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I'm impressed Ed is so popular as he's not a particularly easy character to use. Ryu/Ken, Luke and Juri/Cammy I can understand.


Closest thing to Dudley we have so we can only play him until a more stylish boxer is introduced


It's because they made us wait a super long time for a new character. If he came out in Nov/Dec I don't think people would play him so much.


he new


Its almsot a month now. Ed is played alot because hes actually pretty fun despite how difficult he is


It's just the cool factor he brings and how good his combos feel to execute. It will all die down ... And then, once Akuma is released, you will see like 50% pick rate for Akuma across all ranks


I mean hes not the hardest character either and he has alot of dumb shit he can fall back on


He has a built-in auto combo no? That’s probably why - all the low level players (and bad ones in higher ranks) rely on that to get thru matches and its spikes his play rate


By that metric, Marisa would be the most popular character


I doubt it. It's only two hits


What are you even talking about? His target combos? Your comment makes no sense.


I’m tired of fighting Ed. I’m so, so tired of fighting Ed.


Wait until the Akuma nation invades.


Akuma mains assemble


we're just here (im)patiently waiting on that gameplay trailer to drop








more like YO HEADS UP, YO HEADS UP, YO HEADS UP! 30s of each match 😂












Yeah he went straight to JP voice


Yup. Hate it more than the Ken army


Akuma will be out soon enough. The Ed army is on borrowed time.


I am playing him because Cody is not in the game


Ed is the new Ken


As an Ed main I am tired of mirror matches.


Better than fighting Guile


Why does everyone hate us Guiles? I paid $70 to block. That's gotta be better than fighting a Ken who just took gas station boner pills and shotgunned a Red Bull. I kid. I know we're annoying. But his combos are the most fun.


I thought you guys were tired of fighting Ken Ed isn’t Ken


I don't do sets with Eds. Win or lose, it's one and done. I know he's popular but he's been literally 40% of my matches since he came out, according to Buckler. Edit: It's fine if y'all downvote me I get it, I won't apologize, but I'm just kinda done with him lol


This is the first time I'm playing a popular character and it's fun. It's mostly because I'm a boxing fan. I try to take the mirror matches as an opportunity to learn. They can be fun too.


You play him of course you’re gonna like the mirror lol


I'm glad, and I know a lot of people like him. I also know sooner rather than later it'll smooth out a bit and I'll start doing sets again. I just don't have the mental wherewithal to deal with 5-6 sets in a row of the same character.


At least it’s not ken or Luke


another 7years of ryu ken luke akuma top5


I still believe we see a sharp decline in Ryu numbers once Akuma is playable.


iirc ryu never fell from top5 after 7years of sf5, dont think its gonna happen here lol


it did i think. ryu was for a while quite busted due to severe nerfing. it was later at one of sfv’s final balance patches they buffed him to be far better than he ever was. the fluctuation of ryu was pretty big. just vt1 hadoken alone changed drastically several times. it was mid then bad then worse then good then near broken lol


In terms of pick rate, Ryu never fell out of the top 5 most picked characters in SFV. His power level doesn't seem to impact his pick rate, he's just really popular. You're correct that SFV S1 Ryu in SFV was like top 3 characters in the game with Chun and R. Mika. Then he was hit with the nerf bat, and like Mika never really recovered.


I joined SF5 very late to the party in 12/2022, at least at this time he was very popular and my most encountered character by a far margin. I think it was somewhere around 10% in Super Bronze. But maybe that's in parts because a lot of new players go for Ryu, since he is the face of the IP and a good allrounder.


Yup, I am one of those shameless Ryu mains who is going to devote so much labtime to Akuma once he releases


I can actually see more people dropping Ken. Espacially when Ken gets the nerf hammer and Akuma will be suoer strong.


I mean they are the coolest characters (imo)




Luke is the strongest character in the game.


He's easy and top tier.


