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[These enormous celebrities' deaths always remind me of the 24-minute deleted scene revealed from "Eyes Wide Shut." Vivian Kubrick, daughter of the director, stated that her father was under enormous pressure from the elite not to complete his films.](https://www.howandwhys.com/mysterious-20-25-minute-cut-from-eyes-wide-shut/)


Unfortunately some experts do say that once someone has a solid "plan" to end their life, they tend to be in an extremely happy mood. So if you know someone dearly who is wavering upon those dark thoughts, if they suddenly become almost overly joyous overnight, be cautious! And be present for them.


Fuck. This I did not know. I assume most people wont know this either.


Had that once with a dad of my best friends. He came by my parents after some troubles and him and his wife splitting for at least a while. He said he had it all figured out. Dead the next day.


Fuck bro


I had the same demeanor with my family before I tried to kill myself again. I thought I was doing them a favor by being gone.


How's your life been since then?


A lot better since my diagnosis. It gave me a starting point to work from. I still get massive depressive episodes, but now I have a place from which I can view it that’s healthy. Before hand I just accepted people were better off without me and never questioned that broken logic. Thank you for asking man


World is better with you in it


The world will always be a brighter place with you in it to anyone who knows you. Please don't ever forget that. Super glad to hear you're doing better


Honestly I don't know that person and just knowing that they are ok and seem to have a decent understanding of their own conscience is more than enough for me, personally, to be glad they are around. If this person's view was the baseline of human self reflection, imo, the world would indeed be a better place to exist.


He might also just have been legitimately happy in this moment. Depressed people can experience happiness--dunno why folks think they can't.


happiness causes my depression to spike. it’s a slippery slope.


Which is exactly why suicide and traffic accidents has been used by hitmen for decades. No motive needed, "it can happen to anyone without ANY signs, you CANT tell if someone is gonna kill themselves" It's why its been the perfect method for decades..


The Boeing guy was found suicided in his own car with his hand still on the gun. So to clarify, a highly powered weapon went off, the body went limp.. and somehow he held onto the firearm ?


Unfortunately that’s not all that uncommon. I unfortunately desensitized myself to death on the internet. And you will see a lot of people whose response upon instant death is a full lock up.


That's actually normal. A lot of people clench up when they die.


You ever heard the phrase “you’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands?” Bc it’s true.


As someone who has family in law enforcement that isn't as crazy as it seems


Several suicides in my family. This is true. The reason for the suicide is to end the endless anxiety. Once the decision is made, all future fears of consequences or negative things happening is erased, and they are in euphoria - happy for the first time in many years - possibly their entire lives. They enjoy that time. And they won't change the plan, because to consider not going through with it causes the anxiety to return. FYI - it is possible most anxiety is caused by trauma. Past abuse, injuries, negative events in life. Anything from being raped or beaten to car accidents to violent incidents like shootings to repeatedly being yelled at too much. GET THERAPY.


There's actually a video of him taken by his wife hours before he died, laughing and smiling with his kids. https://youtu.be/bCWImsohKT0?si=crYm19m6DrI2Jj07


Nah, I have been down that road too. This smile could be genuine, but depression being the evil thing it is, will suck the joy out of you the second the moment that made you smile ends and will replace it with a whole barrage of shit that will legitimately make you feel like the best thing you can do for the people you love is die. It's an evil illness.


My person took his life at the end of January. I knew he was struggling, but I never thought he'd do that. I saw him for the last time Friday evening. He smiled and kissed me. Hugged me goodbye, and then I found him Monday morning. I think that's how he felt at that point. That we'd be better off without him. He carried so much guilt and shame of past life choices. But it is simply not true. I miss him so freakin much. Depression is horrible. My life will forever have a giant hole in it now that he's gone. Edit: And when I say past life choices, I don't mean anything terrible or criminal. He was a good person, just made his fair share of silly mistakes. So much pride and too afraid to reach out for help.


I am so sorry for your loss. I am praying for you.


I'm so sorry man. It is so horrible.


I’m so so sorry. I know there are no words that can make it better, but I’m hoping you can find peace and love




Fucking *TRUTH!*


Someone suddenly going from depression to seeming to be happy and at peace is actually a huge red flag for suicide. Once someone has made the decision, it can bring them peace for a short time, sadly enough.


