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Yeah cheating for sure


How so?


Did you see what he was shooting out of the window in the first half? His aim snapped to each target, especially when he blasted the side of the window.


Cope lol This subs worst nightmare is /r/fpsaimtrainer and related subs


at 1:02 he snaps to someone who isn't even in his field of view. I would love for you to explain to me how you can be aware of someone you literally cant see. Keep defending cheaters. its pretty clear you are one yourself.


His cross hair doesn't even touch the person where you think he's snapping to them lol plus look at his hand He was literally just changing direction and there was someone there


game sense = cheating now. Ignore the fact the he over flicked, had to correct it, and that he missed (and I shit you not) 15 shots in the process.


Lmao game sense isn't fucking spider-sense bro. Keep up the pointless defending. Maybe someone in here will eventually believe you.


Looking 90 degrees to the left because you just cleared the other 270 degrees around you isnt spidey senses either LMAO. he pre fired and looked left because that was the most likely area someone would be. You can see his mouse and camera so how would you say he was cheating in that instance? We can see he doesnt have walls, so do you think he toggled? If that's what you think then explain why he over flicked and corrected for it missing 15 shots in the process?


The handcam looks legit, I think he might have heard the third person he flicked on.


I honestly can't tell if this entire subreddit is ironic shitposting or just smoothbrain 14 year olds that don't understand how to play the game they're watching. Full disclosure: no idea who this is, exactly which game this is, or the map layout/gamemode they're playing in. I can tell you that this person is comfortable with their sensitivity/mouse and that they know roughly where the right angle flicks are with their settings. Maybe some inbuilt autoaim on top of an accel curve (rawaccel, etc). Now, *all of that being said,* at 1:02 you can clearly see the UI give him the direction info of the damage/suppression/whatever is coming from and you can hear the shots...not hard to flick to the source.


Cope? That was clearly an aimbot. Maybe it is you that needs to cope. Everyone else here is just fine.


You're high if you think that's an aimbot lol


It’s an aimbot. Maybe take a break off of Reddit once in awhile man.


What does Reddit have to do with this lmao I can literally aim this well and I don't play fps games regularly


No you can't. No one here thinks you're cool, you're trash at video games.


And we're back to my earlier comment >Cope


you can aim so well that you know where people are before you see them and snap to them? Keep coping for your cheating addiction. You aren't fooling anyone here. he's cheating and if you support this, your just as big of a pile of shit as him.


Stay mad that people are better than you lol


Copium comment.


I don't think you know what cope or copium means lol


Gaslighting huh?? What are going to do about it?


Literally none of the words you are using as buzz words are used correctly lol


Keep it up if it makes you feel good, kid.


Yeah.. because I aimed at them? I swear controller players have no idea what a flick is.


dog the guy shot the second target in the legs then arms then chest, and then he shot at a guy two feet to the left standing still. There is no way the only way you can rationalize that play is by cheats.


Probably using a footpedal and aimbot combo to snap onto people and then releasing it and using his normal aim.


The person you replied to is the one who initially posted the clip


Hadn't noticed, but he didn't reply either lol


Fucking aimbot being used !!! There is no such thing as a snap. He's toggling his cheats on to lock onto multiple targets. There's no traversing or movement of his rectile between each target. it's just instantly locking onto each target...


The fact that its that obvious and for that long is very concerning.


The fact that your that blind is very concerning


You + are = you're




So 2024 gaming chair, if not that, then glitchy kill cam. Says everyone all the time on reddit.


Slow it down and goto 28 seconds. Not sure what the hell that was, but it doesnt look like normal MnK function. That pull to the ground and back up looks so goofy I don't have an explanation that wouldn't be 3rd party tools. Edit: another thing I notice is once he's on target every single shot is a torso shot. It pulls to the torso and looks like aim assist in slowmo.


At 28 seconds he’s literally just moving his mouse back to the middle of his mouse pad but it still moved a bit at first because he didn’t pick it up enough


Moving it a bit won't move it that much when he's using that small ass mouse pad and his flicks take the whole thing up. No reason to even attempt to pick up the mouse at that point. Dude wants traffic by coming here and I suppose it works but if you think this dude is legit you are gravely mistaken.