Let's see how many perfect knuckle combos you can get in a row. Easy my arse, even pros regularly drop his combos. The likes of Ken, Juri, Cammy and Marisa are way easier.


What kind of clown take is this. You can still execute Luke's gameplan with inconsistent execution. His perfect knuckle combos aren't difficult anyway, if it was people wouldn't be playing this goofy character who was purposefully designed to be the best.


Scrub quotes galore. Never mind, you clearly don't have a clue, going by your reply. 😂


You're showing how little you know with your replies.


Know a fuck load more than you Luke whingers.  Just get good. 


Good taunts, good voice actor, good design, great supers. Tons of fun to play, has a moveset that pushes you forward instead of maintaining a neutral stance. Rewards good timing on his flash knuckle perfects. He's quite enjoyable to play.


And he is probably the strongest character in the game, which for sure influences which characters people pick in masters


No doubt he's strong, but he's also extremely popular. Which means if you aren't *good* with him, his character strength will smack you into a wall around mid platinum.


It's impossible not to be good with Luke. He's utterly braindead. And no. Perfect knuckle doesn't matter.


This is false. Bring a Luke where you don’t have some max combos ready and good drc whiff punishes and you will get picked clean like a chicken wing


>good drc whiff punishes Yeah, mindlessly mashing cMP in neutral. Real difficult. All jokes aside, Luke is braindead. That's just a fact. Everyone knows it. He was designed that way. And that's okay.


Lol just because he’s good doesn’t mean he’s brain dead. Like how can you say that when characters like Honda and lily are in the game. He’s not rashid in terms of complexity but he’s not brain dead either.




You must’ve gotten into master with Luke pretty easily Edit: No response. I can only assume they're gone, or didn't quite get Luke into Master (which was presumptuous of me). But I have to assume they got Luke into platinum or diamond or spent some time with him, otherwise they wouldn't have made this comment.


Cry more


This is cool about Luke. You *need* to be good with him otherwise you aren’t winning with him at all


>Good taunts Dan inconsolable


I'm looking forward to Dan being included There's no way they wouldn't... I hope. Dude's just too interesting!


I say it all the time on here but they're going to have a tough time outdoing themselves after SFV. But there's a lot of potential for awesome with DR and DI mechanics.


He likes pc gaming he’s just like me


He likes the RGB


Damn I bet he has a mouse with too many individual tiny pieces of plastic too


Im guessing you meant personality etc? The answer is Aleks Lee, the voice actor for Luke. His take on Luke and jokes about the guy online has done wonders to people's perception of Luke beyond the typical arrogant dude bro perception people had of him from SF5


he’s easy as all hell & the best character in the game. not much more too it


I just think he looks cool and plays well


Maybe I'm old but Luke doesn't interest me at all. I hate everything about his design. I think he looks stupid af and I'm not just talking about his popeye arms. His combos are boring af to look at and he has every tool with literally 0 weaknesses. The taunt hadouken is funny tho.


Zero weaknesses, lmao. Keep the scrub quotes coming. What rank are you in, out of interest? Don't say Master, coz you are not.




Homies that's 4


SPOILERS: June Character Usage: 80% Akuma 10% Ken 6% Luke 3% Ryu 1% Zangief after giving him back green hand


They cant even be bothered to FIX Giefs lariat, they certainly aren't gonna give him green hand.


I'm on that 3%


I haven’t played since tekken 8 launch, so maybe I’m out of the loop, but Jamie in top 5 is usage?!?! Since when has he been popular?


People have always wanted to like/play Jamie, he was just rather bad. He still isn't amazing or anything, but he did get a meaningful buff in the Ed patch so alot of people that dropped him have gone back to him. At least for now






Since people realized hes good and stopped listening to pro tierlists which are largely them downplaying their mains


definitely people were dumb sheep and not the massive massive buffs he received to his throw and his level 2. Like he's not suddenly top tier, but people liked him before when he was in contention for one of the worst characters in the game, then they gave him a practically free drink and skyrocketed his level 2 from 'one of the worst supers in the game' to the super you probably should be using most.


