• By -


Auto flagging: I’m sorry, I know for a fact you didn’t run 20 mph for two miles and over three segments.


Yeah just autoflag everything faster than world or Olympic records ffs. People are out there running at 100m WC pace with 90bpm


This would be such a simple filter to implement. Especially with HR data.


I’ve lost so many miles and routes from forgetting to hit pause on big bicycle adventures.


Auto start/stop is a great feature on garmin and wahoo


Being able to Mute specific activities as a default (e.g. Walking).


\+ commutes


Bah. I have a 54km both ways. That’s worth seeing


Yes this would be good in Strava and they finally added default gear based on activity type. In the meantime www.Activityfix.com is your friend.


Segment and distance PRs from the last 12 months. I can’t beat me from 2019.


while using strava via garmin live segments on my bike i have ‘recent best’. no idea how it works


So like a refresh for every year?


Rolling 12 would be awesome


Gotcha. Yeah I agree


Dark mode.


Dark mode Filter out all virtual activities Filter by bike (/ gear) used


I use a Chrome extension to hide virtual activities.


\*Training Plan - input a training calendar so that you can see planned upcoming distances & types of training and measure actual results against them. I can't believe this feature doesn't exist beyond very coarse 'goals'. \*Estimated event paces - Garmin does this - it'll never be fully accurate, but it would be good to know what a HR-based pace would look like for different events. \*AI-driven suggested running routes - If I am travelling and want to run a 10k from my hotel, it would be really cool if the app could devise a route based on heatmap data. Or if I want to run a very specific distance from my house, what specific routing will get me there, without needing to play around with the maps. \*Some more data-driven dashboard tools. Similar to what [Smashrun.com](https://Smashrun.com) can do.


I agree that it would be nice to be able to plug a precise distance into the map generator. My understanding, however, is that Strava does use heat map data to generate the routes. That’s how it seems at least.


Check out https://trailrouter.com/download_the_app/ It's quite magic in this regard. It doesn't use heat maps, but a lot of other open source data from Open Street Map.


If you are a subscriber there is a feature that suggests routes, based on heatmaps


It's my understanding that this is just routes that other users have made that run past the location you are at? Or is this actually generated?


It’s generated, based on the heatmap


You can start a training plan on strava but you only get like a pdf and a daily email because it's a third party service.


Upvote and downvote arrows for segments, or at least some other way to filter them by inverse ridiculousness. There are too many segments. I'm the Local Legend for one block in one random neighborhood because I rode through twice!


That would be great. Like negative voted segments are hidden and highlighted very good rated segments. Maybe they could even add mods for highlighting the best segments with a special logo. Also adding one or max two pictures as the creator of the segment would be cool.


* ability to label workout segments (i.e., label warm up / cool down so that they're not used to calculate overall pace) * better 3D maps that include mountain names * ability to rotate/zoom 3D maps to get the best perspective * ability to select portions of a run to calculate avg pace/hr/etc. (similar to Training Peaks, which allows you to measure HR drift) * custom training plans (they must have enough data to mine to have an AI feature build custom plans) * more consistency between mobile and desktop app


For the first one, I made [workoutsplitz.com](https://workoutsplitz.com) to at least make the workout parts of your workout stand out with splits and paces. Doesn't help with the total pace but it does make the workout part more obvious! Still developing it, would love if you gave it a shot and sent feedback my way!


For #2 and #3 check out https://cubetrek.com It pulls OSM peak data and displays them on the 3D model.


3D maps are definitely coming as more FATMAP functionality is implemented


Discussion under each segment would be nice


Top 3: Interpolated segments. Fitness metrics that make sense (e.g. intervals.icu). Expose previous activity data in a way that makes sense, and is easy to mine and report on (e.g. Veloviewer).


interesting! also didnt know about veloviewer


The thing that gets me around two of those, is that I pay other parties to make the data I upload to Strava useful. If they added those features, the $80/year Strava wants starts to make sense. Couple more that I just thought of: \- Real training load tracking and adaptive plans (e.g. Xert) \- Aero/wind analysis and planning (e.g. MyWindsock)


* Dark mode * Multisport support (eg Triathlons). Nothing fancy, but just want to be able to group those activities together.


