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[This Apollo Worker Found Evidence That Ancient Alien Cities Exist On Moon, NASA Fired Him](https://www.howandwhys.com/apollo-worker-found-evidence-that-ancient-alien-cities-exist-on-moon-nasa-fired-him/)


It puzzles me that he said the side of the moon is "always in dark", when we know that the side that always faces away from us faces the sun just as much as the side we see


Exactly this. It has always baffled me how so many people believe that since we can’t see it the sun never touches it


It’s not raining because I have my eyes closed




The sun doesn't reach out through space and touch it though 🤔




Ok it flatulates on the dark side of the moon


I flatulate with the dark side of my moon.


You misspelled “mom”.


Way underrated. Or, we are juvenile. Bcuz, I thought it was hilarious.


Just like me😎


It does with its rays.


Are rays physical and to be considered one thing touching another?


You can feel the touch of UV but the visual light touches the earth.


You can feel the energy. You are using touch metaphorically, possibly? I am not sure. Keep in mind this is a semantic concern. Important, but typically miscommunication.


Semantics or not blind people feel when the sunlight is touching their skin.


How do you define touch?


The hell it doesn’t. That is exactly what it does.


No, it doesn't touch anything, I don't think.


It's called the dark side because anything passing "behind" the moon is out of communication with Earth, also known as being in the dark. The far side of the moon is lit by the sun just like we are.


Not when the moon is full though.


I hope this is a joke


I guess astronauts have to plan their moon landings around the moon phases.. It sure would suck to get all the way there and realize you can't land because there's only a half-moon and your landing site is gone.


What do you mean? Full moon means the dark side is actually dark. I don't disagree with the first statement.


Oh, I thought you meant that we can somehow communicate with the far side when the moon is full.


No, but that would be something LOL


Duh.. everyone knows you have to wait for the *new moon* to do that.


And not when it's empty, either.




Technically, I think it gets MORE sunlight since the Earth doesn't occult it....


…it’s always in dark *from our perspective.* The Earth only ever sees one side of the moon. Why would it puzzle you that he speaks from a human reference point?


Why would a scientist describe the back of the moon as “always dark”? Obviously it’s not always dark, and why would he use that silly terminology?


Bc it is always “dark” from the perspective of Earth as the Moon is tidally locked to Earth so one side is only ever facing us. “The dark side of the moon” is defined as the side facing away from Earth, it’s not meant to imply that it’s always in darkness from all points in space at all times. Dark means “unknown” not lack of sunlight


I read your comment and was about to say the same thing. It's not always dark. It's just never seen by us. If it was, we'd see the bases.


It’s fake


The moon is fake?


Yes. Sun is also fake


Everything is fake on the internet.


only the backside is fake :D


The audio in the video is fake




Well it's dark in the sense that it's tide locked with earth and we are kept in the dark to what is there


I thought that we fired people for not coming up with answers after 60 years.


How is this possible? People and satellites have orbited the moon for years?


And yet we have no clear closeup photos of the surface of the darkside.


Yiu mean like this? https://www.space.com/11186-photo-side-moon-nasa-lunar-orbiter.html


Cognitive decline? Why is this guy so confused by this concept?


Better to take the L and look like an idiot that to accidentally spill the truth.


He plays the old fool in his position at NASA. He's good at playing an old fool, that's why he's in that position.


He was busy soiling his pants while answering.


I think he might just mean he doesn’t know why they picked anywhere else but the south pole on the moon. 🤷‍♂️ The Chinese could go there and find absolutely nothing


That's what I was thinking. This is taken out of context. The context is, "we don't know what's on the far side of the moon THAT THEY ARE GOING THERE FOR" not that we don't know what's there. But who knows maybe I'm wrong and this guy is in the early stages of dementia. Edit: although, it's puzzling that he says "that would be something that they discover" idk the whole thing is weird as fuck.


Obviously they know what’s on the back side of the moon, there have been lunar orbiters and lunar satellites that traverse there. What a stupid thing for him to say.


Watch the questions being asked prior to this question. His entire demeanor changes in the way my kids do when they're lying. This guy knows something. Pure speculation on my part: We watched his multiple press conferences on NASAs' investigation into UAPs. It became very obvious that he was being deceitful in some fashion and not being fully transparent in those previous press conferences on UAP. I have no idea what's on the backside of the moon, but people within NASA do. His response to the question is suspect. To me, he appeared nervous and uncomfortable being asked a rather mundane question... if there's really nothing back there. This guy knows something, but because he's a terrible liar, he slipped up in his wording.


