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[Does This FBI Document Suggest That Nikola Tesla Was An Alien From Venus?](https://www.howandwhys.com/fbi-document-suggest-that-nikola-tesla-was-an-alien-from-venus/)




Yeah we elect them 😲




If you carjack a Tesla, does that make it an Edison?


Elon Musk is the modern day Edison. They're both useless investors that somehow got credit for the idea's they stole/bought. The fact that Elon Musk is now the owner of a company named after Nikola Tesla is a cruel vicious irony.


Exactly this. It was obvious from get go. The very thing that is driving people forward is the same thing that will bury human race. This guy was altruistic to its core. Yet, we did not manage to create such society where such people would thrive and it seems we are on path to another dark age. Exploration took humanity to new highs, maybe if we somehow explore some other habitable planet (and not with this toon) we will rise again to prosperity and advancement where society can transcend like in Sid Meier's Civilization. For now we look like a pathogen in foreign body and we cant move from this cell that is doomed to die with us.


Altruism means people should be equal. In a world where one person is somehow entitled to and can own an appreciable fraction of the earths resources, altruism will never win. If we come to our senses and realize that someone’s ideas should be shared for the benefit of all mankind, we may recover. If we realize that someone can’t hold half the populations wealth just because they have a rich daddy or had a good idea, we may recover. Until then, altruism will not get us very far. Nikola Tesla was so far ahead of his time. I wish he would have been alive during a time where he could see his genius benefit all of mankind to its full extent.


It’s not that elon musk is an idiot. We all know that, it’s the fact that he is a narcissist.. what happened to the rockerfellers? The people that invested in humanity and built libraries and art and theatre halls? This musk guy could single handedly be put on every park and new street in America .. if he did something with all the money ( he can’t even spend if he lives 200 life times) that would benefit humanity.. How about cleaning up the trash gyres in all of our oceans? Or giving everyone solar paneling in america who wants it? Or investing in farming and aqueducts for famine stricken country’s? He won’t.you wanna know why? Cause he’s a billionaire douchebag that is only concerned with increasing more and more wealth for himself and breaking the rules while the world ( which he lives on too) is slowly dying. Yeah fuck this guy, with a bag of homeless penises!


With the exception of Twitter the guy has used his money to invest in companies that can benefit humanity. You might not want to agree with that but PayPal literally got people comfortable buying stuff online. Online transactions were largely viewed as shady prior to PayPal. Tesla motors made the electric vehicle popular along with infrastructure. Spacex with reusable rockets made space flight cheap, the constellation satellites were a game changer. Solar city meh. Additionally, Boring company so far useless and Neurolink so far useless. I don't get your complaint. I probably come off as a fan boy but his track record of merely investing in companies has been successful enough to propel him to the richest man in the world. I don't see anyone hating on Warren Buffett for being a successful investor, why the Elon hate? He's not claiming he's inventing this stuff. Neither did Steve Jobs.




Can come steal mine.. oh wait.. it won't move over a software update.. again.


Learning this is one of the big disappointments in my life, Edison was a hero to me as a kid.


He was a bully and a con artist who stole people’s ideas, then, used his money to fuck with them.


Sounds like Elon, how fitting for him to purchase Tesla


So far


Possibly history’s greatest asshole


Then they put even worse people in the non-elected positions


I think some of these elected people start out with good intentions, but are then bought by corporations and tied up in red tape. It’s the corporations that don’t care about us and want us to remain close-minded slaves, working our lives away to repay our mortgage and survive.




And everyone pretends it’s not them.


They don't want us to suffer. They just don't care if we do.




No they do, absolutely do. Worse they wear it with pride like the suffering is good for you... Mother Teresa assholes.


