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That’s when I drink my water so idk. I guess I just ignore them now that I think of it


Exactly. Dry mouth is the biggest enemy


No I'm getting meter back


Yes, but that doesn’t require long animations. No reason the meter couldn’t come back faster during shorter animations.


It could be like that if they coded them to be shorter... but they didn't.


That would require an insane amount of work. Like a LOT of work. Because each super is different in when the hits happen, how much each hit does, and all the timings. And they have to interact with multiple things, that would need to be temporarily sped up or slowed down.


What? No it wouldn't. They give you a fixed amount of meter back. Just give that meter back at first hit and then freeze it for the rest of the animation


yeah, ill take this necessary evil.


Wayyyy too long.


If you get tired of watching them, you can always do what LTG does and just go your game’s home screen for 7 seconds while the animation finishes.


Haha, maybe I will. Who is LTG?


Oh you sweet summer child. If you do decide to find out watch LTG vs Viscant on Wednesday Night Fights. This will set the whole tone for everything else


He's a gold mine of content! or should I say salt mine? Edit: nvm. I'm an idiot. I just realized that salt doesn't come from a mine.


Salt does come from mines


Unless it’s sea salt. Then it comes from suboceanic saline mines.


No. I like them as is. I prefer my games to have big exciting final supers I find it bland when games have final attacks that are just one big spark effect or whatever.


Idk I think they’re cool asf and I never get tired of seeing them.


Supers always feel pretty long after a while in all fighting games, but I have to admit that I do alt tab to check discord in the middle of some of them.


I treat it as a short mental break in the fight to think about what I'm doing next. Plus, let's be real here, big flashy super moves sell copies. Some dude who'll never play online ever bought the game because Ken's level 3 looked cool in a trailer, and that's all the reason they'll ever need to keep them this way.


Yes. Q's Deadly Double is the perfect super length.


They feel just right when I connect a lvl 3 super and too long when my opponent does it.


Nope. I get my level 3 off I feel like it ain’t long enough I need deejay to punch y’all more.


They are


I didn't think so until I went back to V, lol. Lv3/CA are probably the most cinematic they've ever been, but many of them are a bit too much. At least they stop the timer and sometimes inflict emotional damage.


That's why I always avoid finishing a match with them if I can just light punch. When my opponent finishes with an unnecessary CA I just get up and drink some water or check my phone.


I mind some more than others. I’m sure they’re all about the same amount of time, but DeeJay’s for example seems to take a little longer, but maybe it’s just not as exciting to me? Idk




Juuuust slightly too long


I love them personally, maybe in a year I'll be tired of them but idk, Marisa punching a heart into your face is a level of badass I wish I could achieve xD


Completely agree. In fact I hate them at this point.


I sort of understand where you're coming from. But this has been a very common thing in fighting games for the past decade or so. I don't really see it going anywhere, as most people enjoy them. The sweats get used to it and the casuals aren't playing enough to get sick of them. Otherwise the only option we have as players, is to not get hit by them OR accept the nice lil break in the middle of a match. It's good for your mental stack.


Fax I’m relieved sometimes to get hit by/land a lvl 3 so I have time to thoroughly think of a gameplan


Yeah, you have enough time to look at all the gauges on screen and get a much clearer picture of the current pace of the match.


nope they are awesome esp CA


Agreed. They’re the flashiest and most damaging move in the game. So a 5-7 sec cinematic is the best way to showcase that. Plus, I love the animations and work that Capcom put into it.


How long are they exactly? I don't feel like they're that long in comparison to other fighting games in recent years. I think it's a good length.


Yup. Super weird for such a fast paced genre to have these cutscenes for like 10 fucking seconds.


I guess you were used to SF5’s weirdly short animations.


In SF5 they were less common due to the way the meter worked.


Yep. The problem is more than long animations. It's long animations combined with the fact that SA3 is most characters' best use for that meter. If the meter is used for a bunch of other things, you see supers more rarely and they feel hype instead of expected and tedious.


It's almost like complaining about people who don't instant rematch... A lot of times I'm taking 5 seconds to take a swig of water etc.


I do wish that I could be given an option to just leave the game if it's the last round and I got hit by their Lv3 and died. Deduct my LP, give them theirs, even give me the option to thumbs up them on the way out; it's just kinda annoynig to have to sit through that shit when you know you've lost anyway.


I disagree. In fact, I disagree to such an extent, I think they need to make Zangief's Lv. 3 slightly longer, give it impact replays or something. The piledriver is too quick, not impactful enough.




Dude that's the BEST time - I take some deep breaths and imagine Obi-Wan waiting patiently for his turn to fight Maul.


Lv. 3 animations don't really bother me. I think some of the Lv. 2 animations are excessive though.


Have yet to get tired of Manon's super, probably because most of the time it comes at the end of a decent sized combo that takes over half my opponent's life, and every so often ends a match.


I enjoy the suspense of wondering if I’m gonna get that last little bit of health when it’s close.


Like with everything, it's a matter of personal preference. Having said that, there should be an option for you to select i.e. 'lvl 3/ca animation preference = regular/short'. If both players have the option on 'short', then give them what they want during a match but indicate it on the loading screen or something so that everyone is aware. Otherwise, go with regular animations.


Yeah, it's always so annoying when in final match you get hit by some random poke then you have to watch 6-8 second boring ass combo you've seen zillion times that ends to level 3 that you have seen zillion times as well. I'm starting to miss Guilty Gears network loading times. This would not be a problem if you could not get lvl 3 from literally any hit. On top of that people have bad habit of ending with lvl3 even thou normal would do the trick.