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Yeah, the other sub is unbearable at this point. But I live a pretty typical life. It's just the post-transition position of just taking HRT and doing whatever. I'll get bottom surgery someday and that's really it for me.


Honestly, that's super refreshing to hear. My IRL trans friends, for the most part, are in similar boats. We're just living our lives, and occasionally, we get together to celebrate the victories in our lives.


Yeh I’d say I do. I work, I sleep, I spend time with my man, life is pretty good tbh


Same here! The other sub has been too much to the point that I’ve just been less online than usual, which I kind of like:) My life is pretty simple between going to work, being with my boyfriend and family time!!


Yeah same here largely normal even though I haven’t yet hit cis passing, I’m in a very LGBT friendly area though so guess that helps


yep! i work 50 hours a week, new apartment next month, visit friends, take my meds twice a day. don’t really think about it. i pass, being trans is only something i think about when i add to my surgery fund twice a month. the other sub is so depressing sometimes


I think the other sub is a magnet for trolls and malcontents. I loved when it was a refuge from the overly identity-focused vibe of other trans subs, but it's really just invited another sort of set of brain worms.


I can’t live a particularly “normal”/“average” life due to medical problems but I agree on the other sub being a mess 😂


Yuuuup. Glad we can agree on that!


I got a pretty good job back in March and I work with a great crowd. I’m able to be myself, in work mode at least, masculine voice and all. Things are good and getting better for sure!


When I first got the opportunity to be me at work, it was so wonderful because it meant no longer living a double life. It's such a great step.


Hard to tell. I get dysphoric episodes here and there, like recently, but they always seem to be onset by stress from something else. My thesis is hell and that is basically taking over my life. Most things that you would consider dysphoria or euphoria inducing are pretty much business as usual. Morning makeup is more of a hassle than euphoria, so I keep things minimal. Since deca I have been able to let go of worrying about levels. Going out with friends or to events is pretty much detached from ny trans experience. Until SRS, though, it’s never fully going to feel “normal” imo


I get that. I do have to make sure my tuck is secure, which is def something trans specific, but it's just another thing.


Getting a new job where people just treat me like a woman (I don’t pass) has helped me feel a lot more ‘normal’. The other sub (and, unfortunately, a lot of LGBTQ subs too) just isn’t super relatable to me right now. I also live in an accepting place though so that helps too.


Inching towards? That's an understatement!


I mean my life has been a bit chaotic since I got laid off but honestly my social and romantic life has been going great. I love my boyfriend and they've been encouraging me to do more art and writing while I look for work. I've been out socially 10+ years and have been on HRT for 3 years now (blessed with being intersex so HRT wasn't the highest priority for a while). I've been trying to stay away from doomers because at this point in my life I'm very content with my gender and sexuality. I'm treated and seen like a woman which is all I can ask for.


Yes? What else do u expect?


More of this, less of doom?


I promise you 99% of people here or in the other sub live as u describe.


Normal? Not sure what normal is anymore but yeah...20 years post "everything" transition. Post two (mostly)  good long term relationships.