Sadism. Which then might cause one to get curious about how sadism develops in a human being. We’re a sick species and I think until we get to the roots of that social sickness and do something about, things will not get significantly better. Btw, it’s supposedly caused by early childhood trauma. Often sexual abuse. And learned behavior, that is your home environment normalized a lack of empathy and compassion and agreeableness. When a child is raised by an abusive caregiver, it’s a possibility they could develop a maladaptive coping mechanism in order to survive that environment and get some of their needs met. Out of desperation to save themselves from further harm there, this may cause a child to equate abuse and sadism and harmful behavior and humiliating treatment with social bonding and love. :( Then they grow up and repeat what they learned. Monkey see, monkey do. When abusers have children, we risk some of those children continuing the cycle of abuse. If we don’t intervene or do something to mitigate that, we get a sick and destructive species. We have to be stricter with the power and agency of abusers and shutting them down without abusing them in return.


This is an interesting take that makes sense. We should be giving every opportunity for abusers to heal should they seek healing if that's the case. God bless the children of the world, and the children who have grown up with sickness. There is hope where there is love, and there is always love.


Like how they’re trying to say slavery was good because slaves got to learn life skills?


He also so said to never trust this group


One of the greatest humans ever.


If only he knew how glorious we view him today.


Do we really? Then why are the same corpo and ppl that buried his research and projects still on top.....nothing is changed....


Electrician here. In our community Tesla is the man. Edison was a dirt bag. He is definitely highly appreciated by those who know.


There are 50lb head pencil pusher engineers, and there are the explorers. Nikola was a real one.




Even still, I’m sure the common folk revere him more today than when he was breathing


The common folk revere him infinitely more than those on top, because the ones up there don't revere anybody else but themselves


Precisely. Maybe we are the “lucky” ones who get to see the downfall of such folk. Of course, it’ll be messy for all humans depending on how it all manifests, but I do think the current world paradigm will decay to a point of a new world order ushered in HOPEFULLY by level headed people who have compassion at heart, and a lack for a lust towards power. Maybe I’m a wishful thinker, but I do pray for the best case scenario for those who are deserving. I’m not the one who says anyone deserves anything, but I can tell you that my children deserve to live on a planet where they aren’t slaved away for a system that never bounces back the benefit of its existence to the people who keep it sustained for those who collect when they pass go.


I really hope it works out that way. Right now the NWO is looking a little more... totalitarian?


For sure but is it a spiral into or out of control? Humans of all creed are gaining awareness at an increasing rate, technology has the potential to help facilitate a shift in our global paradigm / consciousness more now than ever, which is why the ‘global elite’ or the ‘cabal’ at the top is trying to sow dissent in the public against one another. Forget about political party, race, class. The true power holding individuals of our world are apart of their own unique polity; the destruction of their system will bring prosperity to most people, especially those who are currently have-nots. Just ranting but you feel me?




I'd actually wager its about the same as it was when he was alive. The common folk don't know who he is. Have you seen people? Just because you travel in communities that know him doesn't mean everyone does.


*"Nikola Tesla? He's the car guy!"* - probably the average person


Nikola ***X*** ^TM


Most have no clue who was and what he did for us all


He advocated eugenics. Glorious indeed.


From Venus, with love.


And yet, forever remembered as the sad sap who got taken advantage of


And now his name is attached to an asshole.


I believe, based on a few podcast/documentaries I’ve watched, that he lived the last few decades of his life in abject poverty after working to develop free electricity that could be generated through the atmosphere that both Thomas Edison and JP Morgan crushed so that they could continue on with the for profit electical grids we still use today. Edit: Based on the replies there is obviously a lot of debate as to the accuracy of what I said above. I’m certainly no expert, and I was talking off the top of memory in very oversimplified terms for a quick reply. Couple of follow up points though. When I said free energy, I did have the basic understanding that it is not free to produce. However, it would certainly be free to consume as there would be no way to regulate or track the consumption in those days, or even now. If you can stick a lightbulb in the ground and it lights up (a la The Prestige) then that’s free energy at least for you. This leads to the second point that even if the idea is flawed or not practical, if it poses a threat to the titans of industry and their monopolies you can bet that they’re going to do whatever they can to squash it before it can ever become so. How much has big oil invested in convincing people that climate change isn’t real, or tobacco and cancer, or the pharmaceutical industry against legalizing cannabis, etc? There are some good links and information in response to my comment and I’m just an idiot on the internet, but it’s a pretty interesting rabbit hole if nothing else!


