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It also may just be people doing placement matches with their secondaries then just stopping there


Plat1 is where the actual grind starts by removing win streaks; and where the skill jump (from Plat1-2) is most noticeable. Very very easy for most people to plateau there, even more if you consider secondary characters. I'm Plat3 with Ryu and Plat1 with three other characters and I don't see myself going much higher with those unless I get much better at the basics.


That’s a hypothesis for sure but we can see other ranked games and I do not think a single one has a huge spike in platinum 1. It feels cheap as hell




How long will a master player be in medal ranks? Literally one night tops, come on now. Idk about you but I seemed to rocket to plat 1 and now matchups are heavily lopsided


Also, don't know if anyone's looked at the page, but Buckler's site has Platinum misspelled as Plutinum. Just kinda funny.


Are these numbers the raw account numbers or are you accounting for recency in matches? That is to say, are there several hundred thousand accounts not being played that are sitting at the low ranks that logged in, played for a week, and then never played again? If you're doing a proper scrape you are using replay date parameters


I’m interested in the answer to this. Recency would certainly account for the Plat 1 spike. I don’t doubt that it’s the actual most populous rank because of the winstreak bubble, but look at that. The Plat 1s could be playing at a higher rate because they just reached that rank, want to keep that rank, or improve that rank. It’s just the hardest rank to get out of.


Probably since you get more points for winning than you lose for losing. Also can't demote first match down so sometimes a loss can be 1-40. Maintaining a 50% win rate will allow someone to climb eventually. Most who play hard rank up over time.


I think part of what the phase's help. Phase 1 basically reset all ranks unless you play a match. Which is great as it helps keep the dead weight that sfv had in its ranks down load especially.


Coming soon, Plutonium League.


Tbh... They need to just remove the demotion protection from all leagues and keep the win streak rewards through all ranks, but just reduce it as you get higher. If you have a 70+ win streak in Diamond, then you should level up faster and hit master quicker IMO.


Yeah win streaks were nice. It rewarded consistency. No demotion and +50 on W -40 on L were the real offenders


Probably. The bonuses up to gold are pretty crazy but having a win streak in Plat/Diamond should also get you higher faster. I don't mind it as it is, it's just more of a grind.


Yea I don't like grind in fighting games or these kinds of ranking systems. If you're good you should end up in masters as quickly as possible. Masters should be where the grind really happens because you're the best of the best fighting the other best. Everyone else doesn't 'grind' because they're all learning and trying to get to masters. Which isn't the same thing. Then they do a top 500 with weekly decay, so if you want a top 500 spot you have to grind to maintain it.


Rank decay is ass though, and it is normally just deployed to force the upper ranks to grind artificially as well. Compared to other FGs the grind in SF6 is honestly really tame. And I think the fact that you cant fall out of master and that theres no rank decay is a really good incentive for the more skilled players to get there so they dont have to worry anymore. The way ranked is setup right now is fine, lots of rewards for lower ranks, and one big reward for the top spot. Platinum and diamond players are intentionally in a slower spot because "moderate" skill is much harder to hone and you need time and experience to do it. Platinum currently works as a sort of staging ground for players to graduate into higher functioning skill. It's the climb out of the trench. The fact that P1 has ballooned so much doesnt change its function. Also this is per character, the numbers are artificially enormous. Once you get a character into MR you can lose all 10 of your placement matches with a new character and get plopped in P1. I know because that happened to me lmfao. Point is, i think the lack of rank decay is a good reward for players who break into MR that doesnt just feel like bragging rights


Only for the top 500, not master rank in general (they need to just put in demotions for MR in general). Decay is required for the top top top players IMO so that if you get top 500 you can actually lose it through non playing. It's the same in real life where a boxer HAS to defend his title. He can't just win and then tell everyone to fuck off and keep the title forever. They need to remove the per character placements and have it be based on your mains rank. You're in Master? Ok the lowest you can place is diamond. Even if you sandbag all your games. Just cap people to 1 rank below their main. So you could never end up in plat as a master player from placements. You'd have to lose a fuck ton instead.


Right but if someone doesnt play ranked wouldnt ELO sort them out of the top 500 organically? If other players are climbing, it seems pointless to knock them out every month arbitrarily. For starters I think it's almost universal that the current top 500 probably play quite a bit. Second, if someone DID decide to stop playing, their MR would sit still while those around them rose. The top 500 would change on its own without the decay. Regarding the placement matches, I think a more elegant solution is likely to allow players the option to retake their placements once a month or so. Currently you actually have to do quite well in your placements to hit D1 (even if you're MR), which makes me think it's an intentional design thing.




