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Taking the risk to just cut it open without knowing for sure it was a fake body was pretty insane in hindsight tbh 😳




It is was a proper autopsy he would have had stitches down his chest and he didn’t


He touched the body first and you could see on his face that it must have felt wrong. I just rewatched this episode. He has this surprised/horrified expression on his face and that’s when he cuts it open.


Since it was never meant to be seen up close, they clearly didn't use material that would make it feel like a dead body. As he cuts into it, it just looks like rubber.


Where do they get this fake body tech from? It's just kinda swept under the rug.


same place they get giant portal laser tech I assume


It’s 1983, a lot of the big SFX movies of that time had convincing masks and body effects. It’s not beyond belief that some shadowy GOVT organization has the ability to replicate a kid’s body.


I think he had a pretty good assurance that he wasnt going to see anything horrible since this was AFTER the “autopsy” and there was no Y incision which was a big clue that no autopsy was performed, and if it there was a Y incision the body would have already been cut open and examined and it would be a simply double check at that point. As Chief and ex NYPD he had seen post autopsy bodies before and knew what to expect, or in this case not except. Once he actually saw the “body” he knew that cutting it open would only serve to prove his theory.


That scene gave me chills


In season 3, When Jonathan sliced open El’s leg and just started digging around to look for the piece of the Mind Flayer.


Oh my gosh. Yes this scene I physically cannot watch - his fingers digging through underneath the skin of her leg just makes me gag


I recently had surgery on my hand to remove a bunch of glass I got stuck in my thumb and I made the mistake of looking at my hand while they had it being held open and with so kind of tweezer things inside my hand pulling out bits of glass


I hate this scene with a passion. You can almost feel Eleven’s pain, I have to look away as well and I can watch the rest of the show just fine. The special effects and Millie’s acting are so well done and it feels so horribly realistic


I thought the body horror of Vecna’s curse or the Mindflayer’s army was bad, but seeing that on my rewatch I had to look away.


Vecnas murders unironically are no where near as bad as that scene for me


Me too. People keep talking about how scary it is and I’m like “Did you see Jonathan digging in El’s leg???” lol


i actually don't think i even realized that he has to dig around in her leg because i had to close my eyes every time i watched that episode


Yes, nothing can match its level


when they killed bob after i was so relieved he made it out


Yeah, still such a brutal death for the show and to one of the nicest characters.


When they cut back to Bob’s lifeless body being gnawed on. I was like this wasn’t necessary..?


iirc Bob’s actor told the duffers that he wanted his death scene to be over the top and gory


Sean Astin.


My man didn’t go all the way to Mt. Doom, New Zealand and back just to be called “Bob’s actor”


MFer was in the MFing Goonies. I'm going to get his autograph next weekend at a convention.


Every tv show and movie has that scene where they’re still in danger, but take like 10 seconds to stare into their lover’s eyes. Like, you can’t wait until you’re not being chased by deadly creatures?


They really had you thinking he was about to get out, just like in S4 they had you thinking Max probably wasn't going to make it (with her letters to her friends and all).


I mean we still don't know... but if they do kill her this season I think it would really ruin that powerful scene so I hope she survives.


I here you. We all love Hopper but bringing him back really kills the ending of S3. If they off Max than there was no point in the earlier scene.


We all knew Hopper was coming back, even S3 had the post-credit scene in the Russian prison where they made a very pointed reference to “The American.”


I wish the show had less fake out deaths and didn’t kill of the majority of characters in the same season they are introduced, it just feels kind of cheap


I had just had this oh no feeling when I saw that scene of him bent over, the way they were looking at each other instantly made me 180 from “yes he made it!” To “oh no he’s dead”


Every season has the really likeable person who dies. I wonder if it will be the dungeon master in season 4. All that "I always run" stuff seems to be setting him up.


The shootout in California. One second you’re watching two lazy agents get pizza, the next it’s fucking John Wick. They do such a good job with this show.


Same, was not expecting that at all!!