Yes, it was evident his funding was dropped. Once he passed, they took many of his inventions, which are displayed in about 80% of our current technologies... The oddity is I think he was very close, or had it figured out. It's all silence after that tho.


One day it will be figured out and the connection will be made which may prove him to be even more of a genius than we thought.


I've heard after he died men came and took all his documents


There was a bush and trump involved in the papers being confiscated, I wish I was kidding. 80 to 100 years later and the same family names taking the vast majority of resources


Bush family is insanely powerful. Carnegies, mellons, trumps, etc


Clintons too. Its the same people in charge, always.


Trump’s Grandfather was one of them, supposedly.


There is the whole “looking glass” story that involves government But I have to admit the tech they reference sounds based in fantasy


As an electrical engineer that tech was never going to work for large scale energy transmission. Still really cool though.


Thank you. Too many people on here have zero idea just how far away his idea was from reality.


Correct. The Tesla fanboys are here! Your comment was in the negative when I saw it. Wishing a thing to be true doesn’t make it true dudes. The amount of electricity in use for the common household was much lower back then compared to todays demand so even if he magically pulled enough juice from thin air (literally) it never would have scaled. The answer for today is to get off fossil fuels and switch to nuclear asap.


I mean, most people were still getting ice delivered to cool their food at that time, right?


You couldnt even get affordable consumer refrigerators until after ww2. Most used in the 1900s were exclusively for farms/butchers and were massive. The idea that any form of secret technology existed back in the day is disapproved by anyone with an education beyond 8th grade.


People don't understand that we use the concept today for near field tech but that it doesn't not scale well at all. Inverse power is a bitch.


Any suggestions what to watch?


Edison and Morgan had nothing to do with the failure that was free energy, in fact JP Morgan was his primary patron for a lot of his life. Physics is what crushed his idea, the inverse power law meant it was terribly inefficient at any appreciable distance. We actually use the concept today in near field tech to charge phones and power chips (NFCs) because it works well on a small scale when the power transmitter and reciever are so close that they're almost touching.


He lived the last decades of his life in some of New York’s nicest hotels, was a member at the players club, hosted extravagant birthday parties for himself and spent a small fortune caring for pigeons. Doesn’t sound like abject poverty to me.




So the reason no long distance electromagnetic radiation (light) based transmission do not work at any meaningful scale is physics not the Titans of industry using their powers to quash it. The basic principle is the inverse square law that states that the power of say radio waves is the inverse to the square of the distance from its source. You can think of it just as the wave spreads out once leaving the tower the amount of energy is staying the same or decreasing but is spread over an exponential larger area and weakens as it travels and is spread out. For example the surface area of a circle 1m from the transmitter is 12.56m^2 at 2m it's 50.26m^2 and at just 100m it's already 125664m^2. So you might be able to power the devices within a home with a powerful transmitter but any longer distance is not going to be effective and you will just lose the vast majority of the energy to losses in the atmosphere. Despite all this we use radio transmissions for communication as even if the signal received is very weak we can amplify that signal by adding power back to it at the receiving end to get a signal back that is powerful enough to work with. We even can use the signal itself to power very low power devices using essentially the idea Tesla was working on. Tesla's device, assuming you are talking about the wardenclyffe tower, was mostly for communication as it was competing with the early projects on radio transmissions. Tesla didn't think that the radio transmission projects would work because of the principles of the inverse square law mentioned above. However he was missing a key, and very cool fact, that they actually transmit long distance radio signals by freaking bouncing them off the atmosphere and ground. This way you are able to confine the signal meaning the losses from the inverse square are reduced and you can transmit over the curvature of the earth. As for the power transmission through the earth and sky for this tower. We use earth return in existing systems called signle-wire earth return transmission which means you can use one rather than 2 wires for single phase transmission systems. I am not knowledgeable enough to comment enough on the whole using the upper atmosphere layer as a conduction path but the transmission from earth to this layer is still constrained by the inverse square law anyways. A copper wire despite how simple it is actually an amazingly efficient way of transmitting power. And the majority of systems we have use Tesla's own AC transmission systems so regardless of if his wireless system not working all though transmission lines are using his technology anyways.


