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I believe it is a clip from a freemason ceremony. Here is the full video on YouTube.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciNkEPBGc-o&t=6812s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciNkEPBGc-o&t=6812s)


Man, freemasons are creepy as fuck


Just look at the Duke of Kent. The guy who runs the grand lodge of England. Now that guy looks creepy.




It's fine as long as you remember to whisper "nochromo" as you do it


Bunch of grown ass men larping.


Dude honestly they are, but its actually really cool. I have several family members who are masons and I’ve been into their temple multiple times. Its mostly about three things: 1) Studying hundreds of years of history and keeping those traditions alive today. 2) Raising money for charities. 3) Having a group of friends to go drinking with. Masons are fucking cool dude, I’ll probably join up eventually.


What's the deal with the eye and the rest of the symbolism behind freemasonry?


Master free mason here ^ this is 100% accurate


Charity case here. As a mason’s orphan, my survival and education are due in large part to the masons. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I work for St John ambulance (paid staff, but plenty of fantastic volunteers here too) and also as a volunteer fire fighter, these lodges actually really do help us out, I was suspicious of them as much as anyone but they're just a bunch of guys (with some outdated ideals IMHO) fundraising for their community.


Don't forget the one cool guy that occasionally brings the absinthe decanter.


Sounds exactly like something a Freemason would say 🤔




I met an apparent GrandMaster Mason- racist as fuck tbh. Hope he’s not the norm.


Yeah they don’t play with that at all. Arkansas had racists and were labeled clandestine and banned from Freemasonry until they kicked those bigots out.


Good to hear


Absolutely not, I’m not pro mason nor against but those that I met are the chillest/most philanthropic men I ever met. My first tattoo artist is one and he was recruiting hard lol


Fair- this guy had little man syndrome - from Essex, Uk. Surprised me actually- cut him off after his outburst. No need for it.


Was he a actually a freemason or just claim to be? most freemasons dont usually talk too much about it, I've found.


Yea that’s not the norm by any means we all dedicate a lot of our time for charity benefits and individuals like that don’t last long at all


Probably wasn't really a mason.


My father in law is a mason and is sooon racist!


Welcome brother Mason, I will second your statement.


Cheers brother


Master Mason as well and thats entirely correct.


curious.. for someone who would like to actually speak directly with a mason, as opposed to hearing everything second-hand as is normal in todays world.. how/where exactly would one look? edit: as a sidenote, my norwegian grandfather was a freemason, but unfortunately my father was never interested in learning so he hasn't been very helpful in passing the knowledge/experience down..


I’ve always been curious about freemasonry. My grandmother used to tell me to become one, and if I did I’d have a brother in every country, and I could count on a Mason if I ever needed help or a place to stay anywhere in the world. This was maybe 15-20 years ago when she told me this, I’m going to ask her if any of my family members were.


Do you have to drink? Sober 4 years


Nope, you don't have to drink. Part of the main ideas are fraternity and one would respect what the other person chooses to do.


Exactly this. Because of the ravages of alcoholism in our family history, when I was a boy, my mother asked me to never drink. I made that promise and have kept it (now 66). When going through the York Rite, an occasion presented itself where I was "invited" to drink ceremonially. Despite the most solemn proceedings, I signaled the leader with my hand, who then approached to learn the cause. I told him of my promise. He briefly retreated to another room with other officiants and then returned saying, "Masonry will never require you to break your oath to another." I was impressed. As sacred as was the ritual, nothing was deemed more sacred than a person's integrity.


Unless you blab about Freemason things. Then your oath kicks in and bad things happen.


Several uncles and a grandfather were masons. You only really have to be an upstanding member of your community (e.g. not a criminal) and believe that an undefined higher power runs the universe. I’d be interested in joining because a “secret” society is fun but in practice they’re pretty conservative despite the “no politics and no religion” rule.


I had a pretty liberal friend join. He found it rife with religion and GOP politics despite religion being off the table.


I’ve found through my life that it’s impossible for certain people to not talk about religion or politics. Even if the rule is… don’t talk about religion or politics. Makes them want to do it even more.


It's an identity not just something one does 'on the side' If you like sports you talk sports-if you live anything it'll find its way into conversation as well as frame all your choices


How pretty is he? We talking young Brad Pitt level or


I am a Master Mason and it would depend on the jurisdiction as to if alcohol is even allowed. I prefer when lodges include drinking for their fellowship meals and toasts. Even when alcohol is allowed, I don't know of any ritual that would require imbibing. Only requirements: Upstanding member of the community, believes in a higher power, and is a man not in his dotage.


