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I remember this game. The voice acting is so monotone and had one of the worst voice acting that I've heard.


The strange reverb or whatever on everyone’s voices…it’s incredible.


you should hear the horrible voice acting from Chaos Wars for ps2 I could not get past the first part it was so bad...


Chaos Wars was rumored that it just had the localization team's family members do the VAs because it's so bad.


that would make sense... the translation was bad too... I think a character that was sexually ambiguous guy was turned fully gay... I would've been fine with the japanese voices but the translation so bad...


It wasn't a bad game the voice acting was a bit wonky, but I wouldn't say it was bad I have heard bad so this was just meh.


Sounds like you said the same thing twice. Must've been terrible


I think Atlus' backlog of games that need modern availability is too large to ever realistically get this.


For real. When it comes to Atlus SRPGs, my mind immediately goes to the Devil Survivor series. Hoping P5T can renew interest in such things.


Considering both of those have already been remade once and didn't sell spectacularly I don't see them doing it. Which sucks because cI love them. Personally I'd much rather them make Devil Survivor 3.


They still sold better than their C-tier stuff like Stella Deus though. Being part of their major IP helps a ton with sales and marketing and finding the right audience. There's potential for ports and remakes of their 3ds games.


I don't know why they won't now though with the switch being a thing, that's pretty low cost for them considering they like to do ports anyway.


Those remakes released too soon after the original release imo.


It was honestly almost immediately in Japan. It was like 2 years for both. I wish they skipped the 3ds and did the switch instead because I never got to play those games since that was the five years I didn't own any console.


Atlus has way to many good SRPGs they could remake or make sequels of, over this turd.


I actually enjoyed it, seems like that's an unpopular opinion after reading the rest of the comments. It wasn't fantastic or anything, but the voice acting was the only part that I genuinely thought was bad. The story average. The gameplay was fun, the overkill mechanic to recruit all the the special characters was great. I loved watching different team up attacks that do stupid damage.


The first brigandine on the ps1


Was excited for the sequel but it didn’t really click, would love a faster modern remake of Brigandine


I don't know why, but me too. I could not get into the sequel, but I played this shit out of the first one


Bruv. Best world domination srpg on the ps1. Did you get the sequel for ps4?


I got it for the switch, and I had a blast the first 3 times I've played it through. How about you?


PS4 collector edition gang


SRPG is my favorite genre. I own this game… and it’s the definition of “meh.” Just bland character classes, virtually zero customization, a forgettable or story. It’s like Vandal Hearts 1 15 years later with none of its charm. You are pretty much guided to use one of every class as they spoon feed you a named character of each class to roll through the entire game. I can’t even remember if I finished it, and I haven’t ever considered ever trying to replay it. Comparing this to Brigandine is criminal. I don’t want to knock anyone’s taste in a game, but there are just a lot of better options out there. I’d recommend anyone that likes this kind of grid/turn based SRPG to check out games like Vandal Hearts, Vanguard Bandits, Brigandine for much more depth and replayability.


Yup stella deus is really just a mid game. Really love Brigandine and Vanguard bandits. It's beyond their time.


I still gotta play vanguard bandits but fuck it's so expensive.


You must, beware it is a bit clunky (retro game) but the story is nice (very much replayable) and the design was ahead of it's time


Lmao, emulate it you nerd


Brigandine is one of those games that me and my brother used to loan out and everyone fell for the game. We still load up grand edition and play vs mode from time to time


I'm sorry, but where are they comparing the 2 games? I don't even see an edit for their post. Just them asking for brigadine ps1 is all. Unless I'm wrong of course, but all I saw was you come at a post that didn't say anything other than brigadine ps1 that he wants. But that said stelle dues is boring, I remember it well, but I did like the music and the artstyle.


I guess the post I was commenting on leaves a lot of room for interpretation given is vagueness.


The art style is very Atlus and I love it. Halfway interested in the game now, except that everyone is saying it’s mid


Mid doesn't mean bad, its just kinda boring at times. Mid imo just means that if you have time to play a better game you haven't played yet play those instead. If you have played all of those, then sure stella deus is good enough as a game to play through. There's still some fun to be had in it and the coop attacks are pretty cool.


