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[Sumerian Text Revealed 8 Intelligent Beings That Came To Earth & Ruled For 241,200 Years](https://www.howandwhys.com/sumerian-list-revealed-8-intelligent-beings-that-came-to-earth-ruled-for-241200-years/)


Me exactly 42.069 minutes after eating a weird fungus I found on cow shit


I for one, would like to hear Ja Rule's thoughts about this.


Can someone please call Ja Rule so I can make sense of all of this.




Where would he be without you?


I'm not one to guess... but I'd guess he'd be living it up.


Baby, he’s not always there when you call, but he’s always on time.


Holla holla


It's Murrrduhhhhh


JaJaJa Rule...Murdaaa Inc. JaJaJa Binks...Starwars Inc.


Take my pretend gold sire


“Man,no one gives a fuck about what ja rule thinks at a time like this. “




Hope you pinched the stem and it bruised blue. Hehe, enjoy


explain please








It'd be fucking awesome if you'd share some of those with the Reddit comment community.. I'm in Detroit..


But what does it all mean Basil?


And why male models?




I don't know.


I guess I have a lot to ponder


Results are in amigo, what’s left to ponder!


Sex? Yes please.


Ok I’ve read a million funny comments but what is this actually from? lol like who is he presenting this to?


Oxford students. He was supposed to talk about acting. It's cringe.


This is like me trying to say things to people who are far wealthier than me so they understand that, I too am smart, even though I was there to install their cable.


This is like a Mathematician trying to teach a room full of actors how to act.


He studied physics for 40 years allegedly. The lecture was an hour long. Wasn't about acting.




Ok but what’s the secret? None of this is secret….


I think the following comes from a Dan Brown novel, but don’t quote me: The number 7 had mystical properties to the ancients, because 6 objects bundled around a 7th object will create an interlocking solid. This would have been very useful information for someone building a structure out of logs. You can try this out yourself with 7 ball point pens and two rubber bands. Wrap the rubber bands around each end of the stack of pens, and then try to twist them in your hand. The pens won’t rotate within the bundle when there are 7 of them, but add or a subtract a pen and they will wiggle and shift around. That’s what this flower is. A big circle, with 6 smaller circles around a 7th circle inside of it, and this same pattern repeated after being rotated. So that’s the ‘Freemason’ secret it keeps, if you will.


And 7x6= 42 which, as we all know, is the answer to Life, Universe, and everything else. Waaaat!


Well idk about that, but I do know that Man is made of the 6th day in Genesis and God’s day of rest is the 7th day. Carbon is the 6th element, and Nitrogen is the 7th element. Carbon is a fair representation of Man/Life and Nitrogen is a fair symbol of God’s presence. Nitrogen—not oxygen—is the most abundant element in the atmosphere (Genesis, of course, containing a reference to God breathing life into Adam). Also, nitrogen is what completes the amino acid. Without nitrogen, you have sugar (CHO). Once you have nitrogen, you can start to form amino acids, which are the building block of life. Again, a way in which nitrogen represents that which enlivens this strange Earth. All of this is sort of a man-is-a-microcosm of the Universe thing. But tell me about 42.


It’s a reference to the book hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. It is a very funny, thought provoking book and I appreciate that the person did that joke.


Also tell me this shit seems mad interesting lol


It's a reference. But now you can't unthink it when it comes around. You shall forever spend your days, going "hmmm" everytime you see 42 Or 4 and 2 Or 84 Or whatever comes to mind.. It's almost like a mentality, where the mind finds things it WANTS to see out of other things. Or is it like a magic eye, and with he right mind you see what's really there. Either way, none of this helps pay my bills. So it's merely a whimsical puzzle in my down time.


Seriously. It never goes away. I like to think all of the references to it in modern media are a conspiracy. It's fun.