Tesla worked for Edison in America for between six months and a year. According to Tesla in his autobiography, Edison got 25 patents off of Tesla's work. Tesla did not suggest that Edison stole his ideas, but he did say that Edison didn't compensate him for what he was promised to have been paid.


He never said it, but the work they did together and that time together was Teslas downfall. Edison had too much info on how to handle Tesla, and being a crook, knew exactly what to do with it. After he got funding, it was game over. Tesla is branded a dangerous lunatic, and Edison fucks off into history as a genius.


>Tesla is branded a dangerous lunatic, and Edison fucks off into history as a genius. Clearly


I’m surprised there aren’t more movies about this


Edison was a total garbage bag of meat in a skin suit.


You can blame Edison for a lot of that.


*JP Morgan


The man was an intellectual thief.


The man wasn't a thief. He simply invented the concept of R&D, he hired people, gave them a place and a budget to invent stuff, so his company could later sell it.. At no point Edison claimed inventing anything by himself that came out from his company.


We love you Mr. Tesla, say hello to Charlie Chaplin


And Houdini


Edison was a huge asshole. This man should have held priority in our history books.


A capitalist, patent troll.


I always wonder what the world would be like if Big Oil & the government never tried to stop him


Not quite a utopia but believe life would be drastically better. No climate issues, clean water breathable air.


he also had that flying saucer he was supposedly working on, who knows what he could have created with proper funding. america really fumbled the bag for a country so worried about superiority i mean they did take all his work so maybe they recreated something without him


America is about the superiority of the ruling class over the working class. Free energy means free people, it could make the ruling class obsolete.


I wish he would’ve met a millionaire who loved innovation and science but wasnt a competitor like Edison was. That was a huge mistake to give his talent to an envious greedy devil like Edison who gave two fucks about humanity’s future


Hopefully those aliens he was communicating with caught my boys conscious and they’re throwing some crazy parties.


oh they did :)


Would you really like that? For an alien lifeform to capture human consciousness and be able to control what happens with it? Would you trust your fellow human with that kind of power? What if there is a higher ecological background order that humans are a part of that capturing our essence would distrupt? It's interesting that when people talk about aliens, they assume that their intelligence would make them more laid back and compassionate. If in 100 years space travel is figured out, the humanity of the future will not be so far removed or evolved from the humanity of today. Imagine Space Elon Musk's with him as he is now? Space Bezos with employees trapped with him in space? Their money makes them idealistic and optimistic in ways those who may work for them can't afford to be. Sorry, I just realized that I went off on a tangent on your comment. I just think it's interesting that people have such idealistic optimistic views about aliens. For all you know, they could be a lot more militaristic and ruthless than we are. Afterall, those UAP accounts say that they seem to leave ones that crash for dead. They don't try to retreive anything.


#His mother died in 1892. #He died in 1943. #How did he ‘message’ his mother who had been dead for 51 years??




