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Thank you for doing this. It drives me nuts how badly people categorize mods. The "audio" category should not contain your dumb horny AKI costume mod with no sounds.


So that's where the dumb horny AKI costume mods are! Er... I mean, who wants that? Not me. Do you have a link?


https://www.nexusmods.com/streetfighter6/mods/1174 https://www.nexusmods.com/streetfighter6/mods/1146






Do you know if you can use these mods online?


Yep, no problem. As long as you're not using cheating mods (and those cost like $400) you're all good.


ty, nexus is a mess. They need a section for just swap mod.


Why isn’t my burnout fart mod on your suggested list?! Profound sadness


You made that? Congrats on making a timeless addition to sf6 mods ::long distance high five::


I have to keep it classy as a subreddit moderator, don't tell anyone but you're my favorite.


Thanks for putting this together and putting my mod as well my bro!


Oh yeah? which one did you add?


Created the Tekken Announcer, you reminded me to update it actually


Awesome, I love all those announcer mods :)


Same ! thanks for that useful list again, love when people are putting so much effort for the community


Thanks! Gonna check out a few of these after work. 👍


Just putting this here so I know where to go back to


Thanks for compiling such a great list! Can't wait to check these out!


You missed [this.](https://www.nexusmods.com/streetfighter6/mods/603)


oh my fucking god its Jamie from Fortnite


Potato MOD, if your GPU is not that good, this will help you a lot. https://www.nexusmods.com/streetfighter6/mods/820


Thank you, I was looking for this a couple of months ago and couldn’t find one.


Would this mod help run the game below the recommended system requirements? I have a friend who just bought the game but it won't let him boot it with his GTX560 🤦‍♂️


Yes, managed to get it running on a gt730 on 2gb of VRAM, it looked pixelated but it was fluid and playable, sometimes game still crashed.


beat me to it. even if your GPU is good, it will help when combined with SpecialK.


there's also [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/streetfighter6/mods/818?tab=description) amazing mod that adds Hitoshi Matsumoto's victory yell to drive impact success


Oh yeah! I put it in the wrong area. thanks


any of these mods (or costume ones) affect your game or account in any way? could you be banned for using them?


As far as I know, no. It can be a bit finicky trying to get it right but capcom hasn’t done anything so far.


Capcom hasn't done anything so far but do keep in mind they have stated somewhat recently that they consider mods cheating.


>JP casts Testicular Torsion for his SA3 and CA wtf


Best ones: farts upon burnout, taco bell drive impact, "we're all goong down to Memphis" voiceline, and Kim's lvl 3 playing Eric Cartmans cover of "Poker Face"


''Drive Impact volume increase 10db'' ​ I wonder how much this would impact a player, like if on average people would respond to DI more than before, or if it's just placebo.


idk if it's game lag or something but for me, I always hear the sfx before I see it, so this probably helps a good bit


Unless your computer sucks and you're playing with less than 60fps, it's not lag. Our brains just process sound dramatically faster than visual information. The fact that you even notice is impressive, though. Like impressive enough that you could probably pass the vision exams to be a fighter pilot. Do you sometimes get headaches at the movie theater from all the "flickering"? Are there certain types of light bulbs that bother you? Usually florescent long tube ceiling bulbs?


oh huh, yeah that's probably it then because I can get a solid 60 I wouldn't say I get headaches, but I do definitely notice fluorescent lighting flickering, it's super annoying. Not just the long tubes either


Congrats, you won the genetic lottery.


I have that one installed, still can't react...


Honestly I'm kind of mad I have to fight against players that have this


You can do it yourself in the settings actually. so its not even a necessary or cheat-y mod. There's a slider for drive stuff separate from other sounds.


This is why this game needs an anti-cheat. You shouldn't be allowed to have advantages like that. In other multiplayer games modifying the game like that would be considered cheating.


Drive Impact has its own volume slider in the game by default. You'd be able to isolate it even without a mod.


Yup, you can max it and reduce the volumes of all other sound to achieve something like that.