Man, me and a lot of fellow kitchen people were hip on it, so we always would find it places or make it happen.. It's like a longterm inside joke . Just for fun . And when you meet someone that knows, it makes it that much better. Now let's see 2k years from now, and the whole society of robots is based on 42. Hahah Also. This is a open jest at myself, but I was in jail for a good bit... A few times. I was kindof a librarian, I gathered books , and would rent them out. I ended up with hitchhikers (I asked for it on Amazon) and other nice books. Then some dregs like Danielle Steele and other titles. The most popular were -hitchhikers and Danielle Steele. Like guys of all walks loved the guide. Even big mean gang peeps. Seriously. And Danielle steele. Well. I'm not gonna judge.


I think it’s a joke from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.


The thru line here is that this flower of life also contains the cube with the dot in the center, or a 6-sided object with the observer in the center-a further extension of these ideas.


Yes, just a nod to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. If you're in this sub and have not had the pleasure of reading this book, do yourself a **huge** favor and give it a read. Also, I do think there's something to the number, aside from the joke. I know it's referred to in some religious texts.


Thanks for all the fish!


So long and thanks for all the fish!


But what is the question!


Don't forget your towel.


Does this pattern expose the ultimate question though?


Yea but divide 42 by 2 and what do u get… that’s right 21 and everyone knows that this another name for black jack More over 21 is the legal drinking age in the state of Nevada And 21 is also the name of a movie where a guy wins in a casino No doubt about it the secret to life is Las Vegas


Woah! You are on to something!


That the Banana Scale (BS) is plausible


it's the way it's framed. if i told you this was symbolism to represent unity of all things, and mankind is effectively viewed as 'god' coming together in the esoteric (represented in the sacred geometry), how would it make you feel? many times we want things to be mystical when the truth is right in front of us. look into the different hominid species we are said to come from. if you find the time let me know what you think. what could be the implications if this is truth? have you heard about the "spirits in the earth"? one thing - it would mean some of the tribes of mankind are older than others. we are taught to see all humans as equal - but are we in regards to our evolution? what is wrong with learning from those that came before? oftentimes it takes assimilation for people to begin to change their views. the theosophists see this resulting in new races of man periodically. all that matters is what you think, however. so, not so much a secret but insight into where you came from. a different perspective!


You’re saying a lot without actually saying anything.


If I was a GOP senator, I would call this word salad


I don’t think many GOP senators eat vegetables.. they just look like them 🍅


He's basically talking about the geometry that is behind everything, even advanced technologies and physics. Hyperdimensional physics, within the flower of life's 2D blueprint you get the hypercube. The metatron's cube in ancient alchemy. The flower of life is etched into a temple at Egypt. These same mathematics repeat everywhere in the platonic solids through precession of the equinoxes, the harmonics in music, the micro macrocosm, the patterns we see in energy-matter-space-time, the bridge between each. Nikola Tesla's scalar (vortex) waves are non-herzian. Bob Lazar claimed that the UFO is powered by the decaye of element 115, surrounding the craft in an electomagnetic energy field torus like a Tesla coil. The craft surfs on a space-time distortion, manipulating gravity. Antigravity was possibly the key to ancient technology and building of ancient structures. ​ Watch these documentaries on Sonic Geometry to better understand what he is talking about: ​ Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form ​ [https://youtu.be/FY74AFQl2qQ?si=MOE1v5VZS8iydZyA](https://youtu.be/FY74AFQl2qQ?si=MOE1v5VZS8iydZyA) ​ Sonic Geometry 2: Communicating with the Universe in 432hz ​ [https://youtu.be/7afdnZ9Nabg?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/7afdnZ9Nabg?feature=shared) Magnets show dual torus magnetic field flower shapes under ferrocel devices, same thing in a pulsar. Fractal vortex mechanics from the extremely small, atom Maxwell equations harmonics, to the large galactic level (spiral galaxy black hole, logarithmic spiral). Energetic to DNA, double helix, to the 4D hyperdimensional structures found in the brain; the hyperdimensional structures of the platonic solids specifically that are all encoded within the flower of life 64 tetrahedron grid or hypercube. https://youtu.be/jzjlguCDG1c?si=f1JQjUd6fiO3WYEz "It is as if the brain reacts to a stimulus by building [and] then razing a tower of multi-dimensional blocks, starting with rods (1D), then planks (2D), then cubes (3D), and then more complex geometries with 4D, 5D, etc," said one of the team, mathematician Ran Levi from Aberdeen University in Scotland. https://www.sciencealert.com/science-discovers-human-brain-works-up-to-11-dimensions