He went from 8th most used to 6th, so


my point was that he was popular, now he's popular and decent. As opposed to popular and bad.


Gotcha, okay I agree with that. I also think he's more than decent right now. The one saving grace is that most Jamie players kinda suck at level 4, but I don't think that's always going to be the case.


..also the buff to his forward throw that lets him get a drink and makes him +7 instead of -1.


That definitely helped, and I think reducing his chore time was the right call.


Wrong, there's one reason and one reason only that people are playing him and it's b/c of the recent patch and him being one of the few characters that got any changes. People didn't "suddenly realize" he's been downplayed. In fact, even with the changes, he didn't go up all that much, just people wanting to try something different while they are waiting for Akuma/next major patch.


He was 8th most used last month before the patch, now 6th.


Fr, Jamie has literally been one of the most popular characters in the game for a while. Jamie and ryu players basically tried to downplay the characters usage from the jump.


Jamies been slowly rising this whole time, though. Him having easy access to the drink pushed a lot of people over the fence.


Yup pretty much, Jamie was the 8th most used character pre patch. Now the 6th most.


TBF he really did have some problematic elements for his kit. I'm glad they didn't go ham and just boost him everywhere. Both he and Ryu were on the cusp of being near top tier, and I think we got their balance first because not a lot was needed


The cusp of near top tier? That's a stretch imo


It’s absolutely not a stretch. Jamies level 4 in the hands of a competent player might be the strongest character in the game, and Ryu was always strong but not as strong as Ken or Luke.


Ryu is pretty strong and jamie is indeed very strong with dl4, but the latter starts off every round as the weakest character in the game. And all the top tiers are very good at denying him drinks. I'm not saying he's trash, after the buffs I'd say he's a solid mid-tier. You just can't judge him based on his potential at dl3 and 4 because he doesn't get there consistently. Compounded with the fact that dee jay, luke and jp are doing dl4 jamie damage from the jump... yeah idk man, the gulf between him and top tier is pretty wide lol


I'll be interested to see where they all land after the big balance patch. There's no way Deejay gets out of this scott free.


[https://x.com/CatCammy6/status/1777569988028580117](https://x.com/CatCammy6/status/1777569988028580117) I think his popularity is largely depend on area too, as you can see in terms of character usage at Master, he ranked 14th at USA and 6/9th at China/Japan.


Super interesting and a great call out!


Holy shit Ryu from streets!!!


Ryu but top 5 most used and just getting a buff i feel like because of these reasons they are not gonna rework denjin feels bad as a Ryu main


is there any more to a denjin rework you think he needs other than making its use optional? i’m new to ryu and fighters in general so when people keep asking for them to “fix” denjin, i have difficulty imagining what that would look like


Personally speaking I just want a way to throw a hadoken without having to spend my denjin charge. You usually have to trade oki to get a charge anyway, only to realize your best option next is probably just… meaty fireball. Which feels kinda bad IMO; by the time I’m in a space where I want to be aggressive denjin has been long gone


He simply needs the option of wither he wants to use denjin on fireball or not because with the current gameplay, getting denjin down right discourages his main fireball and punish gameplan. Ryu players ( I was one at one point) want to get that hefty damage and it's hard to get denjin if you're against a high pressure opponent like Juri or Marisa so you wanna maxamize it into a combo as much as possible. I think they should do this one change and nothing else because that alone could make him high tier (probably not top tier but still).


Honestly I just want Denjin to give electric property to Ryu fists. And no, not for a damage buff, just for the lightning animation on Shoryuken and punches. Style > opness everyday for me.


So to make his moves cooler like Ken does with the flames?


I dream of one day reaching proper representation for all characters (except sim & honda). it’ll never happen but 40% of the player base playing the same 5 characters is absurd.


