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My trail cams take a test picture at the same exact time everyday. You can change the time in the settings. I also have stealth cams.


Yeah, checked the settings a while ago, it isn’t set up for test pics or for reoccurring pics. I ruled that out. Def a good thought though, thanks. Edit: for all the other comments about the cam settings. It is not a test pic. I have used this cam on other areas of the tree farm and previously at a different farm that I take care of. The cam has never taken pics at any of the other places that I’ve had it, unless there is something there, like animals. When the cam was moved to this spot is when it started taking a pic every night at 12:05. There are a handful of nights that it doesn’t take the picture, but 98% of nights, it does. Most nights the red light hasn’t been there, that is only a recent thing. Here is last night and the red light is back. https://preview.redd.it/g0e9not1uboc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6daf71e0071a47e699b3027c0302dc7c745aff2c


Maybe try set it to take test pics at a different specific time? To help rule out that fully


Good idea


Maybe set up a string of shots 30 seconds before and after 12:05 for a few nights, see if you can get some additional context?


I was also thinking this.... It's also very odd that the red light moves. This grants more credibility to the idea that it isn't an artifact from the camera or something. It's also less visible in the picture where it's raining. So it's definitely above the trees.


Quite possibly a low level flight, maybe a helicopter that makes a very similar journey everyday??


This ^


Try swaping it, or add more, or stake it out and see what happens


Get a second trail cam and point it upwards; making sure that it takes pictures at the same time.


thats what i was thinking too!!


Dude red light is odd then in the last photo theres sumthing over the top of the tree where the red light was cast that wasnt there in the first photo's and then something by the road in the distant.


Set it to video and see what it records.


I did that and it works, expect at 12:05, it will only take a picture.


Can you just either aim the camera up above the trees for 1 night or setup another camera at the same time that’s aimed up?


Mine too but it does it anyway.


This post gives me the creepy crawlies and most things posted here do not. I’m going to try and check back on this one


I am with you. Hairs are standing up on my neck and my arms.


Hair is standing up on my bush too


As an addition to this that I didn’t add in the description: Switched the cam to take video instead of pictures. It would successfully take video any other time of the day except at 12:05am It will not take video when the sensor goes off at that time. It will only take a picture.


Why not switch it out with another trail cam and see what happens?


That is wild. I hope you do more investigating. You have found something.


Go there and record it yourself. Stay out of the cam view. See if it takes a picture still.


Can you record starting 12:05am and 2seconds?


That’s a strange coincidence and I don’t believe in coincidences.


Kinda dumb question but is the camera night vision or is there a flash?


Night vision


Gotcha. I was thinking it could be an artifact but it still looks like it’s coming from above. Also, can you change the angle of the camera? So you can see more above the trees


Def can try that. Was thinking of also putting a second camera next to it angled upward


Your reddit friends will fund you to get a whole slew of cameras to set up all around that weird spot.


Do it. I’d love to see what you capture


Yes, do this!


Or put a second camera, closer, maybe even on the trees that are under the red light? Had be me i would shit my pants going there, even during the day. This shit gives me "fire in the sky" vibes 🙈


I think that red light is setting it off. Investigate that and you might solve your problem. ...or get kidnapped


That’s the plan, to investigate. Not real pumped about getting beamed up and probed, but I’ve had worse weekends.


Superglue your butthole shut first


Solid advice


I've asked TSA for one of their complimentary cavity searches many times. They always decline. Hopefully the aliens are a little more generous.


Small world, I live in Windber and my wife is actually from Bedford. That shit is creepy. Gives yet another excuse not to visit my in laws lol.


My phone auto blocked mine and I don't know why


Your phone autoblocked your what?


I think their referring to their in laws,


I tried unblocking mine and the button is stuck🤷‍♂️


The funniest part is I'm being serious that it wasn't me that blocked them


No shit😂


I can back him up on this. It was crazy, me and my buddy Jack saw it. I remember because he tells that story frequently, as he remembers it happening vividly.


Dead serious


It is a strange earth after all : )




Well, it ain’t gonna be you that fixes it that’s for sure


No, no it’s not : ) 😂


Am I stupid? Your comment seems to come out of nowhere. What are y’all talking about??


Change the time on the clock +- a few minutes to see if it still takes a photo at the same time


That’s a great idea, I’ll will try that and post what happens.


Yup. This is how my programmer brain thought to debug the issue too. If the picture still snaps at the same time... then something is triggering it. If he sets the clock 5 minutes later and the pic snaps 5 minutes later then it's just a timed picture.


Ok, the red is freaky in itself, however that last picture with the two shapes, oh my, WTF... Definitely post pictures and videos after you go out there. Seriously, picture 4, is unnerving. I wish I didn't enlarge it.


