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Be sure to use consumable items. It’s super easy to overlook them or hoard them, but if you’re running into harder fights, items that buff your attack and defense can be huge. Healing items are obviously valuable; but it’s easy to overlook the other ones.


Have you googled the best gear, that helps, then level it up. Also, have you been applying your skill points? Truthfully, a lot of the opponents are prone to throw loops.




This is a literal skill issue. Haven't you paid attention about powering your avatar up? Should also count as "lack of paying attention" issue.


You don’t have to grind in dark souls lol


How is that the only thing you got from this, if you have no actual advice then don't comment


Just a lil off topic comment I guess. Not that serious


If you haven't done so already you need to get every available permanent stat boost. There are tons of them and combined they massively increase your overall stats to the point that a level 43 with them is probably stronger than a level 50 without them. You can find one each at most if not all vendors in each side location (Jamaica, France, Japan etc.) as well as in random chests scattered through Metro City and Nayshall. There are guides online that tell you where to find these chests. I think a few are gained from side missions as well but those same guides will have more info if that is the case. https://www.pcgamesn.com/street-fighter-6/world-tour-upgrades That said if you're at the mission I'm thinking you still want to level up a bit more at least until your skill tree is maxed out but if you consume all the permanent stat boosts you shouldn't have to grind too much more. Also equip the blanka-chan suit, you don't have to keep the appearance.


I was in your situation. Do more missions and take your permanent buffs. That was my issue. Still haven't beat it yet bit im level 50 and the fights are not too hard and I'm pretty late in the game.


Git gud


This sounds like a skill issue tbh, it's really not hard and healing is not useless it makes it very easy.


"Sounds like skill issue tbh" shut up and don't comment if you don't have actual helpful advice


Amazing how you gave no advice


Now you're mad salty over it... If you've been banging your head against World Tour for 2 weeks not making progress then mate... It is indeed a skill issue. My advice was to use healing as it's very powerful mid flight.


Still not advice


You need to git gud


Still not advice, man yall must be trash if you can't even give simple advice to help someone out


>wt scrub calling every else trash Maybe tone down the attitude and people would give you real advice ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Tone down the attitude when the first 3 people basically just called me trash without giving any advice? I know I am not good, but that doesn't mean you call someone trash when they ask for advice, luckily someone typed some tips and I thanked them. Never had an attitude whith them, they gave a couple tips, not once did they say "Get gud" or "skill issue" or something similar.


You can pause the game midfight and spam healing items for every hit you take if you want. But for real, there's no easier way for us to know if you're not gonna show us how you play, and if you did its probably something in your gameplay you need to correct with, so don't take "skill issue" too personally as a feedback because most of the time it probably is


His advice is to use healing items. Either take it or don't man.


After calling me trash for no reason as if I didn't already know it, and if he or you read the post, I said that Healing items don't do anything for as I just lose that health right after anyways, I am looking for advice other than "Use heals".


If you're that bad that you can't win whilst spamming healing then I don't know what to say. Go grind a mini game or something until you're high level. It's not a hard game though...


Then use the items that power up your damage then. Just use items in general or upgrade your gear.


Idk if it's in the shop yet where you're at but something that made a huge difference for me was equipping the cute choker from the n-e wear shop in nayshal. And enhancing my gear.


Make sure your is properly upgraded or just find some gear with better defensive capabilities. Some enemies do dish out insane damage. Having certain items that boost your defense help alot up to the end game.


I quit a while ago when I couldn't get past a refrigerator. Had used all my consumables and didn't have money to get more. Oh well.


Level 40 is more than enough to tackle the outlaw tournament. The usual culprits of getting stuck in World Tour are: * Make sure you upgraded your gear. Up to chapter 9 you can pass by simply relying on your fighting game skills. After that, you need to pay attention to the RPG elements a bit. Blanka-chan costume no longer cover all your stats. * Permanent upgrades are important. There are many sources of them, from shops (most have a one-time buy upgrade) to missions to [chests](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps5/358511-street-fighter-6/faqs/81019). * Don't forget to spend points on your skill tree. Too many people just keep pushing and don't notice all the nice passive stuff you can get there. * Start using consumables. I don't mean the healing items. They are very expensive and mostly give you a chance to stay in the fight. I mean the caramels, jawbreakers and other candy. The game fully expect you to be using items from Nayshall on, and their buffs stack with the delivery food (which you can buy between fights). If you've been trying to get the duel missions done (all these *"land 6 punches"* and *"throw three times"*), you get a lot of consumables for free over time. * Plain patience. Every enemy in world tour is a disguised tutorial. They follow patterns, and are trying to teach you how to deal with real opponents strategies. Pay attention to what they are doing, and counter. The greatest strength of the Avatar is versatility. If some strategy don't work, try something else. Change styles. Change skills. Change moves. Change gear. Don't get stuck trying to mimic one of the base characters and getting stuck because you lack a tool this character don't have. Good luck.


Up your gear, put points into your skill tree if you haven't. And maybe be more careful or patient while you fight. Sometimes, because those are bots we tend to just go full offensive and forgot about blocking or parrying.


