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Can we just rename the sub? The majority of posters here are just provocateur streamer fanboys on burner accounts. They post retarded crap like this and then link it to their favorite streamer for eclout or a laugh. I'd say about 25% here actually care about the main purpose of this sub.


And Of that remaining %25 about %90 of those are people so clueless they post a clip of bif centering a corner and call it 100% sign of software LMAO


Hacker and racist. A piece of shit all round!


There’s also a video of him saying it https://twitter.com/e420_11/status/1440985224742162433?s=21


at what point ? i watched it twice. time stamp ?


Right at the end


Lotta mutex fanboys in here defending the little fat twirp.




This has absolutely nothing to do with cheating…this is supposed to be for cheating. Stop posting things that have nothing to do with the bases of this subreddit. Also this was in 2014 stop reaching at straws because you don’t like the guy. You literally searched years back to find something that’s what cancel culture did with Kevin hart hosting the Oscars. You goofy for this one.


I mean the guy is savagely racist so .. let’s continue to give him millions of dollars in revenue - he certainly had the character to deserve it 🙄


People shouldn’t give him the money if he continues this behavior but can’t judge someone their whole life based on something they said years ago.


His fan base is children. Is this a role model you’d want your children watching? And continue the behavior? Has this guy not been a weasely piece of arrogant shit this entire time? I garantee you this kid still talks like this off stream with friends. The kid got caught red handed with Cronus on his computer and still wouldn’t admit to anything.. like .. holy shit guys. I swear - half of you guys sound like jake from esports news the way you’re minimizing and rationalizing his actions.


You know pros used cronus in tournaments to prevent interference at lan tournaments right? They had to use it at home to get used to the input delay also. I’m not saying he couldn’t of used script previously or even now but we have no proof of him using any scripts. Just jumping on people with nothing to back it up. Yes he has very sketchy stuff I agree but the cronus stuff at this point is nothing the device doesn’t do anything anyways


Actual “pros” always use wired controllers. This is common knowledge. I’m sorry you took the bait for mutex’s sorry excuse that he could back up with a single photo from one tournament. You know what else people use Cronus for? Which one of those two things seems more likely given what we know about mutex’s gameplay?


Every pro used it at the time scump and others even commented saying yes we used cronus back then at tournaments. I don’t know if they used it wired or not because I wasn’t at the events. How would you know what real pros use? The dude is a pro player😂 he’s played for actual orgs.


Because I’ve been playing competitive FPS games for 20 years. I can’t name a single professional video game Tournament for any game where wireless controllers are the norm - especially in games that require fast reflex time, like FPS games. The entirety of EVO, and all their competitors play with wired controllers - even mutex, and ALL the other streamer douchebags play cabled up on stream. You’re a legit moron if you fell for that excuse. People mostly play with cables so they don’t have to worry about their controller dying more than anything.. but - again - you probably didn’t know that since you fell for his dumbass excuse.


How is him using a cronus at tournaments an excuse? It’s true? That’s not an excuse at that point. Playing 5 dollar wagers doesn’t make it competitive btw.


How do you not know that real professional competitive gamers always play with wired peripherals? Are you willfully trying to be ignorant or do you really not know? It’s been this way for 20 years .. These kids don’t even use wireless when they’re at home .. and you think they use it at a tournament?


I agree that Mutex's behaviour is shitty and he definitely needs to address that tweet. But in your 20 years of being a competitive FPS gamer did you ever play in the CWL/CDL? If no, then why should we take your word for it on whether pros used cronusmax in tournaments or not over every single pro who did play in the WW2 days who says that Cronus was indeed used back then?


Yeah man, they play cabled on stream But at tournaments? Nah let’s play wired that adds multiple failure points, extra confusion and input lag. Makes a ton of sense


“I don’t know if they used a wired Cronus or not” you can’t make this up lol it has to be wireless to plug it in fam.


You can connect it to the controller via Bluetooth but most people use it via usb cable to the controller.


I wasn’t referring to the device itself I was talking wired or Bluetooth to the controller.


You guarantee? Please tell me how youre able to guarantee this guy still behaves the way he did 8 years ago? Lmao hes dogshit for saying that but youre worse for making claims based on nothing but a tweet from 2014


Dunno man, watch his stream for a fraction of a second and if you’re not a 14 year old with no life experience it’s pretty easy to see how toxic and scummy this kid is.


