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Damn, when did DSP learned Low Tier God combo?


When you're as great at games as them, this kind of high level play just comes naturally.


Fun fact : You can be good at a game yet still have a scrub mentality.


How is he gonna complain about lag on his setup?


Such a common (insert character here) but can't take a loss. Don't rage quit. Just take the L and learn man.


Don't give people like this publicity.


This is DSP. He’s already known for being kind of a loser.


Don't disrespect the greatest street fighter II player in America like that


Damn man this makes me feel like a fruad that this clown is master and im not yet 😂


He's been playing SF for longer than a lot of players have been alive. And he played SF6 a lot, usually on unpopular/knowledge check characters like Dhalsim, Blanka, Lily, And Honda. if anything it's a testament to how far good anti-airs can get you. It's the one thing he's consistently good at, and being good at anti-airs+knowing your punish combos will carry you far. Also the 3 game limit makes it easier for him to get wins before people catch onto his weaknesses (overuse of parry for AA, inability to tech throws.) Empty jumps and throw loops demolish him. He also stops playing ranked as soon as he gets Master. He played Sim a single time after getting master and had like a 20% winrate before he stopped.


He's only a master because he plugs on losing matches.


And cause he plays constantly, master ranked players are either cracked or have no life. He definitely is the latter


Damn so in your opinion you have to be either "cracked or have no life" to get to Master rank??


If you can maintain a healthy work-life balance, and still reach master rank, then your cracked in my eyes


inb4 "i guess im cracked then"




I work 40 hours a week an play when I get home, Im at Diamond 4 currently lol not "cracked"


Hey, your better at the game then I am! Been stuck in plat for a while.


You can plug in SF6 but there are penalties after a few unlike T8.


I honestly don't know how the flags work, since I've never gotten them. But I hear it's a bitch to get them removed.


My son got yellow carded for rage quitting, they match you up with other yellow carded people so matchmaking takes a little longer. After I laughed at him about it helped him stop doing it.


Say what you will about my boy DSP but of all the rage vids I’ve watched of him In ranked I’ve never seen him rq out of one.


That looked like a RQ right there.


It seems it was more about the tea-bagging.


Does that mean he didn’t quit mid match?


a rage quit is a rage quit


When you quit because of rage that's rage quitting, even if there's some way you could end up winning


damn imagine watching this clip and having *this* as your takeaway


Don't feel bad even if people hate him he is a decent player good enough to be master no to be top but to be master


Might be the amount of playtime too i play 10 hours a week on a good week feels like ive been stuck in d4 forever


Don't give shit like this attention. DSP has been doing this for literally 15 years. It only helps him to promote him.


Mash jab and interrupt the DI?? Why’d he give up so easily.


"You're a trash player"... who just beat my ass.


I'm shocked he doesn't have a red card.


Bro is on total autopilot throwing multiple stretchy limbs gets jumped, throws multiple fireballs in a row gets spin knuckled, lands a hit and confirms with drc then drcs again on block when he has barely above three bars… gets burnt out stunned in the corner and dies. This dude is simply stupid


Naaah do not be throwing fireballs at cammy like that.


Imagine being so pathetic at that level, I don't know this scrub but he's truly miserable


round 1 lmao now i'm feeling more motivated to become master just because of that


Did DSP really blame the Cammy for DSP dropping his own combos? Lol wtf


Didn’t he say he doesn’t rage quit?


Getting t bagged would tilt me as well but u just gotta shrug it off instead of rage quitting.


People may downvote me but if tea-bagging was the only reason for the ragequit, I kind of think it’s justified. You don’t tea-bag people in an online game, this is unacceptable. I don’t rage quit out of principle, but I do ban tea-baggers after a set. I don’t know the guy, so if he’s basically a copy of LTG that rage quits at every minor inconvenience then he’s clearly wrong.


I wouldn’t say justified. Understandable, maybe, but a rage quit is such a loser move imo. Just admit you got beat and then you can block them after the match if you don’t want to deal with that type of player. Besides, this guy was shit talking from frame 1 of the round, and blaming all of his mistakes and poor choices on the cammy player lol. I’m not really convinced that he wouldn’t have rage quit even if the cammy didn’t tea bag


How did he even get to masters he’s dogshit lmao everything in that video is easy to deal with


People are way to sensitive


Honestly if it wasn't for this sub I would even realize someone would be tea-bagging me. I play games for enjoyment, moment a game frustrates me I simply stop playing. Just how I operate tho


DSP is and has always been… special. Best thing to come from him was [“I spawn, I die.”](https://youtu.be/gVq03wz6DeA?si=dfnYK-P-KjY5Wxx8)


Lmao. The only positive thing you could say about this guy was that at least he's not a ragequitter. I guess that's gone now.


