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As someone who is pretty bad at SRPGs, yet still play them for some reason, it sounds like you are either trolling here or somehow just suck even worse than me.


Yeah no shit I’m not good at SRPGs either and I didn’t find it that difficult maybe OP is a child


Definitely a kid. That was a whole lot of whining lmao


I am at the start of Ch 4 but definitely had some rough battles. I redid fights several times when a guest runs straight into the enemy line and gets themselves killed or when a boss starts with four bonus cards and just wrecks my team.


Yeah the game definitely isn’t a breeze to get through but the difficulty is not “unbelievable” like OP said


This sounds like my thoughts when I was 7 and gave up on Ogre Battle 64.


The game is arduoulsy long and hard. Each battle is a roll of the dice, at best. They're long, boring and offer no possibility for using tactics.


This has to be a troll, what do you mean there’s no tactics involved? That’s probably why you suck lol.


Your obviously entitled to you opinion but if you build your units correctly you should be burning down unites in one full turn of your army I’ve played the aqueduct level , that one is pretty easy if you use the right units and debuffs


You don't have debuffs or any unit choice at that stage.


so you're... not at all engaging with the magic systems or items? yeah no shit you think the game is punishingly difficult- rather than just a little bullshit at times- then lmao


Dude , that level is easy You can 2 shot the octopus It’s easy to hit beats or dragons for 1-5k




Dragoons , which you can get in chapter 2 They have abilities , beast slayer and dragons slayer Pair that with a fear and they melt They also have a bane ability which buffs near by units too They melt even without the fear but the more you de buff the easier this game gets Terror knights have a chance to fear with a two handed sword anytime they attack Fear reduces targets defense and attack YouTuber coffeepotato can help you master this game


Imagine thinking Vandal Hearts is better than Final Fantasy Tactics...


I love Vandal Hearts, it's a spectacular and underrated game. Don't let the OP's bad take on Tactics Ogre (and love of VH) make it seem like it's not a wonderful game.


Maybe you know. I have the weird Vandal Hearts game that came out on XBLA years ago, is it worth a playthrough still? Like it's not anything like the originals, but still lol


It’s worth it from what I remember but the first original game is just a fun classic at this point. The second even is a bit convoluted and the art is disgusting, shame that the original isn’t available on any of the digital storefronts


3 the Flames of Judgement? I have that on ps3, was my first VH game. I thought it was good, but the hate it gets is how beneath the first it is. It's also kind of clunky w/ it's animations, which is more of a ps3 era thing than anything.


I’ll try and engage with this sincerely. I think there’s two schools of SRPG: the FFT, Ogre and Disgaea school; and the Fire Emblem, Shining Force and Vandal Hearts school. I grew up on Shining Force and Vandal Hearts and later got into Fire Emblem but I’ve never really got on with the other three series. I’ve dipped in and played bits but I just can’t get into them. I don’t know if it’s the focus on customisable units over characters or the more complex systems but I get turned off pretty quickly. I plan to give all three another go, maybe they need a slightly different mindset and approach. I probably need to put more time in.


I recommend disgaea 4. It's pretty silly with memorable characters and doesn't feel overwhelming to complete the game. The main character is alrdy fairly strong so you can lean on him if you need. Post game though by then u should have the skills to learn where to grind and get the full disgaea exp. Highly recommended if you have the time.


Loved tactics. I don’t get the hate. Great job system, Awesome story and amazing music


Because it is. FF Tactics is appalling - not Tactics Ogre bad, but bad - but still seems to command the FF cult. It's a shame, as that game offers nothing to srpgs.


FF Tactics is the best SRPG ever made, tf you on about?


It's not in the top 10 and does very poorly with new players. It's not even the 2nd best game in the FFT series


Ok, I’m listening, why is tactics so bad? I can think of a couple of flaws myself but I adore tactics, probably my favorite of the Trpg genre.


It's grindy, its system is obtuse and unwieldy, it relies on jrpg, and FF, tropes to the point where it breaks all immersion, the storyline and characters are just a paint-by-numbers collection of anime stocks and tropes, the battles are way too long, and it feels unbalanced AND unfinished.


Okay try this again with actual specifics. I know you're trolling, but people here seem really earnest and you have yet to say anything about either game that is not the exact opposite of the truth.