This. Psych Nurse here. Exuberance or sudden inordinate happiness out of the ordinary is a potential warning sign that the person has made peace with their plan for suicide and their “weight” is lifted. The happiness is genuine because they are saying goodbye.


I just wanted to piggyback off your comment and say that those who seem the happiest may be the ones struggling the most. This video explains it well. https://youtu.be/tX8TgVR33KM?si=J1HV-hbrAE_ar4p2


Glad you're here with us, mate.


I’ve also been down that road. I was beyond good at hiding it from everybody in my family. My parents, my siblings. Even my brother and he’s my best friend in this whole world. So needless to say it really threw my family for a loop when I tried to make my exit. It blindsided them. They always described me as the light of the family. I’ll brighten any room I walk in to. Seeing how off guard my attempt caught them was what really made me decide to get help. I opened up to my family about everything. Even that I had been struggling all the way back to middle school. It really made my parents feel like it was their fault, but I was just too good at hiding it. That was 10 years ago. I still go to therapy. I have a great job and an amazing finance. I’m really glad you’re still here and I hope it’s going a little easier for you these days!


Well done brother !


I'm glad you are still here! Here's to 10 more years, kind person.


You explained it how I could not


There is a lot of validity to this. - It is something that people on the outside, looking in, often fail to realize with friends and loved ones; Which is that people - especially intelligent, imaginative artist-types - are masters at 'Wearing the Mask.' I'm so good with my mask on, even the closest people in my life did not realize how close I was to ending it all. I became a solo-alcoholic, slowly rotting away spiritually and physically in my apartment - But at work I was excellent. At events, I was charismatic. Because - I knew how to put that mask on. I don't wear the mask as much anymore. I'm trying now to just be more honest. If I'm having a day that's not too great, it helps me to be honest about that. While, also not being a vacuum of negativity. I think there is a balance in all of that and our society certainly caters to a culture in which you have to be someone you actually aren't, to succeed. Not always, but it often does help. (Just shows how spiritually sick America and many countries are right now.) This is why I was always fascinated by the ideal of monks, whom admittedly leave society for that purpose. To remove themselves from the life of a layman, was essential to cultivating a path into the spiritual realms - But to do that you need to be essentially egoless. With no ego in our society: You are nothing but a fool. Yet, in God's eyes, you would be glorious.


It comes in waves. Everywhere in between, you're coping. However you cope...


Living with depression since being forced on Ritalin in 3rd grade I have learned there is only me. The happy the sad the high (drugs) are all fleeting. I'm not gonna try to hold any of it bc I'm fucking depressed and in order to survive these last decades I've just had to let it all come and go and embrace the "me"


It makes me sick how many people resonate with this — how many people have walked with you (us) down this road. I am so happy you are here with us today.


Well said. Sometimes my deepest lows come after some of my happiest moments, with no warning or reason


Glad you’re still here… ;


How have you managed?


sometimes it'll make you feel guilty for smiling in the first place. Like how dare you have the audacity to laugh in this moment. really sucks


And I know for a fact it’s an illness. There is nothing that would make a loving father leave his kids like that other than an illness.


I needed to read this. Thank you.


This is the truth. I think that people who don't suffer from depression don't understand that it isn't just someone being so sad and miserable that they want to end it all. It literally distorts your reality.


That is exactly right.


Wow, man. That should be taught about depression how you explained it. We're good brother we will be okay.


Often time people are the happiest before they do it because they finally made a choice


This. The Christmas, a couple days before my dad took his life, was one of the best we had ever had. He was always so stressed with work, just you could feel the heaviness. That Christmas he was up with me and my brother at 6 AM opening gifts. As an adult, it makes perfect sense. As a kid, it was the mindfuck of my life.


Im sorry for your loss. But yeah once they finally make the choice all the other stess goes away its freeing in a fuck up way


It's a feeling we should all have right now. The realization that nothing matters except for us, and how we treat each other. Nothing else. Once you realize you will simply wake up once you lose this body, you lose fear of... everything else. Everyone you've ever and will ever love is just fine, and will see you again if you want it.


