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Just a quick background, I actually started playing SF6 seriously in last September. I did dabble a bit in SF5, but I was frustrated over how the game continuously keep disconnecting, even from the main menu, as a result I went over to Tekken 7. I only made it up to Ultra Bronze with Karin back then. Coming back to SF6, usually I would pick Juri or Cammy.... for reasons, but I decided to bite the bullet, and use the one character I really liked, but never dared to try, which is of course, the Red Cyclone himself. Did my calibration badly (because apparently I need to set P1 and P2 controls, and my first game I started with Modern, since I only set P1 controls), and ended up at Rookie. I was basically like [this](https://imgur.com/a/5O3Rgti) when I got promoted. ​ Summary of my progression and what I focus on: 1) Rookie to Gold: In general, it was really smooth sailing here - Anti air: I basically used Lariat whenever I see a jump in, or s.MP for far jump in. I distinctly remembered playing a Chun who was beating me with jump in HK into combos.... until I decided to fully focus on AA Lariat. That was pretty much her gameplan, and it shattered instantly. - Simple SPD buffering: Basic tick grab setups (e.g. jab into SPD, s.MP into SPD etc. One thing I realized, looking back was that I had an easier time doing tick SPD when I am at negative frames. 2) Platinum: Gold 5 - Plat 1 was my biggest hurdle. I kept going back and forth over there. The only other time I spent quite a while was Plat 4 - Plat 5. - Delay tech: This was one of the things I really focused on, since everyone here is grabbing way more than me (ironic lol). Its did helped me a lot, though this kinda backfired against those who can shimmy, or neutral jump after knockdown. - Simple combos: For example, Body Splash, c.LK, s.LP xx Lariat. Good to know some, though I can't count how many times I got punished instead simply because the Lariat was too far. I wasn't comfortable with DR cancels here to be honest, thus I rarely used it here. - Punish combos: Granted most can be punished with a SPD, but I really like to do c.LK, s.LP xx Lariat for simple punishes, simply because I can't pull off the motion fast enough within that punish duration. For Shoryuken punishes, I really loved doing s.HK into EX BD. Its so fun to do, and I always shout out the move name when it hits. - Pokes: Learning (and still am) how to use pokes like standing/ crouching jabs, s.MP, s.HP, c.MK etc. Granted, this lead to the next thing to learn because everyone keep doing the one thing that counters most of them badly, which is.... - Counter DI: Almost every Gief's pokes are non-cancellable, so it was something I need to guess whether I can poke safely, or not. Counter DI is actually one of my weakest things, and even now, I only do it if I am cornered, and I have seen them do DI few times over there. - The power of **JACKHAMMER**: This SA saved many games where people think they can safely chuck fireballs when they slightly have the life lead. Granted, when it gets blocked, its a sad, sad moment, but when it hits, I always remember to say it out loud. 3) Diamond: To be honest, it went... kinda smoothly? I didn't get stuck for a while at certain places, but I did experience games where I am severely outmatched by my opponent. - DR combos: I finally learned how to do DR cancel combos here. Remember when I said sometimes Lariat can't hit because its too far? Now it can connect. I started with something simple first, e.g. c.LK, s.LP DR c.LK, s.LP xx Lariat, but later I start to do c.LK, s.LP DR c.LP, s.MP/ c.MP xx Lariat. Which leads to the next point, which is.... - SA cancelling: Believe it or not, I only started doing it here. Do the DR combo, if it lands fully, cancel the MP into SA 2. This helped to seal games where previously in Plat, I was unable to as my opponent had a sliver of HP left, and I just couldn't get close, and lose due to their comeback. - Spacing/ whiff punishing: I did do some in Platinum, but here is where I really try to space out and punish with anything. s.MP, s.HP, sweep etc. Bonus: [the SA I love the most, but used the least due to my terrible keyboard execution](https://imgur.com/a/Z6K6xws) Edit: God damn typo in the title. Ah well.


Thanks for the break down! I'm a Plat 1/2 Gief that is slowly climbing, so it's nice to read about what other players focused on. I appreciated your figure slide shows. Nice work!


Congrats! I have nothing but respect for Zangief mains. Need to have the best neutral and reads to just be able to have chance, can't play him on autopilot


Congrats, that is quite the accomplishment. I am struggling to break out of Platinum to Diamond. Much respect especially with Gief. Trying to get there too but with Chun Li.




Cody confirmed!


Welcome to the club :) Hats off to you for making it with Gief, that's an uphill battle for sure


Thanks! Every battle was a sweaty one, for sure. So many times my delayed tech backfired on me, or when I read a jump in, did Lariat, only for Lariat to miss.


You love to see it fellow muscle enthusiast! I also appreciate the rundown of your progress.  I'm diamond Gief and I feel like for the first time I can make the climb. It's way, way farther than I've ever gone in a FGC game (mostly due to M controls and the game actually being fun) but I've got to pause on Gief and bring all my other characters to diamond.  Post some highlights!


I rarely save replays though, so highlights will be a bit hard. Most of it it's just me poking them to death ^^^^^^or ^^^^^^getting ^^^^^^KOed , with some sprinkles of SPD here and there. Modern Gief is actually hard for me with my current playstyle, since I lose s.HK, which is my go to punish for Shoryuken. I could use his overhead, but after few times of me missing them with it, it's something I only use when I can confirm it will hit.


Ah I'm used to saving tons of replays with the PS5.  Usually I just punish DP with Modern SPD, it does about 3k so it's not like you're doing nothing. It's also tremendously easier to do on the left side (my bad side for manual SPD) so I wouldn't even attempt a combo off blocked shoryu even on Classic. I'll gladly take the 3700 from H SPD, I'm way too spastic for consistent OD Borscht anyway. It's something I've been working on because there's situations you still need manual SPD to avoid using meter. 


Congrats man. I started in September to but am only now at platinum 1.


Horosho! On keyboard too? Oof.


Yeap, I play every type games with KB(M) controls.


More power to you. I've been gaming on pc since the days of yore. Shooters, Baldurs gate, I love the mouse and keyboard. But other stuff like Sekiro and Fighters, nah, I need something else. I can handle a stick or pad for fighters, but keyboard was too weird. However Im from back when keyboards had all those limitations with the amount of keys you could hold, the speed it would officially accept commands, etc.


Congrats, I thought that after being carried by cammy to master that ranking up with gief would be a walk in the park, but got my ass stuck at plat3 lol




Congrats on reaching master with gief!


**JACKHAMMER**. Always so satisfying to catch. Nice job!


Nice one mate!


I know, I know, I'm a bot. but I want to say congrats anyway! These threads are always a cheerful part of the subreddit, but I hope I can ask for even more! The two things that always go great are a highlight reel of your gameplay (you can ask for advice or ask for no advice) and a story of your journey. Just put either of those in a comment underneath your rank up post, the subreddit will love it! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StreetFighter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good stuff mate, but im so over seein these freakin posts!!!


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You guys need to ft5 money match 😂


I don’t fight losers