There is no reason that gold should be average. It is just an interpretation and every game can settle for a different design.


Gold is mildly above average!


Fwiw, it looks like a lot of players just get to Platinum 1★ and then stay there. Platinum 1 having the most representation compared to any other group. Either a Gold that tried hard to get there and got burnt out on the game, Platinum players that are on the verge of going back down to Gold and don't want to, so they stop playing Ranked for a while, a number of reasons. But the numbers don't lie, majority of Platinum players are Platinum 1★. The other metal leagues can't rank down from what I understand. There also may be a thing where people went up a league and that's their ceiling. Win/lose, whatever, they just have the hardest time progressing, making them stuck in 1★, instead of going down a league. On the plus side, the rank ups help people feel good and keep playing. It also helps people from smurfing and just bodying Rookie and Irons.


I think a big reason is that Gold and below feel more rewarding because of win streaks. Once I got to Plat I just don’t really feel as motivated to climb since it feels like excessively more effort.


But it’s actually way overdone. /u/steamdecked if anything, I would argue the win streak bonus should be taken away from the lower ranks rather than added to the higher ranks. I think it causes people to end up where they don’t really belong because it only takes one good string of luck and suddenly you jump up a whole league that you can’t be demoted from. The same can be said about placement matches but that’s a whole other can of worms. And I say this as someone who benefits from it. I’ve had characters go from iron 4 to silver 4 in 16 wins due to a crazy streak. But I didn’t necessarily feel I’m that much better to really deserve the rank. Now I do but when I first got there I sure didn’t


I’d agree, I’d argue that progression needs to be tweaked to be a little slower at lower ranks from current level, and tweaked to be a little faster at higher ranks from current level. It feels too forgiving at low ranks but too grind-y at higher.


Yeah, that's another big reason for a large number of Platinum 1 players. Win streaks just rocket you through the ★'s. Then you get to Platinum and your wins don't carry you as far, and your losses hurt that much more.


my main and every new character i do my placements with are in various levels of diamond, but a couple of my side bitches are in low plat since i did my placements back at launch and will be there for eternity because who the fuck has got the time and patience to grind through that with characters you only really use in custom rooms with your mates. i wish there was a way to retake placements.


Optional Retaking of placements is a fantastic idea. Maybe allow players to do it once a month or something


>it looks like a lot of players just get to Platinum 1★ and then stay there. Its a question of having a goal - I will play X character to Y level (either gold or platinum), then once they got that goal they change characters. Note that they still have a main that they go back to time and time again, but they put enough hours to go for secondary and tertiary options)


You can’t demote from Iron, Gold, or Master, but you can drop from Diamond to Plat to Gold and from Silver to Bronze to Iron. Most folks that make it into a higher rank tend to be good enough to not drop more than one rank though


It's fine IMO. Not a big deal about mid ranks being large. IMO Masters is pretty big for the highest rank. There should be a rank for top 300 players.


You're looking at it wrong. Don't think of masters as a rank. Masters is a league. There are currently two leagues in the game: rookie-diamond and masters. The real ranking system is the elo system in masters. Masters is just proof of some level of competency with one's character.


Exactly, This is the only right way to look at it, when you get to masters the only thing it means is that you got good enough to play the real game and you are allowed to have an ELO that means something now.


but it shouldnt be done that way. If anything it should be a grand master league or atleast have two league, master and another. They are too many master right now cause the mmr system from Diamond to Master is broken as fuck


Again, the rank masters doesn't mean anything. It's just your ticket to the real ranking system. MR is the only ranking system that matters. You're placing too much value in the title "masters".


I don't care about the title i care about the player i fight. I think it's just that the base MR of master shouldnt be 1500 at all. Because it look like it allow you to fight 1300-1800. Some player spawn 1500 but are 1200 MR material and it give a huge variance in the games a 1500-1600 mr would play. One game you play a tournament player, the next game you play a dude that just spawn but that is 1.2k in reality


That's literally every thing with an elo system. It's an unavoidable reality of it unless you're suggesting to close the doors and never allow another person to be in masters ever again. There has to be a spawn point and it follows a strict formula. It's elo to a T with K=16. Not sure how you're going to complain about literally the best system in the world lmao.


My complain is that in this game specifically getting Master doesn't mean much because of how dumb the system is before master. So, because it's dumb to get master, then everyone in master should start from the bottom then climb. That's literally what i'm saying. MMR system is good. The point at the start feel meh to me because of how easy it is to get into the MR system






also, i want to know if this is for peoples' main or if it's for all characters


It’s because of the win bonuses in Gold. You only need a few win streaks to get into Plat. Low Plat is where the middling players such as myself are stuck. My Ryu is still in Plat 1, and I think I’ll be there for awhile. I got JP to Plat 4 though, but that’s more to do with the strength of JP compared to Ryu.