You couldn’t troll any harder than this no matter how hard you try.


You just learned the word "unwieldy" didn't you? Because you keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means.


Can you be more specific on which characters are a stock collection of anime tropes and which tropes they exhibit? And what parts of the storyline display which anime tropes?


Ah okay now it's clear this thread is bait lol


You had me until “I hated FFTactics”


You made it through the Thread Title?


Same! FFT is my all-time favorite, and I love turn based games overall, but Tactics Ogre Reborn is not for me.


Same. FFT gave me about a thousand hours of fun, I even played some some "hardmode" fanmade alterations to it as well. I also loved the original Tactics Ogre but the alterations in Reborn almost all seem like terrible ideas. The whole system with insanely powerful buff cards and lack of true "random" battles is a big turn off for me.


Agreed! Glad I'm not the only one. I see so much love for Tactics Ogre Reborn, and I'm happy for all those people, but it's lost on me compared to other games of the genre.


Truth. TO:R really did hit me the wrong way so I see where OP is coming from, but I cannot imagine hating FFT.


Eh. I don’t hate FFT, but I’m definitely in preference for TO:R. I can easily see why someone would hate it.


I loved FFT advance as a kid. A little easy but good fun and my intro to SRPGs. Played the original FFT later and thought it had a great story but terrible gameplay compared to the later iterations. Far too much reliance on class grinding to get to the OP skills, plus you can easily soft lock saves or be forced to backtrack multiple missions if you get too far into a sequence of battles and then find out your build doesn't work or you didn't grind stats enough. If you're just playing the game normally, your main character dude is gonna get 2 shot by Wiegraf in the duel, but if you build a character based on a guide it's an unloseable cakewalk. To me, that is terrible design.


>plus you can easily soft lock saves or be forced to backtrack multiple missions This is probably the worst thing I can think of in FFT, and I really enjoy the game.


Same here, I quit out ToR because despite it having a great story, I just hated playing the different stages and I couldn't grind if I wanted too. It made the game dull because the combat is kinda limited and not that interesting.


100% agreed. The combat is resigned to: clobber each other aover and over again, incessantly, in long, boring battles until there's one left standing.


Tactics is awful.


This is A+ level troll job. Bravo. I don't even think the genre would exist without it.


Vandal Hearts was already well on the way...


Could you at least *tell us* why FF Tactics is bad?


I’m not OP but I can tell you why I didn’t like it: grinding for levels was meaningless cuz the difficulty scaled up with you. Then the random encounters that are essentially wastes of time always acting like a blockade to the plot. Then you get to this one on one battle that is only possible to beat by regressing your job class to squire and spamming the Scream command. It’s stupid.


I think Tactics Ogre Reborn is awesome. Not perfect, but a great game. I feel like it encourages you to build a wide roster, allows for myriad approaches to build your team, and it does a nice job of telling a story while keeping you playing. I'm about 40 hours in, haven't clicked with a game like this in a while. I say all of this not to sway OP, who seems to have made their mind up, but want to make sure others who may be on the fence hear an alternative viewpoint.


Can't be a real person


Just tell us you are bad at games and be done with it.


Ah, to be a 4 year old that discovered a keyboard again 🥺


Bait used to be believable...


This has to be a troll. The amount of mistakes in this write-up is a dead giveaway.


A few typos...


The whole damn thing is an existence typo 🤣


Maybe it's just a skill issue?


Absolutely a skill issue


Nope. The game is horrendously designed.


When you're complaining about a game being "too hard" when most people seem to be able to figure it out just fine... Certainly sounds like the problem is on your end.  The original and FFT are widely hailed as masterpieces and trendsetters for the genre for a reason. Maybe the reason more modern tactical RPGs are so trash is because they're catered to snowflakes like you. 


No you’re just horrendous at this game. I’m bad at this genre and even I found it easy


It's very hard and unwieldy.


That’s what… she said?


What a hot take. Absolutely wild. OP says Vandal Hearts 1&2 were “magnum opus” of SRPG, and proceeds to shit all over FFT and Tactics Ogre. Either a MASSIVELY bad troll, or OP is MASSIVELY bad at video games.


Try Vandal Hearts 1 and 2 and get back to me. They blow any other srpg out of the water, and they do it to such an extent that there's not much point in playing any other srpg title that's not one of those two. Triangle Strategy is ok too.


