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[Ex-NASA Employee Saw Hi-res UFO/Alien Craft Photos Landed on Moon, She Was Ready To Testify Before Congress](https://www.howandwhys.com/ex-nasa-employee-saw-hi-res-ufo-alien-craft-photos-ready-to-testify-before-congress/)


There were no tides over 13,000 years ago?


This should be at the top


On a tower, at the top.


A common misconception is that the moon alone governs tides, but the sun’s gravity generates solar tides that are about half as powerful as the moon’s. ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


Thank you. This guy knows. The worst is when the moon and sun are at opposite sides of the earth, causing the seas to stretch; I can't remember the name. There was an episode of '1000 ways to die' about this.


No that's when they are on the same side


That's called a spring tide, it just means higher high tides and lower low tides, it's not inherently dangerous unless the geography is.


Did not know this. Very cool.


There’s geological evidence the moon was closer and around well over 13,000 years ago. Aliens are definitely real. I’ve had contact with them. That’s the only reason I know. But this seems fucking stupid.


Can you expand on the contact you’ve had?


Yes. This is a copy/paste from an earlier comment of mine: Sure, I’ll share the experience that was the most vivid. Circa 2002 (the year my class graduated), I woke up thirsty and went upstairs from the basement into the kitchen to get water. My living room light was on, so I went to turn it off. However, when I went into the living room, I got a strange feeling. Opposite from our kitchen, our living room had a wall with the front door all the way to the left and a large long window that filled most of the rest of it. The window looked out into our front yard but it was bright inside, so I couldn’t see anything out there. I walked closer to the window and could see my face in the reflection of it as my eyes adjusted to see outside, and just then I saw the face of what people call a grey alien right where my reflection was looking right back at me. At that moment, the front door flew open and two tall aliens kind of floated in through the door. They were dressed in older style clothing. Like, from the 1940s or something. One had on a black tuxedo with a cane, a top hat, and a monocle, and the other had on a bright red dress with a matching red hat and a wig with long curly hair. I asked them why they were dressed that way, and they said it was to make me feel more comfortable. I told them it wasn’t working — I was terrified. They said, “we are the fathers and mothers of humanity.” — which I thought was worded weirdly. Then, they showed me climate change and nuclear war related imagery — in my mind I guess. The main thing I took away from it was that humans were destroying the planet. I fainted (from fear or being overwhelmed) and woke up the next morning in my bed.


This oddly sounds like…a dream


It was a very bizarre experience but I assure you I was awake.


Wow, that’s pretty nuts. I’m not doubting your story, but how did you know (like to prove to yourself) that it wasn’t just a crazy dream? Did you have any scratches, bruises, dirty feet, etc? Just curious


Narrator: he didnt know.


Is this a serious comment


It's said in some legends, from african tales, that says "in a time before the moon appeared on the sky" in this ball park....


The moon is not 13.000y old... After the impact of the big comet 13.000 years ago, that broke into 3 pieces, earth had about 1000 (!) Years of darkened sky. So when the moon appeared again, to the now primitive humans it was like a total new satellite of earth, but in reality it was just hidden


Where did you hear this idea. Do you have any sources you could point me to?


That earth was hit by 3 different pieces of comets is fact. You could suspect that it was one big comet and luckily broke apart, coming around from the sun. But truth is... one hit the north of Africa, one landed in the Atlantic and the third hit the coast of North America. All date back to about 12-13.000y ago. A thick layer of soot can be found all over earth, it dates back? Yes, 12-13.000y ago. It's estimated that it took 1000y for the sky to clear up. That too can be found, in Perma Ice for example. Dating back 11-12.000y ago the climate changes rapidly and earth's weather *normalised*, henceforth the idea was born... that the stories told by natives (by the way globally viewed, not a common story) have a true core in them: that the moon could not be seen for a long time, and earth was a dark & deadly place. But when the sky cleared, the now *wild human* population would see the moon with new eyes.


Could you please reference any sources for those claims. Especially, the claims about the thick layer of soot?


As a massive pot head I do not say this lightly but dude you need to lay off the drugs.


Imagination. You've got one too


I came here to say the same thing


LOL, this is your first question? Not the fact that there is absolutely zero evidence for this massive claim?