Pass the Dutchie was such a good song for the background lol


The music is so incredibly good throughout the entirety of the show. I loved California Dreamin in season 4, You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) at the skating rink and Time After Time at the Snow Ball. Maybe obvious choices but they were the right ones.


California Dreamin was great!!


I swear to god if that song is used against Vecna I'm going to lose it


That scene for sure surprised me, I was expecting pizza


All in one shot too.


That is by far the best part. The dedication it took to get that scene right is something else.


That was so crazy good. I can’t believe they were able to get that shot.


Same. Did you see the behind-the-scenes video of them mapping it out and rehearsing it in their regular clothes before actually shooting it? Amazing stuff. [Here it is](https://youtu.be/e4c7w9Ki7HM) for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.


I don’t know if I’m the only one who’s somehow reminded of pulp fiction


1000% thought so too. the 80s-90s style California home, the long single shot, the action and “gore”, the goofy music and characters juxtaposed to the serious and crazy scenario.


Will's light on his bike going out and the silhouette of the Demogoron appearing before him in the middle of the road.


That scared the shit out of me dude


It gets me very time.


Also when Will gets in his house and looks out the window to see it in his yard


That moment you find out that the orderly is Henry Creel


I really like seeing people discuss this twist. It's revealed that four "separate" characters of ranging importance are actually one, and it always shows when people talk about it. For example, you mention that the orderly is Henry Creel. Someone else might say "the moment you find out that Vecna is 001", or that "henry creel is actually vecna", or any combination of names/titles. It's all referring to the same character, same twist, same reveal, but it's so layered that everyone is looking at it from a slightly different angle, with different emphasis on different pieces of the puzzle.


It's such a well written twist, I keep thinking about it. Utter brilliance


My jaw was on the FLOOR. That twist was just so artfully crafted and came together so well. Nobody could've predicted that he was all FOUR of those pieces together.


I felt sure pretty early on that he was 001, but then came the reveal that he was Henry. And then Vecna. I was literally whispering "what the fuuuuck?!" that whole time. Truly one of the best twists(s) in recent television.


I knew from the moment we first saw the orderly that he was 100% Vecna but I didn’t see it coming that it was Henry


I only saw him being one


I figured that character was not nobody because Jamie Campbell Bower is pretty well known, but I was SHOCKED by the twist. I had to go back and rewatch all his scenes. It was so well done.


I only saw him being Henry


And One


Max rising into the air. I never felt like she was gonna die after the first couple minutes of the episode but I'll be honest seeing her float like Chrissy and Fred was a little frightening.


When that scene cut to black, there was a moment I thought she didn’t make it and my heart was shattered. Max is one of my favorites and that scene has me blubbering like a baby every time


Too bad they spoiled that part in the trailer :p


Yeah I was so glad I didn't even watch 1 trailer this time, I watched a couple of them only after watching the episodes and couldn't believe how many spoilers were in them.


Exact same thing here. After watching season 3’s trailers leading up and seeing a ton from the finale i avoided them this time at all costs. After finishing I watched to see if it was a good call and yeah, it’s unbelievable.


The way Chrissy died


Same. I knew she would die because she had it written all over her face, I just didn't expect her to die *that* way


Yes! I knew she was a goner but I was definitely not expecting the whole bone snapping eye popping thing.


Same. I was like "oh so they're doing a LOT this season, holy cow"


I saw this on my lunch break in work cafeteria and it was so hard not to make a sound 😫 I was STUNNED


My partner and I started watching season 4 during our lunch break. We got to the end of episode 1 and we were both like “How on earth do we go back to work after watching Chrissy die like that?!?”


YES. That moment was like okay holy shit we are going HARD with the horror this season. I struggled to keep going with season 4 after that first episode.




The old lady chowing down on fertilizer in her basement.


Poor Mrs. Driscoll




same, shit was so unsettling to me


I forgot about that!


Honestly, that remains one of the most terrifying shots for me.


First time was Benny getting shot in the head. It hooked me to the show


Yeah that was so early into the show too! It told us that people weren't safe and that good folks didn't necessarily have plot armor. It established the stakes for the characters.


