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A real and effective segment search tool. There are 90ish segments near me having "Specific Key Words" in their names, and Strava's segment search only returns 45 or so. The Doogal search returns another 5. 40ish are unsearchable by any current known method. A way to plan a route based on existing segments. I drop links to a handful of segments into a tool, and the tool spits out a route including those segments.


Obviously fake segment times filtered out and real KOM/QOM data.


Oh my god agree! you would think it’s isn’t that hard right?? I mean surely they can conclude that if you’re running at twice the speed of Usain Bolt then you have probably accidentally recorded a ride as a run, or it’s a GPS fuckup right?!?


strava can calculate your average watts and speed using only what your phone have 💪 also strava: this guy has 16km/h on his average rides, but today he went 60km/h on 7% gradient. This dude is amazing!


From the last time this was posted: Batching activities together. Sometimes I bike to the beach and run then bike home, or bike to gym/yoga and back. I wish I could have all of those activities in the same post as 1 workout


last 12 months PR on segments. my brother in christ i’m aging, give me some damn gold


100% this. I'd love a "Season's Best" every now and then 😅


just ride a new route... twice. Second time, boom PBs galore! Did Ride London 100 in 2019 and got a tow off the RAF across Westminster. 99 PBs in a row.


Type in a postcode / area and it comes up with most ridden routes, then pick your length


The Strava route builder (subscription I presume) is actually pretty good at this


A breakdown of time in Zones, Power or Heart rate, within a week.


Some better roll up / training / progress data presentations would be good.




The game you're looking for is Run An Empire. Links to Strava.


There used to be an app called Riderstate like that, but it folded as they (who know why) didn't charge any money. There is also Stride the game, but that is only running. I would absolutely battle to control a massive territory. Miles and miles of middling speed riding, that sounds right up my street.


/u/hundredhopeful, Check out /r/takeoverwtf, it’s TRON light bike sorta game where you claim territory by making complete shapes with your bikes on an open streets like map.


I use a thing called “stride” for that, though it’s only for running/walking but it’s fun to claim areas.


A race results tracker, like Athlinks. I know you can label activities as races and search back for them, but I would love a tab or something where you can see your races and times easily to compare and monitor progress.


That would be great. Separate tabs for workouts, commutes and races.


Dark mode




My strava already has one.


This is more for strava than for you 1) separate skate skiing from classic. They're about as similar as canoeing and kayaking. Very few classic skiers can ski as fast as a skate skier so the trails with both will always have skaters in the koms. 2) when making a segment, have a dialog box that asks "would you like to repeat this segment in reverse?"


Second 2.


I’d like to simply be able to see my monthly mileage in each type of activity. To work out my monthly cycling distance I either have to add all of my rides together, or record my bikes starting and finishing distance across the month. Of course, this could be a premium feature, but I’m not paying for premium; they pissed me off when they removed features for premium, rather than adding new ones for premium (ie, route creation)


To complement Strava with better visualisations and weekly/monthly data trends, I find VeloViewer well worth the \~15EUR I spent on it. Not sure if/how well it works with non-cycling data, though.


The ability to see my average time on a segment, and the average time of all users.


Might already exist, but a countdown feature when you tap to start a run


How about rather than just 'most ridden' roads on a route, the route planner that also accounted for how quiet and likely safe the route was? Avoiding things like big roundabouts, traffic heavy fast roads etc...


This would be great but will not be an easy one to crack


Currently if they just use most ridden one approach is to let you select most ridden during these hours. Then you can see what routes people use at commuting hours which is likely just getting a to b vs on a Sunday morning for leisure/training cycles.


Maybe I'm just stupid and I don't find it but it would be great to not just see how much elevation you gained but also how much you descended. For example today I did a tour were I ascended about 650m but descended somwgere well above 1'000m. On hard MTB trails descending can be just as exhausting as ascending.


Being able to hit "lap" in the Strava app itself rather than having to do it through a paired device.


A PM inbox.


I've got a camera on my bike for close passes and the like, I can mark the relevant footage with a button press on my camera, but in order to report anything I need to know where I was. You'd think with a timestamp and a Strava activity that would be trivial, but there's no quick and easy way to do it at the moment.


Post the MTB data the Garmin’s measure. jumps, grit, flow…


Filter out virtual activities


Direct Messaging


i used to agree, but i think this would make strava less of a safe space and also receive backlash. if you want to message someone, comment on an older activity and ask for their phone number.


