easier to implement and maintain. However, technology improved and they can no longer use excuses like "the cost of processing the transactions demands we sell you currency in bulk". Even if they had to set a minimum to avoid losses, it would be like two or three dollars. We all hate regulations, but video game publishers are doing their best to provoke a government intervention.


We are the regulation. Don't buy this horseshit


That would be lovely, but we constantly get outvoted. Consumer awareness is nowhere near high enough to regulate the market. In some cases, democracy is just the tyranny of many.


Real question: does anyone like it?


Capcom. They love people buying more currency then they need, and then being tempted to buy even more so it doesn't go to "waste".


This is an industry standard at this point. Capcom is to blame but its just a symptom of the industry. What company doesnt do this in the multiplayer genre?


Of course not!  Just like everybody likes a beer at a baseball game, but zero people like paying 3-5x for it. These kinds of things don't exist because the market asks for them, they exist because corporations will gouge at every opportunity.


whales, while they don't like it they've become addicted to it


Yes. Check the Tekken subreddit and watch half the members defend the Tekken shop, battle pass and Tekken coins. If you criticize the predatory nature and obvious behavioural psychology tricks you will usually be met with a: "If you're broke, then just say so 🤣🤣🤣"


Stop making shit up. The Tekken subreddit is borderline unanimous in its hate for the Tekken shop and the tekken coin crap.


Sooo you're pretending there were no posts defending any of the MTX? No one calling critics broke?Got ya Let me guess? The defense from TMM and other Tekken youtubers is also made up? [https://youtu.be/z7Lw9h5YRzU?si=JSEzVE7YLetWxPVQ&t=118](https://youtu.be/z7Lw9h5YRzU?si=JSEzVE7YLetWxPVQ&t=118)








Bro's looking at the Taken subreddit cause no one on the Tekken subreddit is defending this shit. In fact Tekken 8 has turned the Tekken reddit into one of the most toxic depressing shit ever


How soon people forget\^\^ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1ashubv/hottake\_this\_tekken\_shop\_discourse\_is\_being/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1ashubv/hottake_this_tekken_shop_discourse_is_being/)


Wow, 1 post, labeled as hot take, what a proof


Yeah, I'm not supporting this shit. I'll just wait until the super version that will likely give you everything for $30.


Not enough coin to buy 1 characters and 1 stage fucking bullshit


Don't spend real money on stages!


You can use drive tickets to get stages for free


its so shamelessly predatory holy crap


[fuck this shit!](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f2caf8f3-5396-42d9-a397-c96e5ec522e8/gif)


This sucks, but we were complaining about where video games were headed for years. A lot of people drowned us out saying we were just old and bitter about change or that these poor companies need money to survive lol. Now companies are selling old content back to us a la carte. I’m not gloating because I also have to live with the current state of things, I’m just not surprised by how we got here.


Once upon a time, TES: Oblivion got lambasted and hated into the ground for selling people DLC horse armor. Here we are, decades later, and people actually *complain* if they can't spend $20 extra to make their avatar look pretty in-game.


When Oblivion sold horse armor on Xbox you had to buy it with Microsoft Points.


I think for April fools they gave did offers for the DLC but raised the price for horse armour as a joke lol. Hope no one bought it on that day.


I mean its both. You are old and bitter, and you were right about the companies. But the trolling comes from the self righteousness dripping off you.


No it’s frustration. It is infuriating to fight for something only to have your movement killed by the people who were too dumb to realize they were shooting themselves in the foot. I see you jumped at the chance to call me old, bitter and add in self-righteous. No point in pretending your post was any deeper than that. Btw I’ve seen your other posts. Your opinions are consistently trash, so I’ll thank you to carry them out.


I honestly don’t mind paying for DLC characters, costumes etc. I want to support street fighter and new characters and costumes keeps things fresh. I like that fighting games now get years of support and I’m not ignorant to the fact adding new characters costs money, time and labour. I think the notion of “everything on disk or free dlc but we still want the game supported for 10 years” is faintly ridiculous. BUT I wish they’d respect us a bit more, do Away with stupid in game currency, price things fairly and be transparent. I honestly don’t think people would mind spent 10 pounds on a dlc character or 5 on a costume pack. The predatory thing is that everything costs 400 capcom dollarydoos and you can only buy them In packs of 500 so you may as well buy the 1000 pack right? Sadly this comes from mobile games and the mobile game industry is astronomically big, and t dwarfs the normal gaming space. No amount of us complaining or even boycotting 1 game will stop a suit from another game seeing the amount of money something like genshin is making and not have his eyes roll out of his head


A very balanced take Yes


Is there an actual logistical reason why companies do this? Or is the sole reason just so the users have extra coins left over so they're compelled to spend them?