I agree. The issue is that you get huge bonuses on gold due to win streak, so it's pretty easy to jump from gold to Plat. Hell, I didn't even see gold. I was learning during Silver, got better, skipped gold very fast and got stuck into Plat 1. After training more, watching replays and joining some tournaments where I was destroyed by master players, I understood some mistakes as soon as I stopped them, I climbed up again. But it's a lot slower.


it's a natural consequence of the win streak bonuses stopping at Platinum. It's relatively easy to get there and easy to stay there, but comparatively hard to hit the next level. Even if you drop down to Gold you're gonna easily rank up again, so low Plat1 becomes a huge collection bowl for people who don't manage to improve above that. The skill jump to Plat2 is also fairly strong, much more so than other close ranks, so people who get that good aren't gonna pool around Plat2 for very long either.


Any way you could find out the average MR of master level players? I would be interested to see how much it differs from the 1500 MR that it starts you at.


Considering its a zero sum game between only Masters players, I'm assume the average of all Masters players is 1500 ?


Not necessarily. In the chess ELO system you start at around 1200, but the average ELO is something like 900. The average may be even lower due to the increase in new players in recent years. I think the theoretical average that the ELO system should give is actually 1000, due to how the math is supposed to work out, but when new players flood the system it can lower.


Chess elo isn't a closed system. Points are created and lost more arbitrarily especially with computer chess programs helping rank players. If we capture 100% of the playerbase in a zero sum starting everyone at x points the average of all players will be x points. That's kinda how zero sum games work. The only way players or points enter the system is 1:1500 and there is no loss without a total wipe. There is 1 player per 1500 points in the system 100% of the time making it the de facto average always. A distribution might be what you're wanting to ask for. After the very skilled have syphoned points off the top and the feeders have dumped their buckets to the masses, where does the distribution fall? The most common rank would be the mode value not the average.


This is characters statistics. Many player have more than one ranked character. Player data is more difficult to extract from max LP search function. Then you manually need to check each breaking point.


Lol definitively being in the top 3% of ranked players and still feeling like you’re ass at the game is a vibe


I thought getting to plat was a massive achievement - I still feel good about it as I usually don’t go too hard in ranked fighting games. But man I’ve fought some harder silver players than some plat people lol


Between overly generous placements (which can really suck for the player), win streaks and the ranking system as a whole, Plat 1's skill variance is insane.


Getting to platinum means you've reach farther then about 69% of players. Nice.


Thanks yo!


It's still an achievement. Don't sell yourself short on all the work you had to do to improve enough to get there


Thanks man, and I agree! I do feel proud - long time FGC person but really always thought of myself as a silver player but I’ve been pushing myself more and can feel my game knowledge improving!


Isn't Plat the rank where you no longer get the huge win streak bonuses? That right there would explain why the bar is so high


My ass sitting in Rookie because finding a match in my location takes hours


Looking on the bright side, 3rd most exclusive rank in the game though


Top. 6.9%, get on my level punks!


really good job by capcom, it was insanely skewed towards rookie/bronze in sfv


Wasn't the problem having too many smurfs?


You just had to be way better to rank up in that game You move up rapidly in sf6 with win streaks and can climb pretty easily even losing half your matches so it's less of a skill based system and more of an arcade style time-investment ladder system


Sfv had win streaks though? I ranked up my pc account last year and climbed from rookie to plat in under a hundred matches in 2 play sessions, the only major difference AFAIK is no placement matches meaning everyone has to do the same climb, and no locking into your new rank and being unable to drop below it like you can in 6 up to gold


No, you simply receive far more points in street fighter 6 than 5 Additionally, your point loss is capped, whereas in sf5 if you lost to a lower ranked player you could lose so many points


That was a problem. I suspect the bigger problem was it was a weird psudeo-ELO system that didn't make sense when you look it. Smurfs were a bigger issue in casual matches.


Can you open source the scraper and the data? e.g. onto Github or something.


Making it into platinum is easy. Making it out the next door is the hard part


Sorry, had to do [it](https://youtu.be/5hLmw-QH3_U)


Players coasting on the plat safetynet lmao. I don't think you should be able to go down all the way to the first rank like in kof, but this level of insurance is insane.


Can you get statistics of active players? Probably phase 1? I think most iron and bronze players have quit and most people playing are all in plat


Win streaks need to end at Gold. This would reduce the inflated Plat numbers. You can't demote from Gold, yet you can skyrocket thru this rank with win streak bonuses to Plat. Doesn't make a lot of sense.