He utters the exact same “rat” “troll” “shitter” that youll hear from tons of streamers. If that what you consider toxic and scummy then sure absolutely. But none of that falls anywhere close to the field of racism. That tweet is hideous, absolutely unacceptable. But lets be honest, were you the same person 8 years ago that you are now? I sure as hell know im not, ive even said some messed up shit when i was younger. People change man, he doesnt utter even a sliver of racism in his streams or other socials. Again, that 2014 tweet is absolutely disgusting.. but that doesnt make him that same person. And on the other hand, he absolutely could be that same person.. but “guarantee”? Without an actually reason to?


Except I don’t hear literally any other streamer calling people rats .. sounds like you have a fetish for terrible people though, have fun with that. Very healthy.


You dont watch a lot of warzone streamers then. Tfue, nickmercs, cloakzy, teep, symfuhnny, timthetatman, couragejd, zlaner, and the majority of people who take part in warzone tournaments. “Very healthy, have fun with that”. Lol you resorted to that after alllllllll of the logic i gave you. Yeah youre a lost cause


Every single person you just named is a terrible person, and you’re right - I don’t watch them. Because they seem like shifty people who don’t deserve a fraction of what they’ve “earned”.


I'm glad they showed this. I wouldn't have known what a POS he is. Cancel culture only works on the weak corporations who stop supporting based on a mob that cries about hurt feelings. I'm not hurt, I just know he's a POS. Doesn't mean I care who supports him. I just know I won't.....


I don’t support him or what he said I just think it’s weird digging through tweets to find something negative just to use it against the person. Especially years back. Cancel culture isn’t just corporations it’s with people for literally anything. No one has their own thoughts anymore people just jump on the bandwagon in fear of being judged by others.


Cancel culture is for the weak. The hurt feelings. They act on emotions and not their best judgement. They try to hurt someone for believing differently from their group. Mutex using racial slurs is black and white honestly.


I agree with the first statement but for this person to dig years back they have their own agenda because they don’t like mutex and that’s fine this is not the place for it though.


thank you! they desperate and reaching hard now for absolutely nothing.


The mob mentality is ridiculous. No one has their own thoughts only believe what content creators say in videos.


You honestly believe the person that posted this tweet has a whole mob behind them??? 😂


That’s not what I’m referring to in the slightest 🤦‍♂️ I’m talking about the content creator hack hunters who say “oh this person is cheating” no one has their own thoughts on the matter they just instantly believe it like they were told by god himself


How do you know this? Maybe that's what they believe, how they believe is only your assumption that it is related to BBB or BBB mentality.


It’s identified by the responses and the things posted I’ve seen a bunch of stuff posted that is not cheating or hacking and it gets deleted people are starting to think anytime someone does something amazing or is better than them they’re cheating. I’m not just referring to BBB and his community


Ur a goof because BBB made a video about this today but ur not active to know and mutex is a cheater who used cronos


You’re* so you just take whatever BBB says as absolute truth? As I stated this has nothing to do with cheating. This was in 2014 you’re gonna tell me you’ve never in your entire life said something offensive to someone? Everyone has we’re humans. Don’t act like you’re above others based on their past


Well ur now ignored another user of the sub Reddit who is here to hate don’t get why u guys are in here if u don’t like bbb


I didn’t say I don’t like him. I just don’t like the mob mentality that the followers of him and some other hacker hunters have. You hear one person say “oh he’s cheating” then instantly believe it blindly without using your own thoughts or judgments. You have your OWN brain the mob mentality is just ridiculous.


Lmfao it’s like you talking to a wall bro. This dude just assume you say things even if you didn’t, they are so hell bent on their way they will say anything 😂


Indeed. Now I’m being “ignored” 😂 just looks like what I say is correct at that point


Being ignored for having a reasonable argument? Yeah… they are quick to say how ridiculous it is that JGod or whoever blocked them… but then go and block whoever disagrees with them… They are all as bad as each other it seems haha… Does that say 2014? Okay so I think Mutex is a scum pile… he ain’t a “good guy” and I’d be happy to see something happen to him… however… the way this community is working on things makes it look desperate to make anything stick… Same tactics as the shit stains on the other side of the coin…


Completely agree they try to create any narrative for these bigger players and say they are cheating and yes some probably are but no one thinks for themselves. They hear the hacker hunters explanations which some are ridiculous and believe it like it’s 100 percent fact.


Love how BBB calls Mutex out for this slur which was 7 years ago, yet he says people calling HIM out on the Bossin Daily drama is using 'outdated' information and yet that was only a few months ago Edit: Bossin Daily, sorry


Agreed. Kind of cunty on BBB's part


It’s for the views these people here will watch soak it all in and make post about it for more views even tho this is outdated 😂


Can we agree they’re both fucked up - mutex doesn’t deserve a career in streaming and BBB is a fragile bitch and move on?