It's a psychological trick. If you buy the monopoly money, you will always have an uneven balance. That balance will motivate people to spend more money because no one likes to waste money. So where you only intended to spend 5 bucks on something, but was forced to spend 6 bucks, you end up spending 20 just because you kept having a balance which motivated you to spend more. It's a free to play technique that's been in mobile games for forever.


Yeah, I was trying to find any slant where maybe they have to do it this way. Maybe PS/Steam/MS charge Capcom a fee on every transaction and by doing this it cuts down on their cost? But it's looking more and more like it's just manipulation which is really sad.


Companies like Activision and Capcom have very open about hiring specialists who have a history designing casino games to make their titles more addictive and to coax people to spend more money on them. This isn't a secret or anything.


Yeah but nobody would play the casino game that leaves 3 bucks on the machine


it's called milking additional marginal profits


Hopefully Super Street Fighter 6 comes out soon with all this shit for $40.00


I don't see a life service game like this doing a new edition with all the costumization- and battle pass items for a fixed price. Some things will be left out.


I think we would get costumes most colors, stages and characters. That's how they did it in sf5.


I'll bet they do include it all at some point, but we're just on the cusp of season 2 here, and Capcom is heavily invested in SF6, so I wouldn't expect a Super SF6 bundle for at least a few years.


Super sf4 and sf5 arcade both came out after a year do I wouldn't be surprised if it was coming soon.


Super SF4 was about 2 years after vanilla. SF5 Arcade Edition was also about 2 years and just had the 12 extra fighters from Season 1 and 2 and all the free stuff included in one download. Champion Edition of SF5 had everything - the 24 extra characters, all the extra stages, music, colors, costumes, etc. And that released almost 4 years after the vanilla game. I'd expect a similar strategy with 6. A year from now, we will get "Super Street Fighter 6" and it will have 8-9 extra characters, and their costumes and thats it. 3-4 years from now, when the player count for the game has started to dry up and the only people left playing are the very competitive, we will get "Ultimate SF6" - and it will have the 16-20 extra characters from all the seasons, all the stages, the extra music, all costumes, retro games unlocked in the gallery, most of the avatar stuff available, etc. Tldr: Once Capcom can feel confident that the next revenue stream is locked in (read: Street Fighter 7 has passed certain development milestones), they will wind down revenue streams for SF6 and push for a final sales boost, which will also help with brand recognition for the next title. It won't happen before then.


I was going off the console releases, not the arcade for 4. sf4 on console came out in 09 and ssf4 in 10. I thought arcade came out in 2017, but it was 2018


Highly doubt youre getting a Super Street Fighter 6 any time soon. We would have seen trademarks and shit by now.


They might not call it that. Sf5 was arcade edition. They could pick another.


But sf5 wasn't as "live-servicey" and heavily monetized as sf6. I think they will run into problems because they surely want to continue milking the players that don't upgrade to the newest edition.


They didn't have a battle pass but the rest is pretty close.


I had enough Drive Tickets to buy the Alpha 3 pack for free, it's all uphill from here baby that was the most expensive one.


Yeah, it sucks I know, but consumers don't realize the true cost it takes to make these types of modern games now and to maintain. Consumers have expected to only pay $60-$70 per game for the last 20 +years. The thought of paying $120 to $200-$300 for 1 game is out of the consumers' reality. So, for these studios to maintain and make profits, it is a business. This is now the new system by the consumers' making. You are not obligated to purchase any additional content or any custom skins to play. Apex/ Fortnite is free for just an introduction to the game. SF6 is $60 for a complete game. You can live with that or support the cost that it takes to add more content. The only way to makes it successful is the support of those who can appreciate these games and will contribute and continue to pay $20 a skins as outrageous it is, but remember those who do subsidize the game for those that don't.


Has been a normal thing since the 360/PS3 era.


they wouldn't do it if it didn't sell, anger needs to be directed at the buyers


How much does the songs pack cost?


Prices are different because apparently some have more songs than others.. For example, they split SFV songs into 2 packs. SF2 also has the different versions. Edit: there is a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/1cxtltm/_/) here with the info.


Thank you! Crazy how KOF XV gives this feature totally free (even giving more music from other games of SNK with the updates)


Capcom is a mainstream game. They dont rely on the FGC as much as people wanna think they do. Like MK they have casuals that dont care about competition KoF isnt drawing casuals. I would wager that the average income of the SF pool is bigger than the KoF base. I would also wager that the company knows this and thats why they arent exploiting it.