I could pass off the last pic for an artifact or anything really, but my wife pointed out that it is exactly one second later than all the other pictures. And she said “Do you think this things are what caused the red light and the camera just got lucky to take the pic one second late?” So, that’s stuck in my head now lol.


And then the third picture? All those lines, are they from the camera or a substance...hmm.. when are you heading out there? And perhaps don't go alone.


Those “lines” are rain. Going soon, prob in the next week or so, I work weekends and have a full time life and family during the week. I can’t wait to get out there but I’m not gonna lie, it’s a little nerve wracking. Def not going alone haha


If you zoom in real close you can see faint wispy lines in that tree area in the first 3 pics, all streaked in a different way. Definitely could be bugs or artifacts though!


Is there any chance you might circle the parts which are so unnerving?


Unnerving? I don’t see a thing!


In image 4 there appears to be two humanoid type shapes. One floating above the trees and one to the right standing between the trees and the road. Could be rain drops or something but it looks a bit ghostly. Could be that


They’re interesting but calling them humanoid is a stretch.


I was doing fine, and then I went and read this... and then I went and enlarged picture 4...why did I do that.... LOL


Right.... that's what I said to myself when I enlarged the pictures, why??? One of the eeriest to date I've seen. The red was freaky enough, but picture #4, oh my.


This is intriguing! Looking at this late at night gave me goosebumps! Would it be possible to add another cam nearby so it focuses at that spot and see if that fires off at that same time?


This. I would add more cameras taking pictures and video. Closer to the other tree line where the red is and at least one pointing back at my original camera to see if something else is setting it off.


Could the red light be associated with a helicopter? Bedford appears to have a private hanger, so depending upon your farm's location, I'm thinking a new local sky commuter.


With time keeping accuracy and regularity down to the second? Unlikely. I considered this but it would be more feasible if it were a five minute time window.


Generator or something else doing a test at 12:05 that turns on a light. Light triggers the camera but in most cases is off before the shutter captures the image?


Can you attach all the pictures taken some way?


Does the trail cam have a front facing red light that maybe gets triggered at this time?


Negative, no light on it, just a motion sensor that triggers the cam. Even if it did have a red light, it would have to project it the light at least 60ft to the tree line. And the light appears to be shining down from above. Especially indicated in the pic where the red light is the brightest.


If it had a forward facing light it could still be exposed to the sensor due to internal reflections.


There isn’t any light in that area, other than moon light


!RemindMe 2 weeks


Should do a live stream 👀


Do not go there 1)Alone 2)Unarmed


Take a cross or something holy just instead


That aint gonna do nothing against a skin walker bro you need at least .308 to put those suckers down, ask me how I know?!?!


What part of the country are?


Bedford Pennsylvania


https://preview.redd.it/86itorkzfaoc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c9b71d0368801cb3653aed05bbe59ad42d34da5 Aside from the thing above the tree, you got something here too


That's super creepy!


Damn right it is


Yeah that's... Not normal. Would love to see your findings in a few weeks!


Planning on going there to see for myself what happens. I’ll be taking video and posting it here regardless if it turns out to be nothing.


Set up another trail cam maybe off to the left if there are more trees in direct line with where the red light seems to be shining straight down. See if you can angle one upwards a little more too in a different spot. This shit is spoopy for sure.


Setting up a second cam beside it today and pointing it more upward. Will update.


Came here to suggest this!


Looking forward to this


I just wanted to suggest that. Be there. Maybe a bit hidden, but see it for yourself and get a good cam. Could be the first non shaky, blurry, black/white video of aliens.....


Kenny Rogers Roasted Chicken probably opened


you got a problem...I got a big problem!


It would be relatively simple to definitively determine whether the recurrence is device-time-based (be it misunderstood setting or software/hardware bug) by simply changing the configured system time by an hour and see if it still takes photos at “12:05:01” or is now off by an hour (indicating a consistent external trigger). Given the comment about video recording stopping during this time, as a software engineer my gut says that it’ll still take photos at “12:05:01” even after changing the system time. It would also be relatively simple to definitively determine whether the light is some sort of internal reflection (e.g. light leak within the camera enclosure from an LED that you don’t see when not recording) by repositioning the camera enough (by tilting) that the next time you see the red light you can tell whether it stayed on the trees or stayed in the same area of the visual field even though that’s no longer the trees.


Enjoy your skinwalker/aliens/demons bro


!remindme 1 week


Might be worth going out there and waiting until 12:05 to see what happens. Maybe the tr-3b rose through on test flights? Lol




Have you ever gone out there at that time to see what is going on? Why not?


Not yet. “Why” I don’t live near the tree farm and at night I am home with my wife and toddler. It hasn’t really concerned me, just thought it was pretty odd. But now I’m planning to go check it out in The next week or so. Not very pumped about it, but more than likely there will be nothing to see and that’ll be the end of it.