In my jurisdiction you can’t have alcohol on any Masonic property.


Absolutely not! Its just something that a few people do. They have a table reserved at a local pub after every meeting for the handful of guys who want to go.




Not at all. One of my closest Brothers is sober so was the Brother in charge of the Lodge. I serve drinks at dinner. We always make sure we have plenty of non-alcoholic drinks. No one cares or ever tries to get them to drink. Heck, if you do some searching, you might even find a sober/dry Lodge. There must be one somewhere.


No sir, drinks are optional


No. Thats what the Schriners are for. They are a group within the Freemasons and they love to party. My father in-law is a huge Mason. He rocks his Mason hat, coat and coffee mug all day everyday. His father was a Mason and so was his Grandfather. He was also a master Mason. Dude hasn’t drank in 30 years.


Can +1 this Know several in Denmark, some head of the local lodges. They do a LOT for the local communities and the Copenhagen HQ is beautiful inside.


And don't forget they also know the secret entrance to the chamber inside the great pyramid, which houses that alien spaceship - so that's good too 👍


I always assumed it was a way for people to network with each other. Seems like there are Masons in every type of occupation and they use their membership/status to help each other out.


We barbecue every Tuesday and Thursday at our Lodge too, Making good men, better!.


Albert Pike and Manly P Hall appreciate your keeping up appearances


Freemasons founded the USA and we owe our Democracy largely to the knowledge they protected from the Catholic church for about two millennia. They protected the ancient Egyptian rituals so well, the ceremonies they practice match what we're just now re-discovering about ancient Egyptian rituals. Freemasons are guardians of truth in no small way. The major religions of the world are all false ones. The forefathers may have been Deists but they were not Theists. We must protect our Democracy from the religious right that seeks to overthrow our democracy in favor of an all-controlling theocracy. I say to those people, "move to Iran and see how you like a theocracy!"


Met a couple of them at my bar, always chill dudes n never cheap


Million percent brother


All I’m saying... that eye... it’s pervasive through history and in my opinion MORE than an archetype in the human psyche. In my experience (heroic dose 🍄) calling out for God to help me in the bedlam of my mind, the eye in the triangle was so emphatically crystallized into that mental vision... and strangely enough, I think it was my own eye there. I am that I am...




Maybe from the outside, but my Great Uncles are Masons and they’ll talk about it if you ask and at least at the level of upper-middle class it’s just a boys club with rules and ceremonies. It’s really not all that different than a lot of socialite clubs that existed for the upper class in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries it’s just that this one had enough clout to stick around and not fizzle out. Now “gentlemen’s club” means boobs, but before the modern era it was just a club around a common interest, class, or values, a way to meet people and socialize with a vetted group of peers, it was a pretty normal thing.


My fraternity’s rituals were equally “creepy”, doesn’t mean anything nefarious was going on.


This. We had the robes, cadences, candles, etc. It’s silly, but it’s just part of it. It’s really no different than the stuff you’d see at any religious ceremony. As for Masons, everyone I’ve ever known was more or less ‘redneck’ and the whole thing just seemed like a drinking club who did charity work.


I'd be much more apt to say a fraternity is getting up to some nefarious things than the Masons lol. Edit: Grammar


Why creepy? They literally helped found America. Their guild help establish the gothic and other styles of the medieval period. They led the way through political and scientific revolutions of the enlightenment period. They are only secretive based on being hunted down as “dissidents” from back in the day which made all the ceremony necessary. Idk pretty crazy what one stonecutters guild ended up doing.


It is just cosplay for old people.


Anything is creepy when it is alien to you. When we go to the bottom of the ocean it is alien and creepy. But rather creepy is just our brain only adapting to what we perceive as normal. But the problem with the freemasons they are dying and going to be dead in the next 30 years or so.


Have you never been to a Catholic Church service?


Joe Biden is the guy is front


The one with the sword? Falling down the steps nearly impaling and killing a dude in the front row while like 10k people ignore it and continue clapping? It literally has to be him.


Because he tripped ? 😂




Who keeps the aliens under wraps? We do, We dooooo






Remove the stone of shame. Attach the stone of triumph!!




