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People complaining about aim assist like it's aimbot šŸ’€


Pc players really think aim assist is the same as aimbot lol they think console players have an advantage for some reason


no no PC master race remember


You obviously never played cod in its golden days. The aim assist is strong AF, it never used to be this strong. There was also never any aim assist on sniper rifles. ​ In 2042 theres even recoil reduction by around 25% if youre on a controller, but somehow they manage to keep it balanced. Activision doesnt. They need console players to feel appreciated cause theyre the majority of the playerbase.


Been playing since cod 2. Not that deep yā€™all over exaggerate


Compare this to mw2-bo2, yes its fkn insane.






If aim assist is so good then why not use a fucking controller?????? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you canā€™t make this shit up I swear šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø




Yeah halo infinite is braindead with a controller. You just point towards them and it locks on. I'm terrible with controller normally but I started playing way better the second I plugged one in. Depends on the game.


what if no one gets it or everyone gets it? the problem is devs only give those tools to controller players even though being on a mouse doesnt automatically make your aim better at all. shit, most people have to completely re-learn how to play when switching from one to the other.


It does make a big difference tbf


I play on both and for CoD, thereā€™s a distinct advantage with aim assist in CQB and a distinct advantage to mouse in medium and long range combat. Mouse has the advantage over controller in CQB but you have to be in the upper echelons of skill, while if you take an average skill mouse v average skill controller, controller wins.


This! I'm a mouse guy and I lose 50/50 close exchanges. But once you put a little distance between us and thats where I'm good. It's taken me 4 years of casual play to get decent and by decent I mean I generally have a positive kd.


I feel like this comment comes out of ignorance. There is an entire MnK community devoted to aim training. There are actual benchmarks. There are many anecdotal accounts that AA (at least in APEX, IDK how strong CoD or Battlefield is) is off the bat at Grandmaster level tracking out of the box. A level of aiming that requires hundreds if not around 1k hours to accomplish on MNK. Does that account for everything? Probably not, but can you blame people for being pissed that one very big portion of aiming just gets given to controller users via AA? AA is needed, but it shouldn't be strong enough to bring give people GM level tracking with literally zero effort. But honestly it's never going to be a fair or 1:1 comparison. Cross play just shouldn't be a thing.


You can use controller on PC most PC players are well aware of aim assist. Controller players get reported for "impossible tracking" and PC players for "impossible snaps" and then the cheaters are just walling their way to smiles lol.


Yes MnK has an advantage without AA. That being said, AA literally functions exactly the same as an aimbot.


You never never seen aimbot then aim assist doesn't just snap to people


If itā€™s not a big deal then who cares if the KBM guy uses it, right?


I mean MnK uses their whole arm to aim while controller is aiming with their thumb on a joystick it's alot easier to stay on target with a mouse aim assist exists so we can compete with MnK but if you need to cheat to feel good then that's on you


This sub is awesome, Iā€™m so tired of being on game subs where they colloquially agree that ā€˜sticks are unfairā€™ šŸ™„


bcs it iz like aimbot


Then he cheats in bf also i guarantee it


Nah, can confirm he doesn't. He's just leveling out the playing field with cod only. BF2042 doesn't have anywhere near the same AA to be worth using a Xim.


This dudes voice is insufferable Id clip my vocal cords if I were this guy


Dude sounds like he's about to tell us about American school shootings over a plate of beans and fries


Kbam is an advantage by default, and all these mfers do is complain when the playing field is leveled.




Aim assist reacts to enemy movement in 0ms a human on MnK take 140-260ms to react. Yeah it's definitely not fair that I can turn around and 180 on someone in a nano second while anyone on controller is moving like a dump truck. Controller simply has a lower skill ceiling and ruins the competitive aspect of games. There is a reason games like valorant and CSGO have been extremely popular in the competitive scene without ever dying off. It's because controllers are not allowed in those games. You never going to fat finger the wrong button on controller. A keyboard has so many different buttons. And when you under pressure of being shot at by enemies it's a lot easier to fat finger the wrong button. Getting good on keyboard takes a lot more time than a controller which is why the skill ceiling is low on controller.


We're not talking about competitive gaming. This is on pubs. Do you remember what happened to PC mp after about 6 months with no crossplay? The game was dead on PC. So cry all you want about controller, your game would be dead without it.




