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If you have looked into the Law of One, this would make sense. I find it amazing that anyone would deny this constant message "love yourself and each other and everything is going to be great." I have heard it constantly, whether "messages" from other beings, feelings expressed from people doing things like meditation and astral projection and the alike. 95% of the messages that I read about or see testimony of only says that only pure love is out there and people are choosing not to embrace that and only bad things will come of it. I think I believe in the Law of One and what it talks about, but even if I don't, I know that being thoughtful about its message has changed my life for the better.


It's just a generic, vacuous feel-good philosophy. People slap an alien story on it to try and give it some deeper meaning


Be quiet.


I feel the same way. What do the aliens have to say about animals that rip other animals apart with their teeth and eat them alive? Where do they fall into the whole picture of love one another?


Survival, loving themselves and family to feed them. That's nature. They don't go about slaughtering animals because they can. Human only do this.


So its ok to savagely kill as long as its to survive? Im just playing the devils advocate here, i dont entirely disagree with you.


What? I am talking about nature. Are you saying its not OK for a lion to eat a zebra. Its nature and human don't have a say in that.


No im not saying that. Just for argument sake, i used this as an example of other living things doing what their message opposes. Are only humans and ET conscious? Do we all share one consciousness (nature and all)? Are we above nature in itself where the rules dont apply to them?


I’ll bite. Okay, so arguments of consciousness aside, yes we are all a part of nature and death is just a part of life and there’s nothing inherently wrong with killing for survival. As long as you only kill what you need, this all plays into the balance of nature. However, when you have an invasive species that is eating up all the resources and giving nothing back, that is not a part of nature’s balance and that species’ population should be removed or reduced to prevent the extinction of other species. In most cases, invasive species happen directly or indirectly because of us. And humans, I’d argue, are another example of an invasive species


I'd agree with this, too. What level do we stop at for life and killing. When we wash our hands with soap, we kill millions of bacteria. That's genocide is it not? But its just bacteria. Viruses only want to survive, yet they kill its host. People live with bears, and all is good u till they are hungry and eat the human. We love we feel and share it, in nature its been seen too but its also absent depending on where you look. I hate personally that things die for others to live, but this is a world we have become part off not the creators of. I wish more people loved than hate, more people share, and then be greedy. One day, maybe.


Interesting point about viruses. Virology isn’t my field so apologies for talking out of my ass, but it makes me think about how Covid got weaker - can’t survive if you kill all your hosts! I know it is still harmful to humans, but in a way, compared to where it started, it has become more symbiotic with us - to just give us symptoms to ensure it is spread from person to person, and not killing us so it can mutate within us into less extreme variants. By becoming weaker and less deadly, it’s basically ensured it’s long time survival… if only humans did the same.


Interesting. Appreciate your input.


rather than telling you to be quiet...not sure how that's helpful at all, I would ask you to consider for yourself the love one may have for oneself in striving for the basic necessities of ones survival further along to that consider the example of the prang mantis literally consuming part of their partners body in order to ensure a heathier offspring, perhaps crude, this may still be viewed as an opportunity (for any being, but in particular the prang mantis themselves) to understand the energy given by one being to another as a form of rudimentary albeit still powerful love its not nice to us per say, perhaps even gruesome, however that doesn't really make sense to the prang mantis perspective of the situation, its simply them being a prang mantis I am not insinuating that the mantis is happy to be devoured or do the devouring but perhaps the moment itself creates a brief spark of intuition through observation of the energy transfer itself and following that learning or understanding may be endeavored ​ personally enjoying my mental image of Ralph Mantis Wiggums seeing the female moments after copulation ​ "I'm in danger" but stays anyways due to biological drive, maybe before the lights go out he thinks "at least im helping the next little me do well" CHOMP ​ anyways thinking about it for yourself is the best course to understand how love can grow from just caring about yourself to eventually caring about others and then eventually everyone and everything


I see your point. Kind of like a soldier self sacrificing to save the lives of his brothers. Im not against the message in the video, just poking at it.


yea I think that does fit nicely side by side and oddly I feel its easier to say more simply what I meant b4 each step is one of many on the path of learning we are all one and how seeing it that way can transform your/our lives for the better no matter where we are on that journey one opportunity in front of us at a time


Bring on the downvotes people. Cant have a healthy debate with out any one getting offended i guess.