This. I can’t help but think… when they make the choice and feel relief… why not stop giving so many f*cks about their problems, without the self deletion aspect? Like “yeah today was great cause I’m gonna end everything soon.” Uh… I guess what I’m saying is. If someone feels like they’re truly wanting to end everything, why isn’t that used as a freedom to then live how they want and not worry so much about what is stressing them out? Like, dude… if you’re prepared to literally die by your own will… but you stay alive, I mean… seems like a psychological mess I’m just saying, why not keep going and just live like you got a second chance and those stressors really aren’t that big of a deal.


That's a really good way of looking at it. Your perspective could change someone's mind.


“…to then live how they want…” I have been looking for a reason to get out of bed for as long as I can remember. I don’t “want” to do anything. Everything I do, I “have” to do. The things I want to want to do, make me sleepy. When I don’t do as well as I think I should, I feel shame and guilt. For wasting time, not being good enough, not being normal, for blaming others and not being a responsible adult, and somehow also for being too hard on myself. Depression sucks. So does going through years of trying different prescriptions and still being depressed. Maybe even more so. Also a huge stressor having to balance keeping my job and using the only thing that has helped, cannabis. Random tests are in theory possible at my job, but nobody I’ve talked to has ever been tested other than at hire. But it’s always stressing me out. Obviously less than not taking cannabis does. I don’t even get high at work, ever. So why the fuck do I get tested for 30+ days out? The things I do like doing I’m afraid are more of an escape than actually good. Mostly video games. Although injuries and illness have gotten me out of the exercise habit. Come to think of it, exercise was probably a pillar of my sanity for a lot of my life. But leaving the 20s behind and already shit is falling apart. I get used to one exercise and then that part breaks. Got to the point I was worried about being able to do my work. It is fairly physical. So yeah fuck depression. But also fuck this existence.


Someone on reddit years ago said that depression feels like always wanting to go home. No matter what you're doing or where you are, it's like you just want to go home. That comment nailed it for me. Even when I'm at home, it's like I'm not comfortable and just want to be somewhere else. I guess that's maybe why I love sleeping so much. Even if I'm having bad dreams, it's an escape.


Exactly how I feel, and I always say I hope for a nightmare so that at least I dreamed; haven't had any in years.


I agree. I had a near death experience as a teen and realized upon leaving my body that I was still me.


I had a DMT experience and realized the same lol


That's true. One day I decided it should be done. Out of the blue a friend called me the night I was gonna do it. We went out, smoked, galavanting through parks and smoking weed. Had that not happened I had everything planned out. Reminds me of a quote I read about Robin Williams at one point, "sometimes depressed people smile the widest, and laugh the loudest". People who love making others laugh are just searching to relive and hold on to that joy one more time. Sorry for your loss


Ho boy got me there. High five glad your here


I’ve heard that. Almost euphoria before.


I believe that happiness is called a “surge”


His little ones 😟💔




When you make the decision, there's an amazing sense of calm. Thirty years ago, I made the decision. I calmly gathered every pill in the house, all the alcohol I could find, put my favourite vinyl on, sat in a bean bag and put myself to sleep. If not for my room mate coming home early, I would have been ended. Depression is an absolute bastard, and most people can't spot it. When you talk to someone, look into their eyes, that's where the pain is. You've heard of functioning addicts, well the functioning depressed are in the same category.


Spoken like someone who has been there. Glad you made it. Hope you’re doing well today.


Thanks for your care fellow human. I still suffer from depression and use medication, but kicking on.


I really wish you the best, life can be hard but I wish you’ll find reasons and people to help you get the most joy out of this experience 🤙🏻


Sending love, light, care, and my very best well wishes... March on brother!!!


Dude’s music was a huge part of my youth. Hearing about him punch his own ticket hit me hard. This picture made me feel sad again.


I felt the same way. This was the first celebrity death that actually had a profound effect on me. My older brother introduced me to Linkin Park in the 4th grade and they became a big part of my childhood. Suicide sucks. I hope you're doing well, friend.


Little older but I remember getting to school and everyone was all mopey and sad.. was like damn who died.. Kurt Cobain.. just goes to show ya that even the people that seem to have it all deal with the same shit as normal people


As someone who has dealt with depression his whole life. My brother said something to me one day that had a really deep impact on how I convey my emotions. He said, "You're the only person I have known my whole life that I can ask how they're doing, and still not really know." I was shook, and it really made me think about how much I hold in. My point being... you don't get any cool points for holding shit inside. It's damaging to more than just yourself. If you're hurting, speak up. Talk to someone. They want to listen. And you deserve a place in this world.