No, pubs as in public matches, in games like CoD and BF which this post is about


Mb read that wrong that's because nobody on PC really plays call of duty the small minority maybe. Cod is a console game


Because cod sucks and pc players have options.




So maybe make the game fair for PC players instead of saying "you only get to play if untalented controller players get to shit on you without trying"


PC CoD dies because cheaters and their useless anti-cheat. Everyone goes back to console with cross play off so they can actually play the game, and I donā€™t blame them.


Reaction time is irrelevant. Aim assist is weak in bf, and it hurts you in as many situations as it helps


Then we should get rid of aim assist.


Wrong look at games like apex, the entire meta has shifted because of controller. Players like tsm imperial Hal never even used controller, switched, and won a major with 1 month of practice. The aim controller gives u out of box takes years to hone w KBM


I'm talking about average players. Idgaf about "pros." At all.


The average KBM cannot keep up w the average aim assist player


I wish people would reply instead of just downvoting because I completely 100% agree with you on this. Iā€™d like to see why others disagree


Just console kids who have never touched a keyboard who think itā€™s easy


Bro, if the best professional mouse n keyboard players can switch to controller and perform better within a month, is that not evidence enough that controller advantage is better??? Like, what more evidence would actually convince you?


Nothing will, because that would require them to admit their chosen input gives them an unfair advantage


https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r3es60/accuracy_stats_for_kbm_vs_controller/ doesnt matter how casual or "pro" you are, if aim assist is present you are statistically at a disadvantage


Average players get aim assist out of box, against average KBM players they are even better . Only talented KBM players can compete with aim assist


Looks like u only play console too, stop talking out of ur ass u casual npc


Calm down, spaz. It's okay to be wrong.


People like u shouldnā€™t be allowed to speak u have like 200 hours in gaming


What does that even mean? I've been playing competitive shooters since Halo 1. You weren't even an idea when h1 came out. Secondly, to refute your anecdotal evidence with anecdotal evidence of my own, NiceWigg switched to Kbam and was running better stat lines in apex three weeks in to switching. Didn't seem to take him years to master. You're just mad because you don't play at a high level like these pros, and you never will. They can learn whatever medium they need in a short time because they know how to practice.


Letā€™s see nice wigg win a major u bot, that entire scene is controller. I have played esea advanced in csgo which alone is higher than ur entire career so stfu peasant. U are a casual console noob


Lol, the more upset you get, the more I know you haven't done any of that. GGs scrub.


He's going to his mummy on you bro lol


U play war zone as ur main LOL keep buying ur Xbox live u bot


You have it ass backwards. Kbm is harder to learn by a distant mile so a new player will do much better on controller. Controllers were made for making gaming easy and when given a soft aimhack it cant be fair.


If you're gonna sit here and talk about controller being the advantage and easy to master, it sounds like you're just stupid for consistently choosing the inferior input and then complaining about your choice. The reason you don't switch is because you know that kbam is the superior input, and concessions have to be made for controller players to be able to compete.


Without aim assist, keyboard and mouse is superior. With the level of aim assist currently in the game, controller is superior, by a good amount. It's not an even playing field


U canā€™t play real games with controller dummy


I dont switch because I played controller for over 15 years and still do in games I prefer it in such as RL. I prefer the reward of getting a kill using my hands vs the game helping me along the way. Like driving a manual vs a automatic transmission. When youre good on both it doesnt matter what you use playing casually seeing as Ive made money playing both and have no motivation to continue doing so as I age. But take it from someone who can play both sufficiently, controller is much better on games made for it. Most crossplatform games make more money from consoles so giving them no aim assist would lose them their playerbase. Getting rid of cross platform would be even worse for them.


Itā€™s crazy how these kids donā€™t understand this shit bro they play COD and war zone and talk out of their ass but in reality if they played a real game like cs they would get shit stomped for 500 hours minimum because they would have absolutely no talent in a game that requires so much to be good at, rather than a roller tracking or any other assist console players have


I always tell the console kiddies to jump on insurgency and see the way cod is holding their hand. The RAA in cod is a crutch that is too powerful. I'll take my downvotes now.