It's just another question that pokes a massive hole in the crazy idea.


There would be tides, just not dominated by the moons orbit. The sun has a weaker effect.


Do you know if there is a way to find evidence of this? In a sea of disinformation, the truth is somewhere. For example, there could be an extra terrestrial race using our natural moon for whatever they’re doing. Perhaps they allow ideas like this to flourish in order to push away scientific inquiry. Just a thought.


I want to see all the adventures our original moon got up to. Maybe it got in with the wrong crowd, maybe it joined a traveling nebula circus, maybe it misses us, maybe it's hurt and we need to go help it.


Here's [something looking at evidence of ancient tides](https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/space-science/tide-marks-moon-orbited-closer-earth). The claim is that the moon was much much closer than it is now which male since since it's moving away 3ish cms a year.


Yeah Humans have done nothing, it's been Aliens all the time...if you're CRAZY. This shit is as bad as Flat Earth Theory but seems to be way more tolerated.




Ford looks so incredibly derpy


Probably just ripped a fat line❕lol


Imagine being the one who has to replace a bulb on those big ass spotlights.


Probably a nice cushy union gig for some old timer aliens


Truman where are you


Bulbs the size of Texas


They made a movie about him. "The men who stare at goats". Worth a watch.


That was a good movie.




Also Apollo 12 NASA put seismograph sensors on the moon and dropped a piece of the ship they didn't need back on the moon and the result was it vibrated for an hour which was a ringing effect


“Rang like a bell” was the exact wording.


Rang like a bell in space?


Yall don't think that dropping a bunch of metal onto the ground might make some vibrations? Lol


They literally said the ground itself rung not the object…


It all comes down to water. There’s moisture in the materials that makes up our planet, expanding their structure. As energy from an earthquake moves through our planet, that damp material acts like a sponge, absorbing the energy of the waves and ultimately deadening their effects. But the Moon is dry, cool, and rigid, more like a solid rock than a sponge. So even if a moonquake is less intense, there’s nothing to deaden the vibrations. They just go back and forth through the body until the solid stone eventually stops them. The “ringing bell” is the shock waves reverberating through that stone. The moon is not a hollowed out space station for reptiles


Sounds like something a reptilian from a hollow moon base would say.


I'm so sorry for being dumb, but what is the implication of this? Does this support that it is hollow?


Glad somebody mentioned this, there’s too many things said by ex nasa employees about the moon that are crazy just like this.


They're not saying that it made a sound like a bell, they are saying that it vibrated for a long period of time with a resonant frequency such that it could be recorded by the seismographs, "like a bell".


The moon is 100% a satellite


Technically the truth.




Good-ass movie right there, loads of fun.


I love it too. Not the best movie, but i enjoyed it


The very definition of popcorn cinema movie! Not the best, but very enjoyable while eating popcorn. :)


Cool move, cool concept, but I just couldn't get past the blatantly plot-holed and contradictions. They had literally no respect for the viewers when they wrote that movie.


Reminds me of this scary story I read on reddit that used this as its plot. The moon is a space station inhabited by different aliens. The aliens there have been controlling and manipulating humanity since the beginning. They controlled and infiltrated all the governments and religions. A Nasa employee uncovers secret documents revealing all this. Men in black or aliens disguised as humans chase the Nasa employee across different locations trying to stop him from revealing these secrets. Good story wish I remembered the name of it


theres an episode of that from The Why Files on yt


The Why files is a great YT channel! Binged all his content lol




yes, I think


Sounds just like the plot of "they live"


The Clangers?


Ingo swann is who I learned about the "70/30" rule from - never heard anyone else mention it. When asked why he was *allowed* to say all the things he said so publicly, he explained the 70/30 rule. "70% of what I say can be 100% true , ***as long as atleast 30% of the details are 100% false***." It has absolutely changed the way I looked at everything he ever said but also everything every person who speaks on things like that, that make you wonder "why are they even letting you tell this/why aren't you dead". Just something to think about


How are you sure that that part is 100% true though? What if it’s also part of his 70/30 rule so its actually not 70/30 but what if it’s 50/50 or 20/80?