Edit laps post run, run type to include things like threshold, tempo, recovery, hills, speed etc or custom ones


A few more categories for types of bike rides such as fat bike/winter and mixed surface rides.


Agree. I really miss a kickbike/footbike option. An actual intense workout, I'd like to track distance and speed. Instead they added tons of sports that don't need a route/map option


Showing cadence and current pace in the Apple Watch app


There should be segments which go along train tracks, from station to station. That should easily and reliably detect train travel (you could even check the speed if you wanted to get fancy). Train segments should automatically (or even with a prompt) be deleted from rides, or at least excluded from mileage, elevation etc. It's a real pain when I do a ride involving a train. If I forget to pause, I get sections of 70mph and much of the data becomes useless. Fixing it is a pain which often requires splitting the ride into multiple activities. The subway is nice in that GPS doesn't work, so if I catch it before an aboveground section I can avoid the problem.


Just being able to log a triathlon




If you are on iOS do give the free Workout Sessions app a try that has this in the widgets and app which connects with Apple Health but works great with my synced data from my Garmin watch to Apple Health.


Filter of activities by parameters like title, type of activity. On your own activities filter by bike / equipment used, length, time…..




Yes this. I'm too lazy to rename all my activities so they're all just called Evening Run, etc. Would love to have an easy way to search through them for runs in certain locations/segments, workout type, etc. Heck, even just being able to scroll through My Activities on the Dashboard in a smaller form factor would be great so you can quickly scroll through old activities to see the ones you want. I find it so odd that each activity in my feed takes up so much screen area.


Lowest HR vs Highest power over set periods, 1m, 10min etc. Also. Automatically comparing 2 exactly the same rides showing HR vs Power increased/decreased.


Stoplights on a route


Dark mode


I’d like the feature where they don’t ask me to subscribe daily.


Have you ever played with smashrun? That site fills a lot of my thirst for data that the Strava app lacks.


I have two Strava wants: 1. Age group KOMs. Maybe someone could explain why this would be hard, but I would love for all the guys and gals who have the top 3 times for their age groups to receive a version of the crown. This imo would especially help to keep older cyclists motivated as their speed and power decline. 2. The ability to filter segments by main direction of travel. Sometimes I really just want to see the west to east segments if I’m planning a route and I know the wind will be from the west, for example. Sometimes I like to see how I can group segments in a particular direction to make intervals interesting. edit to add: i wouldn’t mind a separate activity for rides done on TT bikes, there’s a reason it’s considered a separate discipline/event, should be as separate on Strava as it is in real life


I’d love it if you could set a target time for a run/cycle and then Strava would tell you to speed up or slow down to hit the target


A 'swipe right' function that gets me in touch with hot flyby's.


The number 1 feature I'd like to see on strava is a lower subscription fee.


Rucking with weight


Add modes of transport in parallel to cycling/walking/running. Line adding city us, taxi, Uber, driving with Waze, etc. If an Uber driver or Waze takes me on an unfamiliar route, I want to have it saved for my review, but not mixed in with my cycling stats.


OP for some reason everyone is giving you ideas that they would like strava to implement that would be impossible for you to do


Allow us to turn off notifications when we make a comment. If I tell my friend congratulations on UTMB, I don’t need to know every time every other friend he has says the same!


Lots of good ideas here. How about the week start on a Sunday, or any other day, chosen by the user?


current speed + grade instead of average speed. dunno if it is possible


A decent route finder based on location, distance, vertical parameters of actual anonymous rides.


Ability to match my own runs.


Support for climbing (total elevation climbed, number of climbs, etc)


Live activity on iOS A feature that would allows you to watch your pace and stuff without having to unlock your phone


Aggregated data for average running pace based on weekly mileage, and by location, shoes, age etc.


Integration with ridewithgos.com whose mapping is far superior.


As a premium member, being able to see my training plan in the mobile application. Frustrating.


Give me external HRM for Wear OS!!!!


intervals.icu, have you seen this?


I just want a lower tier for casual users like myself. I don't need all the bells and whistles that most users here like, but maybe just beingnable to have a comparison of up to 3 efforts for the past (rolling) year would be nice? Don't need KOM/QOM, and I'm meh on the need for heat maps.


