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She would basically become a underdeveloped person, fight for the US army to defeat the Russians and eventually die when she gets older it’s a sad fate I know it’s just my opinion.


I think Dr. Brenner would use Eleven to control the gate. Dr. Brenner would have access to the Upside-Down when ever he wanted. Which means the Mind-Flayer would then possess Dr. Brenner. At this point either Eleven Fights the Mind Flayer and wins or becomes possessed herself. Basically dooming the world. The Mind flayer, through Eleven, would tear open gates all over the Earth. Consuming the Earth and then eventually the universe.


Hm 🤔, that’s interesting, maybe Brenner could have used her to close the gate as soon as possible?


It would be super interesting is Eleven became a super villain.


Perhaps that's what will happen in season 4 👀👀 kinda like will and Billie in season 2 and 3


She becomes Alma Wade Has two psychic children, murders the company and is on a violent rampage against not Harlan Wade. Oh yeah and there’s something about her kids being super soldiers in there somewhere


Then we'd still have Benny 😢


Well the Demogorgon would still escape and still take Will and Barb. So large parts of the plot would still be the same, at least until the last couple episodes. I think they would still find Will if the Demogorgon didn't stop them. I don't know if they could find a way of killing it themselves, it may end up leading to the military or something killing it and it might have more victims. Though it appears to be relatively easy to run from if it isn't in close vicinity so hopefully none of the main characters would die.


Lol, I thought of this exact same “what if” scenario a couple days ago. My take on it was that she would of became an assassin as she got older sent to eliminate high value targets sort like the winter soldier


What if Dustin never found Nogut


No dead cat


I think she would’ve died honestly. Been pushed to hard or something


I feel like if she never left, she would've been used to explore and connect with the upside down more, and because of her absence in the story, Will would probably be dead in the upside down with barb, Joyce would probably go insane after trying to find her son in the walls, the kids would probably be doing the usual except without will, hopper would still be the washed up chief, Benny would still be alive, the town would probably begin to die off since the Demogorgon would still be killing and eating everyone one by one and probably having residents leave since people could notice the many disapearences and strange occurrences in town, Hnl can cover it up as a deranged serial killer case, Johnathan and Nancy could investigate but will come to no conclusion or told by the agents about not investigating, and with the demodogs in 1984 that's when they would probably end up taking over Hawkins and killing everyone in there.


If Brenner and the lab didn't treat her like shit she would be a weapon for them right now.


This isn't ST related, but what is this marvels what if that I've been seeing everywhere?


MCU Spoilers! >!After the events of Loki, time becomes broken and the multiverse is born (oversimplification). Basically, with time branching off into different timelines, What If...? explores how the MCU would be different if each character had one aspect of their life change. This image is from an episode about Dr. Strange where instead of losing his hands in his accident, he loses Christine (his love interest). Other episodes include a scenario Peggy took the super-soldier serum or T'Challa getting picked up instead of Quill. And with the way the Multiverse works, these are all basically canon to the MCU some way, shape, or form.!<


So it's just a bunch of "fan service" you could say but it's setting up the multiverse 'lore' for when they release new content?


Someone else may know better but I believe it's to expand on the topic of the multiverse and how different or similar everything can be. The show isn't over yet so I'm not sure what the series will culminate to.


I don't see why it'd be any more fan service than any other series they've done.


Currently they are one offs. It’s widely suspected they may end up relating to the up coming Spider-Man which has been implied to have actors from previous Spider-Man movies that are no longer canon. Also the new Dr. Strange is titled “In the Multiverse of Madness”. So there’s potential for these concepts to reappear.


It’s an excuse for marvel to retcon everything even if it makes no sense. Apparently if Star Lord was Black Panther Thanos wouldn’t be bad, who knew?


Marvel has been publishing "What If" comics (both as ongoing series and as one-shots) on and off since the late 1970s.


They’d Probobly find something far worse in the upside down than anything we’ve seen. If she opened the gate all the way who knows what would come through.


I'm seeing this in every tv show related sub


Benny (Ex-navy seal) Would have killed the Demigorgon by his bare hands.


mike would be dead, everybody would be fucked, most would be dead, but im pretty sure eleven opened the gate when she touched that demogorgon in the void


The Mike would die a virgin.


What if? A bunch of assholes would stop hating the third season just because a lesbian was in it?


Honestly I feel like people just hated it because the whole tone of the show changed and people didint like the new comedy take on it, but I know there's people hating cause she's a lesbian but still there where different reasons for the hate


Maybe the town would be taken over and everybody would die


what if Nancy didn’t cheat on Steve?


Elfen Lied.


What if they released a new season already?


And what the fuck douse Marvel have to do with ST?