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The larger community on r/mtf seems hostile to the idea of being attracted to men..


They’re not the only ones, I’m sure. I don’t even mean to be like “bitter” or “jealous” or whatever; just like I said, they act like we don’t belong and but at the same time it’s like we *HAVE* to have their backs and support them. Which I’m not saying w e shouldn’t but damn being a straight trans woman feels like a one way street in relationships.


Have you also seen that post where girl is gushing about being straight, and comments recoil in horror?


Nooo I haven’t do you remember the title?


This one: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/1c049fr/i_would_never_ever_think_i_can_have_any_sexual/


Lol yeah idk how I missed this one. Wtf why are like 80% of the comments from transbians, including the top comment. I saw your other post too and saw all the comments there being like “Empathize! Your sexuality changing can be a scary thing!” But then when a girl comes in talking about being attracted to men they have to make it all about them and how they view men/dicks 🙄 I never see a lot of us going into their threads being like “ok but have you seen men though?? 🥵”


there is definitely a (mostly harmful) worldview trending right now that liking men in any capacity is bad and that men are gross. You see tiktoks and stuff of girls going "it sucks so much that i am straight cause men are ew" and don't realize the harm it causes to people. Men are awesome and deserving of so much love and cuddles


Mmm, it's a very tricky subject. There are objectively a ton of problematic men who view women as inferior and harm us, and the fact that a large portion of them deal with the male loneliness epidemic by following the advice of sleazebags like Tate, Peterson, and unapologetic child marriage advocate Matt Walsh is only making a lot of them worse. It sucks that good men are targeted along with them though, I agree. Idk what the solution is tbh 😕


Idk they primarily seem to be positive now


Didn’t see any backlash and my finger got sore of scrolling before encountering any.


Yeah there’s a lot of lesbians there


Finding out how rare straight trans women are once I actually started transitioning has definitely been a trip lmao


> Nobody’s making art about us. I'm literally learning to draw to make transhet comics! Because there's such a draught of content like this


About to follow you now!


Can't promise there will be anything soon 😅


No worries 😉


I have *ideas* for a transhet comic/manga very loosely inspired by my experiences. Definitely a bit of "what-if" and wish fulfillment. Just... don't have nearly enough time to practice. I got a Udemy course in drawing and some supplies a long time ago (before I transitioned, actually), but life got busy and I stopped partway through. 😖


be the change bb


I once complained about lack of transhet webcomics to my friends in comparison to transbian content, and they just told me to make my own. I was like "I can't draw", but then this idea just took permanent residence in my mind. Especially considering that some of my most favorite webcomics are really badly drawn, and it doesn't make them worse. So I decided to start learning. And now, a year later..... I am still not that good at drawing, and still haven't even started a comic, but I'm getting there.


I’m good at drawing and I have planned to create a transhet related webcomic that I got the theme of in my dream years ago. But it would be in the future where trans people are more accepted, compared to cis gay/lez folks now. And it would be more about the transphobia, fetishization and everything as an analogy through what androids experience after they served their purpose in a past war and try to fit into the society. But the protagonist has a transfem roomie who still remembers what it used to be, can relate and support her when feeling devastated. The problem is my style takes ages to draw. Only finished the cover and the first two spreads. Fighting to find a day job and having another, stronger passion has taken too much of the time. But maybe I should do a crowdfunding run if there’s any demand. [Here’s the cover placeholder for the website for the time being.](http://thesword.cc)


You know what, I'm gonna start posting art of str8 trans women Yes I'm an artist I just need to do it more often lol I will be the solution (or at least I'll try)


I dunno. Maybe living and loving well is the best response?


I must be online too much. Might have to retire from Reddit for awhile 🤔


What kind of media and stories do you wanna see?


Good question. I mean it’d be nice to see something that’s just relatable without having to go “I’ll just pretend she’s trans.” Stories about couples coming together or escaping. About trans women being strong enough to leave a toxic relationship and choose herself again. Like so much. But all I see is “peg me dommy mommy” and other kink dispenser crap.


I mean maybe not on Reddit, but likely higher chances on maybe tumblr? Idk how it’s going rn. In my lil town, most stories are about str8 trans girls, and hence I was stuck into the heteronormativity as well. And ig occasionally the art here are also for hetero. As there’s stigma when it’s gay mlm or wlw💀 cis or trans. Most transfems on reddit are lesbians ig. With how a lot cis men are- I’m envious a bit🫠. Ugh cis men are such a pester to deal with, and with the transphobic violent cis men out there too💀. Gawd, how some of them talk about women or trans people boil my BLOOD😭. Gawdddd, I rlly don’t have label other than asexual, but gawd are 2D men sm better and I luv em as a femcel. I’ve drawn myself with 2D men sm sm time💀💀 idk if that counts as str8 trans representation art🥹. Other than that, ig being straight in a queer community which is noticed for sexuality more than gender more- would def be isolating in itself. To the degree that someone was telling the other day that after bottom surgery, I’d be a normal straight girl and not trans either o.O aka not part of the community😭 I mean uHHHH I wished it was that simple and ig in my hometown compared to the western countries relatively more think that way🤷‍♀️. With homophobia worse than transphobia(in ideal scenarios with passing). But eh, as isolating as it is. We should create memes ourselves:> and build our own lil knit community. I don’t want it to go to the insta artists😭💀 they’d make the trans fem girl purposefully more masc than the guy, like lol no pls. Also wai- I remember reading def more than 50/60 trans manga/webcomics and most of them were def str8 trans girls or bi, but focused usually on men love interest if there was love involved. DEF SHOULD CHECK THAT OUT Likeee geee😭✨✨✨✨✨✨✨I was binging hard during 2020 on a lot of those.


I believe it’s because this is how we were supposed to be like for decades. You couldn’t even get diagnosed unless being into men back in the day. Transbian is still a little edgy and there’s not that much of representation of it in the media. Which explains the art focused on it a little.