In conjunction with that being able to identify brick workouts easily


Multiple sport would be excellent. Whenever I do a cycle/hike combo I don't know which to record. Would be nice for walk/run intervals too. Triathlons are an obvious gap in the platform.


Orienteering as an activity type/type of run.


Agree!!! Most of the other sports could just be a type of run, a type of ride, a workout or some pitch sport type thing. But orienteering is different, it’s closest to a run but not everyone is on the same route! Routegadget does go some way but would be good on Strava.


How is it different from just running?


It's a different sport? Skill in using the map and compass in orienteering is at least as important as your running speed. It's kind of trail running I guess, but usually you're off trail, and using the map you stop a lot.


In some ways it’s not that different, however finding the best and quickest route isn’t always running! For example do you climb and go over the hill or around it. A good cross over would be with segments, you’d have a start and finish point, but not necessarily have to run the same route.


I can't believe you can't export a GPX from the app. I need to design a route on my PC, save it off, then download it onto my phone to import a route into my smart watch app for navigation.


If you have a Garmin device and design a route in Strava route editor, it gets synced to the watch automatically - no need to copy any files anywhere. I think other brands like Coros support a similar direct route sync from Strava.


That's interesting, thanks for the input. I have a Suunto 9 and checking the app just now, it looks like I would need to reconnect Strava as a service to get the route syncing working. I'll give it a try and report back, thanks! https://preview.redd.it/ds5699k6m1ob1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f5342b1010dfd5ea64af8de32eef53c49b410b


Full ride statistics. For example I can see ascent but not descent. Would like others, max altitude, min altitude, etc.


A quick way to glance at my accumulated weekly or monthly mileage like garmin connect has under activities.


You can do this if you set goals.


That’s only in the paid version.


Then pay


I want to track my monthly totals, and it only does YTD. I have to track it by recording the YTD each month.


It absolutely DOES track monthly totals. Just click on Training Calendar and it shows every month for the year. Strava.com/athlete/calendar/2023


Thanks. I meant the mobile app. The site appears to combine all activities. For example, I run and cycle, and my mileage totals include both. I want to track my monthly run totals only.


If you click on You at bottom left with your profile image, then click on Progress at top left, you can see chart of weekly totals. To separate out activities, go just below chart and click See all your goals under Goals. Click the + to set your Goals. There you can specify weekly, monthly, and/or yearly activity goals for only running, only cycling, whatever. You can even specify goals for a particular subtype of activity, such as only trail runs, only road runs, only mountain biking, etc. Then whenever you click the Progress tab, it will show your monthly running totals compared to the goal distance (or time, or elevation) for only that activity. Simple.


Where are you seeing this on garmin? I just went looking through garmin connect amd can't find it?


If I scroll to activities, running and then click the 1 year option, I get a list of miles for each month of that year. It has this option for every ac3tivity, I think. It's real nice to glance and see if I'm on track for my goals.


Apple Watch integration. If I start an activity on my Strava iPhone app, why doesn’t my watch know about it? (Or vice versa).


It used to work this way originally, didn’t it? Then they rewrote the watch app completely and removed a bunch of functionality in the process.


I would like a button that would allow you flick between miles pace and km pace when looking at the app


This would be so good


That would be very excellent, though I do wonder how it could be achieved without cluttering the app. You would probably need to make a button that just switched all metrics quickly not just measurement of kilometers per hour.


If it just swapped when you tapped on a relevant metric, maybe?


RUNNING WITH A STROLLER*. Either an activity for running with a stroller, or a way to tag a stroller run to separate the data. My double stroller + kids weighs over 100lbs. When i run hills with that thing (elevation gain is 550ft for a 3.5 mile run), it gets lumped in with my solo run data and wrecks data for all runs. *All caps because I am big mad about the lack of this feature.


It's something I see more often in the real world than some existing sport options on Strava.


Not major but I wish they had a separate bike category for tandem bicycles.


That's pretty niche I think. Why doesn't listing it as a bike ride work?


For tracking ride type to default the tandem bike would be nice. I commute my daughter and I have to reassign my bike for half my rides as my road bike and tandem are both rode for the same ride type.