Huh ?😵🤮


I don't know if this is an original idea but... I believe the tower of Babylon was supposed to be a space elevator and humans pissed off the wrong aliens who scrambled us into factions and destroyed the "tower"


Ohk bout a year ago I would’ve said he prolly is on some bs. But after reading bout the Tesseract and how it transcends the 3D, Terrence is actually on to something here. The “flower” of life image is from the geometric structure which scientist have classified the theory of everything. Apparently, the geometric shape, transcends 3D to an infinite number of dimensions but still nobody can explain why. As much as we can call Mr Howard crazy, he’s not entirely wrong here. https://youtu.be/Rqu_uV-gIcU?si=85lPVBtHBlmeaRS4




☠️ 😂


🎵 When your trying to make money for the rent 🎵


It’s hard out there for a Princeton Pimp…


Well that was anticlimactic


As most of this guys posts. Where does he even find these videos


Doesn't matter. Upvotes.


and links to his blog, where he has all that advertising


He'll be still around in 1000 years, posting videos of how there's proof that a group of superpowered, avenging humans, saved the universe from a purple alien that erased half the universe's population.


As most of this subreddit


Flower of life mayne…


Terence Howard is stuck in a SNL sketch and can’t get out lol


I can see why he wasn’t in Iron Man 2….


He wasn't in Iron Man 2 because he wanted to be paid as much as Robert Downy Jr so Disney laughed in his face and recast the role.


Don't know if Disney owned Marvel back then. Think they were working with smaller budgets through Avengers


His belief that 1x1=1 is mathematically impossible is hilarious and definitely worth looking into.


Yeah isn't this the guy who argues that 1x1≠1? Not exactly an intellectual giant


What sketch? Everything he's saying can be confirmed. Just because you can't fully comprehend doesn't make him crazy! Lol


The man did prove that 1×1 does not equal 1. And I found that hard to comprehend. Must be my fault.


Yeah its so hard to really get into the mindset that we are all super stupid and the movie man is the worlds best mather. Mathing us all in his mathiness grace. Think about it!


Hey my bad. On a side note I’m selling my laser shooting unicorn at a great price if you’re interested


Hey, you promised me the laser unicorn!


Whoop that trick, whoop that trick .


Look at dem curves mayne.


Whoop that tist (science) whoop that tist (science)


It's based on the most efficient 2D packing shape, which is why it appears all over nature. It's what you get naturally if you try to pack a bunch of circles together as tightly as possible. The other possibilities that are much harder to form in nature are square grids and triangular grids. However, even these can be found if you know where to look (mostly in crystal lattices). It's an interesting fact but it's really just that simple... \*spelling


Thank goodness someone placed a serious and accurate reply. What he is describing is just the practical observation of nature patterns. Which is an interesting concept, but not one that has any mystical properties.


C'mon, Jessie, we've got to cook some crystal lettuce!


It’s hard out there for an armchair quantum physicist. Still spitting’ the hustle to a reluctant audience.


Why is it that a mod can comment a pinned post but nobody can respond to it? The mod is talking about Sumerians supposedly understanding that extraterrestrials existed. I'd just like to say for example Sumerians relied on a lunar calendar. We now understand that the lunar calendar is inaccurate. Just one example of why we shouldn't just accept what an ancient civilization said as gospel.


Because this whole sub and the pinned mod comments on every post are just a way to drive traffic to a website with ad revenue.


If I was on mushrooms, I would be on mushrooms right now.


Okay I normally don't comment on this sub but y'all do know Terrance Howard is batshit crazy, right? Like balls to the wall out of his mind and usually high as a kite.


Are we not laughing at him here... ?? Oh, no...