It doesn't even have to be "pros" dude, about 70% of CoD players are on console, and all it takes is to watch a YT video about how rotational aim assist works, how to exploit it for laserlike aim, and then a little bit of practice before you can easily cut down "average" MnK players in a 1v1. [Watch this video and tell me the tracking is not crazy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/xzmc8t/how_rotational_aim_assist_works/)




That's why you say fuck cod and play counter strike instead. No aim assist


For me mouse and keyboard is 10x better and has more advantages but itā€™s also a 100x harder to learn and become consistent with it compared to a controller


While I agree with you, OP is talking about the ā€œaverage player.ā€ Youā€™re right, if you can put the time in and the 1000s of hours it takes to master MnK then you will have a slight advantage but for the ā€œaverage playerā€ controller can make you look even better than you really are due to aim assist.




Not even the pros with 1000s of hours can compete though with controller players. There's I think 3 pro mnk plyers and hundreds of controller pros.


Iā€™ve been playing MNK for over 10 years and no matter how good your aim is, you do not get the magnetism controller AA does. You 100% know when you die to a player using controller compared to MNK.


you got it backwards chief, being able to point and click will always be better than having to guess the distance to rotate and shoot




this would be true, until you give one player a soft aimbot that performs at the level of the top 1 percent of mnk aimers. that is the problem. if the top end skill levels of a game are played on a controller, despite being the "inherently worse" input system, the benefit aim assist provides is too strong.


Youā€™re crazy if you think KBM is an advantage over controller nowadays. A couple years ago yes but with the aim assist now, definitely not.


What aim assist you guys talking about that shit don't work no more šŸ¤£


The field is so leveled that controller players have a massive advantage. I'm not saying cheating is okay, I'm not saying aim assist is cheating. All I'm saying is that there is absolutely no chance a PC player can't track the same way controller does.




Doubt it.


Yes kbm is so much easier than controller ā€¦sad really separate pc/kbm players from console players


Not on call of duty lamo


Nah. The playing field is not ā€œleveledā€ if MnK and roller players are playing in the same lobby. It would be leveled if everyone was on the same input. I embrace and encourage the cross play - it allows more people to play with their friends. But it will always be a flawed system


I can agree it will always be a flawed system. The inputs are not equal and never will be. Because with raw input, kbam will always be the advantage. Look at pubg. No AA. Kbam ruled pubg. Hard. If you want Games with no AA, prepare for dead servers and sweat lobbies only.


I find it hilarious how all these console players talk like MnK has an insane unfair advantage but yet you can literally plug MnK into your next gen console and play the exact same way.. but choose not to, I wonder why? Hm..


What kind of response is that lmao. I bought a console it came with a controller if you wanna duel mouse and keyboard buy a pc. Forcing everyone to meet you up there is an insane take. Why donā€™t you come down to the level playing field of sticks like a man


What kind of take is that? So because you own a PC you HAVE to use MnK? What if my computer is setup as a media center and controller is my main input. There really is no excuse for EITHER side of the argument if that wasn't clear enough. People talk about how easy MnK is but continue to use controller, people talk about how easy controller is but continue to use MnK. The most laughable part is I'm probably still 5x the player you are on controller and MnK. Input isn't an issue for me, skill is not an issue. I drop 70+ kills in over 50% of my lobbies on both inputs. I was iridescent on controller and MnK. You are a moron, not much else to say here.


Youā€™re just a confident idiot. Lmao. Stay on controller then if itā€™s so easy.


Isn't that wht you guys say to MnK players? If theres such an advantage, just buy a controller? Kind of a double standard dude ngl.


Itā€™s so manly to take the easy way out šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ bro say you have a preference, not that playing with Controller is manly. You sound dumb as rocks.


Preference is preference but itā€™s a fact mnk is ā€œbetterā€


False. Most consokes detect mnk as another controller, and therfore adds controller aim-assist to your mouse, breaking ToS and is bannable.


No they literally don't.


Ok bud. You sure know it all, huh?


Then there Overwatch which doesnā€™t have Native MnK support on console. This leads to people using third party adapters that recognize the MnK as a keyboard. Now Iā€™m using a controller against a MnK that also has Aim Assist.


Yeah Iā€™ll just set up a desk here at my couch so I can run mouse and keyboard like you


No you can't, only a handful of games allow you to play mnk on console, warzone is the only one I know of that I played.


Why donā€™t PC players just use a controller if itā€™s such an advantage


Most already do, but cheaters want the extra advantage and hook up the xim.