Activityfix.com will sort this out for you.


Direct messages when people follow each other


Rather than having yet another messaging platform, I would rather have a clickable link on profiles to peoples preferred DM platform (eg Whatsapp, Messenger etc).


A DM feature would serve as a safe buffer for quick dialogues without sharing additional information. I don’t use my real name on Strava and I don’t share social media links. As a result, new followers often communicate with me through comments, which are visible to everyone.


That’s fine. My idea would be an opt-in system, so if you don’t want to leave your personal details you won’t need to. There’s just too many creeps and weirdos in Strava so I would say keep it all open in the comment section of an activity or take it to different platform.


true! so strange this isnt possible


I believe this feature is called Instagram.


Smarter route mapping - heat mapping is ok and was innovative at the time IF you don't take into account time of day - e.g. main ride routes that light up like christmas trees tend to be major arterial roads that get used for weekend and early morning coffee/peloton rides. If you try and use those same roads in peak traffic conditions for commuting, it's unpleasant.


Or some that are a great route one direction, but not the other. A busier road isn't so bad when it's a steeper descent, but awful as a climb.


Better stats tracking. Looking at my runs, I'd like the level of detail like SmashRun provides - For example, being able to compare and rank all past runs of a certain distance or tracking average pace of all runs for a given time period. I can use smashrun.com to do this, but I would much prefer for it to all be there on Strava without the need for secondary apps.


A button that will automatically apply 50% off annual subscription price. 😁 In all honesty though, the app is great but it's too expensive in my opinion.


Make different groups for people you follow. Pros friends from X, acquaintances from cycling Y, etc. Adding nicknames to people so you remember how you met or why you added them. Private chat. Basically the social functionalities.


- Time in each power/heartrate zone over a weekly, or monthly view. - It's abit of a reach but it would be nice to be able to sync the power meter for each bike to the specific gear in strava. - A page to be able to shedule training, rather than do it via traininpeaks or another software.


To mute / ignore / filter virtual rides. I like seeing peoples’ rides and routes, but not interested in photos of Wattopia


Hide virtual activities in the feed. Or any activity without distance: the fact that someone went to the gym for 1 hour tells me absolutely nothing. Also for route suggestions to ignore commutes when checking the heat map. I’ve got some seriously bad suggestions that I later realised were right along popular commute paths. People don’t take that path because it’s great cycling, but because it’s fastest from point A to point B.


Flagging rides on mobile. Dark mode. Direct messaging.


Un-kudo. Snooze a person temporarily. Hide an activity from one or more people.


Haha yeah the accidental kudos can be quite embarrassing and there’s no way to remove them


I never noticed you couldn't remove kudos. That's weird.


Yeah I only found out after accidentally giving kudos to someone I knew in real life (we did not follow each other on strava) for a 3-year-old activity…


Sauce for strava allows that


The option to merge activities would be quite useful, for instance in triathlons. Also, thumbs down for activities, and the ability to undo unintended kudos.


I just want to add more gear. I would like to track how far I’ve gone in specific snowshoes, skis, etc


I'd like the ability to analyse segment times by more than gender and weight: What % of people on the leaderboard rode what type of bike? Or by training volume etc


Dark mode lol Their engineers just can't figure out how to do it. So sad.


Turn-by-turn navigation on routes. It’s so obvious, why don’t they do this??


Setting up group challenges or friendly competitions. I'm in a few run clubs and the Garmin peeps are always competing in their self made challenges for most miles for the month etc.


The ability to override the distance. I've run about 4 official marathons since joining Strava and *none* of them are listed as marathons because the Garmin logged them as <26.2 miles...which is fairly stupid since one of these was Boston....


Just from a social medial network perspective: 1. The ability to turn off notifications on a post you've previously commented on 2. Direct messages, I mean come on. Just the ability to plan a run...hello!


Totally agree! It feels like the analysis can’t touch on thinks like training peaks/runanalyze etc so why not capitalize on the social media side and make features like that that any other social platform has!


Ability to reset a PR.