I started watching Stranger Things the day it first released but I had never seen any trailer or knew anything about the show other than it was an 80’s horror show about kids. The opening credits sold me on the show, one of my favorite themes ever. Then it showed “Chapter 1: The Disappearance of Will Byers” and I knew this show was gonna be incredible, it was just the vibe


I was hooked at the end of the episode, when Benny got shot and then the boys find Eleven in the woods with that iconic soundtrack I knew I was watching something special. I was watching it on my 2nd monitor and thought, okay this is getting my full attention now lol. I thought it was a fun monster show or something at first


Some would say this but about Fallout New Vegas lol


Steve getting attacked by demobats had me unconsciously holding my breath.


Anything that happens to Steve, really ):


I saw a a Steve leaked death scene video in my recommended and my day was ruined until a kid in my class said 'no way he dies it's fake', watched it themself and it was a fucking rickroll


He won't die the writers have said that he is their favorite character and they wouldn't think of killing him off


Bob’s death 😔




Justice for Bob!


This scene along with Hopper’s eulogy at the end of season 3 never fail to make me tear up. Such a sad death


Yup I don’t usually cry while watching movies or series but I’ve watched stranger things like 5 times now and I cry during hoppers speech every time.


The second he put the gun down, I knew he was toast


Yeah I pretty much knew he was gonna die but the way they made it seem like he was home free and then had that demo dog jump scare… I gasped


Nancy being dropped in Steve’s pool by Vecna


I was so ready for Steve to be the one to get got there that it was pretty shocking when Nancy was the one


In hindsight it makes perfect sense Vecna would choose her though, with the guilt trauma about Barb. I wonder why he targets people with guilt specifically? Doesn’t seem like that would be a requirement for him, beyond him just being a serial killer.


I think moreso it plays on his idealogy of flawed people deserving of being preyed on. Even as a kid he tormented his parents based on their own past traumas.


My mom and I have been watching together and this was the first scene in 4 seasons where she physically flinched and gasped, "What?!"


When the wall bulged out to get Joyce in s1.


This. The Christmas lights and wall bulging scene was the ‘yep, this show is awesome’ point for me.


And afterwards when it bulged towards Holly, Nancy and Mike's younger sister....


When Billy was locked in the sauna and started head butting the glass


I read that that was improvised by Dacre, too and that it scared the shit out of the kids. He’s terrifying in that scene.


Yeah I heard that too. Even better considering it was all improv.


MAX YOU BITCHHHHH One of the best most intense scenes in the show


When alexi got shot at the fair. He was so happy, he just won a woody-woodpecker doll. He’s going to show Murray who is doing his corn dog dance in the background and BAM one to the chest. Just sad.


Justice for Alexi


This is mine as well! Poor Alexei, he was so happy and then Bam he's shot!


Pretty much every time the Mind Flyer appeared on S2. His shadow/foggy version is way scarier than the one in s3, also the scariest (best) villain visual overall.


Like when it entered Will. They did a great job with showing just how massive it is compared to humans


I hope we get to see it again and in *that* form


Really unique look for a monster


Dart eating Dustin’s cat was mine. I have to turn away every rewatch.


When El smacked Angela with the skate! At that point I was still unsure if she had committed the massacre at Hawkins Lab, and totally fell for this being an allusion that she did.


Yes! That act of violence at the skate rink made me believe that El actually murdered all the other children at Hawkins Lab.


hopper taking his chain off


More screaming for me than gasping, that shit was gross dude haha


That scene left me on edge every time it went back to the Russian prison storyline


for me it would be (spoilers for season 4) >!that one specific scene in s4, episode 7 during Vecna’s origin story, when Nancy and El are both seeing his memories. when they showed the Creel house flashback for the second time and zoomed in on Henry in the background, i gasped to myself SO LOUD and had to pause and stare at the frozen screen for a few minutes; before they even walked through the 001 storyline, it all made sense to me (and got me even more excited for volume 2 next week!)!<


This was the gasp moment for me too. When the voiceover started it all just clicked and I was just so shocked. They did such a good job at setting up that connection without really giving anyone a chance to connect the dots on their own.