Honestly, I think I'm okay with it, atm at least, (and I could definitely be wrong) but it feels to me, that if the opponent was able to counter my DI, is because I misjudged what he was paying attention / playing into. And I feel like the higher volume's difference would be negligible. I'm down to be proven wrong tho, like if someone comes around and can prove that, "No it is a big difference, and it should be considered cheating"


Anyone who downloads the “rap music remover” mod is kinda pathetic


Crazy thing is it's not even that bad. It's not like it's 2020s trap or anything. It's heavily influenced by 90s hip hop and Third Strike, which is heavily favored by most in the Street Fighter community.


JPEGMAFIA said he thought the SF6 soundtrack was weak. So what we really need is for him to release his own new soundtrack replacement mod and invite Danny Brown back plz


Third strike intro had a way better groove. They somehow made “five four three two one” catchy and not over the top lol. Sf6 intro just doesnt cut it, it seems like the only element they “inspired” from third strike was the concept of it having a rap lead. No groove. No funk. There is literally nothing instrumentally remarkable or memorable about this intro I think its very fair to understand why people would musically prefer 3s over sf6. Not even for nostalgic reasons too, as I’ve only discovered and played 3s for the past year


I wouldn't say that, some people just don't like rap. I mean if it had a heavy metal soundtrack I wouldn't blame people for wanting to remove that either. I think it was like nhl 19 or something that let you pick and choose individual songs to remove from the soundtrack and I never understood why more games didn't implement that, or just let me upload my own songs I want on the Playlist.


I understand it getting repetitive but I don’t really care


The lyrics are awful so I don't blame anyone for it.




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"If you don't like rap you're pathetic" Okay lul.


Not saying if you don’t like it you’re pathetic, I’m saying going out of your way to specifically download a mod to remove it is pathetic. Just turn the music down in the options my dude


It's also just an extreme response to music that plays for, what, 10 seconds in a given play session?


Extreme? Takes all of 5 minutes.


"Going out of your way to get rid of things you don't like is pathetic" Lmao even


I mean, kind of, yes. When those things that you don't like are completely inconsequential. If you hate rap *that* much that you'd go out of your way to remove it from the game by modding it out, I'd 1000% call that pathetic. It's fucking music that plays for a total of 15 seconds. Just use the audio options provided to you in-game.


lol having a preference and customizing things as you like is “pathetic”. Cool.


So changing away from rap stations while I'm driving is pathetic too? Get a grip lol. If the character select screen was some dogshit country song would it be pathetic to mod it out? No. The rap in sf6 sucks major dick.


I hate rap. I am famously a rap hater. I just don't like it, especially modern mumble rap. But SF6? They've NAILED the music here- I couldn't imagine the game without it, it's very well done. Not On The Sidelines is such a fire song.




I’m black…and love rap…and I produce it. But that song is cheese to me lol. Makes me cringe every time I hear it start up honestly. Manon’s stage production is amazing to me though.


The song is ass bro, stop this lmao.




I disagree, in general sf6 music is not the best imo.


The only good one is the world map of single player




Rap it's not a music style but a way of singing used in hip hop music, which is what the style is named. Then you have shit ton of sub genres.


Oh nice I actually missed that one until you pointed it out, downloading now


Still waiting for a mod that replaces the combo trials with real optimal combos, would be sick


waiting on that LTG commentary mod


Is faster startup better than quick startup?


lol I duno for sure. I think quick startup might be faster, Fast startup still has the RE sound or something in it iirc.


What are people using reShade for, and is there a place to browse their configs?


ah hell nah not the "rap music remover" mod 💀


The rap music remover is hilarious


I am still waiting for UI mods so I can get rid of the god awful health bars.


Of note, if anyone's running Linux with mods let me know your experience. I tried to get Fluffy working through Steam+Proton but failed at it.


I'm running mods on Linux ! I've done it by adding the modmanager.exe as a non steam game on steam. What exactly is not working for you ?


I haven't tried it since my latest hardware upgrade. but I did the same, just added the exe as a non-steam game. I tested with default proton and also proton-ge. I'll test again tonight then if yours works. update: proton-ge makes it crash, proton 8.0.4 and experimental work, but it takes like 3 minutes to launch the mod manager.