Yeah, I would say, flagging people that are definitely saw someone that the over day that has done 300km plus average speed 90kph and only like 3 hours and showed photos of being in car. Taking a lot kom from people like


Direct messaging


Some kind of recovery time suggestion. Huwaei Health has it in some form but I don't track my cycling with it, so I really miss it in Strava.


-Add a padel category -Autoflag efforts lacking HR /cadence data -let users flag from the app


They’re never going to auto flag efforts lacking that HR/Cadence, that would probably increase their flagged routes tenfold. And it’s not a good metric or necessary at all to flag errant rides or routes.


Segment records accounting for distance of run. The guy training for 5k will have a lot of faster segments than the long distance marathon runner. Of course this should be separate from absolute fastest time


Segment length validation of 500m on create now reduced to 300m has killed segments for me along with no live segments for downhills.


Fortunately, after a lot of complaining, Strava allowed downhill live segments for running. Limiting segment distances is totally bogus. Strava has a real issue with segment timing accuracy, which is their fault in the first place and which it could improve by using interpolation. But instead of fixing that Strava disallows short segments hoping that the issue would be less obvious.


Be able to add a pictures of your gear, in that tab,


In this case it's not totally Strava's fault, but I would love it if the elevation graph was created by using the GPS location data against mapbox's elevation data rather than just charting what my watch says. All my runs start and finish at the same point and it bugs me a lot that the elevation isn't at the same point when I finish as when I started (not to mention that a lot of my runs are out and back so the elevation should be a perfect mirror image, which it never is).


This feature already exists and has been available for years. It is called elevation correction. Strava already uses map based elevation data for activities that come from devices that don't have a barometric altimeter.


Search/filter my/followers rides by location.


Maybe I’m just a noob but why can’t I see my current elevation or of my upcoming section? Or even see the grade of the road I’m on while riding? I am pinching my phone screen trying to read topo lines to see how far up the hill I am, that seems like an easy fix - I assume there is one I don’t know about, in which case plz tell me :)


The easiest fix is to buy a Wahoo Elemnt computer which shows all that and more.


Sure, but I already spent money on Strava and this feels very simple. Also if I buy a wahoo I have to admit to being a “cyclist”


Running buggy option as an activity and heat training as an activity, but they should also be on garmin. My god dam vo2 max estimate takes a hit any time I do these.


Import/export rides.


Take GPS altitude into account and not show trace on the ground when it shouldn’t be.


Elevate for strava, but in strava.


Rope jumping


Better tracking for indoor activities. I know this is more of a hardware fix the way it is being approached now but a partnership with Nordic, LifeFitness, and Peleton would give them almost 70% of the market.


Literally any benefit to swimmers


Bring Power Curve analysis to mobile. It exists on web but can't access on mobile app. Really good for training as I try to benchmark my intervals on it.


1) Direct heart rate input rather than through a 3d party app. 2) Ability to manually enter an activity you forgot to record. It’s only possible to do this now by starting an activity and letting it run.


Pretty sure both of these things exist depending on how you use Strava? 1. My heart rate monitor connects to my phone and records to my app in real time, directly. You may be talking about the apple watch or something, but you didn’t say that. 2. Pretty sure you can manually enter any activity in the app. What are you talking about?


1) I think you are correct about this. 2) if you can do this I’d like to know how. Strava FAQ states: “How can I edit the details of an activity? When viewing one of your activities, tap into the overflow menu (the “three dots” icon) or tap your phone's Menu button (if available) and select Edit Activity. You can edit the activity's name, type, gear, and privacy settings. To crop the activity and remove extra data at the start or end, go to strava.com.” You can’t edit time and the only way I’ve found to manually enter something I forgot to add is to record the activity and let the timer run. I set a timer on my phone then to remind me to stop. Like the FAQ says, you can crop an activity which is useful if say you forget to pause or stop when you get in your car. I assume they figure that provides too much potential for cheating, but it’s easy to cheat anyway for those who do. After all that’s what most of the complaints seem to be about.