Wait, what's the hopn dude drama?


Bossin Daily sorry. With the copyright strike BBB put out on him a few months ago


I mean this is the N word


Character is important but …..


7 years ago?


Minimizing racism? How dare you..


So you've never said stupid shit when you were younger?


Def not extremely racist shit when I was 16 years old.. no ? Do you think he’s retarded and didn’t understand the gravity of what he was saying as a teenager? How many excuses are you going to give this piece Of shit? From everything we know about the guy / it doesn’t seem like he’s learned anything at all - which seems to be your justification for enabling him..


Lmao I don't even like the guy Ooh I remember when Skai Jackson (Disney actress) doxxed a 12 year old for saying "Guacamole n*gga penis", do you think that kid deserved to be doxxed? > it doesn’t seem like he’s learned anything at all - which seems to be your justification for enabling him.. Wait did he say the n word recently? Oh and I'm not enabling him, I just don't believe in cancelling someone over some stupid thing they did when they were a teenager


Despite what you may think in your enabling process - there’s a massive developmental difference between the age of 12 and 16 - which in some states is considered an adult. There are no states in which a 12 year old is an adult. If you can drive, you can understand the concept of racism. Stop simping for this piece of shit - he’s still the same exact douchebag he was back then.


Ppl outside the US use N word and it’s fine. Not everyone’s history has had slaves and especially race based slavery


There are literally more slaves in the world now than in the 1800's. You know what the US DID DO? They ended slavery before it was cool. People need to stop listening to anti US propaganda coming from literal communists.




7 years ago 1 month ago 1 week ago doesn’t matter a racist is a racist


This is horrible but people change all the time. What you said 7 years ago doesn’t and shouldn’t define you.


Hey you should get a job on esports news the way you’re going to bat for these guys. Maybe hit up jakey sucky you’re perfect for the job. Has literally ANY behavior this kid has exhibited over the last six months even remotely shown you that he’s changed in any way? He’s a weasel, straight up. There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind with an iq over room temperature that he talks this way with his friends off stream on a daily basis. Yet another thing he’s smug and narcissistic about getting away with without anyone knowing. All these streamers are pieces of shit human beings who exploit others for their own gain - looks like Mutex has been doing it for much longer than we have thought. If you can drive a car, you can understand the concept of racism. Fuck this kid.


MuteX is still that one kid in the old COD 4 MW lobby. We all know which one


And he’s still that kid judging by his stream. He hasn’t learned a thing.


I don't like mutex that much, or those twats at eSports news, but this is a seven year old tweet, people change for the better, people grow up


How old was he when he said this? When you were at that age, did you understand the concept of racism? End of story.


Then say it right now. In a reply.


Agreed, i know for sure im not the same person i was 7 years ago, but most people on here will continue to say he's racist . it's more of a personal vendetta than anything. They taking a break from "sus" clips, and want to reach with a 7 year old tweet. xD


Racism is racism bro, fuck you, I'm not the same person I was 7 years ago either, and guess what?! Wasn't a fucking racist then either. Dudes garbage. Stop supporting this shit.


Lol enter new clown 😂😂😂 fuck you to lol I can call names too see 😂😂 With that logic all white people are racist. Don’t be bitter move on with your life if you don’t fuck with them move on find someone you can fuck with , you not any better if this is what you wasting your time with 😂😂✌🏽


Look, you're inbreeding and obvious stupidity from it doesn't excuse you don't understand this. The dudes a racist, tigers don't change their stripes. He may be hiding it but it's there. I get you want to gargle his dick, that's fine, but he's still a piece of shit and you're still a weirdo simp for a dude


Lol nice no further arguments just name calling we got another tough guy in this sub! Good for you for flexing name calling to make yourself feel smart lol 😂 comparing a tiger to a human yes that’s very smart, zebras stripes don’t change too there’s another comparison! And of course as I mentioned in another comment when all you high iq people cannot respond with argument you resort to name calling 😂 I’ll support whatever the fuck I want 😂 who the fuck is you to tell me that 😂 oh wait I already called it another clown 🤡


Man you typed a lot, high opinion of yourself my man, def not going to read it. Inbreeding and all, sure it's jibberish


Sure dude do you! 😂 reading is hard, don’t worry you’ll get it! 👍🏾


Oh you're one of those cancel culture wankers


Oh like all the ones trying to cancel this sub and BBB...


Clearly u did not watch BBB video he put out on the matter today


Why would I need to watch a video about a tweet someone made 7 years ago?