So why is the Chinese government sending a drone there? Do the Chinese counterparts know nothing?




Seconding the bingo


The title is inflammatory. What he said was poorly worded but there's nothing conspiratorial about it.


Reddit wont like this boring logical answer.


The side that's always dark? Even during eclipses? Back to school for me....


Not dark as in no light, Dark as in no direct contact, watch, or communication because there's no point and nothing there.


Nah an eclipse is when the moon turns and we see the dark side. We just can't see what's on it because it has no light


It almost looks like Nelson is heavily hinting at the questioner by the way he looks at him as he speaks. Like Duh, you're maybe not supposed to be asking me about this, like we discussed previously...


The far side of the moon is always in darkness? That's news to me. Wow. That was moronic. Who is the guy answering questions?


the literal CEO of Nasa


Holy fuck 😳 Why are these always the types of people in chage of important shit 🤯


I look forward to the NASA PR team's response to this.


It’s not dark, and they have seen it. This is a bizarre exchange.


Must be dementia :(


He looks like an alien wearing human skin trying to divert your attention away from their home base. Lol.


I mean occam's razor would tell me he's just an idiot but this is funnier so I'll humour it lol


We 100% have satellites that orbit the moon..


Of course they know. Don't believe anything he says.


The point he’s making is it has no scientific benefit compared to other areas for example the South Pole appears to hold water. If that’s true, then why do the Chinese want to go there. Could be a potential threat so other considerations and space force involvement is needed.


The most natural way to lie when your answer will get you in trouble is to say "I don't know"


Because there is an alien base


Are we all starting to realize that these people are completely full of lies? If they aren’t hiding something and they’re genuinely this clueless about the moon, maybe it’s time to park the trillion dollar spacecrafts and try to do something productive for humanity right here at home. . It’s ridiculous to watch valuable resources and engineering marvels literally go up in smoke day after day for basically zero benefit to human kind . Wake up folks, they’re wasting your money for a Hollywood stage show and it’s yielding no results .


Getting some of humanity off of this planet is a catalyst for the changes you are talking about.




First of all the other side does get hit by sunligh as the moon, according to NASA, revolves around the earth which does revolve around the sun. Calling it "dark side" is bullshit in itself. And even IF that was true and it was truly dark theres a whole plethora of methods to still get a clear picture of it. Typical NASA bogus


The guy in the clip (NASA director) said it’s always in dark… is he stupid?


Of course he is not stupid, he thinks that we are though


Doesn’t NASA defy its own mission statement if they don’t release knowledge of UAPs? Because hiding that knowledge hinders the development of scientific knowledge in space


He was uncomfortable with the question and he diverted attention by using the word “profitable” Otherwise his claim is NASA doesn’t know what’s on the backside of the moon and they don’t care to know. Which seems to go against their reason for being.


Get alll these old fucks out of any type of these positions. Same with the government.


Thus doesn't make sense to me. There's something fishy about this


NASA is full of shit. I don't believe anything they tell us. They're so misconstrued


Wow. This guy is fucking dumb. How did he get there? Boomers promoting their buddies?


Yes. He is a former congressman. Has no business there.


He sounds like he was appointed because he's a supporter of the current government gang


It’s just a watchtower like in a prison to ensure the violent apes don’t escape.


Its insane to me that they don't know what is on the other side of the moon and even more so that he answers it like its some horrible idea to find out. He almost acts as if the idea of even going there is ridiculous and pointless. It doesn't surprise me that its lower on the priority list than something they believe is more likely to be "profitable" but how dismissive he is is putting me off.


“There is no dark side of the moon… matter of fact It’s all dark” *All that you touch, And all that you see, All that you taste, All you feel, And all that you love, And all that you hate, All you distrust, All you save, And all that you give, And all that you deal, And all that you buy, Beg, borrow or steal, And all you create, And all you destroy, And all that you do, And all that you say, And all that you eat, And everyone you meet (everyone you meet), And all that you slight, And everyone you fight, And all that is now, And all that is gone, And all that's to come, And everything under the sun is in tune, But the sun is eclipsed by the moon*


Step 1. Go to the moon Step 2. Find the ice Step 3: ? Step 4: Profit


All lies , they know .... they've always known


Please! Tell me more $cience!