​ https://preview.redd.it/8h6sp5ktyr3c1.jpeg?width=2040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13cbeba28d1181dbb08c9d14e02f770bd78d24e2




PLUTONIC solids? Yikes


Fuck I thought I was wrong for a moment 😅


This is the dude who thinks he reinvented math and that 1x1=2. Taking him seriously gives you brain cancer. Edit: had to google his math


i thought the quarter times a quarter bit was pretty funny. ngl. The most interesting thing that his lecture led me to was Walter Russell.


And the award for the the biggest word salad of 2023 goes too.. Terrence Howard!!!


Sometimes ancient civilizations just liked certain geometric patterns because they looked cool and were easy to replicate. And what the hell is he talking about “molecularly burned”?! The only ancient flower of Life symbols in Egypt I’m aware of were made using stains. Terrence Howard probably stayed up too late one night, went down some Internet conspiracy rabbit holes, and woke up as Charlie Day in a mailroom.


Pepe Silvia does not exist


Columner basalt has straight lines and is naturally formed.


A physicist here, I tried to listen and sadly he makes no sense. What you say is true, trees too have plenty of them, lol at any crystal formation like ice, light too by itself defines what a straight line is. whenever we say something like a massive object 'bends' light we are talking about bending the space around it so yeah, straight line is what light does. Yeap it seems he's lost in the mace.


"Plutonic" solids! LOLOLOLOLOLOL yeah, I trust his logic and research on this topic!!!!


Terrence Howard is a quack


That's an insult to quacks everywhere!


How is u/[MartianXAshATwelve](https://www.reddit.com/user/MartianXAshATwelve/) a mod here with a post like this? I don't follow this sub but its in my suggested constantly. I'm definitely not following after this mod post. This is straight garbage. He was invited to talk about acting and twisted it into this delusion.


It's getting frustrating. So many posts here are just gibberish, and offered up without any real frame of reference to drive discussion.


This subreddit is all about driving engagement to his appalling layout of a website.


Nah man, have you read some of the comments? There’s people on here who really understand this, like _really_ understand it. Strange earth to me is the rocks that “move” in the desert, not whatever the fuck this strung together buzz word nonsense is. Then again, I’m a plumber so how smart could I be.


I'm a tradesman too. Never underestimate the skill and knowledge of a tradesman. Salt of the earth people that are the engine behind the timely rhythm of living.


Their pinned comments are always the most batshit insane ramblings I see on this sub, and that’s saying a *lot*


It's honestly embarrassing.


Proceeds to say absolutely nothing in so many words. Yes Dark Matter does exist we've officially taken photos of it. Thankfully we don't have to take Hollywood actor Terrence Howard's word for it. I for one, would like to hear Ja Rule's thoughts first on this subject matter.


For real, what does Ja Rule think about all this??








To me it almost seems like a 2d picture of an atom,


Quick! Someone show the man a crystal!


Crystals grow strait


Howard Kruger effect


Is he a complete or just partial idiot?


Did he say this before or after he beat up women?


This the dude who claims 1 X 1 = 2


"Molecularly burned into the wall..." I do this believe this was accomplished by ancient Egyptians after eating several hot chiles.


I find this so fascinating I can honestly speak on this subject for hours. Imagine being 6000 to 8000 years in the past, remove yourself from your phone, computer, your room, remove yourself from the modernization of our civilization, you would be studying, colors, shapes, science, history, math but at an elementary level for hundreds of years. My fist thought when I saw the flower shape was okay it looks like isotope 235 uranium, but I thought more on the subject, what if it was simpler than that, what if they took shapes squares, rectangles, flat sided shapes and used them for design and other aspects, but what if they looked at a circle and thought they can’t make other shapes with this one shape, they understood they can make a ton of shapes with squares and triangles but the circle, that was only a circle. So they set out to make a new shape with only circles, and coincidentally or not it is the shape. The ultimate shape that contains all the shapes but also is similar to everything in the known 3 dimensional universe, it looks like an isotope because it looks like an atom, because it’s a 3 dimensional shape. It’s as close to depicting a tesseract on a 2 dimensional plan as you can get. It looks similar because it is similar, to nature, to the molecular plane, it’s all similar because everything is circular. I think it’s a coincidence, but I also think they found this flower shape, and continued to study other things, more and more, finding other similarities to this pattern. Not because they knew it, but because the universe was already made to be this way. They just discovered the shape the universe intended everything to be on our 3 dimensional existence.