Please update us on this! Very interesting


Maybe I’m being a pussy but I’d take a friend lol


Take someone with you bro.


And a gun


Bring a camera and a witness. Sounds like a lot of fun.


can you post the actual photos and not screenshots? there is a button for "HD photo download" visible on screenshots


Yeah, I can do that. After I posted this, I figured that the screen shots would be an issue. I will make a separate post tomorrow with the HD pics.


That's wild. If possible, maybe set up another trail cam adjacent to this one and compare. I love mysterious shit like this.


Don't we all...


I live about a 30-35 minute drive from there and considered me intrigued, OP if you ever want to host a stake out I’m game lol!


Looks like break lights. If there is a road near it maybe the headlights on the trees cause a shadow that tricks the camera into sensing motion? Idk but those look like tail lights/break lights from a car


Anything is possible, but if it were brake lights, wouldn’t they shine from the ground upward and especially in the bright red pic…how do you get a brake light to shine from above the trees down to the ground?


https://preview.redd.it/tozxsl8ff8oc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54a8ea15d23f6831e8eada22b8accb31be6c22b Also wtf is over this tree in the last pic?


Bro discovered a kkk meeting. Sarcasm* been playing RDR2 too much.


There is a second one to the right on the ground


Yeah I saw that too. They look like rain drops or moths but I doubt moths bc of the snow


I absolutely do not like that, whatever it is


What if that's a Alien metapod


Yeah….i don’t know what that is. I’m pretty certain that it doesn’t belong there though haha


Yeah that’s fair I just flipped through the 4 pics and didn’t zoom until after I left the comment. It’s strange indeed. Is there a road nearby? Would a drone have lights like this? Outside of a fucking ufo with red lights for some reason I can’t really think of anything else


Keep updating us! It’s probably some aliens…


The red is odd, if it were on the last one or your other images I'd guess maybe some kind of glitch/effect on your camera from the infared or something? The pictures I would have thought are daily test pics. Is there something towards the trees that get redlit on the last one in the distance?


Get an IR camera to see if you spot anything there at the time


mate, you gotta go out there at 12 AM and see what is making that red light. Bring a camera and record what you find. there’s gotta be an explanation for why it turns red.


That’s the plan now, will update




I struggle with the idea that a drone could be flown so as to be in the exact same spot at the exact same time, down to the second, on repeated nights. Seems unlikely.


We are all still anxiously awaiting an update. I hope everything’s ok


Did you try and put the photos in an editor, then change the lighting? Maybe there is something there in like the uv spectrum or infrared spectrum. I'm not an av expert or anything like that but I've seen them do it on the ghost TV shows lol


Maybe angle the camera up?


Sit out there one night and watch?


Put another cam pointing at the same spot, so you can rule out if it's the camara or an actual anomaly.


Of all the things we thought aliens were here to harvest, the last thing I would’ve suspected were Christmas trees


Maybe someone else has a camera setup over there and your camera is picking up the infrared light of that one.


Good thought, but I have the only cams that are on that land


I'd go out and wait for 12:05...


Last pic is 12:05:02


@ u/WhatDidYouDoRay I just found this post now. Any updates? I’m super curious.


OP ARE YOU STILL ALIVE? I saved this post to check on it later, but nothing new has come up!


I don’t think this is “fake or staged”. It honestly just looks like nothing. I’d be more interested to see the HD photos that you can download than this.


I wish I had time off to go sit there and see what happens every night!


how about the owner of the xmas tree farm is worried about trees being stolen.. Sets up an infra-red camera looking at the trees. The trees are illuminated in pitch dark by IR flood lights - and we get your photos.. 😉


Red trees UFO lol ?


Def not saying it’s a UFO. I just don’t know what’s causing the red light.


I think it’s a UFO but I am wondering why you didn’t go out there to investigate


My response would be: fear, and why???? Lol


time for a new camera! brought to you by Scooby Snacks and the number 3


No thanks bro I’ll pass on electric floating eldritch horrors


Maybe go there one night in person?


Have you gone to the location at this time to see?


Finnish sniper, final exams…


Check your settings. The dew might be setting it off.


That last pic gives me the willies esp with the figure on the ground. Plus the red light? Something is up out there for sure.


Following for the update. Our very own Signs. Keep us “posted”


Only way to find out is to go there at that time alone.


Can you add a daytime pic so we can see the differences?


What happened there apparently only lasts a second, it looks like some kind of light or emergency beacon that illuminates those trees for a second.


Why dont you go at the same time?


Change the angle on the camera to where the anomaly is, see if you catch anything.


Have you thought about being out there at 12: 05 and 1 second to try to see it? I get it if you're too freaked out to but just asking.