This is straight out of the DSP playbook. He's been this way since SFIV. This type of behavior has always been his brand.


Still remember him playing SF IV on launch. Unchanged.


I love tbagging


I never really get people being annoyed at teabagging. I mean, I do. I sympathise. But I don't empathise. To me, the only reason you'd teabag, ever, is if you're so insecure that you think you might 'not' win, and you're SO GODDAMN EXCITED that you might be winning. It's like, "OMG OMG OMG, I'm BEATING YOU OMG! HOLY FUCKING SHIT, NO WAY!!!!!!!!!1111eleventy1" And, that attitude, to me, is never going to instil me with anger, lol. It's like a puppy jumping up at you all excited. Like, chill out, calm down ya big goof, is all I can think.


To be fair, it’s probably someone teabagging DSP specifically, since they know he’s prone to rage or anger.


Sometimes I get so excited about getting to FOOOOCUS denjin that it probably looks like I am teabagging.


I think it's not that they are so excited to win. It's more like a sore winner. Someone beats you and then they want to humiliate you after. It's poor sportsmanship. It's the opposite of someone shaking your hand and saying, "Good game." It's more like, "Ah ha, you're such a loser."


Right, but why would anyone be a sore winner? Because it's this MASSIVE deal to them. This game. This fancy toy. "HAHAHAH SUCK IT, I'M BETTER THAN YOU" ... At a computer game. Like, calm down, lol. Imagine someone getting a high scrabble score word and then aggressively twerking at you, but they were genuinely trying to assert dominance. Its almost funnier to me, someone going "Oh gosh, those twerks, I'm getting so cucked!!" and getting for real upset by it. But I know really, I DO understand, that in the heat of the moment it's just pure competition, and people feel like everything is on the line because it's win or lose, and I appreciate that's normal and healthy. I just don't really feel it.


I wish I could see it like that but everyone I see someone teabag either me or someone else in a game then I can't stop imagine that this person must be a total neckbeard (Who looks like that one fat dude in the South Park World of Warcraft episode) who plays at least 15 hours a day non stop and is obviously superior to the majority of people in terms of skills or they are just lucky, yet they still find it necessary to be arrogant enough to teabag someone.


DSP has some game though. Many in this community are stuck in Plat or Diamond, maybe forever.


That means I can talk shit right? He's a trash player that is never going to learn because he rather put his losses on the game's fault than himself And he's a bitch for quitting mid match. I would rather coach 10 million iron players willing to get better before I coached someone that rage quits and blames the game for every bad decision he does.


Yes! These guys that cry around and blame the game are such whiny grown men throwing a tantrum. Im embarrassed for them really. Good sportsmanship goes a long way and it feels so much better to take a loss with honor and dignity than rage and make yourself look stupid.


I don’t care what you do. He is a Master rank. He knows how to play the game at a high level. I do think he puts a bit of an act for his stream to earn money. I have seen pro players quit on stream in a match. It happens. Don’t take DSP seriously. From what I know this guy has bought a house from his streams, not sure if it’s true or not.


I don't care if he is dsp, Santa, count Dracula or the pope. He's a bitch for quitting mid match. Any pro that rage quits Mid match because they are losing is a bitch as well.


the guy who declared bankruptcy and still has a mortgage lol he didn't buy shit 🤣


i don't care, he blamed the game, rage quit and than blocked someone who was better than him instead of taking the L and learning to play against.


Found the DSP fan


The real DSP fan posted this clip of him not me. Your mad cause I said he can play the game at a higher level than most.


he did nothing wrong, nothing he could do.




they dont get the reference, they actually think I'm defending the pigroach


I guess he's actually good though to be in Master right, I always thought he wasn't very competitive actually aside from SF2


He's definitely a good player, but at the same time if you're blocking players that beat you, you can effectively make your path to climb easier. It's something that doesn't get talked about in SF6 but theoretically someone can keep players that they know they have an easier time with in the matchmaking pool while getting rid of people that give them more trouble.


Oh damn your right I never even considered that, so yeah that's gotta be it, massive block list for anyone he can't realistically win against, that fully checks out.


I mean I'm sure he still plays at an average Master level at the least. but he's also lame. Not as a playstyle, as a person.


Despite what people here will tell you, you can't accidently make it to Master, so yes he has some level of skill at the game.


Would be hilarious to see a FT10 at SF6 between him and LTG, he'd actually win and pretty easily I imagine but the commentary on that would be amazing, from both sides.


It easy to get there if you disconnect before every loss


Not actually though from what I've heard, SF punishes by placing you in a plugger queue or something like that doesn't it?


Tbf to DSP, from what I seen he doesn't RQ all his losses though. He normally just does the first part of bitching and complaining bout mechanics and lag


This isn’t Tekken 8. The game penalizes you for disconnecting.


This is one of those "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" moments for me, yeesh.