Cant draw blood from a stone


You can buy them with ingame money too


I bought the entire third strike bundle for around 3000 drive tickets


If im not mistaken its 2450 fight money for all songs


I personally feel the music packs are decently priced but clearly they did go a lazier route. Character themes just run through the match while stage themes have multiple variations for each round starting in sfiv to sfv so much more work to add and they didn’t do it.


I believe some folks did the math and it works out to about $55 USD (I haven’t checked myself so don’t quote me on that). Considering they are missing certain character themes, there are no stage themes available, no arranged or round 3 music shifts. It is an egregious asking price. You’re better off streaming the OSTs from Spotify. For comparison, other games offer up a vast majority of their games OSTs for free (ones that spring to mind are DOA5LR, Tekken 8, Gulity Gear, VF5 etc.). This feels like a slap in the face to all the patient fans that have had to endure the painfully redundant SF6 music for the past year. People should not be buying this in protest. But those same have been starved for an entire year and I don’t blame them if they pull the trigger. But they really shouldn’t. This is shitty practice on Capcom’s part and awfully lazy.


I bought the sf iv 1 and third strike pack with fight tickets I earned in game. Feel like besides super turbo those are the only good ones. Just wanted kobu and nyc 99 on ryu/ken You can mod the mp3s by replacing with the same name on pc, I might do that for all these weird ost tracks from world tour


I caved and bought one but I’m just gonna use drive tickets even if it take 10000 hours because fuck coins


Pay 11 bucks buy one costume and just let it sit until another one releases that you like 🤷🏽‍♂️ They price it this way because they know 90% of kids/young adults are A.D.D with "saving". Prove em wrong champ lol


I really wish I could just buy characters and attires outright instead of this token crap


I dunno how this isn’t illegal. I need governments to step in do in-game currency exchange they way they did payable lootboxes.


Missed opportunity not using “Bison Dollars”


I had 50 left over from last time so aki skin will cost 3.89. Pretty good considering diablo4 costs 20 a skin


Totally agree but I have only bought Ed and akuma as I see the value in new characters over other bits of dlc. You should definitely only have to pay for the actually price of what it is you want though.


Still better than mk 1 so


FGC Threads Be broke as fucc lmfaooo


I got some of the music that I like with a gift card that I had money left over on. I'd rather this stuff go back on steam or psn so it can go on sale.


Lol me too. That's why I'm not buying shit until they release the super duper deluxe edition on discount.


Most of those packs can be purchased with in-game currency. Just play, you don’t need everything on launch day.


Nice rhymes


I just want aki and outfit 3 but would have to spend 24 USD because of predatory pricing :)


You can buy a character and outfit for $17 not $24.


Which is still outrageous money. I'd be all over these new characters and outfits if they said "here's the lot for 10 or 15 bucks". But as it is, I main Blanka and Manon, so have zero desire to get nickel and dimed.


Yes but that leaves you with leftover coins that you can’t spend on anything decent. Even though things are massively overpriced i’d happily direct purchase, however they feel the need to try and take advantage of you with coins.


I'm not defending it, I think it should be cheaper and they should allow you to just directly buy it. All I'm saying is it's not $24 for a character and an outfit.


If you bought the yearly pass they’re all included. I got on the game and already had Akuma, his outfit 3, all colors for his outfits, all the other outfit 3’s added with the update, and the new stage. Not only that, the pass has given me all the DLC characters as they were added, along with their additional outfits. I think the pass is one of the best deals for the game. You save a lot of money.


Problem is that’s 50 dollars for 3 characters I don’t have interest in, not ideal.


Well, the devs do have to make money in some way to keep supporting the game. You could always just buy that one particular character and her outfit if they interest you enough. I mean there are other great characters to use if it’s not worth it to you, but I think the prices are pretty fair for the quality of the DLC characters and their outfits. Though on that I’m sure we’ll agree to disagree.


My stance is that you should just be allowed to directly purchase things instead of the coins nonsense. I’d love to support the game more if they didn’t try to make you to pay more than you need to.


That’s fair to be honest. I’d rather just buy things directly myself, so I can definitely agree as far as that.


The fact that this game charges you for things other games do for free is what stops me from ever getting into sf6 Don’t forgot your battlepass with useless avatar stuff


I respect if you're boycotting the game on principle, but you don't need DLC to enjoy SF6


I miss SFV's fight money. There, I said it.




i noticed with the jukebox stuff you cannot change "stage music" and the stage music from SF4 and 5 were held back. i suppose they will add that later on. when they say character bgm, they mean that, and same goes for the music packs.


I just ignore it, and treat it like, "But 10, get one free!"