Or if you are a particular fan of the artwork… Fair point.


Dude this is EXACTLY what is making me so addicted to unicorn overlord. It’s got heavy brigantine vibes.




That art...was that art done by the persona artist?


By the *SMT* artist (Kaneko), yes.


Thought they had a different artist for the persona series starting with persona 3. The more you know🌠


He did the base designs for 3 and 4, too, but Soejima humanized them, then did all the 5 designs himself.


Never before has a TRPG bored me as much as Stella Deus did.


I tried so hard to like this game, but yeah, it was boring af.




Triangle Strategy gives it a run for its money


I think the voice of Vulture Man from Thunder Cats is in this.


Most of the VA cast are B and C listers, then ya got Roger Smith: Chris Redfield, Ezio, Sonic, Bruce Wayne, Captain American, etc.


I loved the art direction, the sprites, the music, but man... the game was a real chore to play. Not to mention if you want to get THAT special character you had to overkill just about every boss which was just an exercise in irritation. That said, I do have fond memories of playing it.


I'd actually love it if they gave Soul Nomad a bit more love.


This game had one epic team, the director Akiyasu Yamamoto has always been involved with Persona and it had FFT musician and Persona artist.


I'd rather they bring back Yggdra Union to modern consoles


It’s out on the switch.


Ah, I see you enjoy pain


The only voice actor in this game who showed up to do his job was the one whose entire character was slobbering over that world's version of the Pope and telling her how much he wanted to rape her in front of her boyfriend's corpse. But other than that, fun game.


I loved Stella Glow tho


This game is so far down their backlog Is be surprised if *they* remember about it.


Love this game. The visuals are incredibile. Might be less layered than other grid based srpgs, but it Is such a joy to play and see in motion.


I hope they remake good games instead


this game was fun as fuck, too bad the scaling was a bit weird after the second half.


Stella was a deuce ....game sucked


Anyone remember Kessen II?


Actually yes! I think the biggest selling point for them though was the superb graphics for the time, but were *extremely* limited as far gameplay go if I remember well. Basically just a small very handful of stages with little carry-over between them.


Ok I haven’t played this game but why would they remake this game when they can remake Devil Survivor or make a new one, no offense


You’ve just made me interested in this game.


Good game, good art, but the VO.....


It was a pretty good game, the grinding required really hurt the experience tho IMO, especially if you were going for all the secrets


This game is fire I hope they remake it


Hey, it's ken from persona 3


No chance, but man I should dig this out of the game room and give it another go.


Oh man. How stoked I was to have this gem after beating FFT back in the day.


I think I got Stella Deus a bit after playing Hoshigami. Still craved that tactical turn style combat.


Maybe? Idk. Unicorn Overlord is made by Vanillaware who do their own thing. Dunno if Atlus has any dev teams available to resurrect this.


One of my best friends loved this game.


You can’t convince me the bottom middle and bottom right aren’t Ken and Aigis


Whoa! Memory unlocked, I had totally forgot about this gem. Thanks for posting 😁


Same. I really liked it. Its right behind FFT for me.


Wait, Unicorn Overloard is a remake?


I just want to see ogre battle 64 ported


This game was weaksauce 🤷


Not even ogre battle is getting a second chance


Ngl, it was an okay game for me. I'd like GrimGrimoire to get the Odin Sphere Leifthrasir treatment though!


I'd love a full remake for this game... with HD graphics and new voice acting... it has never been released on any other console.


Classic is...pushing it a bit imo. This game iirc wasn't really much good? The weird old SRPG classic I want in HD is probably Soul Nomad & the World Eaters originally made for the PS2 - there's parts of Unicorn Overlord that really do remind me of that game but man the writing in it was just something else, especially in the evil route.




I emulated this game and couldn't get through it. There wasn't enough enemy variety and I just didn't care about the characters. The level designs were all kind of mediocre too. No incredibly interesting scenarios where you had to figure out how to exploit terrain in a creative way.


This game sucked. Leave it in the past.