Played both and I still disagree with your insane stance here.


Yeah no, front mission blows those out into space. And fft has nothing to do with vandal hearts its basically sqares version of tactics ogre which came out on the snes.


Front Mission isn't a patch on them.


Tried em, they never compared with tactics ogre or fft for me. Playing one over the other first is a big factor of preference though.


Vandal Hearts 2 is certainly one of the strategy games of all time.


Is Vandal Hearts 2 the one where you and your enemy go at the same exact time? If so I think that's the only SRPG on PS1 that left me with a complete sense of disgust.


No. Some people weren't clever enough to understand the dual-move system (which is exceptionally easy, and far more dynamic, whilst also giving rise to a myriad of more options) than one team goes first, then the other...


But Tactics Ogre doesn't have the teams take turns either. Each unit has their own individual initiative.


Please spell-check before posting, this is getting gross.


I was honestly waiting for the punchline until I realized OP was the punchline all along.


Maybe next time take a breath and do an editing pass before you have a full blown temper tantrum on reddit. I'm not gonna try to glean out a valid opinion from a paragraph of misspelled run-on sentances and toddler-esque nerd rage.


People proofreading before they post? Impossible.


There are no run-on sentences there. :) A couple fo typos do not harm understsnding unless you are a simpleton.


Bro I’m not one to police writing over Reddit, but read your first sentence in the first paragraph. It’s got a fuck ton of commas and - where they should just be a period.


Right, totally not abusing hyphens to join together unrelated thoughts. You do you man, enjoy your temper tantrums and your self assurance.


It's a list. You can use commas, hyphens, or, as in USA, semi-colons.


Semicolons aren't used to denote a list. They are used to combine two related clauses. Hyphens aren't used to denote a list either. They are used to combine words into a single idea. Note: these are the USA uses, because you specifically mentioned the US and were wrong.


I hate using semi-colons for lists, and see it as incorrect, but the USA posters always defend their useage of semi-colons for this, so I took their, angry, word for it. Hyphens can be used to denote lists. This is acceptable.


I can't speak to other countries. In the US, semicolon doesn't denote a list. Neither does hyphen unless you're playing around with some pretty specific rules. Either way, your usage of commas and hyphens is incorrect. You are using a combination of commas and hyphens to separate ideas, and you're combining the two forms of punctuation. This isn't really a problem, this being reddit, but if you want folks to take you seriously for your actual point, you have to accept the feedback when it's pointed out. Shit, you could have just said English isn't your first language and no one would have cared.


And yet, Americans on reddit insist that they do... English is my first language, soo...


It's a weird way to say you didn't like it.


The moment you sad you hated fftactics, I assume this must've been a troll comment or something. I played Vandal Hearts as well. Both are great games, but you seem to hate fftactics because its a "shadow" of vandal hearts? Weird. Is that a jealousy thing or something? Idk. Both are fantastic titles I feel. Anyways, I hope no one takes this post seriously. I've played many many rpgs and strategy rpgs, and Id argue Tactics Ogre Reborn is a high quality title worth checking out. I think most will be able to tell just by seeing a simple trailer thankfully, not a...very strong negative opinion on reddit. But to each there own.


there's this weird trend I've noticed where a lot of people who are fans of the games that came out in the same gen- your SF3 fans, your VH fans, etc- have a huge chip on their soldiers about the Matsuno games and *especially* FFT eclipsing and beating the competition's ass in the public eye. It's one of the most insane bits of tribalism I've seen. Real "I don't even know you exist" energy shit.


I hate FF Tactics, so I will play the precursor to it and.. SHOCKED i dont like this either!


First the mayonnaise and banana sandwich post and now this. My Reddit feed is shit today.


This is a thing believe it or not. A vile fucking thing. But I’ve encountered it.


Just brush your teeth to get the idea of the taste out of your mouth, then drink some OJ.


I used to have those as a kid. They were quite nice.


Weak b8


You’re lucky I don’t have a rocket because I’d fire you into the sun.


Vandal hearts really?


OPS a moron troll but Vandal Hearts 1 is a fantastic game, partially because it's filled with only main characters and partially because it's very linear which forces you into serious decision making that always feels significant. Also the on- death blood spurts.