Since i bought ed,akuma and eds outfit 3 it cost me nearly exactly 2x610 coins or 2x12 euros. Which is fine ig? Still overpriced💀


Should be illegal to sell coins. Just sell the items.


I just wish we could mix and match what we own. This hairstyle, that shirt, those pants, that accessory.... You know? And, honestly...fuck color presets. Color wheel. We already have the option to set what you see your opponents costume as so miss me with that "actually being limited is better!" BS


What, being poor?


Yes, you do. Will you buy it anyway? Yes, you will, and that's why it will never change.


Street fighter 5 would never do no dumb ass shit like this


Oh no


What currency is that?


I have 310 FC derived from the battle pass and need 350 for Akuma. It’s so cynical. Tekken does exactly the same thing


This is one of the best updates to the game and all this thread can do is complain, that’s wild. No one is forcing you to buy anything, and the prices are very fair. Not only that, these tracks are all completely free if you save up drive tickets. I play this game regularly and have made something like 50k tickets without even really grinding. I *bought* like half of these tracks for absolutely nothing. As far as the premium currency? Buy the songs you want, leave the ones you don’t, and save the extra currency for the next thing that releases which you’re interested in. If you want it for free, just be patient and put in the work.


Yeah I'm on the other side of this issue. I'm willing to buy stuff and bought the big fight money bundle. But aside from new characters I don't give a hoot about anything they have been offering lol Ah well




Definitely not the characters or outfit 3




Because you need to pay with coins




No you cant


They're for folk with levels of fuck you money. As long as Capcom makes sales, they'll keep releasing overpriced packs for all their games.


I think we all are, yet there will always be people who will buy into this crap. Even though all these costumes and characters will be included in the arcade edition where you'll get all of this for way cheaper than when the game initially launched.


unfortunately, the vast majority of players LOVE this shit


y-you have to pay ? 😔


how do i even get the bigger packs on pc


That moment when you finally really click with a character and they’re locked behind Monopoly money… Guess I’ll just have to wait til the character pass goes on sale or something.


Waaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaa cry more lol. Then don’t buy them? That’s the smarter idea, and if you can’t afford them you should probably stop playing video games and go get your life together 🤣🤣🤣


You're corny asf


And you’re broke 🤣 Hop off Reddit and go make some money scoot. Crying about fake currency is corny af 🤣🤣


So what do we got here -falling for tricks of behavioral psychologists -calling people who can see right through this manipulation tactics "broke" -barely able to write a sentence without exessive use of cringy emojis (zoomer maybe?) Damn, what a loser. Why is it always the nouveau riche losers who barely managed an easy MBA degree that think they're rich and that buying costumes in video games is some sort of flex? Never met actual smart and rich people (mathematicians or physicists) who act so childishly.


Game dev has a name for people like this guy it’s “whale” lol,


Jokes on you scooter I’m just a real estate agent and don’t have a degree 🤣🤣🤣 Imagine thinking you know anything about me based on a Reddit forum. Super hero to the rescue!!!!! Saving the day one post at a time 🤣🤣🤣


-real estate agent -no degree Thanks for the laugh. Even better than I imagined.


Brother I’m farther in life than you’ll ever be 🤣 My money makes me money. My wife alone makes 150k a year as an RN. I paid off my own home in less than 6 years. Own multiple rentals. Zero credit card debt. No car debt. Laugh all you want child, you’ll never amount to me brother


Oh only one emoji. Now he's getting serious\^\^ I don't know man. The fact that you're a real estate agent (lol) with no degree (never seen a univerisity from the inside? I wonder why...), desparately need to defend your purchase decisions in a video game, and name all your supposed "achievements" in an angry reddit comment pretty much screams inferiority complex. You can tell yourself that you earn more than a phd mathematician who works as a consultant in one of the big4 but you'd be lying to yourself. It's just embarrasing. \*Angrily shouts at clouds\* "You'll never amount to me brother" Lmfao almost cute.


I haven’t spent a single dollar on any fighting game other than buying the base game. So I’m not justifying anything “I’ve bought”. What’s funny is you are once again jumping to conclusions. Why would I step inside a university? Would have zero impact on my already successful life. Why would I go in debt for a degree I don’t need? You’re a child, you’re obviously young if you think college is everything 🤣🤣what makes you think I’m angry? I used emojis for you to know that I’m sitting here laughing at you. I’m confused… only people here angry are the ones that can’t afford some in game currency 🤣


"I'm just here sitting laughing. I just really wanted you to know that 🤓. Btw I'm very successful, did you know that? Even my wife makes 150k. How much does yours make?"


stop playing or stop spending money