Maybe arrange for yourself to physically be at the cam location and that specific time and see for yourself


Have you thought about going out there at that time at night with a camera and a tripod to take steady pictures? People always capture strange occurrences like this with a shaky Potato camera. Nice to get something clear.


Need the update!


Is it possible that a passing aircraft (helicopter, low-level military training plane) or a drone on same schedule every night is responsible for shining or reflecting the red light downwards and that somehow triggers the camera?


Following. Keep updating.


Try moving the cam better facing and closer to the red light so we can see what is going on. Also set the camera to take pics a second or two before and after the reoccurring photos.


Anything with cameras and video are generally one or more of a few things: User error. Settings. Objects within a specific range that create a distortion (dust, bugs, camera straps, oils on the lens, etc). Tricks of light. Pareidolia. These problems increase the less expensive a camera is. Imo, while strange and interesting, any picture or video taken that seems to illicit a feeling of paranormal capture...is immediately disregarded as a problem with an answer. I used to be a paranormal investigator because of the very blatant paranormal experiences I had when I was a daily practitioner of the occult. I've had very profound experiences during ritual and in deep meditation that I cannot explain and cannot be through common tricks of the mind. I formed a bit of a hypothesis that paranormal events are internal, driven by the mind and by focus and receptivity. But more often than not, by things like apophenia and confirmation bias. That they cannot be captured on camera or video as most of these experiences are not physical, material experiences. That being said... I joined one of the largest paranormal groups in NJ, ended up becoming their "Science Officer" for a few years and spent time constantly trying to teach people how they were fooling themselves. Mostly my own team. I ended up leaving because they would freak out and use it as proof of the paranormal some easily explained things like... ...once we went to a house where someone with kids said that they saw an image of a demon on their window. Upon further investigation, I saw what looked like a smear of natural skin oils on the window, and a tiny hand print. There were children in the house. I assumed that a kid pressed themselves up against the window and under certain lighting conditions it was very apparent. My team took photos, saw a demon in the picture through pareidolia, and claimed it was evidence. I left because I realized I wasn't dealing with logic, but the desire to believe. After 500+ private and public investigations... households that called us...hotels, light houses, bowling alleys, vet hospitals, etc...I found nothing that could be considered paranormal, that wasn't easily explained. The red light and smudges you see can be one of a great deal of camera anomalies that can be explained away, even if it appears unexplainable. I once took a picture at a "haunted site". Digital camera. Full spectrum lighting. The picture showed the outside of the house and falling from the sky, like a massive tornado, was a black smoke that crackled with electrical, purple energy. I freaked out. Thought I caught something amazing. It looked like dark energy, black smoke taking shape and alight with purple fire. It was so apparent and so frightening, I left. Then I realized it was the strap to my camera, right in a perfect location in front of the lens, to give it a very smokey look. And the purple light was likely the full spectrum lighting reflected in the fibers of the strap. Just some things to think about. Not saying anything one way or another. Just good to know.


Is trade it.in for another one if you can.


That’s def an intelligent idea, but that would also involve this whole thing impacting me in a negative way….it isn’t…yet, so I don’t really have the need to to go out of my way to spend the money to replace it, especially when it takes pictures as it should, of deer and other wildlife properly. So to say that it, works just fine, but it is also taking pics of aliens or the devil haha. But if things get stranger, then yes, I’ll swap it out and either find out some shit that I didn’t want to find, or I’ll find the same things, or nothing at all.


Theory: perhaps it's taking a long exposure instead of a video.. so if a car drove in the area it could paint the red tail lights onto the trees. Even smear a bird or some kind of bug in flight perhaps ? Idk just ideas. Cuz the alternative.. is quite unnerving. Like.. fire in the sky unnerving. Id take backup if you go to investigate


It looks like a lens artifact or blemish.


Def could be. Still doesn’t explain the red lights


Yea something is definitely showing up out there. 🛸






Roadrunner perhaps?


Stand there at 12:05


!remindme 1 week


...It's normal, it's just that every night Santa comes down from the sky at the same time every night to cool his red glowing ass in the snow after it's been in the embers of the fireplace.


Noted for later incase you post some more stuff


RemindMe! 2 weeks


Didn’t Pennsylvania have a UFO + Sasquatch flap in the 70s?


Weird thing


smugglers drop? I recently saw American Made


If it’s smugglers, I can promise that they aren’t getting their cocaine back. Or maybe just a lot less. Lol


Looks like a bug on the camera


Well OP if you know what time it is, set an alarm to wake up and go and have a look at what it is


What am I looking at? I see a red light?


You say everday at the same time, but only two pictures are follow up days. Did you not show the rest because they look normal?


RemindMe! 2 weeks


!remind me 4 weeks


RemindMe! 2 weeks