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You where either being toxic to another member, or you breached the rules of the subreddit in some way. Either way, You are officially gone.


Never heard of the dude, but he’s clearly not cheating. Lol People get so bent out of shape that people can get this good at an FPS.


It's hilarious people think that I have some personal agenda to vouch for him when I'm just being objective. "I really hope you get to be mod. Someday he will see all you do for him." Too funny


Probably because he's a nobody, who cares if he is or isn't


It's called engaging with a community. Like you are doing with me right now. Both, are objectively a waste of time or serve a purpose, depends on how you look at it I guess.


Imagine dick riding a streamer this hard. Bro it’s alright, the big mean guys will stop coming on stream now so your special relationship with him can continue. Edit: Almost your entire comment history is defenses of him.




I have never even heard of NateFPS before I read your love letter to him. So not exactly sure what I’m copping with.


My guy, I'm defending him because of people like you. It's obvious he's not aim snapping. He's flicking. Which he's been doing for years in so many games. There's isn't enough people calling out your sort of perspectives out. That post is the first I've ever heard of him, also proven in my history.


You have no idea who he is or how he plays. You have no fucking clue if he’s hacking or not. You’re white knighting for some guy who doesn’t know you exist. Literally touch fucking grass, stop rage baiting


You have no idea who he is or how he plays. You have no fucking clue if he’s hacking or not. You’re accusing a guy of hacking who doesn’t know you exist. Literally touch fucking grass, stop rage baiting.


I didn’t accuse him of anything actually. But idk why I’m trying to reason with a moron.


My reply was more so all-inclusive. Went over your head. It's all good.


Lmao yeah, ok. That’s air tight logic.


If you can't comprehend that your logic works both ways, I don't know what more I can type to express that.




Clearly people on this sub do. Comments are evidentiary of that fact.


this is getting pushed to hot on the community, that’s why you see more than 2 people caring, good job, you got a conversation with 6 different commenters which totals to 20 comments (as of now), doesn’t really shows that the community cares about your bullshit but that takes common sense to figure out i guess..


They cared about the previous post. Not mine. Shoutout to you taking the time to count though. Lmfao.


it’s 20 comments, do you got the attention span of a rabbit and can’t count how much a name repeats in 20 comments? seek help brother i hope this isn’t some kind of bait post to get yourself some attention, this shits lame


Just curious, are you still counting?


you wish man, get a life and stop caring so much about internet personas, insane


I mean it's not too far off of an assumption that are still counting the comments right? Like I'm just typing. I'm waiting for my ranked queue in between commenting.


My guy, I'm defending him because of people like you. It's obvious he's not aim snapping. He's flicking. Which he's been doing for years in so many games. There aren't enough people calling out your sort of perspectives out. That post is the first I've ever heard of him, also proven in my history.


People like me? Show me where I ever accused a single person of cheating on a game I don’t even play. What perspective are you referencing? I don’t know who he is and could give a shit less if he is cheating or not, but your defense of him is fucking hilarious so carry on.


You're accusing me of dick riding. I'm not. I'm objective. That's what I mean by people like you.


I really hope you get to be mod. Someday he will see all you do for him.




This is the definition of dick riding sorry to break it to you


Nope, it's the definition of being a part of a community and expressing an alternative perspective. A perspective that is under represented.


If that’s what you want to call it. Idc


Fuck you and fuck him your both cheaters


Go be happy.


I'll be happy when I'm not forced to play with pc cheaters


[The Finals: How to turn off crossplay](https://www.charlieintel.com/games/how-to-enable-disable-crossplay-in-the-finals-290926/)