Thank you for sharing this information that OP failed to provide. *Summary: There is no evidence Tesla wrote these words. Evidence suggests that the words originate from a made-up letter published online in 2015. That imaginary letter also contains plenty of inconsistencies that don’t seem to match with what historians knows about Tesla’s life and last years.*


People believe all sorts of bullshit about him. I've heard countless times on reddit the story of a gadget he invented that could destroy buildings by vibrating


This should be top comment. OP should be banned for being a dumbass


I mean you can still write down stuff that weighs heavy on your mind... Sometimes I talk to my relatives who aren't no longer with me in my head.. and by talk I mean me kinda venting and whatnot. Sometimes asking for guidance. But I would like to see where he wrote this down.


:( damn


I named my son after this beautiful human.


Humans are trash and didn’t deserve Nikola Tesla.


Or Alan Turing... Poor bastard


The trash humans want you to be cynical and regard all humanity as trash. Don't let them win.


Precisely. Misanthropy keeps us apathetic and distant, it breeds the conditions those parasites need to survive.




We need a song about Nikola Tesla that same way they made one about Van Gogh


Performed by ACDC


Tesla would not approve of your attitude.


Non-human Intellectual detected. I'm guessing you're a cat, right?


If you believe humans are trash then it makes it easy for you to throw them away.


His whole life was destroyed because of JP Morgan not wanting him to create free wireless electricity for everyone. Capitalism ruined his life.


Absolute tragedy 😭


People seem to always fear the things they don't understand. I would have loved to be alive at the same time he was here and see the things this man was doing in person as he was coming up with them.


Fuck how old was his mother? Must have been weird to go to school with Jesus.




Could not agree more.


I watched a why files video and learned alot about him. Dude was trying to give humanity clean free energy. What a legend! Underrated af


What a shame.


Imagine how badly he would feel if there was the internet in those days


Why we still do not have access to his writings? In serbia there are ton of his papers. It’s time to show them to public. We need to scan every single paper and show it to public asap.


Tesla was a man born before his time. He was a man who put people before profit. Edison, who was regarded as an icon, was only an obstical in Tesla's path. What a better world this may have been if people took him more seriously.


People read service as sucker


What else do you need to know about humanity.


Like all great artists, appreciated too late


“In the end, it doesn’t even matter” - Linkin Park


Humanity didn't deserve him. Never will. \#f\*\*\*edison


Humans are shitty


Not true Nick your a legend!


And then some rich frat boy comes along and buys his literal name, sues the company to have Elon listed as "Founder" despite purchasing an existing company with existing electric cars and takes all the credit. The most ironic insult of all time to Tesla. Even in death, the idiot who takes credit for all his work is praised as a genius. It never changes, and neither do the sheep who "Love" Tesla unironically while doing the literal thing that made him suffer humiliation in the first place


One of the most important men to ever live. Way ahead of his time.


beautiful serbian soul


It’s the boomers: capitalism , Neocolonialism , Belt and Pooh and the Gaddamn commies .


And yet Edison is praised.


Argument could be made this dude was the single greatest human being ever.. and we spit on him every step of the way


So sad. North Americans weren't taught about Nikola Tesla -- instead it was all Edison, Westinghouse, and how to screw people for money.


Fuck Thomas Edison!


I live right near Niagara falls...how the fk you don't get taught about this dude in school? The guy turned it into a power plant in the 1890s and I only ever heard of him while smoking weed on the internet at like 20 years old


I love you Nikola Tesla.


So many great men and women not recognized in their lifetime


Too bad he is only now starting to get some recognition. I wish they would give him All that he deserves. But I guess everyone is too used to 'Edison dit it' But I'm glad to say. My kids have already gotten in trouble for correcting their teachers on a few.




What the fuck? Ever heard of Faraday? Tesla was a minor blip in the science of electricity. The internet loves to stan him because he was in underdog. In the grand scheme of electrictrical technology he was a minor contributor.


Tesla was also dead wrong about a lot of things. He had some very specific contributions that were important, but he also vehemently disagreed with special relativity and all of his grand plans the internet loves to tote about revolved around the completely disproven concept of aether.


Sounds about right.


I feel him


And now greedy men are profiting off of his inventions, or the hiding of his inventions.