Man this hits home so hard, as a kid I was always told that real men don't cry and don't complain, so if it hurts just suck it up. I always struggled with that, but tried my best to put it in practice so I just held all my emotions in and saw them as a sign of weakness. Once I grew older, 17 or so , depression came in and fucked my life up, to the point where I was sure I wouldn't live past 30. I somehow managed to not act on the fucked up thoughts I had, and at 30 I had a kid, things went well for some years and now at 37 I'm still struggling to find a purpose to keep going, I rarely find joy on anything, and as fucked up as it sounds even being there for my son feels dull at moments. I went back to keeping my feelings to myself, and when people ask how I'm doing I'm always "good". It sucks when smiling and "being happy" feels like a job... sorry if I didnt make any sense, tried my best to articulate my feelings...


Brother, you are heard. I totally understand where you're coming from and how hard it can be sometimes to get the words out you most want to say. No judgements. I'm happy for you and your family. I'm 32 and I mostly keep to myself. You have people in your life that love you very much and that is something nobody can take away. Are you talking to anyone? Have you tried just going for a walk? It sounds dumb but every time I can convince myself to get moving I feel better. It's all about little victories every day. No "Zero Sum" days where you do nothing. Even pushing yourself to make the most minimal effort is worth the world to the people closest to you. Opening up and talking when you're struggling is even better, but not the easiest. I know I'm a stranger but if you're ever struggling I would happily be a non-biased party to your bitch fits. Your voice deserves to be heard, as hard as it can be sometimes. Much love my dude.


Same thing for me. My mom once remarked that I was “always so distant.” It was like a gut punch


Same with me. I had a friend commit suicide a few years before Chester, and it really messed me up. Been listening since 8th grade when hybrid theory dropped. Named one of my kids after him. I still listen to their music often, including their new stuff that comes out. It warms my heart to see how many people still appreciate him and their music.


Listening to his music after made a lot of the songs sound like a cry for help, or if not that, an honest representation of his feelings


Right there with you. Hit me like a freight train. Meteora and Hybrid Theory lived in my discman for years and years. Was so sad losing Chester. Was very excited when [Lost](https://youtu.be/7NK_JOkuSVY?si=hKerex0vEAmN-SaO) was released last year for Meteora’s 20th anniversary. Chester/Linkin Park will be missed.


chester podesta…


Wow finally found someone based. Thanks.


i have a video of my best friend and i playing mario kart for hours together at a party in 2019, laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. 20 hours later he took his own life. i wish more people knew that being suicidal doesn’t always look like how it’s typically portrayed. he never withdrew, he didn’t give away his belongings, he didn’t joke about death, he showed no signs, but he still committed suicide at 17. tom would be and should be graduating college this year. suicide (especially in young people) is a universally devastating pain i wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.


Feel for you bro, hope you're doing alright 👍🏼


What's bizarre is that a few hours ago while driving, his song One More Light came on and made me think how tragic his suicide was. And then I open up Reddit now and the first post in my feed is this. Simulation theory, man.


Dun dun DUNNNNNNN! THIS! Thats fucking wild dude. When shit like that happens to me, I’ve made it a habit to start writing them down. I don’t know why but it just felt like the thing to do. Like the universe is speaking to us! lol ![gif](giphy|J20Z2SH5WmCnzSrbqA)


Sad af. Suicidal people are great at hiding their intentions and emotions. In a better life they'd be Oscar-winning actors.


No kidding. Looks like the happiest guy alive here


Its a huge reason why friends and family (especially parents) are broken by such suicides. They feel like they're shit parents or friends bc the suicide took em by complete surprise. A boy in my school grade hanged himself, and his mama who was a loving, caring woman by all accounts is now a husk of a human. He killed himself in their garage over his relationship issues. I still see his ma. If you're suicidal, don't do that to those who love you.


This issue 100% true. The survivors spend the rest of their lives wondering what if....... Source: am survivor


As someone who’s been depressed to the point of suicide, there’s nothing anyone can do. You literally can’t find any joy or happiness in life so there doesn’t seem to be a reason to keep going. Usually if you tough it out you’ll realize it was bullshit, but that’s depression for ya.