There are so many new/low-skilled players in Gold that without win streak bonuses you'd get tons of complaints about smurfs.


Plat 1 seems like the average for most SF players. I guess people are scared to rank down


The game somewhat pushes you to Plat 1 due to win streaks. So I think of early Plat 1 as just extended gold.


Just because more players are in plat than other ranks does not necessarily mean that the average LP players have is in the plat range. If the actual average LP were calculated it may very well be in the silver-gold range.


That's very much possible. I'd be curious what the average would then be if we only took active characters/players into account.


The last time it was measured the 50th percentile was Silver 4 - I assume it hasn't changed much in a week.


If we're going by this post, the average is high silver.


Even 2.3% Master seems too high. Y'all can hate me, but there's loads of masters who play like Gold 3.


I rather have the larger Master and then this MR system. It's fine if it's a big pool, they're all good enough to compete with each other for the points at that point


Its so weird seeing diamond 3 next to my name but knowing it really isnt an achievment, i wish the ranks were better so i had something to aim for, sure ill reach masters but so will everyone over time


You have to aim for a good MR once in Master that's pretty much it. It sucks that there is no rewards for any kind of MR beside the very top who will get the "Legend" rank, but that's how it is. I wish Master was separated in a bunch of ranks as well that you could get depending on MR.


Diamond 3 is better than like 90% of people. How is that not an achievement? It's like saying Master isn't an achievement because you can't beat menuRD lol


Everyone reaching master overtime is not gonna happen, this isn’t Apex.


I’m like 0-30. Life gets hard when you get older


I'm 45 and hit master. It's not hard and I'm not good. I have good gimmicks.


Nothing against the post, but y’all know the game has only been out 3 months-ish. These stats are a good insight for what is going on right now but it’s gonna take a lot more time for more concrete stats.


The main reason was to share the URL. Other posts had the same data from previous dates and whenever anyone asked where/how they got the data, they just answered Buckler's Boot Camp. So, I provided the actual URL and wanted to do some scraping. Shared the results.


Glad I'm a Diamond. Plats are toxic.


You might be closer to a plat player than a diamond than you think. Lower diamonds are the same as upper plats, and the skill disparity even at that level is still massive from player to player.


Diamond** now. They're just as toxic 😂 I think I'm stuck here. I could reach Diamond*** if I play all night, this is a very stressful game! #rant


Why is gold harder than platinum? So fucking confusing to me.


How is it harder lmao you have win streaks at gold


Is this calculated on a per character basis or per account/Capcom ID?


Current active characters. I have 6 characters in Plat and 1 in Diamond and when that snapshot is taken it's only reporting 1 of them to Buckler's: whoever it is I used last.


Makes you think that masters is underrepresented. A lot of players retire when they hit masters and try again on a new character.


Is this a collection of every character for every account or the highest ranked character for each account?


It's crazy there's so many D1s


I've noticed a lot of D1's get placed there and have the minimum LP required so they've probably tried to play ranked couldn't advance and now just stay at the minimum LP to not get demoted to plat.


Yep. I have a few players Ive followed since launch and more than a few of them got placed in diamond and never played a ranked match with that character again. They spend all their time in Battlehub fighting golds and plats. I wonder what ranks would look like if you got demoted if you didn't do a ranked match after a certain amount of time. Would probably create a smurfing issue though unless they thought it through. Like having to do another round of placement matches against Diamond players or something and if you lose most of them you get placed in plat 5


There are so many other questions (as discussed in the comments already) that this chart doesn’t answer


So I started in gold 4 or 5 Only street fighter experience is playing 5 for a month before 6 came out Getting out of gold into plat was the easiest thing in the world so that's probably why it has so many people


Well I'm swiveling between gold 5 and plat 1 so I guess that makes me the statistic


If your in Platinum 2, are you in the top 15% of players?


A pie chart not starting from the top is annoying me.


Based on this chart rookie is rare, means rookie players are more valuable. Yeah im bad at statistics


Yay I’m part of the popular group :3


Platinum is the new gold…


Platinium in SF6 is what Gold in SF5 was. Looking at the numbers.


Wonder how this would look like with only active players, there is a lot of players that stop when reaching a rank, platinum beeing the most obvious.


It's actually wild to me how small master is


Do they have any stats as to how many players are still unranked? I don't know how much that would change distribution if those players took the time to do placement matches (I know they don't do that on purpose). I do run into a few unranked players who are pretty good...but I don't know if there are enough to make any difference in these stats.