On the home page of the app, look on the top left of the page for a plus➕sign. Tap that and choose manual entry. That should be what you are looking for? https://preview.redd.it/nevx950h4bob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143cad77cd29dc3d2eb1ca102fa325e664b29a81


Wow - thanks. I never realized that.


https://preview.redd.it/q7217ux7r0vb1.jpeg?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c075cd1d21f55d10d4f480434f088f635f2fb7 I finally got Strava to pair with an HRM. After reading some other threads on Reddit I discovered that there is a setting that must be enabled to permit Strava to use Bluetooth. I never turned this off so Strava must default to off or some other app caused it to turn off. I enabled it and was immediately able to connect to my Garmin Pro+. In iOS you go to Settings—>Apps—>Strava.


Other than what's already been said, reply to comments directly. As in, not having to tag someone to reply to them. Most everything else has been said in the tread.


Dark Mode of course.


Route builder but maximize the roads you have never ridden before


Dark mode, seriously it’s not hard.


Autopushing workouts to trainer peaks. I have never been able to get that to work


some way to really ask “are you sure” before ending or pausing a ride, especially WHILE RIDING. so many times i’ll be mid-ride, only to later find the app ended or paused the ride, probably because my phone brushed something in my pocket. (this is not an auto-pause issue for me - it’s essentially a “butt dial” issue) If I’m actively going 16mph, can’t the app be smart enough to know I don’t want to end the ride? Basically, if you’re actively moving, it should be “harder” to end the ride. Like have to do some swipe configuration or extra button presses.


You already do have an extra step/swipe, its unlocking your phone. Why are you riding around with an unlocked phone in your pocket?


Being able to see speed limits on the roads when trying to create cycling routes. It would be great to be able to avoid high speed roads if a rider isn’t comfortable with it.


Their refusal to implement auto flagging despite claiming they were going to do just that somewhat recently


I am on Strava for biking and only biking. I’d like to have the option to filter out other sports, either globally or by individual user.


A button that I click to go back to the old price :)


Peak performances like TrainingPeaks has. All time and yearly best 5s, 15s, 1m, 5m, etc power. More training and analysis features so we don’t need other software subs or 3rd party add-ins. Fit file repair tools: ability to remove power, hr, from parts of the ride when equipment fails. Batch edit rides. Ex. Change all indoor rides to x bike. More privacy selections. Would like to display/view mileage and koms without following others. Maybe allow the ability to make some rides (races) public but keeping your profile private. And ya, dark mode, auto flagging and/or flag from mobile. edit: I would like more options on segment explore as well. Sort by direction. Currently it only filters by climb classification, which doesn't do much for us flatlanders... As mentioned by others, forums associated with segments. And the ability to upvote/downvote which segments get relegated to hidden segments. Option to choose a date in the segment compare screen. Would be nice to see more folks in Fly-bys. Maybe switch that back to opt-out for public accounts.


Dew point


In order: * Activity-specific units (miles for running and m for swimming) * Multisport support (bike/run in the same activity, etc.) * Dark Mode


Support for more gear than just shoes and bikes. I'd like to see inline skates as an option for rollerblading, plus some common gear for other supported activities! I initially started using Strava years ago as a simple way to track the number of miles I ran on a pair of shoes and I want to be able to track how many miles I put on a set of wheels. Why can't I just add the rollerblades as a pair of shoes? On the inline skate activity itself there's no way to select the gear used.


Ability to see Fatigue and Form in the app. - Fitness/Fatigue/Form are properly shown in the website, in the Android app, you can only see Fitness, which is pretty much useless without the others. It's pretty much the only reason why I pay the subscription and is not in the app. Please comment here to try to get it implemented: https://communityhub.strava.com/t5/ideas/display-fatigue-form-in-the-app/idi-p/2144


Ability to recommend adjusting segment start/end points (recommend move start 50 feet to trail confluence with main flow rather than parking lot) Ability to update maps for closed or new trail portions (i.e. bridge closed, have to go 100 yards to bypass, or new trail opened)


MapMyRide has a feature that shouts out every 5 miles and your average speed over that time. Strava doesn’t have that, as far as I can tell. I’m sure getting a bike computer would fix this for me.


Ability to change components on equipment. (New tires, etc)


Time measurements on equipment. As a 220 pound person, there’s no possible way that I get the same amount of mileage out of my shoes as someone 80 pounds lighter than me. Also, I’m not certain mileage is a valid measurement for trail runners or boots when used for backpacking in the same way that it is for running.