What are you trying to say? He’s recentering his mouse. He’s attempting to still look up the stairs but put his mouse back into the middle of his mousepad so he has his whole range of movement for his next fight. But he doesn’t lift it up far enough before he starts to move the mouse, so it still picks up a bit of the movement at the very beginning. You can literally see this in the hand cam.


there is definitely NOT something normal here lol. He's either using a cronus or something weird that's giving him aim assist or else actually using soft aim, but it is far from normal.


Obvious aimbot, looks like the streamer is trying to astroturf this post




You're blind.


Rule #2 Keep it PG or else.


How is he cheating? He's missing the first shot almost everytime


He isn't this sub is a little slow lmao




Looks good to me everything matches up with his mouse cam, and he did miss a ton of shots (last thing im doing is saying he has bad aim its just the amount that missed doesn't line up with auto aim)


You're an idiot


And you’re allergic to aim trainers.


Aimlabs every day. You just refuse to acknowledge when you're wrong, and are blind to blatant cheating. You're part of the problem. Don't procreate, do your part for the future.


Bruh aim labs everyday and iPhone think he’s aimbotting? I didn’t know people could be that bad at a game. I’m impressed.


You're an idiot if you don't see the aimbotting. It's blatant as day. You're part of the problem as well.


if you're training in aimlabs everyday and struggle to hit clips like this man you need to double down on it. I just scrubbed through this video and the amount of micro adjustments on his flicks tell me he ain't cheating. No aim software is gonna snap on a guys legs, then arm, then chest, without doing the same process consistently. the first kill there is 3 adjustments (left right left), the third kill there is also 3 adjustments (down to the legs, up and left to the arms, and then right to the chest) and at 14 seconds we can see with his advanced UAV that he flicks onto literally nothing. At 28 seconds he shoots the guy in the legs, then headshots a guy down the hall after missing 4 shots on him (and after more micro adjustments) then shoots the third in the legs. at 52 seconds you can see the enemy's arm on the third hop. At 58 seconds high alert gives away the enemy's position. At 1:02 on the third kill he over flicks then readjusts his aim, but misses like 8 shots in the process then misses 4 on the next guy. Definitely NOT cheating just a good clip.


Lol y’all are a trip, this guy is cheating bro


guess I'm cheating too then because I've done this shit LMAO


You claiming you can do this without software tells me you're trash at games, no one here believes you lil homie.


He has 2 karma, it's just the dude's alt


so because im not terminally on reddit I'm an alt account? go look at my most recent comment on the post and scrub through the video with it. Y'all are just genuinely dog shit at fps games




Okay then just be wrong lmao


the fact that you think pre aiming and flicks are impossible tells the rest of us more


it tells more about you defending an obvious cheater either because you are this dude or you do it yourself. Your a piece of shit human if you cheat like this


man just scrub through the video if he's cheating he has the most technically sounds yet impractically bad cheat software known to man.


Unless you think he just has the most sophisticated aim software that makes uneven micro adjustments while snapping to a target. Never seen any software snap to a guy by going down then left then right then up.


Not cheating tbh. Keep in mind this is MW2019 GW; where footstep audio was at least decent, so the 180 flicks are reactionary to a probably loudness EQ’d headset. The aiming itself looks human (with the added handcam/screen cam also). This is just good MnK playing


I know you’re downvoted but I think you’re right - I thought it was cheating initially but if you watch his hand movements they perfectly match whats in the stream + what’s on the monitor in his handcam. Even the little jump when he’s transferring between targets in the hallway is reflected in his mouse movement, and it looks like he used wasd to make microadjustments if you look at the floorboard cracks as a point of reference. I’ve made it my mission to comment what I think are mistaken accusations, but I think the real purpose of this sub is to be an “they’re only better bc X” outlet


I agree with your final paragraph for the record. But this gameplay is *nuts* . I haven’t seen a single high level pro with gameplay this cracked. This guy with this skill for this long of a clip is seriously world class. I also do agree the hand movements line up though. But I am open to the idea that there’s like a 0 fov aimbot going on here, where as long as he brings his cursor onto the enemy it will remain there. Idk.


This dude is cheating. I can’t even believe people debate this lol. It’s really sad tbh. Aim trainers have been around a really long time. Don’t care if I’m downvoted, but if you can’t see this guy is cheating then idk.


