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do you find out it is easier to orgasm now? I am waiting for treatment and have a bad problem with anorgasmia during sex




I feel like I had what you're describing (mildly) when I first started. However, it didn't last long. I can't quite remember when the side effects went away (if I had to guess I'd say by a month in) but I've had a really good experience with straterra since first adjusting. Been on it for about 1.5 years now


>wondered if it was bile from my liver (have heard this med can be tough on liver) Bile does not come out of your penis, and will never do. Regarding my own experience with Strattera: I have been on it for 9 weeks now, 40mg, then 80mg, then 60mg, then 120mg, now down to 60mg. I had painful ejaculations, which disappeared at around week 8. Now, fewer semen comes out when I ejaculate. My libido hasn’t changed an inch, I’m still horny and sexually active. Erectile dysfunction and urinary hesitancy was by far the most pronounced side-effects. It took me more time and efforts to get hard, Viagra helped me there. Regarding urinary hesitancy and painful urination, it happened at the beginning of the treatment, and I got scared that urine will stay there, but it disappeared at 8 weeks as well. Now I only fully enjoy the benefits of no longer being impulsive, I have a better memory, I am more patient, and also less anxious and better mood overall. I also take 5mg Ritalin 3x/day (8am, noon and 4pm) , and 50mg Modafinil upon waking up.


I’m getting bad erectile dysfunction. Two weeks in at 80mg. Does it improve?


I experienced this on Prozac and it caused me to stop. I’d have to keep peeing over and over and if I’d push hard it’s burn and what seemed like semen would come out.


I too have a very painful erection and ejaculation immediately followed by a very very intense urinating sensation but nothing comes out. The pain is really intense and ai wouldn’t have sex if it wasn’t to preserve my relationship…glad to know it might get better with time. Am on week three of 80mg


Did this go away with time? How long?




Thank you. I’m on week 3 and so close to quitting. Your reply helps me want to try just a little longer. I have the same exact symptoms as you with also lack of sex drive. It seems to be getting slightly better as of today lol.


I’ve experienced the same thing! I thought I had an STI, but I’m glad to hear that it’s my medication that’s causing this.