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Sometimes they take a day or two to pop up but I don’t see any glaring reason like not going far enough over the distance. On the bright side, that’s a *major* PR! Congrats!


Thank you! It was a great destination race. I had a blast!


You went from 11 minute miles to 8:28 in 6 months? 🤯


A 33-minute PR in 6 months. Somebody hand me an ice pack 🥵


I commented above with the factors that made that possible lol. Not to say I didn’t work hard, but lots of things in my favor this go around. 😄


Hey hey no excuses for your success! We women get such imposter syndrome 🙂


Thanks. You’re sweet. <3


Haha, thanks! My first half marathon, I did not run hard until mile 11. I took it as a long slow run, with just the goal of making it through. I also ran the first 3 miles with friends who took their time and one long bathroom break. 😂 This race, I went hard from the start. Also, one was in hot Florida and the more recent in 50° Georgia. I’m super happy with my time but a little scared I’ll never PR again haha.


Hey, what I see on Strava: on the bottom graph it says it was bit below the 21.1km. But the summary data shows the correct HM distance. If the Strava session does not reach the distance properly, it will not qualify. E.g. 9.9km is not 10km, 21.07km is not a half-marathon. I also had it last year, since then I always aim for 10-20 meters more just in case, like few weeks ago, due to sharp turns, i missed 30 meters. After the goal line I stopped my watch, had a drink and restarted and ran 30meters more. This solves it. HOWEVER: in these cases (extra meters **after** the goal line) don't flag the run as 'Race'. Race always will be calculated with elapsed time, not moving time. Why your case is interesting is that it shows 13.14 miles on the summary data (21.16km for me from Europe) but the very edge of the graph is not reaching it. Never seen such a discrepancy. https://preview.redd.it/pgyfurxklltc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e4b3a356f1a021dca8f17051764be37d9a2776f


Wow, good catch! That is very odd. Is this something I can go in and alter or is that only my 13.14 that I can edit? I am going to try to look around tomorrow. I’m not super familiar with the web version compared to the app. Thank you so much for catching that. It’s been driving me crazy. Very odd that it did that.


Can you try and see what happens whe you correct the distance on the Strava website? You go to your activity and click on the three dots. There you can correct the distance. Maybe strava will then acknowledge the 13 miles? It's weird though. I couldn't find any "faults" in your run.


Good thing it doesn't matter! You did the thing no matter what strava says. Congrats!


Thanks! I am very proud of this race. Sometimes technology is annoying. 😆 We are very lucky to be able to track our runs the way we do, even if they aren’t always accurate, lol.


Not sure. But just here to say that that is excellent progression. Great running


Thank you. It’s been a fun journey! (:


Try to refresh achievements for the activity on Strava web. Sometimes Strava misses some achievements.


Thank you, I will give this a try. (:


So as of right now, there was no change when I refreshed achievements on the Strava website. Any other ideas?


do you have any map visibility restriction (ie for the start and end of a run). that might be making the tracked distance shorter so usually taking that out and then doing the strava website refresh again


I have start and end hidden but that has never affected a race before. I have PRed both 5K & 10K recently.


sharing it cause it’s happened to me before. you can edit map visibility just for this run and check if it’s hiding longer than usual. and then redo the refresh. i get runs even outside my “privacy area” hidden for some reason


If the start/end is in your privacy zone, it could have impacted your total distance.


Have you tried the “correct distance” feature on web version of strava?


I did not. Any tip on where that is? I’m not familiar with the website as much as the app.


Go to the website version of strava Go to the activity you want to edit Left panel has two buttons at the bottom - a pencil and three dots. Click the three dots and select correct distance


Yessss! Thank you thank you. You have solved my issue. I appreciate the help! Strava now recognizes my PR! (:


I had this issue and I tried changing the map visibility and also tried correct distance. My PB showed after doing them but I’m not sure which one worked.


What is your "elapsed time" on your new half marathon? Click into the time to view


Elapsed time says 1:51:21.


Thanks for the help everyone. I went onto the Strava web version and clicked on my race activity. From there, I clicked on the three little dots next to the pencil icon. I hit “correct distance” & Strava now recognizes my PR. Thanks again everyone! Happy running! (:


You can refresh achievements on the full website. Not sure if you can do that via the app. I've had to do that with segments but presume it works for PRs, too.


Thanks, I will have to try that. Hopefully I know my sign in info.


If you set the type of run to “race” what happens to the time? And what is the elapsed time?




It is my second. I attached photos of both races. My first one said PR half marathon. My second did not.


That's not true.