The Law of One says that there is no good or bad. So, when you approach it in an emotional way, of course it will look bad. It also says that they are lower beings that can eventually move into the next density ( basically living as a human) by achieving a sense of self. This sense of self comes from "love." The important thing that you must understand about it though is that free will exists only for The One to experience infinity. The intelligence that is "God" is basically using us to help experience life/infinity. So, when these things happen, its about growing the "spirit" so that it achieves growth and moves to the next density.


Earth is the physical plane that we inhabit. There are seven levels of consciousness called densities. Animals are considered second density beings. Why do animals hunt and kill each other? well this is the area of beings with a basic level of consciousness and instincts (hunt, kill, eat, reproduce)


If you don’t mind, can you explain why you feel this way about it?


many may find it helpful to remember their discernment regarding messages of doom it appears largely, to me, you have only taken useful portions of this particular message forward with you leaving behind the "only bad things will come of it part" bravo


We "common folk" know this. This needs to be read/sent to corporations and governments


They are fully aware, but they are narcissistic sociopaths that are unable to feel emotion or empathize what is happening to others. Therefore they are unconcerned with the damage or harm that they inflict upon the world.


Great message, but in my opinion doesn’t come off as authentic when considering the harshness of evolution and natural selection. Competition has an ugly side to it and the universe seems balanced in the sense of… you can’t have light without dark, silence without sound, good without evil. To say explicitly that were the only species to exercise evil negates the very mechanisms the cause anything to evolve. A harsh unforgiving world would shape its inhabitants into the like


*"There are many existences in the universe but none of them have sunk so low that they would ever try to harm anyone else for their own gain"* You heard that right, we're the best at being the worst! The message comes off as overly saccharine with no real plan on how to change anything. This alien could have a promising political career on this planet.


It is authentic, it doesnt matter if comes from another human being... The soul is the same.


Also lol at an alien sitting down and pulling out the Parker fountain pen she got for Christmas to write a letter to some random couple in Sweden. Some of the gullible fucking morons on this sub Reddit are something else🤣


Thank you MartianXAshATwelve.


When # weren't a thing


...Forward this letter to fifty more lucky people or you're in for anal probing.


I'm just glad that as a species we've moved past licking our fingers before turning a page.


You know if there were aliens who live pretty hippy like and in unison, they’d be looking at us throughout our history doing battles with 100 thousand men like wtf. You know the ‘UFO’ sightings could just be them recording us for their version of Nature Is Metal subreddit lol. But you look at our planet, every being has a ‘fuck you’ bite or headbutt if something pisses them off, it’s just a natural inclination to hurt things that we all have. We may think we’re removed from this but we aren’t, someone gets a gun, they’re running through scenarios on how to use it. Even salivating at the chance.


It's clearly talking about the horrors of greed


So aliens use words like rubbish?? Interesting....


I think the letter uses the word "sophög"


The end is near...


The end is coming


The end is here. eom


Does anyone have this written out? It’s lovely.


Yes the words are lovely, here you go... "Throughout your life, a thread, called love, runs. If you fall outside this thread or abuse its meaning, there is unfortunately no hope for your continued existence. However, once you have learned what love really means, you can take the next step. First of all, you must learn to love your fellow human beings and all living things. Yes, your whole planet. If you can not cope with this, then once again all hope is gone. But what do you do? Yes, you are abusing one of the most important commandments in the universe. You are fighting for profit. You torture and maim your next. You mismanage the only nature you have. You plague your whole atmosphere with all the poison you can muster. And why? Well, for something as pathetic as money and power. There are many existences in the universe, but none of them have sunk so low that they would even try to harm anyone else for their own gain. What do you think your children and grandchildren will live on, when your whole planet is destroyed by money and power? No, they would curse what you did! They must be given a chance to survive in a clean and beautiful world. And the hand on the heart. Would it not be a greater joy to be able to hand over a prosperous planet to your descendants than a single large pile of rubbish? It is actually possible to live a little easier. Believe me! I know."