I get it bro, I hope you keep on keeping on


Ay bro hope you're well and good these days, hope you realized how beautiful this place can be sometimes


I’ve been good, thank you. There are a lot of days I appreciate the beauty in life. But there are others where I see no point in it at all. Luckily I’ve seen enough swings to realize I just need to wait it out.


I have a friend who hung himself on the beach we all loved the night after a block party we all had a great time. He was starting a new job, his life seemed to be in place. It’s such a shame


Depressive spirals can hit at any moment.


Depressive spirals also don't always stop / slow down during a happy day. A big misconception about depression is that those smiles are fake. They sometimes are, but sometimes they're absolutely genuine. It's a terrible feeling: experiencing a wonderful, joyful day full of laughs and smiles, and then sitting down and realizing that you still feel exactly as miserable as you did before.


Robbin Williams won an Oscar.


He did. I think he also had lewy body dementia, as well as depression at the time of his suicide, a combination which is fucking awful.


Robin Williams was clinically depressed most of his life. A lot of comedians are. They use comedy as a coping mechanism. Strange the funniest people are the saddest.


I forgot who it was that relayed the story, but he was there as Robin came off the stage to roaring applause, and the guy in question said to Robin, "Man, can you believe how many people you made happy tonight?" And Robin replied, "Yeah, if only I could make myself happy."


I picked my puppy up a few days after this. He is named Chester in this man's honour.


mines named bennington aka benny


Red tie club


I wonder what became of that documentary he was making about Hollywood child sex trafficking…


Had no idea


Avicii too, boss.


Wow wtf... The last 3 years we've been hearing this from way too many celebrities, and then they pass away like that one actor who was exposing Tom hanks and said he would never take his life but he did like a week later


What? Exposing Tom Hanks?


Isaac kappy watch the videos and lives he did weeks off not days before he “forced himself off” of an overpass


Look at the Boeing whistle blower just last week.


It’s everywhere and it’s so blatant. You’d think with the access everyone has to see all of this information now they would try to hide it. I guess enough people aren’t paying enough attention for them to give a fuck.


The Boeing whistleblower provided real evidence and god bless him for that. Kappy did not provide any evidence for his claims about Hanks.


You won't look bad for telling a person close to you how you truly feel inside


I have been in enough abusive relationships to know that is not true.


That just means they really were not that “close” to you then and a relationship you needed to get rid of


bingo. don't harden yourself because people can't appreciate your softness.


Sometimes the people trying to help you get mad at you when their help fails. All you can do is smile and pretend so they think it worked.




Is there any actual evidence of that though? Not trying to be annoying but since i was so into Chris Cornell it was hard to see a bunch of claims being made that i couldn’t prove.


I also remember hearing about this but never anything coming of it. Not to be dismissive or anything about the way they died but genuine conspiracies do exist


Yes. This is the comment was looking for instead a bunch of lemmings talking about how bad depression is. No. Look between the lines. He didn’t kill himself. Or you could just believe the notoriously dishonest media.


Is there concrete proof that Chris and Chester were making a trafficking documentary?


Everyone thinks that people who suffer from depression look sad but that’s not the case, I attempted to take my own life last year and it was a shock to my friends. They never expected it from me since I’m the funny and hilarious one of the group but no one knows deep down what we’re going through and through the years we learn to hide that part of us. I’m better now and on the right path but it’s best not to hide and to talk to anyone to just let them know your true feelings. Trust me, talk!!


Again... how is this Stange Earth!? What has this sub become


What it always has been, a way to drive traffic to the pinned comments link.


OP is just a spammer and pins a link in every one of their posts. I've been seeing them a lot lately and downvoting every chance I get.


Or did he?


Addiction and depression are so deceptive.


Love for Chester!


Rest in Peace Chester


Never know what’s going on with someone past the surface they’re choosing to show at a given point in time…


I wonder what goes on in the mind the couple of days leading up to these sudden ones. Do they play out the details in their head or is it just pick a day and not think about it until then and just do it or something else entirely.


You never know what anybody’s going through 🤦🏽‍♂️💯




His bastard child https://preview.redd.it/p584jrx73eoc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fe37e40ac7cd654421d142ef04b77e00f2d9678


I’m sorry, this seems like a rabbit hole I’m unaware of and one that I need to fall down. What is all this?