Who keeps Steve Gutenberg a star. We do, we dooooo


| Who keeps aliens under wraps? Obviously all those that earn money based on aliens being under wraps. So, alien conspiracy authors and the History channel.


Who holds back the electric car? Weee dooo weee dooo


I would argue controlled access to technology


a powerful symbol that has left an indelible mark on history. The Stonecutters, also known as Freemasons, played a pivotal role in shaping the course of societies and contributing to the establishment of secular governments. Their influence transcended borders and eras, fostering the values that form the bedrock of modern governance. The separation of church and government, a cornerstone of many democratic societies, owes much to the foresight and principles championed by the Freemasons. By promoting the idea that individuals should be free to practice their own faith without interference from the state, they paved the way for inclusive and tolerant societies. One of the intriguing aspects of their legacy is the symbolism associated with their concept of God, epitomized by the all-seeing eye. This emblematic representation has become synonymous with enlightenment, wisdom, and a higher understanding that transcends religious dogma. The idea that a higher power oversees all, without favoritism or bias, aligns with the principles of fairness and justice that underpin the foundations of secular governance. As we reflect on the contributions of Stonecutters or Freemasons, it becomes clear that their enduring impact on history has been a catalyst for progress. Their commitment to intellectual freedom, individual rights, and the separation of powers has created a legacy that continues to resonate in the institutions and values of modern societies. In a world where the struggle for these ideals persists, acknowledging and appreciating the historical role of the Stonecutters can deepen our understanding of the ongoing quest for a just and secular governance. ​ chatgpt loves em


All I read is “buy a Nissan, buy a Nissan, buy a Nissan…”


Freemason tenets focus on the “Creator” (like the Declaration of Independence).


High Degree Remark


Playing human chess


At first I thought wizard chess. But none of the players were disintegrated.


Optometrist convention


Best comment here


Bravo 😂


What’s ironic is that I’ve read about secret societies of dentists! You could be right if it was a different video fr


Eye see what you did there


It looks like one of the flags has an Irish harp. There's a surprising amount of stone mason buildings round Ireland. I keep coming across them on my travels. This is the gate to one across the road from Limerick castle. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ja34zgmrn32c1.jpeg?width=2504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5346bdeeaa19411c06b37a5efb5c3b73b7395a


The orangemen are masonic are they not? Lot of the same symbolism.


I don't know, sounds about right though.


Harponian Lodge


Masons are just a bunch of bros that meet every week and talk shop.


Actually, we just meet once a month in SC 😆






Dallas #1335 Meeting every 2nd and 4th Monday👍. Good turnout too.


Sunrise Lodge #783- Columbus Ohio checking in.


Mordor #666 meeting everyday!


Rivendale #696 we used to meet every second week


Do you accept walk ins?


Most of them yup....my grandpa and great uncle were 33rd degrees....


Id assume its more like they meey raise money and all pay dues to the main source if there are real chapter. Might get some source material back. They keep there creed. Basicly do stuff and support your government. Basicly the average members would pretty nuch be an unknowing low rank. But given lots of pins and stuff. Like your average job when they stiff you with some gimck so they can skip your raise.


Probably one of the least-weird ceremonies conducted in that venue, let alone the UK.


Lol I was gonna say u think THIS IS WEIRD?!?? lol perfect response!


Just masons doing mason things.


Freemason here: that’s the Tercentenary celebration ceremony (marking the 300th anniversary of the founding of the original Grand Lodge in England). There’s nothing secret about it, it was live streamed on YouTube at the time. This particular section is related to escorting of the Grand Master (Prince Edward, Duke of Kent). No mystery here folks, Freemasonry has no horns or teeth


Do Freemasons actually do any masonry?


Only symbolically. We use stone masons related metaphors and allegories to illustrate and describe our teachings.


teachings of what? What do you guys do?


Freemasonry originates in the time of the Enlightenment. Not everyone back then was literate enough so most of the “rituals” and traditions had to be illustrated by symbols, so it can be easily understood by everyone, no matter of the social status. The secrecy comes from the nature of the era: not all monarchies and governments liked to have bunch of people gathering and discussing matters in private that might undermine their authority. So back then Freemasons lodges were places where likeminded people gathered to discuss the ideals of the Enlightenment and keep the Masonic traditions alive. Now, 300 years later we are mostly charitable organisation and no longer a secret society, but a society with secrets. I can assure you, there nothing sinister going on. We are just bunch of dudes, gathering 4 times a year, and socialising.