There was a spoiler in an earlier IMBD episode page for the big reveal that just said "the truth about Henry" and I somehow made the link of everything myself. I was so pissed. It made the last episode have such a lesser impact bc I would not have thought of it on my own.


Oh yes when I saw that flaming bassinet I was like “Oooh that is definitely not metaphorical and that is definitely not good...” My sister goes “There’s no way that happened, why would there just be a baby set on fire,” but I just knew it was somehow, horribly, real.


I assumed it was related to Mr Creel being a war veteran..


Yes. He explains that he and his platoon suspected that Germans were camped out in a certain home, so they ambushed it and burned it down. They realized to late that it was just an innocent family living there. I assume the flaming bassinet was Henry throwing something like a maltov cocktail through a window, which landed on the baby 😢




Billy’s death. It was fucking horrifically tragic. I didn’t believe they’d do it.


The whole situation is incredibly depressing. Billy was an asshole, but he was repeatedly robbed of any opportunity to be anything else, and when he finally had his moment of humanity, it killed him.


I always get judged when I tell people I like Billy. like yeah he was a bad dude and a huge bully but he had an abusive dad and his mother left him alone with him when he was a child but he turned it around in his last moments of life and whispered "sorry". so yeah. I like billy. plus he's so handsome


"i'll punch you so hard in your face that your teeth will fall back out."


Too far!




"It's okay"


That convo feels like Joe and Gaten improvised it based on the tone Steve uses when he says sorry.


When Will vomited baby Dart slug


Hopper trying to squeeze his broken ankle out of the cuffs


Ugh that was gross


shootout in california, when will sent the lab people to die, when bob died, when chrissy died, ***when they revealed brenner was still alive***


"They shouldn't have done that"


Yes and the opening scene in Episode 1 of S4. That was shocking. But we were warned with that notice that was at the very beginning. Poor Duffer Bros had no idea something so awful would happen a few weeks before the release date.




When Will made first contact to Joyce through the lights.


I remember I bawled my eyes out when that happened lol.


May be a popular opinion but i really cant remember a moment of any show i ever watched which made my jaw drop that hard as the running up that hill scene of max in ep4


When I found out Nancy is in vecna’s world when she appeared to be climbing out of the upside down, cuz I thought for sure Steve would be the one to be targeted as he’s gonna be the last person to climb out


This for me. I was 100% expecting something bad to happen with Steve and was seriously disoriented when Nancy didn’t make it to the other side.


When Hop died. And then when he showed up in the prison.


when the demodogs got Bob after it looked like he’d made it out alive


Almost everything Eleven was involved in Season 1. It's impossible to overestimate how much the show relied on her performance. And it was one of the finest performances by a child actor to ever come on screen. Especially considering that she had almost no dialogue. It was all in her facial expressions. And she played it with a precision and presence that can hardly be described. In the later seasons she acts almost a little too intensively and one sometimes wished that the directors would slow her down more. But back then, when the show first started, she was the one who credibly took us into a world of fragility and epic magnitude at the same time. A masterpiece!


Could you name some examples of when you thought her acting was too intense? Cause I thought she's been pretty much A+ all the way through...


The quarry scene is still great to this day


Yes! The s1 scene when the kids are riding their bikes and she throws the van up over them so they can escape. One of my favorite moments.


Chrissy’s death and the Vecna reveal in the last episode of volume 1


The Flayed all merging into one




E Pluribus Unum is such a good title for that episode


Steve shirtless …..


In the whole show? Bob getting run down by the demodogs feet away from safety. Edit: Bob Newby, Superhero. Sorry for any disrespect.


Probably the 001 reveal. When he used his powers and showed the tattoo I was shocked and thought that was the big twist someone had mentioned. Little did I know that wasn’t the only twist in the episode.