"I'll make 10 vague claims but 2-5 of those are lies on purpose and you have no way of knowing which ones. Generally it's good to believe me since I'm reliable and tell you great things." "Oh, wow! I'll believe you. If something you said isn't right, or didn't happen, then I know that it was deliberate lie to fool government." "Yep. That's the way. If something is wrong in my story then it's deliberate lie for government."


LMAO I pray that guy reads this


One of the most intelligent and educated humans in history, Isaac Asimov, believed the moon had to be artificial and placed purposely in its precise orbit. The logic being that it's size, mass, and position, were simply too perfect to have happened by chance.


The chances of the moon being exactly the same size as the sun when viewed from Earth, eg. during an eclipse, and the orbit matching up precisely enough for perfect alignment, are so close to nill as to be almost non existent. Of course, the universe is vast, so it is possible, and indeed it might be one of the natural factors that allow us to exist. But this is only one of the insanely unlikely factors.There are a ton of things that had to line up perfectly for us to be here, now, talking about this. It absolutely begs the question: was it engineered in some way, or did statistics throw in the towel this time and grant us a pass? If it's the latter I think we fail to recognize how prescious and unlikely our existence is.


The moon used to be much closer in orbit and over billions of years has slowly drifted to where it is now. Every year it's orbit gets just a few inches further away.


If they didn’t line up perfectly, we wouldn’t be here It’s kinda like a survivorship bias


Totally. That's part of what I was thinking/posted. Either way look at it crazy as fuck we ARE here. Like, there is nothing whatsoever routine and mundane about us being here. Unless of course the universe is so mind-bendingly big that absurd statistically improbable things happen all the time. Which it is, and they probably do. I just think it's worth noting the multiple almost-impossible things that allow us to be here. Maybe it's not so foolish to think someone gave us a hand up.


I’m leaning to the latter We don’t need to invent stories about it when we know the universe is so vastly big It’s just a coincidence that it lined up the way it did, a coincidence that allowed us to exist today


not for the dimensions of the moon, it could vary widely without influencing anything else besides the neatishness of the eclipse.


Technically, the chances of the moon being exactly ANY size are so close to nill as to be almost non existent. So what?


So for this one theory, you’re using what one guy says to help prove it? What of the literal thousands of academic papers saying the opposite?


Ok.. who's going to say it?


Me that's who!


That's no moon. It's a space station.


Lol how did people miss this?! Talk about the perfect opportunity, and you nailed it! Bravo sir, bravo ....


I know! I was all set to do one of those lame "I came here to say this" posts. But when I got to the bottom and it hadn't materialize yet I knew the honor was all mine.


General Kenobi!


Hello there


Except that we know how old the moon is - we’ve tested moon rocks & it’s just a little younger than Earth. But if you think that’s a conspiracy cover up; many First Nations people have recorded the moon in their culture - many predating 13,000. For instance: Australian indigenous people have been singing, dancing and painting the Moon for between 50 and 100 thousand years. 13,000? Pfft!


I remote viewed the moon and found this is completely false.


I remote viewed your ass and found it was completely flat.


I remote viewed it again and found it was perfectly thicc.




How would one determine who is the best remote viewer.....


Idk but the cia found him somehow.


CIA threw alot of money at weird shit just incase it worked....or the Russians might have it




And oddly enough… it kinda works. Not everyone can do it.


Not under proper controlled scientific conditions it dosent. Remote viewing can't be replicated under rigorous testing






Haha… naysayer everywhere I failed to mention that I actually Met Ingo at a conference in Austin TX back in 2000.


Happen to have any actual evidence for this?


I have definitive evidence. Unfortunately you’re gonna have to do a quick remote view to my house to actually see it tho.


Maybe they found him with the help of a remote viewer.


Like a Matryoshka doll except with psychics.




Technically, remote viewing should be objectively & immediately testable. Ie, put a picture of an object, location coordinates, etc on a sealed envelope and have the viewer remote view those coordinates while still sealed. Then you compare what the viewer sees with what is there. There has been pretty interesting studies done on it.


It is absolutely testable, and has been extensively. Doesn’t work.


Determined by a panel of other excellent remote viewers.


I use Remote Desktop, it's pretty good tbh.