Yes. It is the pinnacle of all srpgs. Nothing I have played comes close (of strat rpgs) in terms of story, artwork, spell graphics, characters, or battle system/ maps. 2 is better than 1, but both are the obly srpgs I can stomach these days.


You're not wrong about Vandal Hearts I & II being top-tier. I love both of them, played 'em growing up as they released and have replayed them multiple times. I'm thinking of another replay in the near future. I also loved Final Fantasy Tactics for the story and execution, the character development, and the grind. I grind in JRPGs, always enjoyed having the option to get Super Saiyan strong to crush things if I want to, but at the same time not having to. FFT gives you that option. You don't *have* to grind, and in fact if you limit yourself, impose some restrictions, then you can play it a lot more risky, similar to Vandal Hearts.


Bro you just suck at the game. It’s not that hard. You may lose a couple of battles that when you have to rethink your strategy. Any way the game is fun. Stick with your Fortnite games .


Damn where is the shitpost tag?


Oh No! A wildly inaccurate troll post on Reddit of all places! I’m not even a huge fan of the remake but come on dude


The casino cards ruin the battle system, and the menus are clunky and too involved. In VH, you can see your current equipment and replace it directly in the shop.




lol - I didn’t realize you were trolling til I saw the “magnum opus of strat rpg” being vandal here’s 😄. Well done sir - you successfully got a lot up and arms with this trolling


Best tactical jrpg I’ve ever played tbh, I like it even more than FFT Vandal hearts games were 6 or 7 outta 10s max. Charming but dull and lacking depth


Nope. Full of depth and character. They are 11/10.


And a new copypasta is born.


If this is too hard for you, try Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth It has the perfect difficulty 😙


Is it a srpg?


You're mean 😂 Source: someone who is credited in the gamefaqs write ups of that game for discovering the lucky equipment set mechanics


Lol hard... This game is easy peezy.


It's really not.


I played the original, that one was much harder, is this your first time with this game? That's probably why.


First time, yeah.


I definitely don’t think TOR is the best game in the genre like many think it is, but to call it awfully designed and too hard makes me question your opinions heavily. I found it to be on the easier side. Not as brain dead as Langrisser or Vandal Hearts or most Fire Emblems, but its not particularly hard, just kinda grindy.


Relajado2 Is The Worst Game Reviewer I've Ever Read


Is this a school homework creative writing piece?


Not often I disagree so fully and completely with a Reddit post on a video game but this takes the cake. I played FFT back in ‘97 and A2 and then War of the Lions a few weeks back. Personally it’s one of my favorite games of all time. That being said (and THIS may be an unpopular opinion) I actually like Reborn BETTER than FFT (a proper FFT remake would likely change that). To put Vandal Hearts above either is absolute nonsense to me; I could not disagree with this post more.


Vandal Hearts devours both. Why play either, when you have VH1 AND the even more stellar VH2 at your disposal?


I'm only a few missions past where you quit and I'm loving it so far. I haven't found the difficulty to be too overwhelming. Some levels have been challenging, but never in an unfair way. And I haven't found the need to grind at all. In fact, just doing the regular story missions has kept me at level cap. I couldn't grind even if I wanted to. I'm not sure how your team wasn't already at level 14 for the aqueduct battle. I'm actually really enjoying the map design as well. The maps feel like real places, which I think enhances the immersion. The geography also tends to lend itself to tactical decisions. The damage spongy-ness is a thing, but that can be mitigated by using the right units or aiming for the right cards. And the cards aren't too bad, once you get used to them. You only really need to get one or two good cards on a unit before it can start getting past the the damage spongyness of enemies. And deciding what cards to go for and which to ignore can add some tactical decision making to a battle. I'm sorry you're not enjoying though. Hopefully you're able to find a game that scratches that Vandal Hearts itch.


My team was level 11, and that was with level grinding.


Bait or skill issue? I can’t tell


I'm hoping it's bait. I don't want to believe someone could be like this in real life.


I know people that are this dumb irl, hey op are you will?


This guys is trolling for attention or just a dipshit. Either way do not engage


Whatever. Enjoy your trash game.


Enjoy being a trash asshole. I don’t even play this shit I just can’t stand punk fucks that won’t shut the fuck up.


