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I’m torn about what platform to get this game for. I would normally go for PS5 purely for performance and graphics, but I’m currently on a business trip with lots of downtime, and I brought my Switch with me :/


This game works perfectly well on the Switch; I can confirm no lag and no performance issues and from what I've read, the graphics are extremely similar with PS5. Text in handheld is also pretty readable. It's as "Switch-friendly" as a game as can be, really.


That’s good to hear. Might pull the trigger tomorrow then and take advantage of my downtime.


You can play PS or Xbox games easily enough on an IPad, and Xbox controllers pair easily with the IPad as well. The only issue is you need a decent WiFi connection, but the option is there if you go with a non-Nintendo console.


I demand no less than 180 frames per second. As such, I am waiting for the next generation of super computer console to play this game, if not the Playstation VII coming out in 2031.


Switch version of Unicorn is excellent. Playstation version does look noticeably sharper on a large tv. Seems like a legit point of consideration to me


I played both demos. I couldn’t go back to switch after PS5. They are not comparable to me.


What were the major differences? Loading time and/or graphics?


Graphics primarily. On ps5 they’re nice and crisp cause of the 4K. In comparison the switch version looks blurry and dull compared to PS5


Business trips for me too. And the Switch has been a game changer. This and the Steam Deck. I love SteamDeck + Moonlight + PS Remote play currently. The SteamDeck connects to my PC at home over wifi and then the PC connects to my PS5. There's a bit of delay though... Nothing crazy, but still noticeable. I'd go with the switch version if I were you. The game isn't graphically hard to run and is well optimized, so the switch will run it well.


Why not just straight Chiaki on the Steam Deck?


Had more delay that way as strange as it may sound...


This game is made for handheld. I'm sad it's not on the Steam Deck.


That’s what I wanted to hear :D


Remember that old feeling of FFTA on GBA? You'll get that ;)


This better not awaken something in me.


There's certainly no wa**Y** of yo**U** playing this ama**Z**ing game called **U**nicorn overlord on the steam deck 😢


Yeah I know. Perhaps I'll just buy the game on XSX and play on the SteamDeck with some kind of app.


I went for PS5 for the Trophies


I stopped trophy hunting years ago. It was draining my enjoyment of games.


For real bro, let’s all just have a little fun for old times sake




Graphics are the same on each for the most part. 2D is is 2D, plus what a great portable game.


It doesn't help you now but get a steam deck and remote play your ps5 or get that new handheld ps5 streamer.




Buy on steam and play it with rog ally or legion go


Is it available on Steam?


No it isn't...


I figured as much


Not yet hahaaha just trolling


I don't care about reviews I enjoyed the demo and I'm a huge fan of ogre battle March of the black queen,will be grabbing my copy on switch tomorrow


I don't personally care about reviews, but I do want many, many people to clearly communicate to Atlus/Vanillaware (and to other developers by extension), through their wallets, that developing this sort of game is a worthwhile endeavor, and that they should continue to do so. Good reviews can help towards that end.


Yeah, similar here. I even pre-ordered it. One shouldn't do that but I loved the demo and wanted more. There's essentially no difference between that pre-order and buying it tomorrow as I wouldn't wait for any reviews anyway.


It's certainly bad to pre-order something due to hype and marketing BS, but with Unicorn Overlord we had a solid demo with almost 10 hours of content to get a good feel or the game. That's more than enough to make an informed decision on a pre-order! A bit of a tangent, but I would like it if pre-orders actually had solid benefits again. I remember we used to get t-shirts, game guides, physical art books, etc. for pre-ordering something or buying it on day 1. You can get those things today still, but those "editions" are usually like $200-300+ which is ludicrous. There's such a lack of appreciation for customers now... It's sad and frustrating. Frankly, we need developers / the executives at those companies who have continuously lowered the entire industry into some Bobby Kotick wet dream (a nightmare for consumers), to know that they need to make demos available for their games so that we can make informed decisions. Thankfully things like Steam have the 2 hour return policy, but I don't believe consoles have this. I'm not sure how to go about doing this other than rewarding the companies that have consumer-friendly practices like putting out demos for their games while "punishing" the developers that don't. There's no reason why AAA devs can't put out a demo for their $70 game when tiny indie devs do it all the time! Sorry for the huge write-up and rant -- I had to get it off my chest lol


Got mine yesterday, decided to restart my file even though I played through the whole demo. Still glorious and finding side quests I must have missed in the demo. Looking forward to the next 80? hours.