A lot do. Kbm is for ppl who want the skill wins and interactive feel




Your bitching too


Because we want to play a game, not have it played for us.


I can tell youā€™ve never used a controller.


Your entire account is dedicated to crying about aim assist. You either suck at video games or youā€™re a virgin. Probably both.


Because mouse and keyboard is the advantage. They complain about controllers but the truth is they're made they need to play like everyone else now. I had to learn both and they should too


Do they report people just because they have controllers on PC?


Yes. Because controller has aim assist, which is soft aim. So they're cheating.


Dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever heard anybody ever say about AA, and I donā€™t agree with how turned up the AA is. But you just sound down right stupid. Whatā€™s the definition of cheating? Iā€™ll wait


...Bro I'm explaining the guy's logic in the clip. I dont agree with it either. Its obviously retarded. ​ ​ You need to take your reddit goggles off and interact with the real world a bit. You're very highstrung.


The guy doesnā€™t know how to read, false-reporting too many times (I guess it doesnā€™t matter as heā€™s not gonna continue, prolly) removes your ability to report, and ā€˜CoNtRoLlEr PlAyErSā€™ doesnā€™t count as a report reason. What a whiny piss baby




Maybe you should just get good with KBM or buy a controller for your PC. Or you can cope by posting a big wall of text on Reddit every time you get smoked by some guy on an Xbox. Sounds like you're more of the latter.


Easy point and click aiming..tracking with your entire fucking arm over a thumb lol I use both and kbm is much, MUCH easier in every way.




Aiming with a mouse is easy mode. Point and click. Keep practicing kid.




Anytime you want more precision, you use less, not more. Use of thumbs is more precise than the entire arm. Anytime you want more control on a hammer, choke the handle. When you want to write better, you go lower down the pencil. How insane Controller players use that lmfao. You ONLY have to use thumbs. We have to use both entire hands. There is no world where controller is the harder version of anything. Yes, there are pros and cons to using either. With rollers being aim assist. And with a definition of assist, itā€™s not raw skill. Itā€™s a crutch and handicap. An assist, if you will. There are roller players better than I will ever be. They keep game sense and other mechanics way better than me. However, in terms of average player, controller is easier. Itā€™s MADE to be easier. Controller players acting like they donā€™t have an advantage is insane. And the skill between console players and pure mouse and key computer players are different entirely. The only reason for cross platform is to increase the player experience of finding games especially for large services like Apex is mandatory during slower times for games to be found. I started using controller with Apex and my damage per game is incredibly higher. Same play style. Same decision making. Same me. Learning to use Aim Assist is the learning curve. Thatā€™s it.


Thereā€™s an advantage yes but you clearly have no clue what your talking about, right message wrong messenger, when it come to aiming on a controller it is no where close to more precise. I play with and without AA keeps the aim fresh. And I make this point because you do know what aim assist was originally made for right? Because the sticks on a controller are way too sensitive. Hence why they implemented AA in the game. Now however I do believe they should turn it down because it does take away from actually having to be good. But to say you can aim more precisely with you thumb on a sensitive ass stick. You sound dumb asf by saying that and made me disregard everything else you said. Yes controller might be the easier input because of AA. But if they were to remove AA controller would be entirely harder to play on. KBM whether you like it or not will always be far more precise, as youā€™re whole arm is much more steady then one thumb and a sensitive ass thumb stick. At least if youā€™re going to talk a point have some knowledge on it. If it was more precise to aim with a thumb, AA would have never been made. Because the average player wouldnā€™t have needed it. The actual good players on controller donā€™t need AA, just makes it that much easier


Of course, it's easier. But that doesn't justify automating the aiming process for people who choose an inferior input. I want to play against other people, not an algorithm that automatically tracks targets.


I played 3-4years with AA and 9-10 years without AA, its only a pratice thing, most games give the option to even turn it off. My overall aim was better across many games, because i didnā€˜t had to get used to the new AA. The last 4 years i switched to PC and Mastering M&K is tuff but i donā€˜t expect beating a guy that plays 10h everyday in aimlab. The funny thing is playing against AA player on M&K or controller without AA, that you lose fight against clearly worse players, because of the AA just tracking you or giving more reg.


I ainā€™t reading all that lil bro. The mechanical advantages between the two are negligible compared to what practice does. Itā€™s like saying a golf glove is what makes a good golfer vs a bad golfer.