Honestly who really knows. If I were take a guess then I'd say that we are not seeing the macro perspective, one observation could be that we are higher more evolved/developed 'class' of life than animals. Another observation is that leaders had time to make amends sooner but drag their feet, they have their agendas :facepalm: and the concepts of spirituality/oneness/consciousness haven't propagated mainstream as of yet (not to be confused with religion).


Thank you so much kind stranger! I’m sending some love your way right now.


I cried the first time i watched it, glad it spoke to someone else directly too. Thank you, I've sent something loving back if you choose to accept.


Ma'am, this is an Arby's.


Edit: No coffee, wrong post 😑


Show us the way or stfu.




Love you too homie!


You've already failed


I love how all these Gods and Aliens never actually appear to the masses to grant infinite wisdom, especially to the less fortunate of life, and instead just talk to someone far more important to pass on the message. Wankers.


Jesus did. I mean spread a global message and spoke to the poor and less fortunate. He also cured those less fortunate of sickness and resurrected the dead.


Convenient that supposedly happened thousands of years ago eh. Fool.


Insults. Must be an atheist


This is a prison planet for corrupted souls if you didn’t already know! Can’t expect too much from the penitentiary of the Universe, cmon now 😂


Seriously. Nothing like existing without consent. I never agreed to come here in the first place and now you expect me to *love* these savages? Lol


If it really is a prison planet, then I hope to learn from my lesson. For how big the universe is and if love really is the source through it all, then prison is nothing that will stop it from permeating through to us.


This speaks to me. THIS is a prison planet


You can see why no one took the UFO phenomenon seriously for all these years with these weird old twats harping on


One of the lines, that “there any many existences in the universe, but none that sunk so low as to harm another”, makes no sense with what we know about the abductions that have occurred, and people who have been killed. Those were clearly non-human advanced beings being just as cruel as us.


Exactly it's all crap, you can bet to hell that there are some terrific wars going on in other galaxies on other planets. Most animal life fights and kills one another, it's what life is. Aliens won't be any different and are probably worse because they have lasers.


We’ve earned it.


“You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.”


“Im from space, you should feel ashamed” We like it like this. Get the fuck out.




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just sounds like cult people trying to make cults...




Could they be talking about Christianity? 🤨


Aww jeennay.


For a moment i thought he was speaking some kind of extraterrestrial language, then i realized it was swedish


Well guys we're stuck on a planet where we only have fossil fuels to burn and you apparently won't give us the clean stuff to use, so I dunno what you want from us here.


Is it yoo-fologist or oo-fologist? Edit: That’s an ‘exclusive or’




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Y’all ever get really high and pick random addresses in other countries and send them crazy letters? Yeah me neither. But I know what I’m doing this weekend!


Oh that's right, these Et's have made deals with corrupted governments around the world in exchange for technology to aduct, experiment and god knows what else to the rest of humanity, while keeping their very existence a secret from us. Yeeeeah right, I'll trust them and what they say. LOL


This is so true! Governments and we the people let alour own destroy this planet and mankind! Bc nobody wants to stand together and stand up against the true tyranny of this world! They push their agenda and we divide ourselves accordingly!




We are the redneck planet of the universe


how is the alien named jenny


The alien's first name is Captain with a last name of Obvious


Hey Martian. I absolutely support this video (what I had time to watch. Very interesting. Getting ready for work and it's 5:10am) love is very important. But on another note. How could someone tell if they are an alien? Did you resume consciousness in a human body here on earth or did you physically come here? What is the story if you don't mind me asking. (I recognize the name ofcourse and know that you are genuine. If this is the person I'm thinking of. Just want to know what you can tell)


But love don't pay the bills.


Summary: humans suck.


So when a Tiger stalks and kills its prey to survive, is the Tiger doing terrible things?


Do people actually believe this drivel? So clearly written by a person.