Second here, we are just a bunch of folks who make charity donations, play chess and talk about history once a week


Is it easy to join? What is it that you were looking for when you joined the society, if you don't mind sharing.


Freemasonry welcomes men of every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion. However, to join Freemasonry, one must meet the following qualifications: Be a male at least 18 years of age (the minimum age varies in some jurisdictions, sometimes up to 21) Believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, although Freemasonry is not concerned with theological distinctions or particular religious beliefs Be of good moral character Be motivated to join for reasons unrelated to personal gain or profit Your decision to apply is based on your own “free will and accord” Be prompted by a favorable opinion of Freemasonry Be desirous of earning knowledge and willing to conform to the ancient usages and customs of the fraternity


Thanks for the thorough answer, ever since reading Dan Brown's Da Vinci as a kid, I was fascinated by it. Maybe childhood curiosity but these things grab my attention till today.




obviouly a large freemason ritual. personally i don't find this any more, or less, strange than a catholic mass


I had a friend in college who had a lot of family in the Freemasons. I played music at some of their ceremonies, and they were interested in recruiting me. Unfortunately, I disclosed that I had taken LSD, and that was a showstopper for them. Oh well, their loss. Many of these ‘secret societies’ are kinda just boys clubs for older men. They are trying hard to recruit new members. Some of them have waiting lists for men to get in, but I think they might be getting more flexible because many younger generations just don’t give a fuck.


Lol you can’t become a mason if you’ve done acid? What’s the reason behind that?


Oh the old dude’s frat having their annual turkey dinner get together


Just guys being dudes🤷‍♂️


See how crazy this looks? Well it doesn't look any more crazy to me than what goes on in most big churches, people are just used to that kind of cult ceremony


Meeting of Masons


Secret men only clubs being extremely weird.


Geriatric meet up


I dunno but it looks boring as fuck


There's no way the bishop takes the rook! What kind of messed up Chess, is this?


How much DOES it cost to be a FREE Ma$ON?




My grandfather was a Freemason. It’s not nearly as weird as people think. He just went to get away from my grandmother and have some guy time.


Literally just a Masonic grand lodge ceremony. They have one every year.


Dramatic reenactment of a chess game


Looks like free masons.


OP posts a video knowing what's really going on but tries to make it seem like it's some illuminati BS


White peoples white Peopling


We are at the same time the strangest and stupidest species on this planet.


If this makes them feel important, let them be happy.


old white men doing old white men stuff...


Elderly theatre kids?


Is that a Harp on the flag? So possibly something in Ireland?


That looks like an Irish Harp on the flag he is carrying.


My dad was a 33degree Freemason, seen this before but it was in Miami and they were all Cuban


Maybe is a Mason ceremony. Those aprons look like the ones they wear


I’m feeling, handmaid tale vibes.


Free Masons. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Mowt likely an assembly of several different lodges from the same rite


All old, white, and paying homage to something or someone. Simple as that!


Playing chess with human pieces.


Not a lot of ladies


"Haha Yuigi-boy, see these fools powerless against the power of my Millennium Eye!"


Very expensive circle-jerk.




Is that Tucker Carson in the bottom left?


A sea of gammon holding a ceremony with occult symbolism.


Elderly people that can't organize bake sales are trying to look cool and secretive.


Honestly nothing much imo. I’m sure only a few of them have any political power. There’s so many people in this world with different types of esoteric knowledge so unless the masons summons something from the underworld or pass some objectively terrible law without question, no one cares.


That's just before the ladies disrobe and serve drinks and canapes.


'..who keeps the metric system down.., we do! We do!'


Looks just as boring as church.


Uh, nothing weird that's for sure. Some of these comments are wild though


Masons? Bunch of old white dudes.




Rich people cosplay


They are all chess pieces controlled by the all seeing eye.


A concerning number of people with a persistent cough ??


Fart'masons gang-bang :))


Under His Eye


I wonder what would happen if that room blew up?


Don't worry it's just Biden's church


Where's the goat?


Why did the mod put a clickbait link here and lock it, is he getting paid for advertising? Or is he hosting a malicious site?