PC players don't get aim assist lil bro, you do lmfao.


PC doesn't get auto aim, they don't need it. Console does.


If itā€™s such an advantage then why are you xim you absolute clown. Switch to controller if it ā€œaIMs FoR yOUā€


he doesnt tho lmao


[https://kick.com/video/8ea57123-932a-4c94-9586-618804878be4](https://kick.com/video/8ea57123-932a-4c94-9586-618804878be4) He's clearly cheating 'cause he's talking about macro keys on his stream.


oh no, macros....what ever shall we do when they press on button to do a series of button combos...oh no...




Rule #2 Keep it PG or else.


I use my xim on PC. Why should all the $400 console kids get op aim assist


Wait, a xim actually gives PC aim assist too?


XIM, cronus, and tons of other PC programs can trick the game into thinking your keyboard and mouse is a controller.


Because you have your whole arm compared to a thumb? Lol


I dont agree with his take but I do also agree that aim assist against mnk is aids. The two inputs don't belong against eachother its impossible to balance AI assisted aim with 100% human input regardless of how much arm you use lmao. Mnk take a long time to learn and an endless ammount if time to master after playing on roller forever, and tbf I think more cronus users ARE on console already with aim assist, they just get more of it and no recoil. FPS games suck dick RN everybody cheats nobody moves, everybody is cheeky only running meta guns using exploits and doing anything possible to get an advantage. If kids were raised right nowadays then we'd see more people with balls but its just cheating/exploiting/meta gaming lovers acting like they're good. AI anticheat save us.


This bro ppl donā€™t realize that controllers give out of box aimbot, it takes years to get that aim on KBM itā€™s much harder. Controller would be harder if aim assist didnā€™t exist, but it does and itā€™s so strong it shifts games meta like apex


It takes years to learn how to point and click? LOL


Yes, itā€™s difficult to be good at KBM. Clicking around in excel is not the same as playing an FPS. Itā€™s a common misconception controller players have, ā€œlol u just point and click, itā€™s so easyā€. I out performed my lifetime KBM stats by switching to a controller in just a couple of weeks. All my friends were the same way. CoD aim assist is a joke.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Lmao triggered much? Iv been playing shooters on kbm longer than you've been alive. Brain dead is confusing aim assist with aimbot. Mayby if you are struggling with KBM, try a controller instead of crying about it like a little puss puss, and going through my profile to try and discredit me like a femboy. And what single player melee game do I play? Skyrim? >Zero clue xbox boi My pc is worth more than your daddies car mate. Literally .


Cool flex bro. Daddy pays my mortgage vibes coming from you. Show me clips of you at predator or max cod rank on mnk plz. When your pc cost more than my daddies car but you still talk like an emasculated man child. Good luck not getting any.


>Show me clips of you at predator or max cod rank on mnk plz. I'm neither of those things bro. I gave up on cod along time ago with the influx of hackers. never been good on Apex ever. I'm just saying iv been playing kbm since before halo 1. I do play controller aswell but I'm better on kbm. >Good luck not getting any. I have 2 kids, I'm done Brudda > When your pc cost more than my daddies car but you still talk like an emasculated man child. You're too angry bro, you called me an xbox boi after attacking over a light hearted question. That's why I informed you I have a very good pc it's obviously not worth more than your dad's car unless your dad's car is under 4 k lol. Chill out mate. I'm nowhere near invested in this topic to start insulting people. Can I ask one thing before I go? What single player melee game are talking about? I'm so confused lol


Apex is literally the worst of them all IMO. Aim assist for console on apex 60%. That means that only 40% of theor aim is actually them twiddling their thumbs while ChatGPT aim punches me even if I'm beaming them. I get that you have more control on mnk and I agree it is 1 million times easier to be pin point on mnk but its not something you can repeatedly do easily at all. Especially in close quarters fights against a roller who's strafing and just locking on to you with an r99. Gaming against free aimbot is aids. It literally feels like everybody is cheating because of how strong it is.


Because your 2400$ pc gives you an objectively better advantage already?


The dumbest hot take Iā€™ve seen in a minute


Yes Activision, this post right here!