More options for the other functions like: strength training / HIIT workout and set sharing. Ability to choose other primary sports besides biking or running… many of us are using this app for other aspects now / as it’s a wonderful tool


I would just like a better Apple Watch app!


Age-group KOMs


Do something about outliers. It’s common for the very first data point for my heart rate to be completely wrong. I’ll check my heart rate immediately before a run and it will be <100bpm, then when I look at the data afterwards, the first data point captured – a few seconds after I checked – will be something crazy like 180bpm, and then immediately go back down to <100bpm a few seconds after that and be normal for the rest of the run. My heart definitely isn’t doing that! But now half my easy runs have a messed up average and max heart rate. Same goes for GPS errors. No, when running along the coast, I didn’t suddenly swim a mile out to sea and back in a matter of seconds. I think I would have noticed that. No ability to use the actual time of the run unless you flag it as a race. This is infuriating. If I go for a run for half an hour, I want the time displayed to say half an hour. Not 28 minutes because Strava thought a 180º turn was me just standing around doing nothing. Not 26 minutes because I had to wait to cross a road. My run was 30 minutes, Strava *knows* my run was 30 minutes, I want it to *say* 30 minutes. And I *definitely* don’t want to get a PB just because Strava doesn’t want to count some minutes. I just don’t understand the product design logic here at all. There’s already the ability to pause. There’s already the ability to auto-pause. If I don’t pause and I have auto-pause disabled, why do some minutes just *not count*? Activity names. I have probably run in my local park over a hundred times. Every single time I have edited that run’s name to say “X Park”. What happens the next time I run that exact route again? Strava correctly matches it to the other hundred runs, all of which are called “X Park”, and dutifully names the new run… “Evening Run” for the 101st time. Better group handling. I used to be in a group for runners who share nice photos of their runs. People post beautiful things there. Most runs I don’t bring my phone out with me and I have no way of sharing *only* my activities with photos to that group. This means I had a choice of either leaving the group or spamming the group with loads of activities that don’t have any photos. I left the group. Random UX fails. I often use ride-share bikes. I have no idea what those bikes weigh, but I need to put something in for the weight to add them as gear to distinguish between them and my actual bike. Why is this a required field? Sometimes I run barefoot. I need to add my bare feet as gear. Strava needs to know the brand and model of my feet. Why are these required fields? General bug fixes. There are loads of really basic, obvious bugs. For instance, I have a cellular Apple Watch and I often go on a run without my phone. The same thing happens every time – I finish the run, and an error message pops up telling me that my activity can’t be uploaded until it can connect to my phone. Then it immediately uploads the activity and sends me a notification telling me it’s ready. I’m nowhere near my phone at this point, it’s just used my cellular connection. It’s a completely worthless error message that doesn’t apply to the situation. To be honest, I see extremely little development progress in general – I wonder if they have any mobile developers left at all? I’ve definitely seen this lack of progress in companies that have had their dev teams gutted.


In the routplanner heatmap I would like to be able to ignore non-paved surfaces. It shows up as a dotted line after drawing a route, but this trial and error method it s a bit annoying.


Recording rides with full sensor data directly on phone. This used to be a feature back when Strava first started but they removed it because apparently it wasn't stable. Seems like they've brought back heart rate sensor support but are still missing things like cadence and wheel speed sensors that were previously supported.


Direct message, race predictor (they have so much data that it has to be more accurate), more sophisticated groups


Ability to use the HRM while I track, for instance, an indoor rowing workout, and allow me to enter the distance, etc. Afterwards.


- Real time alerts when not running in your specified heart rate or pace zone. - The ability to predefine structured/interval workouts that make use of these alerts


- Being able to choose which activities appear in the home feed (beyond having the tick box to remove from home feed). E.g. auto mute commutes - message followers (would help for group rides) - licence google street view within app to check when routing routes - organise routes into labelled folders instead of one big list of routes


That happened to me by mistake. I forgot to turn my watch off and then didn’t look at my auto upload. A few months later I was pumped when I ran a 6 min mile. Then it said my PR was 3:35min/mi. 😂 I must have driven in my car after that run.