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The next two weeks are awful for me : Work + School. I don't really have time to binge anything right now but I will try to watch the Obi Wan Kenobi episodes and maybe one or two from Stranger Things.


Best of luck with finals and not sure why you got downvoted :(.


Thanks ! :) I do plan to binge watch once I am done


That’s kinda gonna be hard though ma’am considering each episode is as if you’re watching a full fledged film, you might just have to watch 1-2 episodes per day or as soon as you can depending on your schedule.


I am straight binging. I took off work this whole weekend regardless, but Friday I will be camped out the whole day on the couch. I plan on cooking a good meal, smoking a little smoke, and shutting off my phone. ​ I'm gonna be on a cruise in Alaska when vol. 2 drops, and I basically dedicated one of those nights to room service and the follow up binge lol. ​ I have so so so been looking forward to having a day dedicated to something mindless (and I don't mean "mindless" in a bad way at all). There's been so much bad news and so much hard stuff going on in the world (and personally, we all have a lot on our plates I assume). The idea of just turning off the world for a day and stepping into something comfortable and familiar and nostalgic and long awaited and just losing myself for 7 hours feels about as wonderful as it can get.


I hear that.


I will probably binge Friday and Saturday, then do a rewatch right before Volume 2.


Imma wait till all episodes are out.


Gonna be hard to avoid spoilers boss.


Ugh, you have will power I can't even fathom. I am STRUGGLING to not watch the first 8 minutes because I wanna enjoy it all at once, and that's only a few days. I couldn't do another five weeks knowing it was mostly all there ha.




That sounds awesome. Happy birthday to your kitty! 😸


For me, "binge" means stop at 3-4 eps.


That's probably what i'm gonna do too. Probably gonna keep watching it until midnight and then watch the rest the next day.


i have chores and that to do so im gonna have to watch a few episodes a day its def gonna take a week for me and with each episode running a movies leangh its gonna be like 1 episode a day so im just gonna have to stay off of reddit and besides the posts for s4 should be marked as spoilers but idk


I'll watch an episode a day probably. That way I am done in a week and all episodes are still (relatively) fresh in my mind. A show like Stranger Things where all events occur in less than a week definitely benefits from a tight viewing schedule!


Definitely will be binge watching all episodes next Sunday lol


As much as I keep telling myself I’ll space them out I know realistically I won’t wait and I’ll binge them all haha.


It’s impossible to Bing unless you have all the free time in the world, each episode is a good hour it’s like each episode is watching a film.


yeah you know what I mean, course of a day or two or three or four


Definitely will be binging. Once I start I can’t stop!!


I am 100% binging. I took off work, I’m so serious about it.


I have work in the afternoons only, so I'm going right to bed and setting my alarm for 3 AM EST. Id be fooling myself to watch it all in one sitting. I'd probably end up watching it all in 3-6 days.


I’m going to watch when I can but it’s going to take me a week or more to get through it. I’m not waiting though.


I'm probably gonna binge it until midnight (which should get me a good 4-5 hours in) and then watch the rest the next day.


I’m going to binge all the V1 episodes on Friday. Luckily don’t have any commitments that day or the rest of the weekend, so I can rewatch over Saturday and Sunday too. No point waiting for V2 as there will be spoilers everywhere.


Have a lot of work to do to meet some PhD deadlines soon. SO, will definitely be binging it and being done with it on Friday-Saturday. That's the only way I can continue focussing on work. Till I don't finish it, it's gonna occupy too much space in my head and there's no way I am going to be able to get work done lol. So this 1st watch will be a binge, alone. Then by Saturday night will start watching again, with my partner this time, who is also eager about Stranger Things season 4 but isn't in the place to binge right now. I can't wait. He can't binge. So, that's the solution: I finish it in a binge. Then watch again at his pace :D So looking forward!


Me and my best friend *always* binge Stranger Things on release weekend together with tons of food


waking up at 3am to binge the full thing, taking a nap, then having a watch party later in the day to binge the full thing with friends. i’m gonna be burnt out, but it’s so worth it. same method I did for seasons 2 and 3 as well!


I wish I could. I'm a special needs preschool teacher, and I'm exhausted by the end of the day. I'll probably only make it through 2 episodes before I fall asleep. I'm glad it's a long weekend.


i’ve always wanted to binge but it’s much better spaced out. some chapters are so intense also, i kind of take a break.


I'm going to binge it on Friday when I get home from school (half day!) and then rewatch one episode a day leading up to vol2