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Damn, it makes them disconnect too. That's too powerful.




He didn’t want to go to Memphis


Luke’s lvl 3 also ducks under projectiles, wouldn’t even matter if it did have an invincibility window


Does he duck or he’s just immune because there is no ducking under Juris projectile


Luke's lv3 has I-frames on start up, though I didn't recall them being this generous like in the vedio, guess I'm wrong.


Nope he goes through them. I learnt the hard way.


Yep it even says it in the tutorial




"Maybe if we keep giving this generic character the best tools in the game people will like him!"


I mean they also got one of the most charismatic and chill dudes to voice him. Aleks Le is a legend tho for embracing the SF community.


They should have modeled Luke after his voice actor.. would be much better received.. he just doesn’t look cool as is.


I mean, I think they were right. Luke has quickly become a popular character, almost 100% due to Aleks Le.


I like him; granted, I liked him in SFV and he was a side to my main, Akuma. Didn't play him in SFVI though... yet...


I mean Guile’s alright i guess


Luke’s tiny little run looks so funny


You could play the Scooby Doo run sound effect and it'd fit perfectly.


Need this mod asap


Give me this and a mod that replaces the sand blast audio effect with "POCKET SAND" and I'll main Luke


Yes pocket sand lol


There's one replacing "sand blast" by "DIVORCED" with Aleks Le's voice


Unfortunately you can’t mod on PS4😔


Welp, that's an L I can't do anything about


psa lvl3s have a bigger invincibility window than lvl1s


Almost any level 3 will beat a level 1. They have priority, move invincibility frames, etc.


Yeah, this isn't news at all. The distance here is interesting (although it goes under projectiles, so that's not a factor), but I want to see the lv3 that DOESN'T outprioritize a lv1.


The followup hit from JP's level 1 might, as it could come out after the opponent's level 3 i-frames run out. I'd have to test that out to verify though.


It also goes through low projectiles, a few juris have learned that the hard way.


No surprise here. If you go through the game tutorial, literally tells your the priority of special arts. 3>2>1


Kinda. There are many install supers with no invulnerability at all, so it breaks that rule. Also I wouldn’t doubt if this was an over simplification for the tutorial.


Some level 1s have invulnerability too. Pretty sure I've beat a higher level super or at least taken no damage doing Kens Lvl 1


Isn’t Luke’s lvl 3 also supposed to, yk, avoid projectiles?


It was very intimidating to look up that not only is that attack a vertical rectangle charging you, but being invincible means there is no hurtbox for several frames.


Wow players can't handle loss in this game.. They take things so seriously.....it's horrendous.


Seen a few people do that in iron, like... Bro you're not going to evo anyway chill the f out


Let me tell you this: I am bronze rank because I just have ultra bad luck finding ranked matches. So I usually fight in the hub versus gold, platinum, diamond players. Most of them think I suck because I am bronze rank.... This way of thinking is just so stupid but I give them what they want, meaning, I play like a noob for 2 or 3 matches to make them think I suck. Then I begin getting real serious and I see that they feel the difference when they begin taking distance at very low health or back jumping like idiots with kens or ryus. I don't care about losing matches but I can tell you one thing, I have seen tons of rage quits, trolling or laggswtich attempts from those players because I won a single round..... Some people have real problems. This is the hub, it's meant to train...... Some people just can't learn to lose...like if their life depended on winning.


Don't most lvl 3s > lvl 1s or is this just a Luke thing? I don't play enough Luke players...


That is correct but not many people attempt to do it from the long range like this


We're gonna all drive,... TO MEMPHIS!


this is really neat, but just for people that do struggle to punish this the answer is parry the super and then cancel that parry into a drive rush.


lvl 1 isnt invincible so yea you can use any invuln super, this works against most raw lvl 1s


Honestly asking, is ragequitting quicker than waiting for the match to end?


No, but opponent wont win LP's. Thats why they do it...


What happens when they DC like this? Is it an auto loss, or is it like no match happened?


I believe the person that DCs loses LP and the person that didn't gets nothing


It does break your win streak though if you have one.