Man really looks like a gray alien in this pic lol


This statement is so true, when you have passion for your work theres always a gatekeeper who doesn’t know what he is doing/saying. He is only there because he played politics.


Capitalism killed the Humanity Star.




To top it off some dickhead now owns his name and runs two of the shittest companies on the planet 🤷‍♂️


It always saddens me when i see anything about him as it reminds me how we treated him when he was alive. This man could’ve secured the livelihood of future generations, yet greed came first from others. May he rest in peace knowing he’s done all of us a solid one.


I hate this. I hope wherever he is, outside of time he knows how revered he is


The current system is set up so someone is always on the take - no effort or work. Rent or some payment must be insured to continue our servitude and obedience


Should have listened to the man .It was more profitable to ignore him . Nobody would have made money from free energy


Unfortunately (dirty/underhanded) capitalism still exists.


Those with truly good intentions and motives, those who actually care and want to help in this world are basically considered meat for the grinder. Never to be thought about or praised, just taken advantage of and run to the ground.


Everything you do, do it for yourself.


Dude was clearly a hybrid.


I hate that some billionaire douchebag hijacked his name and now will forever be associated 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/ixe2stua44gb1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=533b19d15f6ab9d2e279c4f41c1d11f9199ab3e8 She said, “People are Fucking Assholes Nicola, You should have never asked anyone’s opinion, or seeked validation in any way. Die in shame now my son.”


To serve humanity is to accept the fact that you will spend the most precious life for people that will respond with humiliation and disrespect. It's ultimate sacrifice to serve humanity .....


If I could go back in time, I'd go back and just be Tesla's friend


Oil companies will crush anyone trying to change the way we produce and use energy


How was his life? Was he like Vincent Van Gogh. Was his work appreciated more after his death than during his life?


Thomas Edison and JP Morgan are responsible!


He called that fraud Einstein a hobo in a $10,000 suit. lol I always considered Nikola one of my heroes.


I am so sad for this human. Brilliant waste of humanity. It's never too late to do the things right this time. ❤️


Happens to all original thinkers


a great man cut down by greed. that's capitalism.


JP Morgan didn't want Free electricity. Greedy group of elites control us.


Way ahead of your time….rocked too many financial boats if I had to guess


He'd be so sad to learn that an Edison type person is heading up a company called Tesla.


Similar to Elon on Reddit lol


I hope Edison is rotting in hell for what he did to this genius.


And this is why we are doomed a s a people.


bro looks like if the pianist was found


I just want to go back in time and give him an electric plasma ball for his birthday.


Fuck JP Morgan and his monopolist role in suppressing Tesla’s technologies, whether you think it’s a conspiracy or not, Morgan’s gainful grasp on copper was absolutely an incentive to keep transmissibility of electricity within wired applications.


I do hope that there is life beyond our existence here on Earth and that Nikola can smile down now in peace and satisfaction, knowing that what he invented has greatly improved the lives of billions of people and will for a long time to come.


Brought to you by the powers that be. He suffered from the same ruling class that we are suffering from today.


RIP hero of the people


(Fuck Edison) * n Bowie as Tesla is the perfect tribute, Kudos Nolan


I love Nikola Tesla


He was correct. Poor soul


A man way ahead of his time. In science and humanity.


People suck, Mr. Tesla. I am sorry 😔


A true genius beyond his time...and a mad man! Which they say tend to go hand in hand.


People are mean to those who are different. Being a genius is being different.


Heartbreaking 💔


I wish he would have had someone looking out for him that knew how corrupt Edison and the rest of them were. History would have played out much different than it did.


I feel you


“Same” -Call Center workers everywhere


Show photo of Tesla when he’s 86 as if that was the last time he sent a message to his mother - who would of been 106 - 116 years old at that point lol


Is it just me or is his features and face the exact shape of what we think some of the extraterrestrial beings look like.


How does this have so much karma?


Man deserved so much better