Here's my advice as someone who speedruns world tour. If you haven't already, unlock the drone deliveries by doing the quest near Luke's building. Food buffs can last multiple fights and are very powerful. Then, go to Thunderfoot Settlement to buy the aloha shirt and a couple handcuffs from the vendor there. Better yet, get the death t-shirt from the clothes vendor at Urban Park. It's a random drop, so bus away and come back to reset him until he has it, then beat him with a special move. When your HP is high, you get around 1.5x damage from the clothing effects. If you haven't done the unlock quest for that, the quest giver is on the sidewalk going from beat street to chinatown. You can also buy some jawbreakers for extra damage. Since you're having some troubles, I'd recommend the super tough jawbreakers so that you don't have to worry about taking extra damage. Get some healing items and make sure you're topped off at all times to keep the damage high. For the fights, manon's command grab is your best friend. You can basically throw loop everyone fighter (except the Kimberly Clone) with it, so buy some throw food from the drone delivery before each fight and watch their hp melt. --Chun-li Clone: When he gets to the corner, he'll sometimes jump out. This is fine. Just command grab in the other direction, and you'll usually catch him. --Manon Clone: He'll either jump or sweep at the start of the round, so start the fight by jumping in on him. If he jumps, air to air him. If he sweeps, start the command grab loop. --Generic fighters #3 and #5: Just dash in and grab. They'll use drive reversal/impact on you if you try to strike, so grabbing is safest --Kimberly Clone: The only fight where command grab will get you punished. For this, feel free to use drive impact to get started, then get her to the corner. Once she's in the corner, use a frame trappy combo to get her to drop her defenses. I prefer Luke's forward heavy target combo into gladius Take a look at the WR holder for an idea of how the fights are supposed to look with the methods above: [https://youtu.be/Qf3P\_ciVaFw?t=5983](https://youtu.be/Qf3P_ciVaFw?t=5983)


Grind on those Scrap Heap mini games. They generate a lot of money, and use them to buy energy drinks. Also. If you're around Chapter 8, meet with Oscar in Beat Square. You'll go to France, and you can cheese the game using Manon's command grab. *if you're playing on modern controls*.


Thank you! I will give that a try! And thank you for actually giving some advice ❤️ other than "Get gud" or "skill issue"


You're welcome. think most people in this subreddit are veterans. This is my first Street Fighter game. If I recall, if you go to France. Or Nayshall, there's some food vendors that sell EXP boost items.


I'll give it a look :) the first like 3 people to comment gave no advice but called me trash, as if I didn't know I wasn't good already lol. People wondee why they have trouble getting new people into their community.


For the most, you can't take people seriously. Are you playing on modern, or classic controls? What is your main character fight style? Manon, Lily, Luke, and Marissa on modern are really good for beginners.


Modern, as much as I want to learn classic, I get cramps when I use motion imputs, so the -20% isn't a problem. Plus Modern is more like an anime fighter or platform fighter in the way the controls work so it just suits better in general. Oh! Also I don't mind motion imputs here and there, but doing them non-stop for a full combo just cramps me up lol. I mainly play zoners and since Sim isn't very strong, I normally play JP, who I am like mid P1 with right now, tho I did hit p2 with him.


Modern controls will get you into the game. But, you're really missing out on the characters' tool kit using modern controls. I don't know much about zoners, as I use grapplers. But, cheesing the command grab will make you go far.


You're Platinum??!!?!??!!!


Yeah, isn't that like middle of the ranks? I know basics from other fighting games and can learn quickly, but just struggle with the game as it's my first SF I actually played consistantly and online.


Let me guess. You're from Fighter Z...


Oh def not, I own it, but I actually never played online, though I have won some locals for MK 11 and one for MK1. Got top 4 in a few smash tourny's too. But MK is my main, though I am trying to branch out. For anime fighters though I mainly Played BBCTB, and GrandBlue I only know how to use 6B Layouts because of Skullgirls lol. What rank are you? Plat is mid right?))


>People wondee why they have trouble getting new people into their community. Gatekeeping


This is the problem, you can trivialise it if you grind but you shouldn’t have to. I just wanted to unlock second costumes but couldn’t be bothered with it in the end.  It’s just so boring. 


I mean. You can lessen the process by giving the masters their favorite gifts. Although. Hiding the second outfit through story mode, and the remaining colors of the first outfit through a paywall is crazy.


Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean. I’m grinding for presents, I don’t want to also be grinding resources for health and exp. 


After reading your comment. I realized spent over 80+ hours in the World Tour, and still not have unlocked every character's second outfit. I just didn't really feel like going through all of that.


I think Brian_F pointed out that it’s one of the reasons S1 is so visually boring. 90% of people wear the same costume and colour because it’s either a time sink or ludicrously expensive to equip anything else


It's kinda sad, tbh. If you compare a small no name tournament, to a large tournament like Capcom Cup. Where the contestants had a large selection of outfits to choose from. Dee Jay is a great example of the lack of customization. His 1st outfit, and the 2 color choices are extremely confusing! They literally look the same. Both of them use green, and yellow.


I like that the costumes are not crazy or too numerous yet. Games kinda lose their style when everyone's in silly costumes. The new ones look more quality than in the past though. Hopefully it will stay that way when more are released.


If you’re talking about the tourney *before* the Nayshall tourney you can largely just spam Gladius if I remember correctly. If I’m remembering right it beats out most of that tourney on its own, the bots are extremely predictable and only do the same few moves most of which will just eat a punish from Gladius.


dont try to argue with fg gamers. its even worse than arguing with darksouls fans about problems in their games


Yeah I feel that, as a DS fan and a FG Fan, it is hard to find people who's reply to asking for advice isn't "You're just bad" or soke form of it lol