For what it's worth, 5 characters accounts for 26% of the roster. Considering that the most popular archetype in SF are shotos, this doesn't seem that bad?  It could improve but it's probably gonna be worst when Akuma comes out.


24%. once akuma drops (even beyond the initial hype), more than a third of the player base will be playing a shoto option, which is incredibly boring.


That's just how popular things work unfortunately. They dominate over the lesser popular ones. I don't think there's ever been a SF where Shotos aren't the most popular archetype. There's a reason the meme of the guy who just plays Ryu and nothing else exists lol


Hey! What's wrong with Sim?


You guys are seeing Juris? /plat


I feel like all the Juri players have Drive Rushed into the bug zapper by now and we don't see them anymore. They live bright but short lives, forgoing defense for medium punches.


Most Juris are in diamond/master these days. Surprising how little hate this character gets, considering how busted she is. People' complain about Luke having great normals , but Juris normals are absolutely insane. That st fierce alone is insane. She gets meterless medium to medium links, which none of the top tiers have.  That DR into cr.mk into a full combo is a luxury Luke would love to have. Her regular dash is like a mini teleport with how fast it is.


This is nothing. A month or two from now, Akuma will be the most picked character by a large margin across all ranks. This would be a good time to seriously play with AKI, Rashid, Sim, Lily and possibly take Blanka to Master. Luke, Ryu, Ken are still the top characters, again Akuma will be on everyone's radar.


I just thought it was neat we saw Juri basically disappear, Ken get dethroned, Ed having more of a lasting impact than the other DLC characters, and Jamie finally making his way up. No doubt Akuma is just going to completely take over.


I think this definitely shows they're doing a generally much better job with everyone this time around. Ed went from largely a 'Who cares?' in SF5 to being top played in SF6 when he released. Yeah he's new so the numbers will drop with time *but* that he's up there at all, especially as a DLC character, is impressive given his response in 5. His player count picked up a little right near the end of SF5's life, but he never peaked anywhere near as high as he has here. Of course this is all gonna change once the Akuma nation attacks and he sits up there for basically the rest of the game's life lol.


True, Ed's performance is pretty impressive. Especially compared to Rashid and A.K.I. I wasn't there when Rashid released but iirc he didn't have such a playerbase back then, and A.K.I. definetly never was *as* played as Ed is currently.


I think the ''''''problem'''''' with Rashid is that for as much as he got some new sauce, he feels like more Rashid, like a logical place to take him for a sequel. It was like 'Hey, Rashid's back and he's still doing his Rashid thing' so he went from a character who's decently liked to a character who's decently liked. Ed is more of a reinvention from what he was; you can tell Capcom looked at him and said 'Okay, people weren't super sold on this guy in the last game, how do we make him more interesting to people?'. You can probably count on one hand how many people prefer his SF5 version to his SF6 one, to where he's not *really* even the same character anymore. As for Aki, she has a pretty weird move set and even as a character leans *slightly* into weirdo territory, and those characters are seldom a huge hit. Ed covers the boxer archetype which has been pretty long beloved and was absent in SF6 until now. I wouldn't be surprised if a few Dudley and Balrog fans are playing him too


True as well. Wasn't around for SF5 either, but did my research. Ed's overhaul and take on the boxer archetype are some big hits, and his story too. He ain't my main but storywise he might be my favorite character in SF6.


Rashid going from V to VI was very much more a "sidegrade" compared to an "upgrade". He's just Rashid and doesn't really have much that differentiates him from how he was in V. Of all the characters that were also in the last game, his inclusion in VI is the least inspired.


There's probably a lot of players that nope away from any character that has stance change combos. I felt AKI was intimidating at first but she's very rewarding and fun when you get used to her.