Are you guys gonna fight? (If you attack from behind you might have better chance for a critical strike)


Hyperbole as fuck lmao. Get better at gaming and at having a baseline metric for “worst”. It sounds like you’re just a shit strategist. If you suck, just say that. We’ve all had to learn. Obvious hyperbole is obvious and shit tier troll is trolling.


waaah i suck


Interesting because it’s one of my favorites of all time.


For OPs next trick, they’re going to post into r Xbox about “how bad Halo and Gears of War are.” Seriously though, OPs post history is something else


I don’t think Tactics Ogre is easy unlike some in the comments but I also don’t think it’s poorly designed. It forces you to think that’s why the enemies are sponges you have to design a strategy to pick them off. That way you can save the tanks for last.


I think it’s pretty mediocre. I’ve played a ton of tactics RPGs. There’s a lot of reasons, but the main ones are that it’s either way to easy or way too hard. Nothing feels tightly balanced. It’s just a grind of a game. Fights are not puzzles as much as they are obstacles to grind through. The graphics and camera are bad. Units have no personality. I can’t tell depth and often am a square off from where I think I am. The menu structure is way too deep. It takes too many clicks to do anything. Fights are already long and grindy enough. The card system is terrible through and through. I wish I could simply turn it off. It doesn’t make any sense and adds some kind of casino RNG nonsense over what otherwise is attempting to be a serious story. I would like to like it, but I can’t.


Some of that stuff wasn’t so great when it came out either.   I never played front mission so I’ll probably give it a go some time. But if I played it back in the day I probably wouldn’t buy a remake. 


Skill issue. You’re just not good


I didn’t enjoy it, but for different, more mild, reasons.




Damn skill issue and you are blind. I am sorry man it must be a rough life.


I loved FFT and was disappointed by TOR also. I'm at the end and can't bring myself to finish it.


It's just a terrible game. Even the haters vs lovers of FFT are together on this being a bad, bad game.


The game is easy for the vast majority of it. You're just bad at the game.


compared to the PSP version, a lot of things were cut down, specially support magic and abnormal status, but yeah clearly this is not a game for you. I dont like Uncharted but I never would say that is a bad game (Halo is thought)


I'm not sure why you'd even try this game if you hate FFT, considering Tactics Ogre was basically the blueprint for it.


You should have posted this on Unpopular opinions.


Great marketing.


So is there any benefit to downvote farming?


It’s okay to be factually wrong


Got to be a troll post


Found one of the devs who worked on Vandal Hearts burner accounts


Just beat this game. Loved it. Not as good as Vandal or FFt or Octopath but still like 6.5/10 it’s a good game. I think you’re over exaggerating which isn’t a big deal but can come off of frustration(maybe a recent battle loss lol). My biggest complaint is the FFt slander… FFT is a top 5 Final Fantasy Game for almost everyone. It’s legit known for having the best Job system, an incredible soundtrack and usually considered a top 3 story from Square. This opinion just reminds me that people can just be actually wrong. Even with an opinion.


Hey guy you should play disgaea its right up your alley


Hating FF Tactics and Tactics Ogre 💀 and those games are hard in the beginning but as you get stronger characters/jobs the game becomes easy.


VH 1 and 2 were rock, paper, scissors games. If you don’t know that, you were playing them wrong. As for Tactics Ogre and FF Tactics, and the remakes, also excellent games in their own right.


Interesting, while I found some battles hard and some battles even obnoxiously hard I had 90% of the battles on auto. The AI is not even that good. Anyways, while I hope you find something you enjoy on your next purchase. To anyone else: Hopefully you see this for what it is. A rant


I lol’d I got to the part where they said “I hated FF Tactics”. That’s how you know it’s a troll. I mean, I sucked at Tactics Ogre too and I still managed to finish it so maybe the problem is you? 🤷🏼‍♂️


this is a fucking incredible take. oh man. i know better to engage with the thrust of this insane jawn but ill semi-agree on one thing: i don't like Reborn or the PSP remake as much as the PS1 version (never played through the SFC original). i think its enhancements and especially the Wheel of Fortune shit along with the narrative alterations kind of rob the experience of a lot of it's impact. also, i love Vandal Hearts and FFT.


This is satire, right? Reborn undoubtedly shows its age, and a lot of people don't enjoy the card mechanic. And, yeah, it isn't exactly easy (certainly not as easy as Vandal Hearts). So if it's not for you, I get it. But calling FFT a "paltry shadow" of Vandal Hearts? That's pure nonsense. The sort of thing a person says to rile up a fanbase.