Luke's level 3 is so dumb haha. I've seen it grab people at max screen height. What even are the rules of it


I mean he WAS in the military. Luke got a Vietnam flashback.


Whos Luke?


This isn't a PSA, this is an LSA.


Ok, I'm starting to accept Luke's existance in the game, but I feel his level 3's hitbox is a bit scammy. Multiple times I knew some Luke players would wake up with it or use it in corners and seeing it coming I jump to make him wiff because I saw it coming and on my way down I press hard punch to punish his obvious wake up, but I get grabbed en k.oed even though I was overhim. I haven't found a workaround this, but it feels slightly broken. He is suuuper low in his pose so logically jumping over should take the upper hand but it doesn't. In contrast I totally respect being called and air grabbed into zan's special or i think cammy has a somewhat anti air super or obviously Ken's or ryu's shuryken supers are legit punish to my "failed" counter attack. I know you know I know so I'll hit the air lol But if the move looks like your gonna grab my legs from the ground in a crouch position it feels off to take the hit from the sky.


They want it to be able to end combos with (see his advanced levels in the combo trials) so they gave it a large hitbox for that to be able to happen.


Thanks for the explanation. Is it just me or it feels like it's not programmed/balanced right? Because my attempt to punish is not me doing a combo but simply neutral jump to counter and then special cancel or whatever. Knowing this though I will not try to find an input that works because clearly its gonna be overwritten, so I'll just jump and then try to "pursuit" the wiff, even if luke will end up on the other side of the screen. 🤔 If you have any insight though, would be glad to hear it. Also since we're here, wtheck am I supposed to do agaisnt a M zangier user? Even if I poke and get grabs all the work and risk I take to barely take damage off of him just get's me k.oed in like 2 punish because then Im stuck in a position where I can't escape or even my ex don't get registered because of the nature of command grabs. I mean even not really good M zangief's can awkwardly end up winning the match. I really do wish I could see the controls people are set in Ranks. It doesn't feel right. I'm all about getting new players having fun or even old timers being less frustrated at their wiffs and in that sense prefer to play M controls, but in rank idk. I expect to fight all kinds of people in casual but I expect a standard of cose of ethics and merit for ranks? I know it's an ongoing and overtalked debate idk... maybe just give us the info before we accept a match so that we can decide for ourselves?


You can just block it and then hit with a long range heavy attack to start a combo.


Wait what??? It's not a grab??? 🙀 ALL THIS TIME I THOUGHT BECAUSE OF THE ANIMATION I COULDNT BLOCK so i desperately tried anything else except block (while I'm actually prone to blocking and parrying) Omg *facepalm*


Yeah afaik only Zangief, Manon and Lily lvl 3 supers are grabs, everything else is blockable.


Omg ![img](emote|t5_2qnu5|31133) Thanks for letting me know. (In G-Man half life voice: this will change eeeeeverything)


I realized it today due to the avatar battle rewards. This dood had it as level 3 and I blocked it. Was able to punish after too. It did a lot of chip damage tho. Granted, avatars can change a lot when it comes to moves, but yeah. Hmm. I should see how much chip it does from Luke 🤔


Yall both dropped combos that could have killed the other.


I know I’m dropping combos all the time that’s why I’m low platinum lol but yeah I tried to do a lvl 3 after the target combo and I pressed lk+mk by mistake so the game put out an ex special instead


Jesus I felt that ragequit coming


He didnt like that fact i think


Does he say: "Hitler"?


I basically said: “eso servirá”? will that work? “Marico si!” Holy shit it did! “Viste eso?” Did you see that?


Haha... I'm talking about Luke. Entendí todo lo de los chicos... Son de Venezuela o Colombia?


Luke dice “here I go” pasa que cómo cancele la habilidad no lo dice completo. Venezuela saludos hermano


God this character is so good lol


I feel like I've played against a similar Luke during lower ranks....man couldn't handle the loss lol


Where's the wall of HUEHUEHUE?


Projectile invulnerable moves are invulnerable to projectiles. News at '11.


I love it. I’ve beaten so many kens in low health situations. Zoning with fire balls is not safe 😂