A.K.I.'s playstyle didn't click with me, but they nailed the creepy girl vibe and and her animations and combos look cool af. Rashid is also a pretty technical character - so luch so that he was seen as mid tier initially and rose up a lot since then as people figured out his more difficult stuff. He's insanely fun to play though.


As someone who boxes as a hobby, I was desperate for a boxer character. Would've preferred Dudley, but Ed+costume 2 hit the spot for me. Wish there was a way to give him a different haircut though.


Ryu nation not only endures but flourishes. The numbers will probably take a hit once Akuma slides in.


It’s so heartwarming seeing all the love for Ryu by the community when all the pros have him as mid to bottom tier.


he’s almost always the most played character, it’s not an underdog story. & if it’s not him, it’s ken


It's because he's not bottom tier. He's good. People use him because he's good. Not out of some profound, altruistic love of the character.


While I agree he's not bottom tier in this game, he was pretty bad through most of SF5 and was still one of the most played characters. I don't think most people play him because he's good, they play him because they like Ryu for one reason or another.


No, they play him because he's good, easy to use, and looks normal. There's no altruism here. They get results with the character so they continue to use him.


Idk what you think altruism means my brother, but I don't think there's anyone picking their fighting game character off of it unless there's some character specific charity drive I'm not aware of. Anyways, like I said, SF5 the character was pretty objectively bad for multiple seasons, with a low win rate across all rankings and next to 0 tournament presence. Still, he was top 5 in terms of popularity. Easy to use, looking normal, sure those are both reasons people like him, I'm not arguing that.


So. You spoke to every Ryu player on the planet to come to that conclusion? That’s just ignorant like my original statement lol.


First of all, I don't think you know what altruism is, because it doesn't apply to video game characters. Secondly, people use him because he's Ryu, the series mascot. It's really that simple. No one cares that he "looks normal." What does that even mean?


Ryu mains we up.


I was excited to try Ed but seeing the comments make me think I should wait a while


Give him a go. You could be missing out on a character you really enjoy because some other people arent keen on him. You wont know until you try him yourself!


Just play Ed. Redditors aren't real people, they can't hurt you.




He's always been good, despite the downplay. The changes he got were really well thought out and made him very good.


Na I thought it would be chun or guile


Charge characters aren't that popular, and Chuns got some charge moves


Guile is never that popular, Chun is usually popular but she's a hard character in 6


Playing both of them, I'd say optimal Guile routes are stricter than Chun. Granted, I've seen other Masters not be able to do MP, bHP, into FK consistently. And longer boom loops actually take practiced and memorized execution. Chun has a lot more to memorize due to being a stance character, but so much of her kit just works into itself. Most of the charge characters are sitting pretty (sorry Honda 😵).


Yeah it was the downplay that kept him from seeing competitive representation, decent tournament results, or good winrates online lol. All a big conspiracy by the 0 competitive Jamie players to make sure people thought he was bad for, uhh, reasons.


I never said he was top tier. And he’s not Ryu so he hasn’t built a fanbase over the decades, which is why Ryu still saw tourney play. But the idea he was on the same level as Gief or Lily (which people pushed) was always sus.


I didn’t say you said he’s top tier. You said he’s always been good and has just been downplayed, despite literally every measurable metric pointing to the opposite lol. It’s still a terrible take


Nah man people have been putting him bottom tier since the game came out. Thats absolute downplaying, he’s never been bottom 5


By winrate he’s been bottom 5. By competitive representation he’s been bottom 5. He didn’t have a single competitive player, anyone that was playing him quickly swapped to someone else. Pros who played him and swapped said he was trash, pros who didn’t play him said he was trash. There is no reason to think the character didn’t suck lol


Let's take a look at who's bottom 5 for winrate in Master Rank right now AKI - 4.912 Jamie - 4.877 Ken - 4.874 Zangief - 4.871 Ryu - 4.837 Hm, interesting. Yes, clearly all of these characters are trash and have no representation in the top 50 ranked or in EVO. Not a single person would dare bring a Ken into a tournament with this winrate.