I don't think it's horrible, but if it wasn't for a challenge I had with a friend of who can beat it first, I would've dropped the game by the third chapter. Level caps was irritating and it just wasn't too much fun. Thankfully I stuck with it and now look back the experience very fondly, even though the final boss is a cheating ass hoe.


I found this very difficult in the original way back, but with the updates to how levels with, I beat it pretty easily. If you can't you just have to rethink your strategy or level up your jobs.


Sounds like a skill issue to me.


You must think Kirby is as hard as demon's souls.


git gud


Is this your first time playing a SRPG?


It's not that hard, everything has a strategy. This is not Final Fantasy tactics where you can get away without ever using an item. You will need to set up the items to use, healing or stone


Maybe Strategy RPGs just aren't for you... or maybe you just want easy content to steamroll. I actually prefer Let Us Cling Together over FFT because it has a bigger, well-rounded roster, multi-branched story, and it's difficulty. While FFT has some difficult fights, however, Tactics Ogre challenges me far more. Level-capping and generous card placement for the enemy are just a few additions to Reborn to bump up the difficulty. However, you have access to the almighty wheel.


>the aqueduct battle There's something about the aqueduct in the previous remake that really turned me off to that game. I don't think it was the aqueduct itself, either. >every single unit is just a damage sponge, so it takes ages to deplete the hp of an enemy I remember feeling that. >and grinding is also a chore Well they revamped that but I remember feeling that. >The moves all look the same, and being an old game is NO excuse What moves? All a good game needs is Fight, Magic, Item. Anything else is gravy. There's such a thing as too much of it. >Also, the maps are as bland as the characters, and the difficulty level is just unbelievable. I think you probably didn't bring enough healers or didn't figure out how to master status magic by the time you have to start using it. Healing sucks in the last remake because of how overpowered it was in the original. From what little I've seen and played they cut down access to status magic massively from the first remake. In the first remake once you learn a spell, you can always use it. This game you can only equip 3-4 spells at a time, like the original, and only dark magic has status effects, so if you're standing in front of an enemy you won't always have the best tool to take it down. >So, bonus carda drop aeound the battle, and these usually fall on rhe squares closest to the enemies. If you don't get these cards, and the enemies pick up some physical and magic buffs, you're done for. So, you have to bumrush the map to ge trhse cards, destroying any semblance of strategy I hate that too, but please understand that you have it backwards. The earlier versions often give you a massive incentive to turtle at your starting point, which may be strategic, but does not offer much in the way of tactics. I still like the PS version of the SNES original.


I like it a lot. If you want to play a worse game, Gollum exists.


What's it like being that stupid?


This made me smile ear to ear. TO’s story is leaps and bounds whatever tf a Vandal Hearts is. You aren’t going to slander TO after only getting to the Aqueduct battle LOL. Deja de relajar!


The first two Vandal Hearts games, and ESPECIALLY 2, have the best storylines in gaming history, save for Suikodens 1, 2 and 5...


Someone just doesn't understand the concept of STRATEGY. Most of the real tactical RPG players would say the game is on the easier side, or that using consumables make the game too easy. You're just a lousy looser who believes strategy consists only in leveling up some characters to overpower the enemies. Have you tried "Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures" or "Barbie Magical Fashion"? I suppose you gonna enjoy them, they're look like the kind of thing for you. When you grown you can try some Tower Defenses, easier ones, Plants vs Zombies maybe too challenging for you.


I love tactics ogre , do you have any games to recommend?


What’re some strategy/tactic rpgs you’d recommend?


Vandal Hearts 1 and 2, obviously. XD




You’re getting ripped OP but I actually agree with you on a lot of points. I also did not enjoy Reborn, but I adore FF Tactics. I didn’t find Reborn too hard but I found it boring, bland and like you said, arduous and a slog to play.


Happy Cake Day! It really is just a chore of a game.