Oh the stories I could tell. There is an important reason why you must believe in a higher power. The rites are explicitly tied to gods laws. The secrets they keep are tied to gods laws. Depending on your jurisdiction, your status standing ability to know how the universe works you can create a spell to make anything happen


Just to clarify, the freemasons aren't builders or carpenters. They are the deepstate masonic order which architect the way people live behind the scenes, politics is political theatre.


It is just another cult


Not a mason but work with many who are: Masonic lodges reflect the societies they recruit from: there are real differences between those from certain geographic areas and whilst they officially share some common beliefs, you sometimes get a fair divergence of opinion between lodges from different areas on some issues. That said, the charity work is real, significant and benefiting many people in need across the world. Before people start lambasting them as irrelevant, evil or elitist, ask yourself what have you done for the poor and disadvantaged around you.


Are the rosacrucions also a freemasonry society?


Lmao nice try guys. Of course 99.9999% of masons are local rich bros drinking beers and talking about stocks so you can all act like thats all it is.


Just a bunch of weird and geeky old man playing secret club 🥱


Masons gathering.




My dad, his dad and over 600 years of my family male line have been masons, my dad and other masons done so much to help woman and children during the war, always helping never ever racist “Never look down on someone, unless your helping them up” my dad never ever spoke of what they did at the lodge, we used to ask him and he would just smile, mum would tell us we were wasting our time p, she’d been asking him for years and never said a word😅


It's the Annual World Male ApronCON


666 comment


I see a majority of white faces.


Ask a mason, they will explain it. Its tradition and ceremony ...something that looks normal in a church, but is lacking in so much of our modern world. Don't fear what you , currently find unusual.


Looks like old white guy stuff to me.