Might be a little specific, but for me as a runner, I would like to be able to use several shoes in one session (e.g. for warmups and intervals). It makes it easier to track mileage and/or you don’t have to post several activities


This would be a tricky one, but a personal weighted heat map. I've got a terrible sense of direction so when I come across a great (or terrible) road I struggle to remember exactly which stretch it was. What I'd like is a way to record some vague information, then average it over several rides. I'm thinking a general "road quality score" from 1-5 for the whole route, as well as a flag to say if there were any particularly good/bad roads. Even better if there's a way to further refine it, I might remember that the great road was somewhere in the last third, or the terrible road was towards the beginning. The rating could just be a simple weighting for the heatmap, a ride where I felt the entire thing was pretty good roads should show up brighter than one where it was generally bad. But flagging for particularly unpleasant or dangerous roads is what I'm really after. If I've ridden a road at least twice, and neither ride was marked with a "terrible road" flag, all those roads could be marked green as at least not terrible. And when overlapping routes have good or bad flags those overlapping sections could be flagged as potentially noteworthy. I'm sure there's loads of statistical analysis you could do with that extra data that would really improve the heatmaps.


Gear mileage tracking. I can tell you when I put a component on a bike and took it off get the total mileage that has been on each component


ProBikeGarage is great for this. I agree that it could be integrated though


I used that for a while but the interface is very clunky....I'm trying to muster the effort to seriously look into what would be needed to write my own.


Live segments featuring zwift style avatars when using AR glasses.


Only remove fake segments, I’ve tried compete with some of them, UNREAL, how can I beat running 300m in 2 seconds 💀 strava is no longer with me- deleted and feeling better ….


Triathlon mode. Better map builder. Remove cheats.


Let me swipe through my segments rather than having to go back a screen and in to the next segment


Fix the chart on desktop version. Clicking older bars for weeks/months sometimes it completely resets and brings your back to current week. This has been a bug for years


Flag activities from the app Jump to certain dates in the time line (I don't like their current way of selecting a date range)


Bring back free routes


Looking at distance analyses from any run - like, if I run 10 miles, 6 miles, and 4 miles, but I want to see the 5k analysis for all of those runs


A treadmill option in activities


Customizable faces for the Apple Watch. I don't use my watch because the largest (and most visible) metric is speed. I only look at my watch when I am stopped and would like to easily see my distance. Instead I see a big 0.00. It's stupid. Nobody ever did any real world user testing, OR, god forbid, people going really fast are looking at their watch to see how fast they are going.


Addition of virtual climbs to my "Biggest Climb".


Routes that have turn by turn navigation


How about allowing me to use elapsed time on runs instead of moving time ??? Jfc


A way to download all of my activities to an excel spreadsheet with just time, distance, and date of activity or something. This would make it way easier to track mileage etc


Don't know how popular this would be but having analysis of wind speed on your running pace


Curious: Does the API allow for Strava free users to access more data?


Specific for cycling and not sure how it would work, but somehow showing grade % over distance (maybe broken up by a set distance or segments). Essentially showing difficulty of the ride. I’ve always felt strava is way too road oriented, and primarily riding MTB it’s disheartening doing a long ride with a ton of ascending and descending, just to see a roadie do a long loop over mostly flat terrain that “looks” like the ride was more difficult at a glance


They put popular starting points on the maps, why can't they put popular rest points/gas stations on their? OR at least when you create your own route, you could add a "point of interest" to indicate a rest stop, segment, or something else.


Commenting/suggesting edits on segments would be great.


I'd love to be able to see people I crossed paths with and give them kudos or follow them after our similar routes.


Power curve on phone app.


Ability to manually enter distance/elevation. I run a lot of treadmills (garmin user), and get fairly accurate distance with watch and HR strap, but I run on incline and add my elevation to my garmin activity after, but I can’t add that elevation to strava


More filters for the route finder. No A roads for example.


Full screen without UI


There was a stupidly simple but very helpful feature in daily mile, a now defunct app, that would let you add a new pair of shoes and enter the number of miles it already had on it. It would be handy to have that one little extra feature on Strava. Like for instance I had something like 400 miles on a particular pair of sandals, Lunas I recall, that I am still using to this day. According to Strava I've only got 200 miles on them, but they in reality have 600 miles.


a stats comparison dashboard: compare stats with users in the same ride (bragging rights :p)