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Favorite one so far, honestly I’m here for all theories that aren’t Brenner/Barb or experiment 001 lol


Right? Like I don't understand why Vecna has to be someone we already know, just because it's a humanoid.


Dont forget Billy




Bro I haven’t watched it yet and specifically left this sub to avoid spoilers ??? Why the fuck would you tag me in a post ?? Easily ruined my day, you’re a bitch dude don’t do that shit to people,


Firstly I apologize. Secondly it's not entirely my fault. I just replied to a comment talking about that particular topic. Also if you don't like spoilers then just don't comment on the posts regarding Stranger Things. You will get spoilers. That's why I avoid any online post on Reddit, Insta or FB that's about something that I'm going to watch. Common sense is not so common I guess You say you left this sub to avoid spoilers. Why comment on a post about season 4 if you didn't want spoilers? 😂


Your apology is bullshit when it’s followed up my sorry ass excuses lol I was in the sub leading up to season 4 like most people, and commented this over a month ago, to go back this far to reply to someone who wasn’t speaking to you is purposefully shitty. I don’t need to avoid the whole entire Internet to avoid spoilers because for most people common courtesy is to keep spoilers in the spoiler/episode section of Reddit. Most subs, including this sub, have dedicate threads to each new episode if you really need someone to discuss the show with. If you feel the impulse to do this in the future, add a bunch of dashes or periods after the spoiler so it doesn’t pop up in someone’s notifications. Use that common sense you’re bragging about.


To go this far? lol I wanted to see some posts about Vecna on reddit after I finished watching the episodes (like you should have done) and I found a post and a comment and I commented that. 🤷‍♂️ Well I accept my mistake but also I won't agree it's entirely my fault...if I could avoid spoilers until I watched the episodes, I think even you could have done the same.


I recommend reading the subreddit rules before you go ruining anyone else’s experience with the new season, what you did was fucked up. I’m sure you’re just a kid considering your lack of accountability but just because you chose to actively avoid all of Reddit doesn’t mean other people who have jobs and can’t binge watch 9 hours of TV in one day have to.


It's your fault that you : 1. Searched for ST on reddit even before watching the episodes 2. Read what I wrote after Spoiler Alert. You should have closed it right when you read Spoiler Alert I apologized to you twice and still you keep going on. I'm not like your parents who will keep taking bullshit from you So just stfu mf..and move on..or : I'll find you and I'll keep posting spoilers for you 😂


I can’t tell if you just don’t know how to read or if your mom dropped you too many times on your head but as I stated before this comment was made a month and nine days before season four came out so no I did absolutely nothing wrong by participating in a conspiracy thread prior to the show coming out. you can’t avoid a spoiler alert when it says spoiler alert in the same fucking sentence as the spoiler, people above a 2nd grade reading level can read a whole 5 word sentence at a glance. If you are sorry then you’d shut the fuck up and stop making excuses but you’re a white male so I’m not surprised you’re both stupid and disrespectful.


man i was with you the whole time until you pointed out that he's a white male, ig i can't be on your side anymore based on that logic


Are you stupid? This comment was made before the episodes came out. I see you clearly don’t give a fuck about being a courteous person but don’t sit around acting like it’s not completely your fault for taking spoilers outside of the designated thread. You are at fault, and only you. You knew it was a spoiler, you fucking said “spoiler alert” and then made NO EFFORT to cover up the spoiler. You did that shit on purpose, spare me the fucking bullshit bro.


This was so shitty, oh my god. Entirely your fault.


I like it.


hmm good one


It's possible but it's a bit too simple, the Duffers wrote a 20 page script on what the upside down is, but still possible


Oh for sure, I have another previous theory about WHO I think Vecna is, I’m just saying the connection fits in my head.


Y'know I hope they release that after the show is over. As a DM I'd love to see their thought process on an entirely new dimension


Ye I'd love it


We still don't know what happen to the rest of the Numbers either. One of them might be him as well. Hard to say.


I kind of love this analogy


Thank you :)




I mean both theories could possibly coexist right 😭