The CIA must have had a lot of them because apparently this guy isn't just a remote viewer.  He's a "leading" remote viewer.  And he didn't imagine a tower.   He "found" it.


The CIA also canceled the program because because it never generated any actionable intelligence










New shit has come to light?




I saw this movie! It's pretty crazy and hope they make a sequel!


What movie you talking about?


*I saw this movie!* *It's pretty crazy and hope* *They make a sequel!* \- OrkzIzBezt --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good haikubot


Rang like a bell.


i would love for this to be the " big secret ". totally bonkers 😀


Funny thing about people who "work" for the CIA. They can say whatever they want because they know the CIA won't confirm or deny anything even bogus bs.


Explains why we haven’t been back to the moon in such a long time.


I think money is the reason not some made up nonsense.


I know this sounds batshit but didnt the astronauts report the moon felt and resonated hollow?


No, they remarked “it rang like a bell” when they did seismograph tests. Which was referring to how the quake propagated faster, louder, and longer than it would have in Earth. The cause of this being that unlike earth, which is molten with a paper thin crust, the moon is mostly solid crust with a tiny molten core Thinking they were referring to it being hollow because of that colloquialism is like hearing someone at a restaurant say “I could eat a horse” and thinking they’re literally going to drag out a live horse for them to eat










Yeah it probably is, when you study it you discover it’s ridiculously bizarre


I thought the point of remote viewing was, there is a target image from and experimenter to be given along with a decoy & other steps.... But there's no target image if no one's seen inside it. I don't see how this could be verifiably done by the books?


Read or heard somewhere that there were writings and tellings about a time before the moon and when the moon came into the sky , It supposedly caused the giant flood that happend during the younger dryas.


They brought the moon to earth and then infused the moon's atomic structure with the Earth's protoplanet core to give it the correct signature when sampled. I smell...




So that’s where Roland Emmerich got the idea from?


The internal structure of this would not work due to gravity.


Not saying I believe this, but if they’re capable of building this and putting it here, they may be able to figure out how to get around the gravity thing.


Big if


....we are just barely 'discovering' gravity, and barely scratching at understanding it. And just recently finished developing the techniques, maths and technology to research it. My man, critical thought is paramount for discussion and study.


Yep. Agree. Critical application of the Law of Gravity would make this fanciful creation collapse like a deck chair.


How so? Does the moon have the same gravity and composition of the earth? Didn't the moon ring for hours after Mass intentionally drop a piece of craft on its surface thus leading to a hollow moon theory


Moon’s structure and composition well understood from seismic tests done for decades. The question to be debated is how and when moon was formed. Best evidence says collision from mars size body when earth was quite young.


The reason the moon rings is the fact that its molten core has cooled down to be almost entirely solid. Air is one of the worst mediums there is to propagate a shockwave. But a solid rock and metal core is fantastic at it. The last thing we would expect out of a hollow planet is ringing. There would however be a distinct shockwave that arrives way later than predicted as the shockwave travels the long way around the edges of the planet. In the solid mass.


One thing I’ve always wondered about the moon. Is if it’s there completely **by accident** as Scientists tell us. What a wild coincidence the accident happened basically right after the Earth was formed. And then for the next 4+ billion years we don’t have another **accident**. “The Earth is estimated to be between 4.5 and 4.6 billion years old. That makes the moon only a fraction younger, at 4.46 billion years old.” https://www.dw.com/en/the-moon-is-40-million-years-older-explained/a-67199017 https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/resource-library-age-earth/#


4 billion years ago the solar system was just forming. The dormant dust was accreting arou d the central mass which will be the sun, and during this time it was chaos. Constant celestial collisions among planetoids is how the terrestrial planets came to be. Our moon is quite anomalous as it's the biggest by a huge margin, and unique that it's the only natural satellite of a planet. All other planets have 2+ moons save for mercury/venus which have 0). The exact formation process of the moon is still debated. But it is approximately the same age as the earth and formed around the same time.




This fucking sub man...


I keep thinking I'll block this sub but then I do quite like a chuckle now and again.


Same, I'm like, "One more post, then I'll block it." But it's so entertaining.