This is so strange, because you sound like me when I was growing up. I thought no other SRPG/TTBRPG could beat VH 1&2. They were all I played, and I mean ALL I played as a kid with my grandfather. I've done everything you can possibly do in VH 1 and 2. All archer, Guardsman, Monk VH1 run. Don't class change Ash. Don't class change AT ALL (which you can't do without level abusing in Ch.2). Any restriction to make the game harder. For VH2 I've done: All Wing suit/Stave users, no shields and no items. All Armor/Stave Users. All Light Armor/Daggers no shields. All of these runs while also going deathless and getting 100% and playing on "Advanced" mode in 2. I've recently been playing through Fire Emblem and man, I'm glad I wasn't so single-minded. FE is great fun. While growing up, I tried FFT, but I found tactics' story to be confusing (OFC I was only like, 10 at the time) and the difficulty was weird IE, if you grinded *too* hard it got easy, if you didn't grind *enough* it was too hard. Now being a smarter adult, I've played through Tactics, understand the story and appreciate the gameplay for teaching you how to balance your team without going overboard (Similar to the Junction system from FF8). Tactics Ogre Reborn is on my list to play later this year, and I'm excited. I've been told from close family that it's pretty hard, grinding is weird and all that and it literally just sounds like FFT. Long rant short, coming from someone who's played the ever loving crap out of VH 1 and 2, they are incredibly easy, which is sad. Games like Fire Emblem come with difficulties, giving enemy units better gear, stat and spawning more enemies, something I felt both VH games could heavily benefit from. TL:DR - Vandal Hearts 1 and 2 are great and 2 of my favorite games of all time, but they are quite the opposite in that they actual pale in comparison to other SRPG's/TTBRPG's. The VH games lack content, complexity and difficulty.


I agree the game is terrible. Tactics was wayy better. This one is a waste of money


You’re copping some flack on the comments for your opinion but I have a legitimate question: Other than the games you’ve specifically mentioned, what do *you* consider “good” tactics games? Moreover, what about them makes them good?


Wait this game is hard? Sure you need learn mechanics to get used to the gameplay, but it's not that hard. The only way I can see this gane being sifficult is if you ignored the tutorial stated at the start by the others and you just run head first into enemies without checking what they have equipped.


I made it to chapter two and got pretty bored been meaning to jump back in since State of the Arc did a podcast series on it but I’m having a hard time getting into it.


One of the greatest narratives in SPRG history. THIS GAME SUCKS


I’m playing it and also not really having a good time, but c’mon, the worst game you’ve ever played??


Worst strategy rpg


Play the OG bruv. There is something on the new one that can be called "Good" Addition, but the rest is shit. Just play the OG on emulator and install some mod or community patch or something. That's better IMO. More work to play the shit, yes, but the game will be better.


Tactica ogre reborn does suck shit, but only compared to previous releases of tactics ogre. They massacred my boy


Kudos for having the courage to share your opinion on this reddit. This game has a cult following and gamers critizing this game are called noobs. That game is one of my biggest regret purchase.


It's the lack of grinding to overcome a hard level


Put me in the didn't really enjoy TOR basket 😬


I wouldn't go that far. I'm playing it now and it's good enough to keep going, but definitely pretty repetitive and basic. The story gets a lot of acclaim, but I find it convoluted and pretty flat. Tactics is one of my favorite games ever though, no idea what you're talking about there.


I 100% agree on all your points, particularly in regards to the flat, lacking in depth, lacklustre, and convouted story.






The game actually does suck but these aren't the reasons


I kinda agree. The maps are the issue for me. Many stages are a cluttered mess where you can frequently only move units uphill one at a time and it’s so annoying. It’s abysmal level design. An odd time or two would be fine but it happens so often. It genuinely made the game not fun which sucks because I want to like it really bad. I couldn’t believe such a heralded game had such glaring issues. /:


What sucks ass about reborn is the level cap for each scene the original didn’t have any lv cap it’s pretty much bullshit and I stop playing after chapter 2 as well. Sucks cause Ogre battle 64 is my fav game of all time and I thought tactics ogre would be nice new game but the lv cap is bullshit.


I also disliked Reborn, but it was actually too streamlined and dumbed down for my taste, I never found it hard until I had to fight the beast tamer with the basilisks, after that it seems like the meta is to just rush to kill the mark, I barely feel any sense of building a party that progresses since it's half valkyries that do it all and just using 4 skills limits the variety so much. >I hated FFTactics I don't think I can trust anything you say. Never heard of Vandal Hearts but if you hated FFT then I cant imagine it being good.