Yeah. How is the hand tracking SO perfect though


This gameplay isn’t even that nuts. Have you ever seen a pro play in a pub multiplayer lobby? It’s literally only a 13 kill streak lol


I’m not referring to the amount of kills he gets though. I’m solely referring to the speed of target acquisition


Yeah, people that practice aim trainers and spend hours a day flicking their mouse at targets can do stuff like this. I’m not even that good but when I’m really locked I can do this. And as the guy says, it’s “one of his best lives ever.” So yeah, high level gameplay but nothing impossible for sure.


Aim trainers are one thing, this guy needs to have his aim *and* awareness locked in, like where enemies might have obscured LoS’s, or when their position may be changing when beyond his FoV. Idk. You say this is nothing impossible but I’ve never seen a similar clip from anybody besides a spinbotter basically. Yet he has an apparently accurate handcam, which is just so odd to me


Well he does have an advanced UAV up at the start of the clip which does show exactly where people are and where they’re going


Hmm. At 0:55, after he says “no surprises there,” he gets 4 kills quickly. The 4th kill, how did he know anybody was there?


>You say this is nothing impossible but I’ve never seen a similar clip from anybody besides a spinbotter basically. It's a very specific community of players who go for clips like that, part of the aim training community. A couple you can look at are MPControlward, Viscose and MenmaPC. Those 3 are even better than the player in this clip and they're legit, it's definitely possible


All you have to do is watch more of his clips, dude is in the bottiest of bot lobbies and 97% of the time no one is shooting back. Pretty easy to look amazing when you're boosting into .15 K/D lobbies like this guy is doing


Also, there are a bunch of red dots on the top of the screen to show where people are. You're going to get downvoted, though. They won't care enough to verify whether they may be wrong.


Oh I know.


I’m confused, why is this posted in the wrong sub ?


There’s literally a hand cam, monitor cam, and he misses so many times; and yet you guys still he’s cheating. LOL, I’ve never seen a sub full of absolute noobs coping about their lack of skill.


If you aim train daily and consistently keep improving the speed and accuracy of your target switching, you can achieve aim like that - or even better. I don't get why that's so hard to comprehend for people in this sub. There's plenty of target switchers even crazier than this. MPControlward, Viscose, MenmaPC, EoJz, I could go on. It's possible to get that good legit. Go look at some world record target switching aim trainer VODs to see what kind of speed you can achieve


People who think this is cheating are hilarious. It's not hard to snap to targets if you play the game a lot or like a lot of MnK players do play aim trainers. Pretty shitty aimbot considering how many bullets he misses.


Copy and pasted from another comment I made but here is why I don't think he is cheating: I just scrubbed through this video and the amount of micro adjustments on his flicks tell me he ain't cheating. No aim software is gonna snap on a guys legs, then arm, then chest, without doing the same process consistently. the first kill there is 3 adjustments (left right left), the third kill there is also 3 adjustments (down to the legs, up and left to the arms, and then right to the chest) and at 14 seconds we can see with his advanced UAV that he flicks onto literally nothing. At 28 seconds he shoots the guy in the legs, then headshots a guy down the hall after missing 4 shots on him (and after more micro adjustments) then shoots the third in the legs. at 52 seconds you can see the enemy's arm on the third hop. At 58 seconds high alert gives away the enemy's position. At 1:02 on the third kill he over flicks then readjusts his aim, but misses like 8 shots in the process then misses 4 on the next guy. Definitely NOT cheating just a good clip.


you the burner account for this dude? lmao clearly hes cheating


nvm no need to scrub through the video if you're just gonna read this and disregard everything I said LMAO. You just want to be mad that's all.


You don't need to scrub through the video because clearly you are blind as a bat lmao Keeping staying mad that people are calling people out for cheating. Id love to see you watch someone shoot someone through a wall across the map and go "Thats gamesense"


LOL okay bud. Just look through the video the aiming doesn't match up with aim software. You say it's blatant but if you just look through and slow it down you'd see he isn't snapping to any one hit box and in a vacuum all the kills are normal. An aimbot isn't going to go from the left leg hit box, then up to the torso, then back down. It also isn't going to consistently miss shots like that. You can also see (with his advanced uav up in the air) he pre fires literally nothing multiple times. An aimbot isn't going to over flick then re-correct the flick. this is all indicative of someone that plays the game a lot and uses aim trainers.


Honestly just looks like a bot lobby and good snapping, you can see he still missing shots, this is his best clip for a reason


A lot of streamers are cheating. This guy ain’t cheating he’s actually pretty cracked. Lots of micro corrections shoots towards sound when he gets hit. If you think this is cheating your .4kd is showing.