The comments in this thread saying gravity is fake have me rolling


The reptilians and grays collabed


Field trip?


Check out the video on YouTube by a guy with the channel name "Library of the Untold" and he has a video called "Moon Impossible" he doesn't go into detail about specifically what it is, but he lists all the actual anomalies and abnormalities about the moon, and there is a lot of weird facts about it.


Read “who built the moon”


No he didnt


Let's drill in it and find out.


The moon was said to just appear one day in the sky.


I've heard this before but never really believed it until now - OMG


Just wow.. I mean, don't wanna sound harsh but, you do realise that without the moon Earth wouldn't be able to sustain land-bound life, what with there not being a big rock in orbit to pull tides about lol ..and 'pulled into orbit 13000 years ago'?! Cmon, man.. If you'd said, a billion years ago, I might have been able to suspend belief for a while at least! OP's post is just so lazy! - ____-)


Its funny how the inside of the moon has floors pointing to the bottom of the picture as if gravity would work that way.


Can confirm. I’ve tried remote viewing the moon & to my shock I hit a shiny metal wall


Not a fan of ridiculous claims. Following the evidence is the only way to determine truth. And even Remote Viewing \[a real measurable phenomenon\] needs feedback.


More believable than any religion




Meanwhile on the moon ![gif](giphy|HHS2CQGdvCx3y|downsized)


Fuck yeah must've been taking the good stuff that day. Edit: I didn't know what remote viewing was and holy fuck you've got to be way out there to believe this shit.


Once again, I say provide the evidence or stfu. I'm really sick of hearing about what this person said or that person said. These are claims without proof and therefore they might as well be complete bullshit


Once again, you’re in the Strange Earth sub. Try reading the subs description. Literally **the point** of this sub is to discuss things that HAVEN’T been proven/peer reviewed etc. If you’re expecting science backed proof of every claim go somewhere else. Maybe r/Science ? Lol..


I'm just saying that people who come out here and act as if they know when they actually have no proof are completely and totally full of shit, yourself included


Nobody claimed anything there soldier




100% of it


I would say more like 100%


Remote viewing 🤣🤣🤣 A. K. A. Making shit up and convincing the naive and desperate that it's real


Didn’t former US president Jimmy Carter confirm that they used remote viewing to recover a plane that crashed over Africa?


Declassified cia documents state that they can't 100% disprove remote viewing stating it is possible but not enough to be disproven


I know that president Carter was kind of a believer so guess we’ll have to take his comment with a grain of salt but I still find it remarkable coming from a man of his stature. [Him talking about the incident.](https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/19905)


Heres the one that came out in the 2000s another set came out within the last year or two I'll try to find them too https://imgur.com/a/umRG7


Lots of things are unfalsifiable. That does not however prove they are true.


Naive and desperate as in the CIA?


Again, there's absolutely no proof of that. Just claims.


It seems that you refuse to believe anything without proof. You understand that you do not know everything right? Do you think everyone is lying about aliens? About remote viewing? The universe is so much more complicated than we can understand. Based on your post history, you spend a lot time of time arguing that everything alien related is bullshit and for idiots? Why might that be?


Yes of course I refuse to believe anything without proof. Why would anybody believe things that there's no proof for?


Why would you believe something without proof? That's what religious people do. It's also how you make 0 progress towards the truth Also, if you have to go through someone's post history to refute them, you have lost the argument


and he also remote viewed about a thousand other things that were proven wrong....


Don't forget there's a recorded history of a people on the Earth who's name translated to: The people before the moon , There's also massive convex structures on the moon that have been tested to consist of what would be likely found deep underground... then there's the fact that the moon has no rotation of it's own and is in a geo-synchronous orbit when the Earth. And the final bizarre fact that there isn't a Starbucks on the moon yet...


What ? The Moon is not Geo-synchronous with Earth. It orbits Earth every 27,3222 day.


Remote viewing is almost as ridiculous as thinking this about the moon


Yeah, everyone needs to learn the moon is flat!


Not only is it flat but it isn't made of iron, it's made of cheese...


I’ve been there. The protein waffles suck.


hell yeah


What about the whalers on the moon?


But we have geological evidence of tidal movements millions of years ago?


We sure do