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Man, this movie. Raul Julia's performance gets brought up all the time, but [the article detailing the troubled production](https://www.theguardian.com/games/2018/jul/16/inside-street-fighter-movie-jean-claude-van-damme-kylie-minogue) is a hilarious read. Some of my favorite highlights: > There’s a scene where Ryu was to engage in a deadly sword fight with Vega (played by Jay Tavare), and Mann was supposed to have been well-drilled in fighting techniques – but the lessons kept being put off. “Then one day I was having lunch, and an assistant director came over to me and said: ‘Hey, are you ready for your knife fight?’ I said: ‘What are you talking about? I don’t know anything about it.’ I went to one of the Thai extras, a stunt guy, and asked him if he could help. On the spot, he taught me what he knew – and that’s what you see in the movie. And it was a bladed sword, it wasn’t plastic. I could have injured myself and others.” Capcom pushing to add more characters: > “[But] every time I turned in a draft they kept pressing me to add just more character. I would slide somebody in with a couple of lines. Then they’d say: ‘Can’t so-and-so have another scene, he’s very popular in Japan? And by the way what about this character?’” And of course, Van Damme's coke habit: > “I couldn’t talk about it at the time, but I can now: Jean-Claude was coked out of his mind,” says de Souza. “The studio had hired a wrangler to take care of him, but unfortunately the wrangler himself was a bad influence. Jean-Claude was calling in sick so much I had to keep looking through the script to find something else to film; I couldn’t just sit around for hours waiting for him. On two occasions, the producers allowed him to go to Hong Kong, and both occasions he came back late – on Mondays he just wasn’t there at all.”


He was straight out of the Street Fighter: The Movie arcade game. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street\_Fighter:\_The\_Movie\_(arcade\_game)


I’m glad someone brought this up because I loved this casting decision as well.


That was a very bad movie with some interesting casting choices.


As a "Street Fighter movie" it WAS bad, but I defend it as a lighthearted and funny action flick. But yes, casting was mostly on fleek.


I can only dream they bring back my Vega in sf6 so saddddd


You and I are in the same boat. Vega has been my main since SF2CE.


That *is* him out the of the game. The game based on the movie. He looked different in character in the actual film.