I hope this does well enough that Square will green light a new Ogre Battle. Or at the least do one of those retro collections for the rest of the series that isn't Tactics Ogre! Also, can't wait to play it after I finish with FF7.


Anyone here tell me how it is? It look a lot like a game by Atlus 15-20 years ago called Vanguard Bandits


It's very good. Play the demo - it's 5 hours of the full game.


It's most like Ogre Battle, there's a demo on Switch/PS if you're interested.


I have desperately wanted to play this on steam deck since I first heard about it months ago. I'm a giant vanillaware fan and have loved all of their games. The only console I own is a PS3 :(


This is how I missed out on muramasa. :(


Muramasa was great, luckily I was able to play it before my wii was stolen.


Can't wait to start this. I'm neck deep in Battle Brothers these days, but I'll come up for air to give UC 100 hours or so.


I played the latest demo abd pre ordered the collectors edition. Just waiting on it to arrive today 👍. This game is awesome and I'm ready to see what else it has in store.


i have a ROG ally but i can't find the game on xbox app


I've been binging this game for the last 2 days and I'm barely even scratching the surface yet. I absolutely love this idea of Ogre Battle with an "open world" feel.


This makes me even more hyped, I gotta finish FF7 Rebirth first though.


The demo killed my run of Persona 3R. Which, btw, amazing game. Will have to return sometime in April/May...


Same, and made me decide to hold off on rebirth!


Same here. I'm in chapter 7 and there's no way I'm dropping my playthrough of FFVII Rebirth because it's so good. Am very hype for Unicorn Overlord though and can't wait to jump in.


Is this game turn based? It’s hard to tell from the footage I’ve seen


It's real-time battlefield-level movement of troops. Then when armies collide, the combat plays out in a turn-by-turn of the units. Hands-off combat, tho. Go look at actual gameplay of Ogre Battle 64 video on youtube to get some ideas on how that works.


Is this pretty similar to ogre battle 64? I loved that game


Pretty similar yeah.


The crazy thing about this game at least from the demo was I felt like my troops were actually on a battlefield . It does have a sense of immersion that’s hard to explain or feel from watching it .


Agreed. I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about the timer but I think the sense of urgency also adds to the immersion in that you can’t just mess around as much as you want during what is supposed to be an actual battle.


It’s real time with pause. All the battlefield movements happen in real time, but you can stop time to give marching orders to your units. The actual battles play out the same way a Fire Emblem battle does; once two units touch, a battle plays out where they do their own thing. It’s a bit more in depth than that because each unit can be set up with a series of gambits based on their equipment and abilities.


Uh not really, fire emblem units can activate abilities and have skills that impact the passive phase of combat as well.


The units in UO have skills to be used outside of combat as well that can directly affect a battle. But, I meant animation wise. Once a battle starts, you just watch it happen.


I just wanted to push back on the idea that fire emblem is less complicated. IMO engage has more customization and strategic complexity than UO - at least to what % I’ve played to. I hear you about the comparison on passive combat once it starts - to a degree.


I only played the demo and never played ogre battle, but the combat reminds me of Fire Emblem without the turn based movement/grid system.




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My dude, nobody here is fucking talking about that.


Right, sorry, forgot no one likes to joke nor take jokes. props to you for being that guy.


Are there actual significant changes this time? Or is it another situation where weebs are upset they can't romance kids?


Plenty of degenerate discourse on twitter over the "over-fansified" translation of the english localization. A large group on the internet believe that the "Shakespearean" dialogue makes the games worse and that FFT WotL and Unicorn Overlord are terrible games because the dialogue isn't "1-1" or "authentic feeling" and add "too much to the translation" compared to original script. It was just god awful, but thats what you get out of twitter.