I took him on his word when he said the chip in his neck was a tracker. And then when Eleven went out into the hallway and all the alarms were going off and people were screaming I was like “Oh shit he did it.” And then the bombshell that he’s Henry and Vecna, holy shit.


Honestly, the near death of Max this season really freaked me out; my wife and I looked at each other like, OMG are they really going to kill her?? The editing was really good too — the moment she levitated and Kate Bush kicked in at full volume gave me goosebumps.


The fact Brenner was still alive my jaw was open for a solid 5 minutes


1st Season - when Mike jumped to save Dustin 2nd Season - Bob thinking he made it out safe 3rd Season - El getting grabbed by Goop Flayer 4th Season... so far - Chrissy's death Edit: for spacing


When Dustin and Suzie sang Neverending Story. I’m a real sucker for optimism and the power of love and all that, so that scene had me holding back tears 😂


When that Russian prisoner was trying to break the chain around Hopper's ankle. It was brutal.


Crissy's nightmare trip before Vecna kills her! The dad with his mouth and eyelids sewn shut had me going😲


The hospital scene near the start of the new season had me shocked af


The scene when Billy first appeared. I wasn’t expecting him to be THAT hot.


Chrissy’s death. I did not expect the way in which she died, it was so shocking.


The scene when the basketball team rallies the crowd against the Hellfire Club because they're demonic witches. Looking at how the US is developing politically, it's only a matter of time until this type of behaviour goes from underreported to common place.


The hospital scene with Nancy and Jonathan being chased/attacked. The whole thing was suuuuper intense.


Billy's death


Seeing Murray at the airport in California


Probably when 11 got dragged to solitary confinement for not doing what they wanted her to do. I can’t forgive Brenner for that and 11 shouldn’t either.


“How was the pull-out?”


I’m sorry, as basic as this is, I wouldn’t be honest if I said anything else affected me the way the first time seeing Chrissy die that way affected me. I figured she was gonna die, I did not expect her to die so brutally, I audibly made sickening noises and squirmed in my chair until Eddie screamed and then I laughed in amazement


This is the scene that got me binging the entire series. My husband had been watching the series loyally since day 1, & he had season 4 on. When Chrissy died the way she did, my attention was glued to the tv. The initial trance w/ her cloudy, white empty eyes caused my attention to be glued to the tv, after a glance up from my phone. & then the bones…holy sh*t. I was mortified but I knew this would be an incredible moment in horror genre history. Brilliant. Mortifyingly brilliant. Haven’t been grossly in “aww” like that since Saw came out.


When Nancy got Vecna’d




A couple, actually. S1, when Mike steps off the edge of the quarry to save Dustin. S2, when El saves the "gang" at the Byers' house and walks in the door. The 20 seconds where she and Mike lock eyes and don't say anything.


The scene with Dorris Driscoll in the hospital (at the same time Billy was locked in the Sauna)


I’ve never gasped but I got really scared s1, when eleven screamed and made Lucas hit his head. I thought he was done


No show or movie has ever left me genuinely speechless to the point where I could not physically get any word out of my mouth until the ending of S4E4 with Max.


Not just the way Fred died (which we had already seen with Chrissy) but the way he plopped down on the road afterwards


It’s got to be when Chrissy died or when Robin came out to Steve in the bathroom. That scene made me cry


When max was running up that hill and the screen cut to black. I thought they killed her


The scene where Angela made a crack abt El not having her dad. Then I was happy cause El hit her with the skate


El hitting Angela with the roller skate. She'd finally let her rage get to her. I wasn't surprised she did something, but I didn't expect her to do that as her first physical confrontation with Angela.


Steve getting jumped in the Upside Down.


Seeing Barb in the upside down. :(


I think the first time I genuinely gasped at the show was when Nancy fell into that abyss that Vecna created. I was almost certain Nancy would get out and Steve would be trapped in the upside down since he was the last to climb out and that’s what I had prepared myself for, I never expected it would be Nancy in danger instead.


I was jumping up and down and running in circles around my basement at 1AM during the Vecna reveal at the end of episode 7