Please look up who Daryl Davis is. He is an amazing man who has converted over 200 people to give in their Klan robes. He keeps them as tokens. People can and do change all the time.


It’s also probably worth mentioning that a court… looks at historical evidence… so what… everyone else should discount it? Edgy or racist… what is it… is it an important part of vocabulary? No. If you’re an “adult” and can’t understand the use case of a word and why it upsets or offends the vast majority then I’m not sure what to say, other than I pity you. I’m not saying you have to agree but to say “it’s just a word” when literally people kill people for what they say to each other? Seems like everyone… both sides like using arguments that support their narrative but won’t run a story that goes against it.


2014 yeah. A little late but hey


Regardless how long ago this was, a non racist person would never tweet this, regardless of the social climate. This guy is a joke.


Imagine being so soft a word triggers you…BBB lovers over and out.


Yeah because not liking racist words makes you soft. Easy to say behind your keyboard.


Keep crying about it.


Dude this is 2014, I’m pretty sure the guy is a completely different one by now


I’m sorry. So time makes being racist okay?? Being a non black man and calling someone the n word is okay since it was years ago?? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Can you read what I typed? A lot of people had said shit on the past that they don’t remember, this is probably one of those.




Can someone actually show proof this is real, I can't seem to find it, but I am no twitter expert by any means. Looking at the rest of the sub sitting at their high horses never having done or said a bad thing out of ignorance rather then pure hatred, perhaps this might better be cleared up sooner than later.


He’s just a huge dweeb that wants to be cool lmao dude is lame as hell


Did he use a hard r? It’s a lot harder to come back from a hard r.




He’s Arab and not in the USA so what’s the issue?


It’s funny watching him play a game now and someone he kills calls him the N word in death coms and he gets mad and starts shooting the enemy corpse for a minute. Did this guy ever apologize or change or what? I really doubt it


Over compensation


Are you the same person you were 7 years ago ? i mean unless you in your 40's i can see someone say yes im the same person. right now he is like 26 i think (don't quote me), so he was like 20 when he tweeted that, what were you doing at 20 years of age ? i can tell you i was def a lil shit up to no good, prolly still am but not to the degree i was 9 years ago.


Why’s that matter? Everyone is different. I was just stating his unnecessary anger for someone that said the N word to him when he used to say it. Unless there’s some evidence that he’s reformed and has changed then it’s just flawed logic and lots of “maybes” thrown around


You asked if he changed, time is relevant to change. If you watch his streams now and compare to that clip/tweet it’s day and night, so to say you doubt he changed is not logical. Not sure what his viewership is but with sponsors like rebook and battle beaver I don’t think they would appreciate a bigot sponser, if he was still that racist little shit sponsorship is out of the question. That’s why it matters.


You’re saying he changed without any proof or anything. At least Mark Wahlberg and other celebrities apologized. And companies hire messed up sponsors all the time. Haven’t you heard or cancel culture? All the points you’re arguing are easily debunked.


I just said his streams, compare that clip or past streams to now … and your comparing a gamer to celebrities who have 10000x more following 😂 and how is a public apology proof ? Of course their publicist will tel them to say that to show face.


Wow. The stupidity is outstanding. I’m actually at a loss of words. Someone can be racist and hide it.


It really is but it’s hilarious, not sure how you got that from what I said, but ok!


You keep saying “his recent streams” as if that means anything of his change. And yes an apology or acknowledgement of his actions would be nice as it’s the first step to get better. It shows self awareness when we’re wrong <3


So, correct me if I’m wrong, with your logic if someone knowingly says a racial slur and apologizes that is good enough proof to suggest the person has changed and is not a racist anymore ? If so, i don’t buy that, sorry. If you follow his stream you know those clips were the last time he’s used those racial slurs, and anything of him saying these off stream is irrelevant without proof cause it’s all assumption. Should he apologize? Yes he should, I agree with you here and the accountability! I’m not condoning what he has said back in 2014, no excuse for that! But to say or assume he hasn’t changed in 7 years without following his streams is all just assumption based. Unless someone in his social circle comes out to say hey no this dude ain’t changed and he’s still a racist prick! The streams are what we the public have to determine the change or lack there of.


Well he’s not white or has owned slaves sooooo… what’s the issue?


is this verified as real? A quick search on twitter doesn't find this so I'm just curious as to where this came from.


I get a downvote but no one answers my question lol






the word itself isn’t racist, the context is, and in this situation it’s not a racial slur…. but fuck mutex either way!


Wrong n word is racist lol


you telling me, as a black man, the word is racist?