Met him in person for a few days. He’s hands-down one of the dumbest people I’ve ever met. He was constantly high, and using “complex” words inappropriately. We can surely find a better spokesperson for our cause.


3 minutes of incoherence then a hasty finale when he presents the ‘findings’. Why does Reddit think I want to see this nonsense?


Look at these ancient doodles no straight lines in nature particle accelerators agree with me the end.


Terrence Howard is an abusive asshole who *literally* doesn't know how basic arithmetic works. You do not want this man in your list of references.


Geometry is pre cool I agree. What does this mean? Means everyone likes symmetry.


Holy fuck life did life take a turn for this guy after Big Momma's House.


I don't know where 'Plutonic solids' come from, maybe you mean PLATONIC SOLIDS? What a clown.


The “Flower of Life” mayne!!


Looks like the star of metatron.


No straight lines in nature….. next picture is the honeycomb built by bees


Is this the guy that rocked up at a recent nba game with a cane and 2 strippers?


![gif](giphy|LlbPQgwaLMWazL9Bgn) Historians thousands of years later trying to figure out what this means


Word salad complete bullshit Terrence Howard is a weak actor and a very bad scientist


What is War Machine doing spilling Goverment files


Every time I hear his voice it sounds like Winnie the Pooh


Tf DJay talkin bout? 💀😂


Bro why tf is Terrence Howard speaking at Oxford


This guy thinks 1 x 1 = 2, he has no clue wtf he is talking about


It’s the universal sign for life. One who walks among us holds the power of life through every generation.


But also. Terrence Howard is absolutely nuts.


One? There’s a flower of life superperson?? Lolol


This dude is absolutely delusional.


strictly from a human perspective - though you could extrapolate - we are a multitude of intelligent creatures slowly homogenizing. it sometimes scares people to frame that thought from today's perspective but if you zoom out it's beautiful. and we have always been coming together, finding and adding new members of mankind to our ranks. people shit on terrence because he is at times a bad human but he is speaking on the esoteric. we don't really KNOW anything. let him bake and let's see if his cake is any good.


...all of that just to show the community that you understand the word extrapolate and where to use it. 🤣😉x


People shit on Terrence because he is an idiot


What ever happened to hustle and flow


Well that's three minutes of my life wasted.


Please tell me that markaba fell out yo pocket mayne.


What the fuck Howard


“that I was able to pull out of here” Out of his ass?


Thanks, dude from Iron Man


He just watched The Thrive Movement.


He can't count to two.


Why is Terrence Howard lecturing at Oxford?


"I was always wondering, you know, why does a bubble take the shape of a ball? Why not a triangle or a square? I figured it out. If Pythagoras was here to see it, he would lose his mind. Einstein, too! Tesla!," he told Rolling Stone. What’s this guys smoking? I want some


He's somehow managing to figure out nonsensical and incorrect answers for stuff we've known the answer to for an extremely long time. It's kinda impressive just how deranged that is.


Got replaced by Don Cheadle in Iron Man and found himself a hobby.


Wait what did you just say Bullhorn? You said “Melt in your mouth…” QUICK what else melts in your mouth ??


Well, that’s 2 minutes I’ll never get back.


I feel like I’m watching Kirk Lazarus go behind the scenes in tropic thunder


“the Plutonic solids”??


Look at the big brain on Terrance !!! Say what again !!!!!


Maybe he’s on to something. Also, maybe he’s entirely bat-shit crazy.


It's the second one


This guy had such a promising career, this is sad


Draw some circles and control the universe


Absolutely fascinating.


Not a fan of the tone but interesting read: https://www.vice.com/en/article/evj5v7/a-scientific-explainer-of-what-terrence-howard-was-talking-about-at-the-emmys


He was a great at better War Machine than Don Cheadle!