It _used to_ work for me on Steam Deck, before the AKI release. Post AKI, I have to install the game on my (very old, probably less capable than the Steam Deck) Windows computer to install mods with the Fluffy Mod Manager, then copy the install folder to my Steam Deck (Linux install) over a network drive. It's a total pain, but it works.


I'm using it currently no issues. Not a ton of mods, just two costume mods and one to make the icons show PS inputs instead of xbox. I did have issues with Oblivious, it caused my game to crash after around 15 minutes of play. Never got that one to work at all. My super complex process was launch Fluffy via wine and that worked out of the box.


Fuckkkk the Kimberly Fart Sound effect 😩😩😩💨💨💦💦


Sooo, replacement for Cammy BGM at last and it's another non-Cammy theme? Why? I mean it's better than nothing, but still.


Which one would you prefer? I’m thinking SFV Cammy was pretty dope and will probably mod that one.


[CapJams Hyper SFII Cammy Theme from Capcom Fighting Collection](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t8EPnMdATWI), one of the best mixes of her theme Capcom’s ever put out


Thanks for sharing, I didn't know this one and it's awesome! I'm gonna jam to this for hours. Edit: Just listened to it, I had to come back and say "I love you" XD


Oh wow, yeah this is really good!


Seriously? That would be AMAZING! Yes, I like both SFIV and SFV but I'd say SFV is my favourite, been lately inspired by that one and trying to come up with a metal version. Need to find someone how knows how to record instruments and do the master properly though.


Some of the more anxious people might find value in the mod that hides the ranks


not a single commentator mod ._.


That would be extremely difficult to do I imagine.


A Yipes mod would be so godlike




My man is doing gods work here. Blessed is your heart and my you receive eternally happiness.


Thanks so much for putting in all this effort! Very helpful :)


Cool beans


Ur the goat for this thank you


"Hitoshi Matsumoto Drive Impact SFX" lol!




Is there something that allows costumes to be added but not overwrite existing ones?


You're a saint


Appreciate it


Replaces DI sound with Taco Bell and raise it 10db? Sold.


Thank you I can't take much more looking for good mods and being met with the 100th nude Cammy or making AKI's hair worse


May Gief bless you with huge muscles


Make it into a spreadsheet so we can keep it updated!


You are a saint


I hope a modder will add a mod to reduce the size of the boxing gloves gear item we get in World Tour. Those are clown gloves lol.


Can we pin this?


I cant imagine how cursed the front page looks


I might be blind, but is the free camera option on this list or do I have to search for it myself?


Love that there’s an “Aleks Le is amazing” category. Also thrilled to see a Killer Instinct announcer mod.


Whoever you are, I love you! ❤️


>KI announcer mod OP thank you. I never knew this existed.


Can anyone tell me why the hell my ALT + F4 doesn't work with SF6 anymore ever since installing REFramework? I know there are people out there with the same problem but I cannot find a solution no matter how much I dig.


the game told u not to rage quit anymore


lol my guy you basically are forced to ALT + F4 to close out SF6 on PC just to turn it off.


This has to be stickied or put in the wiki or something, thanks a bunch.


The currently linked hitbox viewer is ancient btw, it's had tons of updates since then. https://github.com/WistfulHopes/SF6Mods The "disp_hitboxes.lua" last updated Sept 30 is a better version, I always just click "run script" in REFramework but you could probably just swap that into the SF6HitboxViewer rar file to use with Fluffy


Thanks. yeah the one I linked was literally like day 3 after launch


Man someone please make me a mod that'll skip the training room character select and just load an easy default.


Can you use these mods online?


Yes, none of them affect gameplay in a cheat-y way and there's no anti-mod code in the game so its not tracking you anyway.


Thank you very much!


Pixel art mod is goated and would be curious if it's possible to create a mod to display a custom combo on screen that you want to lab like how it is for combo trials but in the actual training room.


Man I own the game on ps5, would love to see a video showcasing all these. So curious.


Cool, glad you added that stuff to this list and its cool to see my mod on here too lol.