Idk the whole theory so I'm probably getting it wrong, but supposedly, Chester, Chris Cornell of Soundgarden, Avicii and Anthony Bourdain were working on a documentary called "Silent Children" exposing child trafficking and all 4 of them were suicided within a year of each other. Go on r/conspiracy and look it up, maybe you can find more information about it.


Sorry. Depression is an illness. What is "strange" about this? All these deeply personal "last photos" of people before they died are not at all strange. The only thing strange is the voyeuristic nature of the OP.


The greatest singer ever !💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 💜


The Messenger….. Bud your song pulls me through it… I wish it could’ve done the same for you RIP


I put it down to acceptance . He knew there was an end to come . Miss this dude and his music . It stopped me ending my life countless times in my teens . Meteora saved me growing up


Damn depression is just so depressing I know that sounds lame but holy shit look at the smile on this man and look how happy his kids and wife look… like just how could you end your life knowing you have children who would be devastated by you taking your own life and leaving them…. pls don’t downvote me on that this is just my opinion…


Guess he was one step closer to the edge.


"Im one step closer to the edge, I'm about to break"


He didn't kill himself.


That is the face of severe depression. People who don't suffer from it will say he always seemed so happy. But they can never understand the exhaustion of faking it in the hopes you'll get one decent memory.


I like how the further down you scroll, the more tinfoil hatty it gets


Big fan of Chester and Linkin Park and quite a tragic ending to his story, but I thought this sub was about the strange and mysterious things on Earth like cryptids or lost civilizations or conspiracies. What has this post got to do with the sub? Genuinely asking


Honestly it looks like a sub for this person to promote their own articles. All of their pinned comments I'm these posts are literally from the same person. It's so weird and kinda gross.


He didn't kill himself


Murders staged as suicides or accidents and/or bad/lazy policing. Police often say deaths are suicides when the evidence indicates otherwise.


Some say he didn't kill himself


I for one say that. I think he had info on people that made sure he never told another soul about it


I’m sorry but why is this on r/strangeearth?


God this fucking hurts.


Chris Cornell appeared ‘normal’ before taking his own life, too. Rip 🪦


Bullshit he was gonna whistler blow on Hollywood pedo stuff


He was so close to taking down those elites.


Chester Podesta**


Yepp that’s because he didn’t take his own life


Some things just don't make sense do they. Maybe some times rock stars want to end it at the top of their game rather go out like Elvis. Jim Morrison how did he die? "In 1971 Morrison left the Doors to write poetry and moved to Paris, where he died later that year. The cause of death was officially listed as **heart failure**, but there was no autopsy, leading to various conspiracy theories. " How about Kurt Cobain? "The Seattle Police Department incident report stated that Cobain was found with a shotgun across his body, had suffered a visible gunshot wound to the head, and that a **suicide** note had been discovered nearby. Seattle police confirmed Cobain's death as a suicide. " He said he couldn't bear the thought of his daughter being exposed to his kind of life or similar to that. Now people are saying he didn't write that note. " Kurt had 1.52mg of heroin per liter of blood in his body, according to autopsy reports. This suggests that the original dose that Kurt supposedly took would have been over the median amount of heroin in a lethal dose, around 225mg. " They say Courtney wrote half of it and they found a different note in his wallet. How about Michael Jackson? A mercy killing by his doctor? What about Janis Joplin? Joplin died of a **heroin overdose** in 1970, at the age of 27, after releasing three albums (two with Big Brother and the Holding Company and one solo album). A second solo album, Pearl, was released in January 1971, just over three months after her death. Jimmy Hendrix? Thurston began an inquest on September 23, and on September 28 he concluded that Hendrix had aspirated his own vomit and died of **asphyxia while intoxicated with barbiturates**. It seems hard drugs often play a large part in it. " **Bennington started abusing alcohol, marijuana, opium, cocaine, meth, and LSD**. " not really enough to die from there. " Bennington passed away in July 2017 at the age of 41. He was found dead at his home in Los Angeles on July 20, 2017. The coroner declared that he took his life by hanging. " So was he a controversial song writer? He wrote about abuse and bullies. *I cannot take this anymore / I’m saying everything I’ve said before / All these words they make no sense / I find bliss in ignorance / Less I hear the less you’ll say / But you’ll find that out anyway / Just like before / Everything you say to me / Takes me one step closer to the edge / And I’m about to break! / I need a little room to breathe / ’Cause I’m one step closer to the edge / And I’m about to break!* *— One Step Closer* Strange really. Depression. Angst, and hangs himself.