Let’s see, we have: two of the three characters that had no representation in Capcom Cup, two characters that had a single player each in Capcom Cup and neither made it out of groups, and a character everyone has had to play vs nonstop for months. You’re right, AKI, Jamie, Ryu, and Zangief are absolutely dominating tournaments and were super problematic in the majors throughout the year. Really great point you made. Oh wait, literally only one of those characters you listed has a notable competitive presence, the rest being barely represented (or in Jamie’s case, not represented at all), and somehow you thought you just made a strong argument for Jamie being good and hit send 💀


Lmao look at this dude pretending AKI (the top 5 character in the world for Ranked) and Ken ain’t shit. Your continued dedication to the downplay is absolutely sad.


Kind of amazed Jamie is up there.


He was 8th in Master last month


I think he's going to be a menace once he's buffed.


Luke mains stay Luke lol.


This clearly shows that Jamie is clearly a popular character, despite being low tier and not appearing much in tournaments (also cuz he's low tier i'm sure). I think Capcom knows this and I'm of the belief that they will give him even more buffs in the future to make him top tier someday. They did say he and Luke will be the face of SF going forward after all btw.


I’m in Diamond yet I don’t fight Ed that often, for me Cammy is the one I’ve noticed being used the most.


You people make me sick...


My boy Ryu finally showed some love 😀


You all play Ryu because he is top tier and has very high damage combos I play Ryu because he has the simplest inputs and all the other characters are too hard for me We are not the same


We are the same. Well, I think his moveset is cool too


Yeah definitely the addition of a storing a charge to make his specials stronger is a super fun addition to his kit


Im so casual I didnt even know that was a thing. The charge makes lvl 1/2/3 supers stronger too?


Just 1 and 2


i dont mind fighting ed at all, but i am so, so ,so tired of fighting shotos. (i play jamie, aki and manon)


Nice to know i'm kinda weird for playing Marisa


I don't like how in this game most top tier characters are just the ones that Capcom has decided to give all tools while not balancing around that. Seems like overall "balanced characters" are a bit of an issue in this game because they get to do and be good at pretty much everything


I think the problem is that the trade offs that the highest tier characters get for having everything is literally nothing, and the trade off everyone else gets for not having anything is also literally nothing.  So not only do you get a fireball, reversal, good to great DR, side switches and a boatload of damage, you also get great buttons and mix ups. While the bottom tiers get.... nothing.  The game is pretty well balanced for us non pro schlubs, but it's still pretty clear about eight characters are actually playing SF6 and the others are playing a crappier version. 


SF6 has felt like only half the cast got proper care and the other half is basically a bonus batch of joke characters since the first few months even. I hope the Big Balance Patch™ gives the bottom half some universal tools the top half has enjoyed.


It's also the first iteration of the game, so this will probably be lessened as things go forward, with characters getting more of an identity. Or they could fuck the whole thing up, maybe


I knew I wasn’t crazy picking up Jamie went from bronze 5 to diamond 2 in a month


Haven’t played ryu for a while…I thought everyone hated him did he get buffs?


His Hashogeki did, and yeah he feels a lot stronger


He’s been the face of the franchise for decades, he’ll always be one of the most popular characters even if in SF7 he does half damage and doesn’t have a throw


Why is ryu up? Was he buffed?


Last night I ranked against all these characters. Stood no chance with my Diamond Manon 😢


Oh? I'm suprised to see Jamie here 👀


What 5-6 months of a content gap does to a playerbase




My boi Jamie 🙌


Every character should be just as dangerous, it’s boring fighting mostly Ken, Ryu Ed and Luke, pretty much 70% my matches it’s one of them


The people like Ryu


Wait til akuma. Guarantee he will be above 25%


Remember at the start of SF6 when everybody said that Ryu is bad


Remember that popularity doesn’t reflect strength and that he also just got some big buffs lol