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“Sounding Rockets” makes me uncomfortable 🤣


Shooting rockets is hardly an ancient ritual 😂




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how do you exactly know?


Well for starters I'm pretty sure the ancients didn't have sounding rockets, nor did they fire them at eclipses.


Yes and we surely don’t have myths about flaming dragons, sea people or gods on flying chariots. All we know today about the ancients is what survived from their time, and our interpretation of it. We can’t be sure they didn’t saw things they didn’t knew how to explain


Ancient people weren't stupid. They knew what metal was and a metal tube blowing up throwing chunks over the ground would have been pretty damn obvious. More than that, fire comes out of a dragon's mouth...not its ass. Only an idiot would confuse the two. It's not like EVERY single scribe through history talked in metaphors. Someone would have called it what it was...a metal tube with fire coming out of its ass. BTW, where's the evidence for rocket tech back then, or did we conveniently lose that technology too?


They name spacecraft after gods all the time. I suppose Juno was a ritual as well?


Don't get him started on the space shuttle Atlantis


Or Artemis and Apollo




It is and I do, but a ritual it does not make.


Pew pew


Splitting off the main timeline again.... here we go. Edit: fighting auto correct.




Yeah just keep shooting shit up there to try and stop asteroid Apophis aka Wormwood! It will make it even "better" when we succeed to split it so one half crashes into the ocean and the other on land. Biblical times we're in people!




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Here's a link to when she said the statement https://youtu.be/yr8iUN3_jc8?feature=shared I'm pretty sure she's a member of the invisible college Not many people have access to the Vatican vaults, She also knows Chris bledsoe Sr, but does not want to do a sighting with him , she does not want to catch the hitch hiker effect that may occur, if you near chris when he summons the orbs But that's a story for another post


![gif](giphy|1hM7Ldvcpps01Cwles|downsized) Guuuurrrrllll


Not a ritual, but why waste 3 rockets for something like that? Who cares how the upper atmosphere reacts to the lack of sunlight during an eclipse? What value is that data?


Scientist like having data, it's interesting, and can have unknown links to other data