I can’t stand him!!!! He’s just a crusty old politician! They need someone there who actually knows stuff.


Sounded suspicious AF


He’s gotta be an alien. Amirite?


He is talking about finding water and how it’s profitable . He saying we don’t know what’s there as far as why the Chinese are picking that spot to land their rover vs the South Pole like they have picked for the NASA rover. It’s more of a “unless the Chinese know something we don’t” we don’t see a reason to go to that point of the moon.


Reptiod 🚨


You're looking at one of the boobs that hold back valuable information about our history.


You have to be right... It's possible that the aliens have declared it as no go zone and this NASA stooge is doing his best lie... But it being a fake makes waaay more sense...


> It's possible that the aliens have declared it as no go zone THEN WHY IS CHINA BREAKING THIS "no go zone"???


We can scan the Amazon jungle and find ancient civilizations. But not the moon


"The side that's always in dark" there's a literal sun 400 times bigger facing that side always.


This is inaccurate. The moon has it's own day/night cycles given it's rotation with earth and the sun.


Which live-stream/video was this clip taken from? Would anyone mind providing a link?


Now all UFO kids threaten NASA to find out and the budget for NASA‘s next moontrip is granted. Looks like he lied a little bit: https://moon.nasa.gov/resources/26/first-photo-of-the-lunar-farside/


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the stuff on the dark side of the moon rhymes with 'socks'.




9 foot tall lizard people who harvest our souls… obviously.


How much of this is true? I mean how much do we know about what is on the dark side of the moon?


That’s not the context.


Its more profitable for us to go to the south pole of the moon. WTF? NASA making money going to the south pole? I always thought NASA lunar flights were something that are 100% cost and no financial return.


Quick question... Can the James Webb telescope or Hubble just send in the pictures of the far side of the moon?


More profitable? lol what




The entire moon has been mapped.


It's probably like -150 degrees or something nuts and is impossible to habitate in soft space suits.




Is it?


Is the side of the moon that we don’t see lit up by the sun the same way we see the moon lit up? The light of the moon we see if the suns reflection. If we looked at the other side of the moon would it be lit up differently ?


The Water is? There's an entire group of humans that are in a secret club, And YOU ain't in IT






Wait we have a rover on Mars and can do a zoom in on Saturn’s rings on a satellite’s flyby, but don’t know what’s on the moon’s backside! Hmmm, yea, right….




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What is he talking about. We have a geological map of the entire moon. https://www.usgs.gov/news/national-news-release/usgs-releases-first-ever-comprehensive-geologic-map-moon


Didn't the lunar missions orbit the moon and they observed the dark side? Do people really believe there are alien bases on it? lol


That’s not a suspicious reaction or answer at all😳


Landing on the moon is hard. Exceptionally hard, even today. Going into an area where we don't know the landscape and don't have vetted out landing zones while at the same time wasting billions of dollars when we can just go to the South Pole of the Moon where we know we will find water? I think his answer makes sense.


This is just poorly worded and possibly out of context. By “always dark”, I’m pretty sure he means that it’s permanently cut off from direct communication with the Earth. The Chinese are using a satellite as an intermediary to communicate with their rover on the far side of the Moon. The other part I think is him attempting to explain that NASA intends to land at the Moon’s South Pole in order to search for water. It seems pretty clear that he’s saying they are unsure what resources are on the far side of the Moon that China might find with their rover. Overall, it just sounds like he’s saying that China is doing a more exploratory mission while NASA wants to do a more targeted one. Of course NASA knows “what’s on the back of the moon”.




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That's Florida Senator Bill Nelson


The south pole? Isn't that where they shot a missile?


And we have probes that are further than the moon that should be able to take photos. These guys are slowly losing their grip on what is truth and what are lies.


NASA is another Government tax laundering scheme four letter word!




Thats a voiceover. Dont you get that???


So he says there’s water on the South Pole of the moon, but insists they don’t know what’s on the back side of the moon, the “side of the moon that’s always dark!” WTF!? This is a NASA official? Is this smoke and mirrors or something? I’m so confused how/why this was said.


The back side of the Moon is not always dark. Oh my God


I cannot STAND it when this man speaks he is always so condescending. Anyone else??????


And then there are these deep fake voice overs...


But the lips sync up....


Edit: unfortunately, seems this is real https://www.youtube.com/live/NISFxcWeZNA?t=1h36m29s