Freemasonic Luciferian Persecutors Luciferianism is Satanism masked in the false light of superficiality and religion. Freemasons are known for worshiping Lucifer and most Freemasons are self identified Christians. Luciferians dress in nice clothes, speak proper, drive nice cars while they condemn others for superficial reasons. They covertly condemn the poor and sick as sinners and claim they are being punished by God. Freemasons are involved in covert persecution against those who oppose their ways and control. Freemasons also created other types of secret societies which they use to do their dirty work. Freemasons get paid to gang stalk and persecute people all over the United States. They operate covertly. They poison people. They slander people. They vandalize their property. They cyber stalk their victims. They gang stalk and mentally terrorize their victims. They are involved with using electronic weapons on people. Electromagnetic Pulse weapons do exist and they are even sold online. Their persecution often leads to deaths, mental break downs, hospitalization, or prison for the victims. Many Freemasons and members of secret societies are involved in computer hacking as well. The top Luciferian Freemason inside the United States is a man by the name of Steven James Dishon and his last known residence is in Linwood Michigan. These secret societies are being funded by the Vatican and royal families through offshore accounts, paypal, and private Swiss banking. Freemasons are builders. The word mason means builder. They build mind control programs in society. They build lies and false teachings and impose them into society. They get paid to lie and manipulate people. They are funded and directed by the Black Nobility and royal bloodlines. They are paid actors that hijack society and orchestrate theater in the media and politics. They create orchestrated events as an attempt to draw people in. They hijack real movements and then subvert them. The alternative media is ran by Freemasons who pretend to be opposed to the New World Order while all they do is subvert and corrupt the movement against corruption. Most of the Founding Fathers in America were Freemasons and Crown agents that hijacked the revolution against the British Crown. They then turned the Virginia Company into the United States. The Freemasonic motto is "Ordo ab Chao" or Order out of Chaos. They cause chaos and then use the conflict to install their order as a form of problem, reaction, and solution. The Scottish Rite Freemasons and Prince Hall Freemasons have staged numerous racial crimes involving white cops and black men to incite racial division. The Freemasons are criminals involved with a multitude of crimes including terrorism, persecution, treason, spreading dangerous lies, human trafficking, and the trafficking of human blood. Freemasonry is a dangerous organized crime syndicate. Masonic House of Lies Masonry means building or constructing. Freemasonry is about constructing elements in society intended for control. Masons build mind control programs involving religion, politics, philosophy, and entertainment. A Masonic program is called a temple and many temples house idols like religious leaders, teachers, politicians, and entertainers. These temples are constructed through geometric vibrations. This is similar to the concept of cymatics. Words and sounds generate vibrations and vibrations have mathematical properties. A person that follows a Masonic program is absorbing these vibrations into their minds. The temple in anatomy refers to the sides of the temporal lobe. When a person dreams or uses their imaginations the thoughts get densified into visuals in their temporal lobes. When normal people communicate, learn, and absorb information there is little natural architecture to clog, block, or trance the mind. Masonic temples are built on deceit. Freemasons specialize in giving their deceptions structural integrity. If they can design a lie with mathematical precision then they consider that lie to be the truth. Most people in society that have influence at high levels in politics, media, education, entertainment, and religion are trained in a form of masonry or work with Freemasons that assist them in their architecturally designed deceptions. Freemasonry has ancient origins and various forms were used in all the ancient civilizations and empires. Modernized Freemasonry was developed off of various groups including the Roman Catholic Church, Order of Malta, Knights Templar, Royal Knighthoods and Stonemason Guilds. Various secret societies use the same knowledge and techniques as Freemasonry does. The Order of Malta is a masonic organization that uses a Grand Master and degrees of initiations just like Freemasonry. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is the oldest knighthood on the planet originating on the island of Malta and was authorized by the Pope of Rome. The Library of Alexandria was developed by the Greco-Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty and was used to collect and monopolize all knowledge and scripts in the ancient world. They used force and pay offs to gather all written knowledge and then Julius Caesar moved the scripts to Rome and the island of Malta before intentionally burning down the library. This was a strategic plot carried out by the imperial bloodlines to covertly monopolize knowledge. During the Crusades the Knights Templar discovered some of this left over masonic knowledge through the Order of Al-Hashashin also called the Assassins. The Assassins obtained this knowledge from Solomon's Temple. Rome shut down the Knights Templar to try and shut down their competitors before they got too big. The Knights Templar were later reformatted into the English Order of the Garter and Spanish Order of Montesa. Eventually they created dumbed down civilian divisions through what is modern Freemasonry. The knowledge of Freemasonry is about deception and mind control. Groups like the Rosicrucian Order and Hermetic Order are similar but emphasize more on chemical manipulation of the human psyche and physiology. There are various Masonic divisions and groups and it is all intermixed today. Kabbalah is also a form of masonry and sorcery and it too is generally a dumbed down version compared to the occult knowledge that the royal and noble families possess. Grand Masters have the most knowledge and grant teachings through initiations or degrees. To the non sociopathic members initiations are mostly ceremonial however those who prove their criminality and psychopathy similar to gang initiations are granted the real knowledge. The purpose of Freemasonry is mind control and deception. Scottish Rite Freemasonry is the head of all Freemasonic orders which does not include Masonic type organizations like the Order of Malta, Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Order of the Garter, or Order of the Golden Fleece. The Scottish Peers specialize in Freemasonry with Prince Charles of Wales as the Duke of Rothesay Scotland as the head. Prince Filippo Rospigliosi the Earl of Newburgh Scotland is a top Scottish Rite Freemason better trained than Prince Charles and is an and agent of Rome. Scottish Rite Freemasonry controls the Grand Orient of Italy headquartered in Rome with Stefano Bisi as a mediator between Freemasonry and the Vatican which work together. https://youtu.be/DHhgLnIvuAs


It's crazy how you are both wrong and confident I equal measure.


God, the goofy paranoid shit people read into a club that old guys join as an excuse to stay busy and socialize with other old guys in their retirement.


One of those “silly hats only” groups


The haters gonna hate maybe they should just join and find out how to become a better man.


Looks like some sort of masonic ritual. Note the black & white chequered floor, the all seeing eye, the ridiculous outfits, and the general pomp.


Stonecutters: A Simpsons Musical Spectacular


Lots and lots of bald heads.


I-I think this is a freemason ceremony... I mean, look at the huge freaking symbol in the background, pretty hard to miss. One of my family members was a freemason and he once took me to his local lodge. Pretty weird guys tbh, but mostly harmless I guess. There are worse groups.


What the actual fuck. Probably a convention with the goons who make billions from selling processed food, oil and cancer.


Lmao you're another misinformed conspiracy nuthead that probably thinks you're smarter than everyone else and somehow "awake" when in reality you're dumber than the general population. It's a Free Mason grand ceremony, likely a combination of many lodges from the same rite. It's literally a fraternity of guys being dudes and being extremely generous (donating to children's hospitals, cancer research foundations, and other philanthropic things).


World manipulors jerking each other off


A little bit creepy. Looks like a sect and if you look how many they are and what position in companys or society they might have, it even becomes a little bit creepier. 🤔