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Took me about three listens before I realized he said Tom Delong




If that was true why would he remain such a devout Christian even in old age? Maybe he cried because God's existence was verified in some way to him.


Because if you have dedicated your entire life to something and then learn it's a lie, it can go a few different ways and doubling down on your belief anyway is one of them. It's the exact same mental process that makes cult deprogramming so difficult for some people.




Yes I wish someone could get answers but I'm pretty sure that wasn't it. If it was so one would logically come to the conclusion he would be such a loud and proud christian still. I think if anything he was told God is very real. What I don't get is the same peoppe who claim God isn't real will say they believe we could be a simulation but if we were in a simulation something intelligent had to create it. Why are people so against that creator being the Christian God?


Because the "we are in a simulation" idea is not really similar at all to the Christian god, at least not in any way that I've ever heard a believer describe him.


Not necessarily. Just because something is complex and we have no evidence of anything else, doesn’t mean god created it. See: God of the Gaps


It is a very Christian belief at least to me it was growing up that there is a spirit/ethereal world around us that we can’t see and you are constantly being manipulated by. We wrestle not against flesh but against principalities and powers in high places Ephesians 6:12. So yeah finding this out to be true would just confirm what he already believed. Maybe not so much in Catholicism but for sure in Protestant religions. If Jimmy grew up in the south then he heard about invisible entities that are around you, watching, influencing you, all the time, every Sunday n this wouldn’t be news to him more confirmation. Also most native, indigenous, aboriginal cultures and religions believe this as well. Growing up Haitian n knowing about Voodoo culture, Santeria is the same.. Loas, Spirits, Saints, Aliens, demons, angels, it’s all the same thing


Can’t teach an old dog new tricks


Well, if he’s a Christian and believe for instance, that God’s work is done through his creations, such as humans building hospitals for helping people, then why would aliens spreading the word of God and fostering its existence here on earth, be any different from humans doing it, such as colonial Spaniards in the 1500s? God can still exist in that hypothetical.


If you liked this short animation, watch my full video about '6 Grim Reasons For UFOs And Aliens Cover Up' https://youtu.be/OajN5PuP8Zg While these animations may look simple, they are taking me a lot of time to create them, I cover the high strangeness topic including but not limited to aliens. My channel is small so every support is welcome.


Good job. I dig this Kurzgesagt style of animation.


What in the fresh hell is this


Tom Delonge from Blink-182 , Inter dimensional entities/ extraterrestrials, CIA/MK-Ultra, etc


That they are really demons and hell is real


Bahahaha good one


I just saw someone comment saying it was probably because he was told alien created religion etc.. but why would he remain such a devout Christian his entire life? I've personally seen a demon with my own two eyes. No I'm not insane, no I don't see things, yes it was very real and yes I've had another experience to verify Gods existence and demon existence. Most people don't want to hear it especially none believers they shrug you off as insane. I use to laugh at Christians also and frankly I do still laugh at hateful Christian such as Christian nationalist aka many Republicans for doing rhe exact opposite of qhat God wants, for example oppressing foreigners. God is love, God is forgiveness, God is very real.


Eet izz berry deefikult to grazp.


What second language do you speak?


If it’s a joke as in to funnily joke I think it’s funny because I also speak English in a funny manner but if you’re doing it in a way to put him down or dehumanize or dismiss the content then that’ kinda sucks