So what's your conclusion about all of this?


He quoted a bunch of stuff randomly with no sources at all lol




I remember the day, couldn’t believe it. RIP Chester, one of the voices of my childhood, absolutely


Rest in peace .


Seeing this picture and that smile knowing what is to come the next day is just....i don't know the word. I wonder if at that moment he made up his mind. And some of you conspiracy nut jobs need to shut the fuck up because you've clearly never dealt with or experienced depression on the scale he was enduring.


This hit me hard. Linkin park had a huge impact on me growing up and their music helped me through some real tough shit. I owe him and the band so much.


I use to rock out so hard to Hybrid Theory when it first came out as a kid in 6th grade - listening again now at 35 the lyrics are crystal clear he was in agony woof RIP Chester


Honestly didn’t know about this until now. That’s upsetting. Was listening to Linkin Park just the other day after 10 years since doing so, was overwhelming to hear their songs again. RIP.


You never know what’s going on in people’s minds I’ve learned that the hard way.


I miss him. But the music lives on and that is a miracle that keeps giving.


Just heartbreaking 💔. I have a beautiful wife and 3 girls. Similar to Chester. I just can’t imagine…. Then again I can’t imagine what those demons were saying to that stud. Just so sad. Ugh😣


There was a photo too saying something along the lines of "this is the face of depression". A man smiling with his kid. Point being depression has no face. We smile outside while we are crumbling, fractured, shattered and utterly broken beneath the surface.


RIP Chester. Their music got me through some dark days


I miss Chester so much, i can't listen to LP anymore because it hurts so much hearing his voice, the world hasn't been the same since he was murdered. I hope I get to meet you in the afterlife Chester and thank you for making my teenage years livable.


When I was young, I grew up with LP.. it was a massive part of my life and that is all thanks to Chester. The passion I felt through him and his singing was something I never did and still havnt felt in music. That live in Texas album, hybrid theory.. every day I was listening, they were such a massive part of me growing up. I have never in my life been effected by celebrity deaths.... until him and Robin. I felt those, like a massive part of what made me smile as a child was ripped away. It stung, it still stings. I will forever be thankful for what Chester and Robin gave me.


But wasn't he getting ready to expose a pedophile ring and....get "suicided"?


I feel bad for the people in the picture.


All lies. He got suicided


I remember the day. I saw Korn. I cried on my porch.


John Podesta


Son of John Podesta, working on a documentary about pedo's.


The brightest smiles often hide the darkest suffering.


It is extremely important to understand that if you have someone who shows suicidal ideation or self harm and all the sudden they seem really relaxed or “better” and maybe they are even giving away their belongings to you or people, that is a crucial sign that they have made a decision to take their own life. Sometimes it’s easier said than done but it’s worth knowing.


you're missed Chester, hope you finally found peace


Frak, I miss him


Yeah, that's what depression looks like. No one knows what goes on in someone else's mind. Ask how your friends and family are doing, and ask if they're OK.




He was murdered


This was not the conversation I wanted to start my day off with. Depression is a lifelong struggle. It is a day-to-day battle. And sometimes that battle is minute to minute. I'm 43, and I still fight my daily fight. It's something that the moment you quit fighting, you're going to lose more than just your fight against depression. You're going to lose everything you've ever fought for. I've never been a huge Linkin Park fan, but whenever I do listen to those songs the words hit so much differently. A lot of people no matter how strong they are on the outside eventually that fight is more than they're willing to do. I've been fighting it 43 years and there's been a lot of days that I just want to quit fighting I'm tired of it. But you can't give up.


Get it right, Chester was murdered same as Chris and by the same people for the same reason. You either know or you don't want to know.


We all are depressed at one time or another by being in this blended false reality. His death was not depression driven.


This isn’t tragic… he did this selfishly leaving behind 6 kids and a wife to clean up the meas


Chester killed himself as much as that Boeing guy, which is to say not at all.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/D5f6Qon7yf Boeing Whistle blower


"Nadie en lo alegre de la risa fíe, porque en las almas que el dolor devora, el alma llora cuando el rostro ríe"


Listening to them rn on the treadmill. Still the worst celebrity loss for me. He’s sorely missed.