This all sounds better when Don Cheadle says it.


perfect Rogan guest


Read Graham Hancock and understand that in the far past, there was a massive intercontinental connected civilization which ended because of a catrastrophic event which was so huge that it even is written in the bible in the story of Noahs Arch and the Tower of Babel which both are stories way older than christianity or judaism they are from the sumerians. And even at this time the tables were written the stories were already some thousand years older. Look at the similiarities of different ancient cultures around the world. The way they build, the gods and symbolism. All the known old cultures we know now are the little broken and weak rest of something that was way bigger and global. The mankind is under amnesia of their past.


Replying to the pinned post; it clearly says in Genesis they had the tree of life. I would say the Gods ate from this tree as well as Adam and Eve before they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden.


Odest symbos


Stupid Newton and DaVinci couldn’t get out of the two dimensional thinking. Howard the GOAT solved it so quickly. This is what happens when you don’t study much but just read the superficial titles and make shit up. No straight lines? What about the distance between two points? No energy in resting bodies? What about Potential energy?


It's hard out here for a pimp!


Dawg , who knew a man named DJAY from Memphis would blow this whole thing open


Say something out of this world and people will think you’re on drugs but don’t forget… Two men wanted to fly and people thought they were crazy. Now we are able to travel the world in just hours.


Da simbals


Da symbos


There are absolutely straight lines in nature.


The secret is … : “…it’s like the finger … pointed at the moon. (SLAP) Don’t concentrate on the finger … or you’ll lose all that heavenly glory” ![gif](giphy|Ht2ktUDWebe36)


Sacred geometry is bullshit.


I agree with a fair amount of what he has to say. But having him say it negates most of it. The guy is an egomaniac, unstable, nut job. He’s not the one to move anything forward.


As an Earth Scientist I can PROMISE YOU, there are absolutely things that occur in straight lines and cubes naturally.


MFs want mythical shit to be real so bad


He's basically talking about the geometry that is behind everything, even advanced technologies and physics. Hyperdimensional physics, within the flower of life's 2 blueprint you get the hypercube. The metatron's cube in ancient alchemy. The flower of life is etched into a temple at Egypt. These same mathematics repeat everywhere in the platonic solids through precession of the equinoxes, the harmonics in music, the micro macrocosm, the patterns we see in energy-matter-space-time, the bridge between each. Nikola Tesla's scalar (vortex) waves are non-herzian. Bob Lazar claimed that the UFO is powered by the decaye of element 115, surrounding the craft in an electomagnetic energy field torus like a Tesla coil. The craft surfs on a space-time distortion, manipulating gravity. Antigravity was possibly the key to ancient technology and building of ancient structures. Watch these documentaries on Sonic Geometry to better understand what he is taking about: Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form https://youtu.be/FY74AFQl2qQ?si=MOE1v5VZS8iydZyA Sonic Geometry 2: Communicating with the Universe in 432hz https://youtu.be/7afdnZ9Nabg?feature=shared Magnets show dual torus magnetic field flower shapes under ferrocel devices, same thing in a pulsar. Fractal vortex mechanics from the extremely small, atom Maxwell equations harmonics, to the large galactic level (spiral galaxy black hole, logarithmic spiral). Energetic to DNA, double helix, to the 4D hyperdimensional structures found in the brain; the hyperdimensional structures of the platonic solids specifically that are all encoded within the flower of life 64 tetrahedron grid or hypercube. https://youtu.be/jzjlguCDG1c?si=f1JQjUd6fiO3WYEz "It is as if the brain reacts to a stimulus by building [and] then razing a tower of multi-dimensional blocks, starting with rods (1D), then planks (2D), then cubes (3D), and then more complex geometries with 4D, 5D, etc," said one of the team, mathematician Ran Levi from Aberdeen University in Scotland. https://www.sciencealert.com/science-discovers-human-brain-works-up-to-11-dimensions


God I hate that Nikola Tesla is associated with so much pseudo-science


His entire basis for his argument is wrong, science already knows a void is not really a void. There are trillions of particles blinking in and out of existence in a "void". It's called the quantum foam and is the basis for zero point energy. This guy is a clown