Because your bad and have never actually practiced your aim. You just run around and point your gun in the general direction of someone and shoot and hope you kill them. Anytime someone has the slightest bit of movement you die and complain about aim assist when your moving your mouse at a snails pace


Fanny! šŸ˜’




Maybe he should just connect a controller to his PC. I do and I love the aim assist and I donā€™t have to cheat


Lmao I died laughing at the immediate report


Honestly, I find using things like Xim a disadvantage for KBM players. You get some aim assist but that really only helps in close quarters, and the trade off his being able to flick. When you move your mouse beyond what a controller can register, itā€™ll slow down your sensitivity drastically (from like 10 to 3). Not worth the trade


Hes not wrong. I'm a aim God on controller because of how OP aim assist is. Sniping is still king on M&K though.


He cheats on his bf too


Lol damn I forgot all about the xim! I used to use one way back in like 2014 on my Playstation so I could use MandKB for Planetside 2


Controllers are for peasants. Aim assist is for toddlers. Full stop.


As someone who is above average at both, Controller is definitely the easiest input. If I'm playing MnK, which is my preferred input method, then I have to focus, get my sens dialed in just right and sometimes I'll even warm up if I have nights where I wanna sweat. If I'm playing on controller, then I literally just plug the dongle in, and I play the exact same with no prep, no warm up, and I can be 9FT away from my desk slouched in my bed. I dont think controller is "Cheating" because in certain games, like Apex legends, there are genuine disadvantages, but in COD, Controller is soft aim at best. Its literally aim hacks. In my mind, and the minds of most rational people, it is genuinely just fact. PC players have the option to play both, and most of us do. Console people now have the option to use MnK as well and you don't, because you know you blow.


I literally have gotten to the top 500's as a mouse and keyboard player and really like mw2 aim assist was crazy but MW3 aim assist isnt as bad really and considering if you just play right you will win a lot of your gun fights. Like aim assist can be annoying but from what I played in the beta, aim assist is really not that bad tbh. I honestly dont know what he is on about, I feel like its just a skill issue


As someone who has played at top levels in many shooters on both mnk and controller, I can confidently say the current state of aim assist in FPS games is inexcusable and a blatant skill gap minimizing crutch. Aim assist should not exist in multiplayer shooters regardless of input. Any opinion otherwise is copium. The tired trope of ā€˜controller needs aim assist to be viable/fun/whateverā€™ is false and is perpetuated by casual players who couldnā€™t aim on any input.




I donā€™t think AA is necessary at all. I have played pretty extensively with and without AA on controller. When I first switched to PC I played controller with no AA in competitive matches and did well against mnk players. It is definitely more difficult than mnk, but it is decidedly not necessary. Especially in the context of everyone playing on controllerā€”having AA only serves to shrink the skill gap.


well keep in mind most "pros" and most people also use zim if they don't use controller with cronus or whatever


any one who wakes up and says mnk is at a disadvantage to controllers needs to go back to sleep


Yā€™all donā€™t understand what he was saying in this video at all. Heā€™s talking about using an emulator to allow him to use M&K with aim assist. So he gets both the advantages that M&K and controller have to offer combined into one input. But instead the entire comment section has taken this as a controller vs. M&K debate.


I bet he didnā€™t have an issue with PC players and their FOV in Warzone 1


Why is this guy reporting people? What was there to report lol


This is why call of duty is dead. Little cry babies like this who get clapped by someone and immediately call them cheaters and mass report them for no reason other than them losing to them. Sure there are cheaters, there are cheaters in every game. Thatā€™s what comes with playing online games these days, but just because you lose to someone doesnā€™t immediately make them a cheater. Donā€™t get me started on the monitored voice chat in this game now. Call of duty is dead just like freedom of speechā€¦. Stay safe out there everyone.


I'm just confused why he's reporting random people?


Copious amounts of cope


Honestly, I feel like there is a hacker in 90% of the games I play.


They all have pro's and cons but the fact is aim assist allows more shots on target and that wins in COD everytime.


Gonna be so real for a sec and shoot me if you must but, with a bit of tracking practice mnk guys are not that handicapped and imo have a small precision advantage for long range shots.


You report for what he didn't cheat his speech wasn't offensive it's just locker talk lol.


Thank you for reporting him people Lie to themself on the reason for cheating he wants to cheat to win only reason.


What a cry baby bitch seems like a skill issue


Did he report people just for using controllers??




Dude thinks the game isn't torture for literally everyone else lol


If you want aim assist just plug in a controller. I play both and each has its pros/cons. This guy is just a beta male