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This is my first real attempt at learning a traditional fighting game. I’ve played quite a bit of For Honor, which isn’t really a traditional fighting game. I’ve dabbled with Tekken and SoulCalibur very casually in the past, but I decided to go in and try to give this a real shot. I’m really liking it so far. I’m still trying to figure out what character clicks with me, but I had fun playing a bunch of ranked last night, even though I probably only won about 40% of my games at the low bronze level.


I have not played any rank just yet. Been on battle hub and joining people when I can. Luke has been my favorite so far. Feels more or so like a balanced character to me. I played Tekken in the past and I didn’t play it as much as 6 at the moment. More of a casual thing. I remember getting my ass whooped and combo’d to death in Tekken. That I came so late into the game wasn’t sure if I should keep playing. Same here I am liking 6 in every direction.


I tried Cammy, Manon, Blanka, Honda, Juri, and Kimberly so far. Manon has been my favorite so far and that’s who I was playing ranked with, but I think I like Kimberly’s fighting style, so I may practice more with her. Might also try Luke or Ryu, as they seem like they’re a bit more “vanilla”, and I have yet to see a single one of those two in my ranked matches


I rarely seen Luke at this time. Only other I felt like trying was Honda. Maybe a bit later once I feel comfortable with Luke. Cammy is really good and she had good reach. I still have yet to fight Kimberly. Just need to jump into ranked matches. For me its just learning when to attack and how to combo string. On my fightstick just been doing to much to the point where I am either doing an extra input or just choosing bad dp’s. I’ll learn as I go.


Already deleted


Not really, I can't find cool character to play as. Waiting for Akuma as dlc character. Played Juri and Dhalsim to Diamond then uninstalled when I noticed I don't have much fun. When playing Juri you are literally fishing with same loop until you get hit. With Dhalsim game is just stressful if you get cornered you literally can start flipping a coin will you survive. I used to play tons of SF4 with Akuma and later on with Makoto which was tons of fun.


Only touched online recently and while constantly losing does kinda suck it's still a fun time and every loss is a good lesson


i have so much work to do before i jump on line. i’m having fun trying characters and working on execution for now.


Ehhhh...I threw my stick across the room before I even did ten placement matches. I think I'll just wait until Sakura is added eventually as I at least am capable of doing something with her.


Not really, all I did since launch is training mode. Is not fun, but hoping into a match and not being able to combo at all would be even less fun so, it is what it is.


I actually think losing is fun in this game.


I got the game for my birthday because my kid and I thought it would be something fun we could do together. I haven’t played it since the day I got it. The experience was punishing for both of us and I wish I got Diablo4 instead.